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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 494 KB, 1100x1700, 9D69AB0E-3CF1-46F3-B129-44C1DCF64442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15607933 No.15607933[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why have Asian foods become popular during the last few decades?

>> No.15607937

>kids are ignorant when they are young and more worldly and educated when they get older
I can't imagine how butthurt the chino who made this is all the time

>> No.15607943

Oh God white people have opinions!

>> No.15607951

post more of his stuff though, this guy is a grade a retard

>> No.15607952
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>> No.15607956

Easy and cheap to make plus it's tasty. Capitalism rules all.

>> No.15607958
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>all this white fragility

>> No.15607961

This comic is bad obviously and super common bait, but it's not even exactly wrong. Everyone in Austin goes loco over shit like Kimchi fries and nutella dumplings and pays out the ass to other white people to make that shit because they're too scared to go to the dingy places that serve god tier food for half the price.
Not even an "authentic" fag, sometimes the gimmick food is good and fun.

>> No.15607966

kek cum monkeys btfo

>> No.15607969

I genuinely worry that the people at my local thai place are doing this to me because I'm white. Anytime I order the food to go and make it spicy it's delicious and hot but when I order in person it's way too mild.

>> No.15607976

>shut up goy and take in unlimited migrants multiculturalism is good
>how dare you take other people's culture and combine it you racist

>> No.15607977
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>last few decades

bruh ever since we brought the coolies over the build the railways their food has been everywhere.

>> No.15607979

so that's how goku makes a living in his down time

>> No.15607980

sounds like a good thing. common population is able to appreciate the culture (on the surface at least) without invading said culture's areas and changing them. I guarantee you if people started going to those dingy places they'd be shut down in a few years and replaced with hip, sterilized versions.

>> No.15607998

Does this faggot think foodies are a new phenomenon? There's always been people that eat crazy shit, they're just not going to be in a children's cefeteria.

>> No.15607999

>without invading said culture's areas and changing them
I mean in practice this is good and I'm not opposed to people just eating at restaurants with gimmick food (of course), but the issue is that inevitably the other places get gentrified out anyway.
>I guarantee you if people started going to those dingy places they'd be shut down in a few years and replaced with hip, sterilized versions.
Might expedite it, but sadly already happening in Austin.

>> No.15608004

The point of the comic isn't that they're foodies it's that they're eating weird simulacra of the author's home cuisine that's slathered in mayo and choose to appeal to the lowest common denominator.

>> No.15608013

his dick is probably as big as the white kids' was then by now at least

>> No.15608017

and if those people went to his culture's restaurant they would call it cultural appropriation you can't win with these psycho perpetual victims

>> No.15608022

Fair enough, anon. I'm not exactly out here to defend the original comic maker but this is some shit that's been discussed fucking ad nauseam

>> No.15608025
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This is one lazy "artist"

>> No.15608028

On the contrary, the fluoride stares make it 10x as funny

>> No.15608034

>mayo-infysed broth
I'm gonna puke.

>> No.15608046

I was talking more about the faces being copy pasted

>> No.15608056

What's the point of this comic? Kids are dumb? Sure.

>> No.15608068

I know which is why I called it a fluoride stare

>> No.15608072

Stop replying to me

>> No.15608073

>Filipino food

Josh luna is such a little bitch, he really can't accept that his shithole of a country is the joke of SEA and Asia as a whole.

>> No.15608084
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why so spicy all of a sudden?

>> No.15608090

nobody is lining up for filipine cuisine if such a thing even exists

>> No.15608095


>> No.15608096


>> No.15608102


>> No.15608110
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He's an obnoxious faggot

>> No.15608113

If this bothers him so much move to the phillipines holy shit. I am latino and on the construction site white guy joking call me Mexican (I am not) and I call them crackers and we laugh and it makes the day go by faster.

