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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15610490 No.15610490 [Reply] [Original]

What's missing?

>> No.15610508

alkalized water

>> No.15610509
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For me, it's pic related

>> No.15610528

Is red meat even actually unhealthy?

>> No.15610540

Bugs and antidepressants

>> No.15610548

based boomer pyramid

>> No.15610551

>no pork

>> No.15610556 [DELETED] 


>> No.15610560

No, it's just easy to eat too much of it, unless you're one of those keto schizos.

>> No.15610563 [DELETED] 
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The basic four is better. Meats and dairy should be 85%

>> No.15610567

>pork is red meat

>> No.15610575

These things change at about the same rate as fashion trends. I'll just stick to eating what's lindy.

>> No.15610582

>salt bad
It's shit.

>> No.15610600 [DELETED] 
File: 497 KB, 2100x1500, redpill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To see what's missing you have to look beyond the pyramids.

>> No.15610605

It looks red to me

>> No.15610892


>> No.15610907

remember that shit in the 80's when the base of whats healthy was like pasta and you needed to avoid beans and grilled chicken?

stop giving in to governent control

>> No.15610916

Yes eat canola, soy, and corn oils because they are "healthy" not because they are subsidized or anything. Don't eat butter! Eat margarine!
Absolutely mental.

>> No.15611003
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>nuts seed tofu AKA PUFAs that make you ill
>eat meat, the most nutritious food available sparingly

Remove those. You don't need to go keto but just avoid seed oils and eat mainly an animal based diet, that's it so you don't develop illnesses or metabolic syndrome.

>> No.15611011

This never happened

>> No.15611025
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>What's missing?

Brachs Rocks, nigga!

>> No.15611089 [DELETED] 


>> No.15611094

there's so much bullshit in this pic it's unreal

>> No.15611111

>butter use 'sparingly'
>put fucking margarine & canola/sunflower oils above it

>> No.15611124
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Poosay. Also lots and lots of water.

>> No.15611153

Pretty good, just a couple alterations. Butter and red meat being harmful is a meme, they should be added into the healthy fats and meat groups respectively . Soy should be moved up into the occasional category, it’s really not too healthy but on occasion it’s okay.

>> No.15611343

That image is stupid for multiple reasons:

>70% fat is ridiculous
>Meats aren't fat
>Vegetables aren't protein

>> No.15611344

What an absolute retard take.

>> No.15611888
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>Healthy oils
>Olive, canola, soy, corn, vegetable

>> No.15611898

No. It's literally what the world's greatest warriors (steppechads and indo-europeans) ate for thousands of years.

>> No.15611974


>> No.15611984

>move high glucose fruits like apples and berries to the top triangle
>remove every vegetable oil except olive oil and coconut oil from the healthy oils, also remove margerine from the healthy oils
>add lard and tallow to the healthy oils, move butter there
>remove tofu from the nut/seed/bean region
>make multivitamin optional, most people are not lacking in essential vitamins if they have a normal diverse diet
>make whole grains a smaller section, maybe trade places with fish/poulty/eggs

>> No.15612007
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sugar, salt, nachos...

Hot dogs, corn dogs, all the dog foods

>> No.15612046

Fruits are a fucking meme that has been going on far too long already, they do not deserve to be on the same tier as carrots, broccoli, or any vegetable for that matter. Fruits are basically sugar and a few vitamines or fiber you can get from other sources, they're not especially healthy and you surely don't need them to be healthy.

>> No.15612061

Reverse vegans are the fucking worst

>> No.15612111

Red meat is fantastically good for you. The anti-red meat people are pushing a couple of agendas. One is the "environmental" one (as if soy farming wasn't worse) the other is just trying to make everyone weak and sickly so they're easier to rule and dependent on the system.

>> No.15612136
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>> No.15612167

needs less dairy and nuts.

>> No.15612191
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I know

>> No.15612210

true, I only have them that big to emphisize they're better than fruits and vegetables. Personally I mostly just eat meat cooked in animal fats and use vegetables simply to add flavor

>> No.15612223

these people are sick

>> No.15612326
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>> No.15612338


>> No.15612343

Vegetables are very good and should have a bigger position, but fruits are less important. Also nuts and beans should be separate.

>> No.15612345
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ah yes, the "masculinity" diet of Donald Trump aka the fat slob diet
ketofags need to be roped

>> No.15612355

well if u are a big expert on what is the best diet then lets hear it

>> No.15612370
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A smug anime girl.

>> No.15612381

>i don't like opinion
>i'll try to link opinion to orange man
>orange man bad, therefore opinion bad
>i smart

>> No.15612715

it's a scam by the grain industry

>> No.15612730

>red meat that low
>grain that high
the fucks this shit

>> No.15612734

>2 hours no response

>> No.15612805

Blueberries are amazing and fuck you clown

>> No.15614246

Fruits and veggies should be switched around with nuts and beans

>> No.15615641

Big Grain paid for this thread.

>> No.15616237


>> No.15616241
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>>Vegetables aren't protein

>> No.15616244

>stuff you found at the back of your refrigerator group

>> No.15616276

>Basically sugar
You mean carbohydrates. Which should be about 50 percent of your caloric intake.
>a few vitamins
>a few
They contain a lot more vitamins AND antioxidants than most of the vegetables. And they contain a lot of fibre too

>you can get from other sources
Nice logic. "Don't eat this because you can eat something else".
I sure as hell am not going to eat broccoli for an after exercise snack.

> they're not especially healthy
Yes they are. On par with vegetables, or even better, depending on the vegetable/fruit. Look up studies. Berries are usually the most healthiest of fruit and healthier compared to vegetables.

How can one be so wrong in a topic.

>> No.15616315

Margarine is literal slave food. It was invented in France as a butter alternative that wouldn't spoil for soldiers and the poor.

>> No.15616329

How the fuck do you eat exercise.

>> No.15617685
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>> No.15617721

Yes, it is carcinogenic.

Take your meds.

>> No.15617763

is this funposting or are you from the CIDF?

>> No.15617783

the WHO published studies showing red meat can cause cancer but to put it in perspective they also published a study 2 years earlier that showed citrus fruit causes cancer at a higher rate so I wouldn't worry about it

all food is imperfect fodder for cell replication don't let cherry picking faggots turn you off this or that because it's all poison in the long term bro

>> No.15617814

>they also published a study 2 years earlier that showed citrus fruit causes cancer at a higher rate

>> No.15617821

there is literally just as much proof that it prevents cancer as there is that it causes it

>> No.15617822

some fag in denial here probably a disgusting citrus eating woman enjoy your melanoma

>> No.15617968

>go vegan
>die of malnutrition
>go carnivore
>cure virtually any disease
many such cases