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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15605817 No.15605817[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever passed food so fast that it came out of you ass undigested?

>> No.15605826
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I love collecting these

>> No.15605829

every day we stray further from god's light

>> No.15605881


>> No.15605890

The wrong country won the cold war.

>> No.15605895

Only when salmonellosed.

>> No.15605908

one time i was cleaning my asshole out to get ready for anal and the sliced mushrooms i had made to go with a steak (or goulash i don't remember honestly) came out pretty much entirely undigested
it was really weird, had to dig them out of the drain too which wasn't pleasant

>> No.15605913

*world war

>> No.15605918

Is niko the new face of /ck/?

>> No.15605922


>> No.15605928 [DELETED] 

Is this peak American?

>> No.15605937

I believe you

>> No.15605938
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>> No.15606062

salads do that sometimes.

>> No.15606154
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>> No.15606160
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>> No.15606165

Nope. It'll always be ja/ck/

>> No.15606203

gay or female?

>> No.15606218

While I refuse to directly give Nickacado Avocado attention, I can't help but study his character based on commentary videos and posts like this. Who is Nick? Not who is he as a person, but who is he as a representation of modern man in the 21st century, where humans are worth nothing more than numbers? True talent is overshadowed by attention seeking goblins who will literally humiliate and kill themselves for attention. Is this peak civilization? Is this what all our technological labor has led us to? Is this the true human condition if left unchecked, using Godless science instead of morals to guide us? A fat faggot who shits himself for attention?

Is there a way to get out of this mess? Or is it just our inevitable death that will finally free us all?

>> No.15606231

Happened to me too more than once.
I have a theory that it is because it is pickled mushrooms and not fresh one, but I could be wrong.
BTW I don't do gay stuff, I just shit in the shower when I'm drunk.

>> No.15606236

lol calm down

>> No.15606262

dude you are so close to seeing truth

read the bible bro, I'm not being ironic. Humans are purely evil, in their heart. That is not enough but we also enjoy the evil deeds of others. We are horribly wicked. There is a judge at the end of all this. His name is Jesus Christ. (John 5) He will judge all nations and humans. He loves us though and doesn't want to condemn anyone to hell. So he came and died on the cross so that whoever believes he died for him and rose on the third day will be saved from judgement. Nick avacado should be a real warning sign that something is seriously wrong with humanity.

>inb4 kill yourself
>inb4Christfag go away

I have met Christ through His word, I know this sounds weird but it's true. It's hard to accept but it is true. Good luck bro

>> No.15606267

This is not food or cooking. This belongs on /b/ or one of the other trash boards like /r9k/ or on reddit.

>> No.15606270

>let's talk about macoroni for the rest of my life

>> No.15606277

my mushrooms were assuredly fresh and of a high quality - rinsed too
my theory has been a combination of mushrooms being very fibrous so they generally digest slower in addition to the particularly thinner slices being able to just so happen to avoid being chewed sometimes and inevitably swallowed whole, a particularly viable situation if you use a lot of mushrooms in a dish, such as myself
a gay tranny
i only top now though and eat less mushrooms too they're good though

>> No.15606285

>a gay tranny

>> No.15606288

This is one of the most disgusting things I've read in a while. I wish this never happened to you and I wish you never wrote about it on here. Some things you take with you to the grave

>> No.15606292

I have a pretty tender stomach and just yesterday I shit fully three times. Even so, there wasn't undigested food present. I have never had that happen outside of the generally indigestible foods like corn for example

>> No.15606297

It's a sign of IBS because they destroy their body by stretching their anus

>> No.15606299

fell out of gods favour i guess
it's chill everybody shits bro could happen to anybody

>> No.15606302

could've been a straight male getting pegged

>> No.15606314

>made myself a vegan green smoothie
>violent cramping ensues
>shat it out within 15 minutes
this is why i went carnivore

>> No.15606315

humans are not purely evil, why would God create an evil being? rather, our society is evil, because it was created by sinners. and there are a great many evil humans, but to be human does not necessarily mean to be evil. God became a human in the form of Jesus Christ, so if being human means being evil, than means that Jesus Christ, and by extension God, is evil.