>> No.15608116

what does this stand for

>> No.15608120

Fresh Off the Boat

>> No.15608121

as someone who's worked in a Thai restaurant before, we always tell the chef which table is Thai. which means that table gets authentic flavour, otherwise you get whiteboi flavour. if you want Thai spicy you'll have to appease them in Thai, otherwise you'll get the whiteboi spicy flavour when you say "make it spicy".

>> No.15608122

Based racial shooting the shit with the work buddies

>> No.15608124

Fresh off the boat

>> No.15608127

Ah got it, sorry I'm really bad with acronyms and most aren't easily searchable.
I never clarify "make it spicy" in person but I toggle it on their order page if I get a to go one. Pretty much the only way I can get green curry that doesn't taste like it came from a can.

>> No.15608130

>make restaurant in dingy shady basement only accessible through a filthy alley
>Surprised when it's not crammed full of affluent youths all the time

Woooow, racism is alive and well

>> No.15608131

Because Philippines makes Brazil look good and lawful by comparison.

>> No.15608137

I went to a thai restaurant once and the waitress rolled her eyes and got mad at me when I ordered pad thai and demanded I tried something else and she picked it for me and it was actually good NGL but I still prefer padthai.

>> No.15608138

Fat Old Bussy

>> No.15608151
File: 188 KB, 584x390, Dog meat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy is a retarded people pleaser.

Why should you give a fuck about what retarded normies think? I tried dog meat in vietnam, when i tell normies this their brain suffers short circuit. Don't care will eat it again, it was tasty.

>> No.15608153

yeah the chef probably didn't care who's coming in for pick up. but its always a no-no to default thai spicy for sit-in customers. this is true for older chefs tho, younger chefs probably doesn't give a fuck.

kek she sounds based af. i always laugh when people take ages to pick between red, green or yellow curry. at my old place, those are made from instant paste with the same flavour profile and ingredients. the only difference is color and what meat you choose. the local thai ingredients do not fly well with the brit crowd. most have never even tried Thai food, it would be too much.

>> No.15608157

>those are made from instant paste with the same flavour profile and ingredients
At least at my place the green and red are definitely different but I always just stick with green. That and one of those cans of basil seed or grass jelly drinks are a perfect lunch.

>> No.15608162


>> No.15608163
File: 276 KB, 767x609, JustHavinFun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white guy joking call me Mexican (I am not) and I call them crackers and we laugh
I miss the banter, bros.

>> No.15608177

you should try Tom Kha if you haven't already. its like a creamy Tom Yum soup. its low key fire at most Thai places. im currently in Thailand right now doing my last 7 days of quarantine. when i get out im gonna snack on 100 sticks of satay, these costs next to nothing here but for some reason when it cross borders into the UK they almost go up 20x in price. im letting you in on the satay scam.

>> No.15608192
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>low key fire
Opinion discarded. Speak like a human being - thanks.

>> No.15608202

it smoulders discretely

>> No.15608204

oi bruv don't be a cheeky cunt i will appropriate nigger speak as i like. im basically roleplaying English speakers everyday so what if i want to be a nazi one day and a nigger on another?

>> No.15608205

What if I want something that is high key fire?

>> No.15608216

well then you'd go with the absolute basic tier Pad Thai or Green Curry. there's a reason they become foreign staples and are basically statistically proven to be good.

>> No.15608222

Someone post the varg edit.

>> No.15608224

the new Jojolion chapter is looking great I see

>> No.15608225

Yes you are.

>> No.15608228

>Low key
LMFAO Brits really do speak like american blacks

>> No.15608229
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>> No.15608230
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>speaks like a complete retard
>demands respeckk
>ditsoon mulignan detected
Lmao trash

>> No.15608236

I made pork sinigang today and it smelled like a wet brotien fart. Was really good though.

>> No.15608241

implying murican culture doesn't use niggerspeak. that shit is ingrained in youth culture.

when did i ever demand respeck? nice reach. you are the retard here for failing to comprehend a basic paragraph.

>> No.15608245

Ever played 4X games like Civilization?
Instead of attacking with force and nukes and occupying the western world, they're aiming for cultural victory.

