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15609860 No.15609860 [Reply] [Original]

What's a good diet to lose weight while being an alcoholic?

No carbs + Multivitamin?

>> No.15609872

Whiskey breakfast. Multivatmin and pedialyte.

>> No.15609889

carbs, no go
otherwise good advice thanks
except vodka >>>> whiskey

>> No.15609890

count your calories. unflavored liquor will give you the best ethanol:calorie ratio.
a 1.5 oz of 80-proof vodka contains about 97 calories.

>> No.15609898

oh, and supplement with B-12 at the very least. a multivitamin wouldn't hurt either, but consuming vitamins and minerals from foods that naturally contain them is much more efficient than taking a pill/tablet/gummie/etc.

>> No.15609902

If you're an alcoholic you're going to need carbs ketotard. Tbh he should have bacon egg and cheese sandwiches on the weekends too

>> No.15609906

yes low-carb/keto/fasting because your metabolism will become more sensitive to alcohol and you'll get drunk/sick faster and naturally drink less.

>> No.15609921

>alcoholics need carbs
all the alcoholics i know who ever lost any weight did keto or fasting, the rest are fatties.
alcoholics need less carbs, they are prone to per-diabetic symptoms because of metabolizing all that alcohol like carbs and eating junk food like mcmuffins while they're drunk

>> No.15609945

>no carbs

Unless you're going to be cutting out the alcohol there's no way to do no carbs, retarded moron

>> No.15609947
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>> No.15610002

>steak and white wine

>> No.15610024

Quit drinking.

>> No.15610087

i know, i drank about 450ml of vodka today so far
i eat plenty of meat and take on average 2 multivitamins (each meant to be 100% of what you need and such)

>If you're an alcoholic you're going to need carbs ketotard.

>yes low-carb/keto/fasting because your metabolism will become more sensitive to alcohol and you'll get drunk/sick faster and naturally drink less.
hasn't happened yet lol

>> No.15610092
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>Unless you're going to be cutting out the alcohol there's no way to do no carbs, retarded moron

i was doing dry white wine but that still has like 20-30g of carbs per bottle

Wodka or Korn has none.

>> No.15610095

>Quit drinking.
but then the suffering and anxiety return

>> No.15610101

look at this doctor

>> No.15610498

Drinking will halt weightloss, it refocus you liver into burning the alcohol in your body before it can start producing acids that burns fats
Otherwise clean spirits like vodka and whiskey have low to non sugar content

>> No.15610590
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tequila is the lowest calorie spirit. just drink water and do shots of it

>> No.15610606

Add in a super b complex. You need extra b vitamins

>> No.15610628
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pretty based diet tbqh

>> No.15610648

But I'm 750 calories below TDEE today and therefore will lose weight, the only time it matters where calories come from is if you want to be in ketosis (and I consumed less than 10 carbs, probably 5).

>> No.15610657

>Add in a super b complex
Where can I find such a thing and which B vitamins do I need?

>> No.15610883

Why dry white though?

>> No.15610929

Lowest carbs.

>> No.15610976

You have to either cut down on drinking or add exercise. I failed at cutting back on my drinking so I ran 3-4 miles every day to burn the excess calories from alcohol. Works great. Didn't need to adjust diet much beyond that to start shedding pounds. It's a slow process but effective.

>> No.15610986

quit drinking
then focus on losing weight
one step at a time

>> No.15611101

alcohol literally causes anxiety and suffering as a result, not to mention all the other types of suffering it causes

>> No.15611450

based, gonna do this - walked 10km today and will walk as many as i can on the weekend without my legs getting weak and wobbly
nah easier to do both together
sorry lad i'm white, it's the only refuge from the white man's burdeon

>> No.15611542

eat one day
fast the next day

repeat until desired weight

>> No.15611615

I intermittent fast. I try to eat a small lunch and healthy at night. I lift and I need to run. I drink vodka mixed wuth crystal light lemonade. Im in pretty good shape and I drink too much

>> No.15612003


>> No.15612051

No, i'm cutting down anyway with ersatz substances but i'm not going to stop - don't want kindling or DTs

>> No.15612092
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Do weed instead

>> No.15612110

Definitely take multivitamins

>> No.15612132

i take 2-3x a day for B vitamins/vitamin A and whatever else is in them

i also occasionally take 25-50mg thiamine

>> No.15612137

>Do weed instead
illegal here plus i dont have a direct dealer

>> No.15612152
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Don't be a statist cuck, just say you don't have a dealer

>> No.15612154

watch out for wet brain. L glutamine and Gaba.

>> No.15612170


>> No.15612172

>watch out for wet brain.
that's from thaimine/B1 deficiency

i take 200-300% of it from a multivitamin and maybe once a week another 25mg (~2,500%)

>> No.15612199


>> No.15612224

Few of my friends do (different dealers for different friends) but I don't want to risk it

>> No.15613155

quit alcohol and drink water instead.
literally the only way.
you could technically only drink hard liquor like vodka, whisky, tequila or gin to reduce your calorie intake when drinking, but realistically all it does is make you drink more.

quit alcohol
drink water
eat like 1200kcal a day of veggies and protein (no carbs)
congrats, you'll shit out 5kg a week.

if you want easy mode, just replace alcohol with weed. cottonmouth will make you drink heaps of water and weed will make you wanna do stuff like go outside and hike innawoods.

>> No.15613167

True alchys are fat. Every shot of booze has about 100 calories. And you aren't an alchy if you aren't downing huge amounts.

>> No.15613181

alchies have guts sometimes but barely any fat, alcohol Calories mostly get processed through since the body has to do more to break it down. only beer alchies get fat because they drink cans of carbs all day.

>> No.15613186

if it is too wet it will make the steak swell and burst your stomach

>> No.15613206

no, people with cirrhosis are malnourished skinny arms and legs with ascites, that's end stage alcoholism. you basically stop eating all together at that point.

>> No.15614728

>Only way
>Immediately posts another way
Its the weekend and I'm seeing friends so I will drink, but I am cutting back amounts anyway