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15606919 No.15606919 [Reply] [Original]

How much of a degenerate do you have to be to put ranch on your pizza?

>> No.15606920

ranch is just unacceptable period

>> No.15606921

Bout .707 degenerate

>> No.15606925

ranch saves horrible freezer pizzas

>> No.15606938

It depends on the kind of pizza.

>> No.15606950

The first time I had ranch with pizza was so profound of a moment I remember it despite being seven years old at the time. It just goes together like hot wings and blue cheese

>> No.15606953

Ranch is disgusting crack.
I don't buy it but my boyfriends dad got some and left it in the fridge during a visit and I ate it on some salad.
It's gross, but oddly addictive. I want it nowhere near me.

>> No.15606959

post hand

>> No.15606962

Bottle ranch is disgusting. Freshly made ranch is the shit

>> No.15606964

>horrible freezer pizzas
there's your problem

>> No.15606969

In Italy, you'd better be on par with Mussolini. In America? It's expected and encouraged.

>> No.15606986
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hey i hate most freezer pizza, in fact the only one i like is this one

but if im in a dire situation and all i got is store brand bread freezer pizza, i need the ranch to help me out

>> No.15607066

that's a thick fucking slice of pie

>> No.15607070

For you.

>> No.15607160

Non-American here

What is "ranch"? What does it taste like?

>> No.15607168

It's actually good, the only reason I don't do it all the time is because people on barstool/totalfratmove made a million and one posts about how 'awesome and zany' it is and how 'white girls love ranch'

>> No.15607181

it's spiced buttermilk mixed with something like mayo or sour cream

>> No.15607189

Only time this was acceptable was with non square school pizza since that pizza was ass.

>> No.15607197

about as much to eat that abortion of a pizza

>> No.15607202

I don't know what buttermilk tastes like either, we don't really have it in my country

Does ranch taste like that garlic and herb dip you get with Dominos pizza?

>> No.15607205
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you think ur being clever spinning ranch on pizza as a white only thing but you're going to find out sooner or later just how wrong you are

>> No.15607209

think aioli or tzatziki

>> No.15607212

dude. it just tatses like ranch. do you have an american section at your market? try it

>> No.15607216

unless your country has literally zero dairy products i have a hard time believing that you can't find buttermilk since it's just the leftovers from making butter

>> No.15607223

It's buttermilk-based salad dressing with a little dill. The cheap mass produced shit is emulsified vegetable oil with some kind of milk solids powder.

tangy like yogurt

>> No.15607233

I see thanks, I think I've had this in the past

I don't know what ranch tastes like because we don't have it in my country

I don't think they would stock it in the supermarket

I'm sure you can get buttermilk, but it's an uncommon foodstuff, so I've never had it

>tangy like yogurt
Okay this is a bit relatable, thanks.

>> No.15607235
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>be from TX where everyone drenches all food with ranch
>sent up to boston for work with some coworkers
>go to little pizza restaurant for lunch one day
>nice little older coworker lady goes up to counter while im ordering and asks for some ranch
>typical masshole cashier asks her why, she didnt order a salad
>coworker says its for her fries
>cashier looks at her like she has leprosy and hands her a ranch cup
>sweet lady asks for more please
>"what you want the whole fuckin bottle or somethin lady"
>old lady almost starts crying

and that is my ranch story thank you everyone

>> No.15607245

I was always confused, reading about that murricans need to put some extra sauce on pizza.
someone please explain.
I get a pizza, I eat the pizza. done.
why would you put some extra sauce on it? maybe some chilli sauce you like, if you forgot to order it, but why else would you need to do this???

>> No.15607264

you'd think people from cosmopolitan shitholes would be less parochial when it comes to food. I fucking hate sweet tea and am from the upper midwest but I don't think folks in the south (where I am now) are nutters for drinking it

>> No.15607268

because it tastes good?

>> No.15607277

Hahahaha missing Boston thanks anon

>> No.15607280

French is where it's at for pizza and ranch for buffalo wings

>> No.15607286

there are no cows in my country...