>> No.15606319

people don't handle their excrement usually

I wrote this>>15606262
I used to live a life where i would sleep with alot of girls, I was also a heroin user and I know it gets old. If you get tired of it, you can always call out to Christ to save you like I did. you don't have to clean up your act he will clean you.

>> No.15606325

i'm married father

>> No.15606344

oh whoops I didn't mean to come across like that. Your right, Jesus couldn't inhabit a human body if it was evil in itself. I wrote "in our hearts" to try to convey where sin resides in us.

>> No.15606357

have you ever stolen, lied, or imagined having sex with someone other than your spouse?

>> No.15606372

no i aspire to lead my life as honestly as possible firstmost to myself, to assure myself on the path to honesty with all others
i work my fair share to earn my keep and fairly acquire what is mine
i have only ever had sex with my spouse and have no intention to change that until and through death
we had pasta tonight, nothing fancy. maybe pork chops tomorrow.

>> No.15606378
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now youre making wish i didnt have a panty pooping fetish

>> No.15606382

so you haven't yet managed to live your life perfectly honest yet?

I'm not trying to put you down I'm the same way, I'm trying to show you that everybody need Jesus. We have all failed at one point.

>> No.15606394

nestorianism strikes again, but at least you aren't one of those "the flesh is evil" types like I thought. God bless you, anon

>> No.15606402

aspire in regards to lifelong, a continuation of the life i currently lead
definitely doing the pork chops and a nice little vinegar or shoyu sauce undecided but definitely more gay sex without jesus i'm afraid

>> No.15606414

not him but divorce is a worse sin that gayness anyway. however without Christ you will burn in hell unfortunately

>> No.15606416

brother no, Jesus was fully man fully God, he is at the right hand of the Father at this very moment. According to the scriptures. Me and you worship God through Jesus Christ, our intercessor and Lord. lol I'm just trying to preach to the babes , maybe they will hear the word and believe and be saved. God bless you brother

>> No.15606419

>Jesus was fully man fully God
my nigga

>> No.15606421

that is unfortunate
i will try to cook a lot of tasty meals and do my best in life for others regardless i hope you also have a lot of tasty meals

>> No.15606428

friend it may be years from now, it may be tomorrow but one day you will realize the Jesus is Lord and you will bow. Just hear this word and think about it. What is your life anyway? Should you not give it back to the one who gave it to you? He promised that whoever would lose their life for his sake he would repay. Think about these things.

>> No.15606433

Yes, every day. I drink a liter of vodka per day and all of my food comes out undigested.

>> No.15606438

you too anon. curious about pork with vinegar, is it like a balsamic vinegar or...?

>> No.15606446

Aw yeah I remember I was an opiete addict and Jesus freed me from it John 8:36
"So if the Son sets you free you are free indeed"


>> No.15606450

yes a nice quality balsamic reduced only just a bit as it's not an aged balsamic with capers and a bit of hot peppers thinly sliced and mustard seeds tossed in to toast but removed for serving that's the idea at this current moment at least i will continue to consider for the next 20 hours

>> No.15606451

>The human organism always worships. First it was the gods, then it was fame (the observation and judgment of others), next it will be the self-aware systems you have built to realize truly omnipresent observation and judgment.

>> No.15606459

>/ck/ - Gay scat fetishism and theology

>> No.15606476

very bold, be careful with quantities or you may not be able to taste the actual pork. also be careful mixing sour and spicy, they can enhance each other. but I like where your heads at

>> No.15606482

Get a life dude.

>> No.15606488

This people need it dude. I figure a person who digs through their own filth might appreciate a way out. you need Jesus as well.
James 2:10
"For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it."

We all have fallen short of the law.
you may say like the transgendered married person did "but I do good things, I live an honest life"
isaiah 64:6
All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away."

Notice it says " our RIGHTEOUSNESS is like filthy rags" that is the good things we do are unclean before God. We need Christ so bad, he is the payment for our sins

Romans 10:9
"If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."

thats it, I'm done you all have enough information to attain a saving knowledge of Christ if you want to be saved you can right this moment.