>> No.15608246

you low key finna sound like a bitch

>> No.15608253

thanks f a m thats lit of you to say.

>> No.15608261

isnt this the hapacuck that seethes over whites constantly?

>> No.15608263

how do you do fellow kids?

>> No.15608272
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>> No.15608284

>bitch bitch bitch
>oh no a ticket home???
you'd think he'd be happy to leave ;)

>> No.15608286

>Wah!! I'm not the victim anymore
Do asians really?

>> No.15608290

ching chong chung chow

>> No.15608294
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Cute. Cute!

>> No.15608313
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>rage induced denial
I guess I'd be upset too if I looked like pic related. Good luck with that.

>> No.15608345

yikes my guy, thats pretty cringe. he projects and he reaches, even though he is a native his level of language comprehension is sub-human. its very unlit of you to act uncivilised and not even own up to your level of intelligence.

>> No.15608355

Marketing, there is no such thing as "asian cuisine" since all of food is recent from European trade caravans that they genetically bred new foods an animals like oranges, broccoli chicken, and cows the past thousand years including rice are recent and nothing like the wild grown ancestors. Sushi came from Europe. We call asians soul less worthless bugs because they are they live in the ruins of ancient Europe and then brag about living in caves getting mongol raped ,while Europeans had been living castles for thousands of years.

So the question is why are people eating formerly popular European foods spread to asian bugs? Marketing

>> No.15608358

First of all i'm Jewish. Second of all you need to learn to try harder.

>> No.15608368

>muh try harder to trole
thats pretty epic gamer move my guy. i upboat your internet mastery. you are such cool jew to be pro internet troll like this. i applaud.

>> No.15608375

who hurt you?

>> No.15608377
File: 95 KB, 1024x874, 1612054254441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can smell you from here, shitstain.

>> No.15608379


>> No.15608384

I was going to call that retarded but now im in rabbit hole finding out Europeans did literally make all the modern food and cuisine then spread it and whatever seeds they planted world wide for the past thousands of years. Even the mangos were spread by Europeans.

Whats the point in even be alive if you aren't a White person, my noble korean culture food was given to us by roaming White chads, no wonder japan raped us koreans we dim sum.

>> No.15608392


>> No.15608401

This guy lives in a fantasy land.

>> No.15608402

what? the jewish trole power is over? i thought you were so epicly smart and BTFO niggers.

shieeet how'd u come up with that whiteboi. you's a learned nigga. come smell some of this dick.

>> No.15608408

you must be fun at parties

>> No.15608410

Literal shit tier IQ produced this image. If it's bait, it worked

>> No.15608415

i must be as fun as you since you the one keepin this goin whiteboi. shieet i bet you get all the ladies huh, with your superior partyin skills and white genetics.

>> No.15608418


go away, tourist.

>> No.15608422

I told you already I am not white. Do you know how to read?

>> No.15608424

>reddit spacing
fuck out of here faggot

>> No.15608427

>distinct genetic, phenotypical, and behavioral groups
Define what a phenotype is, Einstein

>> No.15608430

well shieeet, what have we here? yous a nigger too? aint they got bits about black prophet in that jewish negro bible o yours? we basically brothers my nigger, my dicks cut too

>> No.15608432
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>n-nooo reality is lying!!
The cope is palpable.

>> No.15608436

I am Jewish

>> No.15608439

ayo homeboi i dont believe in them white people graphics. where im from, we talk with fists my nigger. drop by the hood sometimes, me and Jamal got a present for you

yous a jewnigger. sandnigger, religiousnigger. same shit my jew.

>> No.15608455

I know this is bait, but do people genuinely think the later 3 can be explained away by skin tone alone and not a multitude of environmental, political, and economical factors?

>> No.15608467

I have been poor anon for 10 years of my adult life even living in the streets for 1 of those years. It never occurred to me to kill someone in a drive by because I was poor.

>> No.15608481

Why do they think spicy food is so important?

