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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 588 KB, 550x708, Dinner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15608642 No.15608642 [Reply] [Original]

This is a relativity small amount of food for an average /ck/ poster

>> No.15608646

That's a fairly small amount of food for an average-sized person, I'd say? The main reason fast-food cooks so fast and "lasts" so short is that there isn't much density to it. I wouldn't WANT to eat a double helping of chicken in that timeframe, but I could easily.

>> No.15608663

That's enough for 3 or 4 people

>> No.15608689

red rooster?

>> No.15608696

No, this is Patrick.

>> No.15608701
File: 1.14 MB, 854x480, ck poster.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15610163

god i hate fatties

>> No.15610405

actually that's a slightly above average sized meal, probably 1950~ calories with 125~ grams of protein if you don't chug the gravy
personally i could get by around 4 hours with about 70% of that food

>> No.15610436

That's enough for a family of 6

>> No.15610468

ask me how i know you're a 120 pound euro

>> No.15610476

ask me how I know you're a retard

>> No.15610499

a family of 6 rats maybe

>> No.15610520

Couldnt eat that much food in one sitting unless i was stoned or i hadnt eaten much all day in which case i could easily devour it.

>> No.15610550

That's enough to feed me for 2 days.

>> No.15610631 [DELETED] 
File: 347 KB, 960x1280, 0F518EAE-F806-49DB-AF04-4ECA6F7EE66C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could eat all of that.

>> No.15610771

says the dumbass euroid that thinks a meal for 2 can feed 6

>> No.15611034

That’s actually about the right amount for me, but with less bread and more meat.

>> No.15611055

If you're gonna quote the fat fuck, at least post the tweet that started it all

>> No.15611080

thought this was going to be the texas bbq video...

>> No.15611103

If you eat less and less regularly, eventually your body will grow accustomed to smaller meals

>> No.15611105

He has a point though. On the picture there is literally a whole chicken + breaded chicken rings + a large portion of french fries + peas.
On person can have two pieces of chicken, a chicken ring, half the portion of peas and a quarter of the portion of fries and it's already a large meal. So maybe not for 6 but for 4 people definitely. Stop being a fatass.

>> No.15611134

What the fuck is a chicken ring?
Those are pineapple fritters

>> No.15611148

Does it change anything to the point? I never go to this shitty poor people restaurant, what would I know about it?

>> No.15611152

That wouldn't even come close to filling me up.

>> No.15611161

Nope, I agree with you. I live where Red Rooster is popular and this is a Family Feed, supposed to fill 2 adults and 2 children really.

But you didn't answer my question - what the fuck us a chicken ring?

>> No.15611208

>what the fuck us a chicken ring?
I don't know I just saw these breaded things shaped as a ring and I assumed there was some kind of chicken paste inside since it's a chicken restaurant. A bit like what they put inside nuggets.

>> No.15611247

Funnily enough I hadn't even noticed this thread before posting : >>15610954. So chicken rings do really exist after all.

>> No.15611258

Did they not have them in your timeline? We've always had them in ours.

>> No.15611264

That's because you are unhappy in your own life, and need people you can single out and despise in order to feel superior/better than them.

Mentally healthy people do not have these biases, particularly not against strangers and those whose actions have not effected your personal life in any way.

>> No.15611280

ok fatass

>> No.15611287

>he has a point
i know you're baiting, but its a 2 person meal

>> No.15611315

a whole chicken is only 1400 calories, twink
if you divide the meal in OP between 3 people it may barely feed them

>> No.15611327

this. might feed 3 but may not be enough. will feed 2 completely. dont feed trolls either way

>> No.15611330

Shut up fatass.
Look at this shameful display. She eats enough food to feed a large family. She uses an electric scooter meant to assist the elderly and disabled, but she clearly demonstrates she can fucking walk when her ass is too fat to leave the store.

Then, like the human freakshow that she is, she put herself on public television for the world to see.

This isn't about superiority or inferiority. This is fucking pathetic. I can't believe the human race has succumbed to this level. Less than 100 years ago a person half her size would have qualified for the circus.

>> No.15611345

Weight, BMI and country of residence

>> No.15611350

1400 divided by 3 is 466 kcal. For 4 it's 350
On its own for 4 people it's a small meal, but then you factor in the fries, chicken ring, peas, and gravy. That easily adds an additional 200 kcal per person if feeding 4.

It's a proper dinner for 3, a modest dinner for 4.

>> No.15611355

What are those round things and do they serve the chicken breast cut in half like that so it can dry out?

>> No.15611362

im fat as fuck and this is still alot of food to me.

>> No.15611368

>a whole chicken is only 1400 calories, twink
Maybe less, an 8pc bucket of grilled chicken at KFC is only about 1000 but their grilled chickens are the size of cornish game hens compared to most supermarket chickens.

>> No.15611396


Twinks get out of this thread NOW

>> No.15611422

>chicken rings
>fried chicken
>chicken broth
>chicken fries
>green minted chicken spheres
kino meal

>> No.15611443
File: 40 KB, 800x450, pepelaughz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15611524
File: 500 KB, 1209x562, vfced.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So they mean family of two?

>> No.15611533

Plus the fries portion is much smaller and the chicken rings are missing as well

>> No.15611808

maybe for a skinny slavic family? 4 pieces each for two people

>> No.15612490

8000kj is about 2000 calories, so 2-3 people seems about right.

>> No.15612509

I only eat once a day so this really wouldn't be all that crazy. Probably a little more than I'd really need, but according to >>15611524 it's under 2,000 calories, so I'd still end the day at a caloric deficit for my height/weight and activity level.