If anyone has prayer requests let me know and I will pray for you

>> No.15606506

if 4chan had a theology board I'd be all. over it. /x/'s Christian threads are usually gnostic-flavored, and even those are usually derailed by theistic satanists or this one sola-scriptura iconoclast guy who I think might be an arian

>> No.15606508

everyone ITT either needs to take their meds or post it already

>> No.15606509

please pray for palestine and for the death of israel

>> No.15606512

there are a fuckload of larpers on /lit/ /pol/ and /his/

>> No.15606519


>> No.15606525

"Time to bash some sinners with some rocks!"
- Luke, Mary and Peter

>> No.15606530

I can come to an understanding with athiest, muslims, jews, buddist, hindus, etc. pretty much all of them except a gnostic. Gnostics have plagued the church since the beginning. At least the others have an established religon with doctrines and philosophy. Gnostics are a true system of confusion

>> No.15606535

Holy shit what a gay thread. Fucking holier than thou christfags jerking each other off over how fucking in tune they are. I love Christ too but it doesn’t make me better than those who don’t. And you do. Don’t lie. That’s why you’re posting.

>> No.15606538

Yes, all the time. I have IBS.

>> No.15606539


>> No.15606542

What do you mean you love Christ?

>> No.15606544

/lit/ and /his/ are for nerds and /pol/ is blocked on my city's bus wifi which is where I do most of my posting

>> No.15606547


>> No.15606548

Gnosticism is pretty groovy. Sorry you’re not smart enough to understand it/put the time in.

>> No.15606550

I'm >>15606218
I've never used hard drugs, I hardly drink (can barely stomach alcohol, though I did have a full wine glass of homemade mead on Christmas of 2019 and would be so happy to drink it again someday) and I've been in a committed heterosexual relationship for a decade. I do believe in God, I was raised Jewish but reject the religion outright. I am not an athiest, but I struggle to accept written religious doctrine, since writing is a man made science, although I do have a strong interest in Old Believers and find their prayers to be quite beautiful.

A simplistic life dethatched from materialism and other Earthly desires seems the most appealing to me.

>> No.15606555

*Third Punic War

>> No.15606561

ohhhh biblically, this is in the bible

""If you love me, keep my commands." (Jesus Speaking)

and also john 17:20
"My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, 21 that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me"

how is it that when you see a thread with believers and scoffers you chose the side of the scoffers, when the God who you say you love commanded you to be unified with other believers so that we can spread the message of the gospel and others can see our love for one another?

>> No.15606566

while the gnostics are definitely annoying and arguably not Christian, they do at least see Christ as the highest human authority. that's more than can be said for muslims, who value mohammad's word over Christ's, and certainly better than the jews, who see Christ as an upstart heretic

>> No.15606570

old believers are cool but always be skeptical of Christians who schism with other Christians over trivial shit like prayer ropes and Christian gang signs

>> No.15606578

Bro I was the same way. I couldn't consent to God presenting himself in a book, but one of the things that blew me away was "Typology" or rather "Christ in the Old testament" once I found that it blew me away.

Brother you are jewish, I'm gentile you shold be teaching me. You are chosen man, elect. Pray and ask God to reveal himself to you. According to your writings it says

Jeremiah 29:12
"12 Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. 13 And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart."

>> No.15606581

>I love Christ too but it doesn’t make me better than those who don’t
it does, actually

>> No.15606585

That wasn’t me you’re responding to. The anon you responded to was using “biblically” as in fucking. Not in the Bible. You’re a bit slow. But to answer your question I’m not siding with the scoffers or whatever. I’m siding with not pretentiously quoting the fucking book if John on a basket weaving forum.

>> No.15606589


>> No.15606595

Christfags need to be culled from 4chan. What christfag even browses this shit hole of a website? That’s enough alone to send you to hell if you believe in that retard shit. You are gay and retarded by the way.

>> No.15606599

You are a faggot

>> No.15606601

Paul was always fighting their doctrines. Like all of colossians was a rebuke of gnostic teachings. I just struggle to understand where they are coming from, a muslim you present that Jesus was God and never qualified the quoran a jew you can show Jesus in the old testament, but a gnostic? I'm not sure what you can say to them, you have to tell them Jesus was flesh and blood first of all, and then whatever specific heresey they have adopted. It's all so varied.

>> No.15606602

seducée (づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ

>> No.15606616

I quote the bible IRL so I'm going to do it here, If you can't do it here how are you going to have the courage to talk about Jesus to the people in the world?