>> No.15608487

>In my anecdotal experience as a poorfag no other poorfags are ever driven to do fucked up shit because of poorfaggotry
If you were a genuine poorfag who interacted with other poorfags like me you'd know this is bullshit

>> No.15608490

They arrr rooka de same

>> No.15608496

Try a different word than cracker

>> No.15608498

Anon in the united states if you are poor there are many programs to feed you and give you shelter. No one is starving in the streets here. No black person is killing someone for a loaf of bread like your deludes brain works

>> No.15608502

The children aren't necessarily wrong or mean, a lot of food does stink, but you learn to accept or ignore that as you grow older. Cheese for example, can stink, but many whites eat that.

>> No.15608526

>Anon in the united states if you are poor there are many programs to feed you and give you shelter
Those can only do so much, and I'm not literally talking about starving to death here, I'm talking about all the shit that happens in your life beyond "is there food on my table and a roof over my head"
>No one is starving in the streets here
Not even true
>No black person is killing someone for a loaf of bread like your deludes brain works
Not what I claimed. Poor conditions in a population area breed violence and conflict (often starting with "bad people"). Soon conflict becomes so bad people seek protection from other members (these can be "good people" with good intentions and often are) that feel the need to join gangs or other organizations that fuel the fire. This isn't rocket science.

>> No.15608540

>Those can only do so muc
No they can provide you with food and shelter and assistance in getting employed. There is no reason to kill people.
>I'm talking about all the shit that happens in your life beyond "is there food on my table and a roof over my head"
Like what specifically. Stop being vague.
>Not even true
Ok prove it and prove specifically starving as in they aren't getting enough to eat and dying of starvation. Prove this is a serious thing that happens in the US.
>Poor conditions in a population area breed violence and conflict (often starting with "bad people"
Why are the "bad people" doing that?
You know everything you are posting is incredibly vague right? I feel you know you are lying but "winning" is all that matters so you keep posting vague nonsense.

>> No.15608557

Does that guy have a cheese loempia hanging from his beard?

>> No.15608590

Sir would be nice to hear again.

>> No.15608607

her name is car...?

>> No.15608651

Why is spicy food so important to them?

>> No.15608656

To all POC that have only "love spicy food" on their resumay: you are welcome for living in the world we built now kindly fuck off and just cover my food in ranch bitch

>> No.15608668

Victim complex is a powerful and addictive drug. As is savior complex.
Like what?

>> No.15608679

> You know everything you are posting is incredibly vague right?
It's called nuance. Not everything is clear-cut. Sociology doesn't deal with absolutes. Sincerely, understand how to handle vagueness and you can finally stop having shitty one-dimensional opinions

>> No.15608707

>good food

>> No.15608712


>> No.15608724

he's just obsessed with his race, it doesn't have much to do with food. he could make a comic about how going to the library is harder because he's asian.

>> No.15608733

sucks to be one of the dumb asians
just like irish and white people

>> No.15608735

oh help us, we're not getting special treatment like the wonderful authentic asians do

>> No.15608744

>stop liking what you like, like what I like instead
what a dumb bitch

>> No.15608746

Whatever ethnicity this faggot is, he's at peak fragility about it.

>> No.15608763

Indian, afghan and Pakistani immigration at a guess.

>> No.15608776

>too low intelligence to understand context
average /ck/ poster

>> No.15608824

Shortage of good cows.

>> No.15608830

>race race race, race.
>race? race race
>race! race race race race race
>race, race; race race race...
Who gives a fuck?

>> No.15608837

I hate pajeets but I love curry.

>> No.15608839


>> No.15608841
File: 262 KB, 376x720, mr cow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No such thing as a good cow. They'll kill you as soon as look at you.

>> No.15608844

Let's be honest 90% of the smelly meals at lunch were brought by 2nd gen asian kids

>> No.15608856


>> No.15608860

>at a Filipino restaurant

>> No.15608867
File: 45 KB, 283x424, h5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lines for the TOILETS perhaps! Hahaha who's with me??