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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 103 KB, 900x900, Best chef on youtube by a mile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15603618 No.15603618 [Reply] [Original]

>hi dere

>> No.15603628

Every single “celebrity”, especially chefs and the like; are completely homosexual and complacent in the global Gay Disco world order

>> No.15603651

cope. no one on this board could recreate his dishes.

>> No.15604021

Aren't you tired of ranting about e-celebs on every single fucking thread?
Go with your time you fucking dinosaur, youtube is part of the common culture now.

Bruno is probably the best chef on youtube

>> No.15604031

his jokes are too autistic

>> No.15604035

I tried

>> No.15604042
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forgot pic

>> No.15604049

I think part of the reason why he's been slow to take off is because people are intimidated by the depth and technique of his recipes. He has incredible skill. Some of it is accessible, but there are others where I'm just like yeah, that's no fucking way I could get that to turn out.

But damn they're a joy to watch.

>> No.15604059
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>Go with your time you fucking dinosaur, youtube is part of the common culture now.

>> No.15604074

Chad Bruno triggers /ck/ because his recipes require actual technique

>> No.15604076

It's embarrassing how much time you spent on here by the way. I saw your retarded rants hundreds of times here, if not thousands. I know I spend a lot of time too, but probably not as much as you.

>> No.15604096


>> No.15604110

Maybe I missed my target and you're not the 'e-celebs' guy. But if you are, get an occupation urgently.

>> No.15604116

you got me, man. whenever you see someone on 4chan mentioning "e-celebs" then that's actually me.

>> No.15604172

>get with the times old man this is how the site is now
>lol you nolifer look at you spending all your time here
I dont get it. Wouldn't the guy who cares enough about the board to be here all the time have a better say whats board culture or not?

>> No.15604207

If you think that youtube chefs are not part of /ck/ culture you're deluded.

>> No.15604439

Bruno est le meilleur chef sur jewtube. Humour de daron français par contre. Parce qu'il adore le cochon et surtout les cochones.
C'est parti mon kiki!!!!1!!1XDXD

>> No.15604749

based truth-teller

>> No.15605870

I did his duck pithivier for valentine's. But then again I'm French so I'm familiar with a lot of the stuff Bruno does in the first place.

>> No.15605884

That looks pretty good anon

>> No.15607404

I thank thee.

>> No.15608908

This guy makes any meme chef like Oliver, White or Ramsay look like fucking Kindergardeners, holy shit.

>> No.15609080

hon he hon he hon he hon

>> No.15609180

other guys' right, looks quite nice desu

>> No.15609275

>no golden leaves

>> No.15609288

I used to make his Liquidy-on-the-inside chocolate pie for a girl I liked ever now and then.
Her panties just flew away.
I can still hear Bruno say "OUUUH LUUK AT DAT IS PÖRFECT"

>> No.15609354

This. His sweets are professional-level, and the average viewer will be unable to replicate what he does.

>> No.15609419

It won't look as pretty but if the viewer tries his best it will always gives a much better dish than anything he can do by viewing Ragusea or other meme channels.

>> No.15609462
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lmao ok try cooking some real food now not the culinary equivalent of flower arrangement you bunch of fucking women

>> No.15609523

He may be the ONLY chef on YouTube. I haven't really looked in a long time, but for awhile, there was no one else on his level. Not even close.

>> No.15609524

what country is he even from and why don't they teach anglo humor?

>> No.15609543

what the fuck are you talking about retard

>> No.15609551

Bruno has a lot of 'real food' videos too.

>> No.15609557

>looks lovely
>good bake
>see how the knife just falls through
>lovely flavors
>that's a good cake that
>well done

>> No.15609589

there's the one chinese actual chef, but that's about it

>> No.15609597

wang gang? he's pretty comfy

>> No.15609613


>> No.15609622

>'*deletes bunch of his old videos*
Why, Bruno; why?