>> No.15607298

>buttermilk, garlic, herbs
Ranch is badass (besides the mass produced artificial flavor garbage which sucks in every category, not just ranch) and there's no disputing this. The only reason people shit on it is for the meme.

>> No.15607511


why are you attacking ranch to dip your crusts in when the real enemy is throwing truffle oil all over any kind of pizza

>> No.15607556


based and dressingpilled

>> No.15607559
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>not getting your pizza with ranch already on it

>> No.15607571

fuck I love cp

>> No.15607601

You have to be american. I hope you Arent, anon

>> No.15607613
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I confess I put ranch on my pizza

>> No.15607656

that's nothing. some places they put either Russian dressing or thousand island dressing on their pizza

>> No.15607681

What did you mean by this

>> No.15607745

What's ranch ?
Ib4 i am not a burger

>> No.15607773

cheese pizza is based but i prefer mine with some meat in it, you know what i mean?
It's a buttermilk, garlic, and herb sauce. It's great but has been memed by obscene fatasses who accurately assess it as a great tasting way to add extra calories to anything they eat, including pizza.

>> No.15607797

pizza and ranch is better than crack when you're drunk.

>> No.15607805

I assume it works for people who eat pizzas with way too much bread.

>> No.15607874

I like dipping zesty/spicy pizza in garlic parm sauce.

>> No.15607920

God damn I remember the first time I had ranch on pizza. It must have been around 1998 back in Northern Europe, and I had never even heard of this being a thing. The senpai got a takeout pizza from a new, independent New York style pizzeria, and they included it for free.

I shrugged, gave it a try, and holy shit, it changed the pizza game forever. A couple of years later, every single pizzeria had this as an option.

Yeah this is a huge problem. I can see why Americans are hating on this, because y'all have shit ranch. Disgusting, shelf stable canola and xanthan gum.

I make my own or get some fresh shit from Whole Foods whenever I order pizza.

>> No.15607941

Post feet

>> No.15608333

dude we also have fresh ranch at our restaurants. you just have to go somewhere slightly better than pizza hut

>> No.15608351

How degenerate the pizza must be to justify ranch on it.

For excellent pizzas, even ketchup spoils them.

>> No.15608360


>> No.15608364

There is a simple philosophy in life I follow. Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should.

>> No.15608381

If the crust is dry, I'll use ranch.
I think putting ranch on top is a meme you fell for.

>> No.15608786

Non-American here.
Is garlic the dominating aroma in ranch? Is it just your version of garlic sauce?

>> No.15608886

Mussolini is loved by all Italians though

>> No.15610798

>dude we also have fresh ranch at our restaurants
Like where? Round Table used to, but they switched several years ago

>> No.15612493

Peak America

>> No.15612504

degenerate enough to do mdma and receive handjobs in a nightclub

>> No.15612781

the poster you are replying to is clearly a gay man.

>> No.15612862
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For me its rooties.

>> No.15613008

Depends on the pizza. If you're eating good pizza, putting ranch on it would be weird. If your eating some shitty Pizza Hut or Papa John's, may as well.

>> No.15613014

I think eating pizza with ranch is revolting, but I might try it with blue cheese. Sounds interesting. I think blue cheese probably goes with everything.

>> No.15613019

If i'm forced to eat a big hunk of dry frozen bullshit like OPs pic....I go sour cream and sriracha

>> No.15613030

It's acceptable if it's buffalo chicken pizza.
Otherwise it's unacceptable.

>> No.15613095

Approximately 38% as degenerate as someone who is so triggered by what someone else puts on their pizza.

>> No.15613118

I used to do it 6th grade at school

>> No.15613119


>> No.15613146

I dip my crusts in ranch.

>> No.15614687

Buttermilk ranch is great to dip the remaining crust in.

>> No.15614906

>im too good for frozen pizza but ranch and is gourmet
uhm shut the fuck up?

>> No.15614913

Its garlic sauce. Its not a original idea. Everyone in Europe eats their pizza with eithee bearneise or garlic sauce.

>> No.15614976
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You smokin drugs boy?

>> No.15615026

> ranch
> garlic sauce