>> No.15606623


>> No.15606626

>I struggle to accept written religious doctrine, since writing is a man made science
I think the other anon is going to object to me saying this but, the bible isn't the literal word of God and isn't the totality of His law. the Holy Spirit is around for a reason. the truest word of God is arrived at by the consensus of Christians, each guided by His Spirit. ofc, this consensus has continually approved the bible for 2000 years, but don't be confused, Christians created the bible not the other way around. most Christians couldn't even read for most of history

>> No.15606633

Stop having anal sex! It's bad for you!

>> No.15606636

By talking about god and spiritually without shoehorning quotes in like some high schooler writing for their AP English exam. People shut their brains off when you start fucking quoting the Bible at them you autist. I drink, socialize, talk about food when appropriate, go to orgies with my wife once in a while. Good times.

>> No.15606640

Talk about god*

>> No.15606646

pretend that I quoted your post and attached a smug soyjak

>> No.15606659

I will Thankyou anon.

>> No.15606664

Pretend that I quoted your quote of his post, attached a Jesus Soyjak, and attributed it to:
>E-Testiacles 69:420

>> No.15606672

People who quote the Bible all the time are viewed as culty freaks

>> No.15606673

The word of God is powerful and sharper than a two edged sword

you remind me of 1 john 2:19 " they went out from us because they were not of us"

Also how can you condemn someone for quoting the bible and support orgies?? It's the lowest of wickedness. At least most of the people in this thread don't pretend to love Christ.

>good times

so temporary good times are worth betraying the Lord who bought you? He died to free you from these disgusting practices

>> No.15606676

No, that title belongs to ja/ck/. Niko is more like the Voldemort of /fit/. Merely namedropping him immediately arises concerns from /fit/izens.

>> No.15606679

remember that these retards are big on missionaries

>> No.15606680

MMMmmmMmm Cheshire..
Are girls food? I want to devour them

>> No.15606682

That's fine. Jesus did it often so that's ok.

>> No.15606684

>straight male getting pegged

that's an oxymoron

>> No.15606685

yeah i went to a shady Mexican restaurant and ordered fish tacos

the tacos were horrible and when i got home i immediately shit out almost a whole flour tortilla you could see the white and brown spots on it still

>> No.15606686

He fathered himself to kill himself to free us from a curse that he, himself cast upon us.
>"You cannot kill me in a way that matters."
Jesus was a mushroom.

>> No.15606687
File: 116 KB, 1920x1080, cheshireSSMessingPantiesInBondage.mp4_snapshot_03.53.332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ches is the best

>> No.15606689

He admitted in an interview that he wants to try and snag a spot on 'My 600lb Life' on TLC once he gets big enough. He could just be joking about it but I doubt it. So I suppose he is what you just described him as.

>> No.15606690

on being missionaries*
they basically spam themselves into heaven with this nonsense lmao

>> No.15606695

Whatever man. You communicate with Christ through the Bible, I’ll do it through dreams, free love and prayer baby. I’m confident it’s all gonna shake out alright.

>> No.15606702

>everybody need Jesus
Everybody needs Krishna.

>> No.15606711

I know we argued back and forth and I was confrontational but seriously bro make sure you are good with God. I'm sorry about arguing with you and acting like that.

God bless you man

>> No.15606714

>Everybody needs to gather together and feast upon the Dharmic bull. This age must end.
Fixed that FTFY

>> No.15606726

Hmmmmmm, beef. Yummy.

>> No.15606733

I once was cleaning the club bathroom at a flying club I worked at, and when i lifted the lid there was a full fucking red onion covered in shit there.

like it just passed through some guys ass completely undigested. It was so weird and disgusting that from this day I can't get the sight of that onion out of my head and it makes me want to puke.

I still love red onions however.

>> No.15606736
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>thread about pooping
>Let's talk about how great Jesus is
you fucking cancerous zit

>> No.15606738

Do you want to be comforted by jesus' rod or his staff? Do you want it in your holiest of holies or in your valley of the shadow of death?

>> No.15606739

Why are you apologizing for arguing with me? I don’t give a fuck about that. What I’m saying is that artistically quoting the Bible and people will do nothing to bring them closer to Christ. It makes them think you’re an Asshole. You would do well to remember this next time you try to bring god up to people that don’t know god.