>> No.15609650

Probably because he was using some copyrighted background music from some proto-fascist music production company. It's a classic with youtube.

>> No.15609667

bruno is german raised in france, high-end dessert cooking requires master level OCD and autism to excel. the perfect match.

>> No.15609669

Good job anon
Would eat

>> No.15609679

>bruno is german raised in france
He is not German... Both his parents are French. He was born in Germany when his family was living there for a short period of time.

>> No.15609684

It's not the first time you lie about Bruno being German. I know you do it on purpose and it's a bit weird.

>> No.15609722

Why he then hasn't re-uploaded them with different tunes? He's even deleted the recipes from his website, like the chicken poussin shown in chicken stock video.

Or he just have gone full kike and put some stuff behind paywall.

>> No.15609973
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Coq au vin, Raguseshit version

>> No.15609981
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Coq au vin, Bruno Albouze version.

>> No.15609990
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>> No.15610217

Damn, even the sauces are worlds apart, the above has horrible emulsion.

>> No.15610228

I want to try making some of his stuff, looks so good

>> No.15610286

Albouze is making his own stock, cooking the chicken in the stock + wine and vegetables, and then reducing even more the resulting juices.
Ragusea is dumping a cardboard brick of supermarket stock with a pre-made thickener and has the audacity to say it is exactly the same as 'demi-glace'...

>> No.15610291

The one complaint I have regarding his videos is that he never links directly to the recipe relevant to the video. Always have to visit his dog shite website and then hope the recipe is public. Other than that, he provides dessert recipes with ingredients listed by weight which I greatly appreciate.

>> No.15610300
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>> No.15610505

Bruno is such a good chef but his humor is a little odd

>> No.15610565

It's borderline dad tier

>> No.15610595

Anybody who dislikes bruno only does so out of an unimaginable level of cope. he makes the average ck fatass dumbass denizen confused and enraged with his elevated technique

>> No.15610884

How does he have so much skill? He was trained in Europe like pretty much all the other chefs but his recipes are insane. Is Europe really that much better? I’m sure chef John could add more complexity to his recipes but he doesn’t

>> No.15610988

He just a good chef, like there are many others in the professional kitchens. The issue is that on youtube everybody can pretend to be a chef, even though in reality it takes years of strict learning and experience alongside high level professionals. So we're used to see average stuff being presented as exceptional, even though it wouldn't make the cut in a good restaurant.
A good example is 'Bon appetit', where everybody act as if they are absolute experts, even though most of them have little real professional experience alongside high level chefs.

>> No.15611018

Am I supposed to know who this kraut bastard is?

>> No.15611715
File: 930 KB, 947x480, Bruno_olive_oil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do oil your baking tray in a geometrically perfect shape, /ck/, do you?

>> No.15611770

which cake is that? looks good.

>> No.15611933

Frenchfag here. I have no idea how it works in America but here basically after you are done with college (how middle school is called here) you can decide not to go to a regular high school and enter a culinary high school which apparently Bruno did when he was 14. So he started training from a young age.

>> No.15612283

when you see people do shit like this you can just tell they're on a different level

>> No.15612330

>hi dere bruno
Damn I love that guy. BTFO’s all wannabe chefs on YT and I love his dad humour so much.

>> No.15612729

John doesn't because his aim is to teach people how to cook stuff. Bruno is just there to look pretty. Doesn't even give out the recipes for free.

>> No.15613625

he looks like Joe Biden

>> No.15613630

Zero chance; john is a simpleton. Nice gut, good cook, but nowhere near bruno tier

>> No.15614266

he's literally a psychopath. his humor is odd because he has zero human emotions and so he awkwardly mimics things he thinks a normal person would say and do. look at his eyes, his choice of music, his facial expressions. he's not normal

can't argue with his skill though

>> No.15614296

I just used his gateau russe biscuit...
...filled it with a creme diplomate...
...the top layer has a hazelnut ganache montée...
...decorated with pbroken pieces of a crunchy pralinée from this video

>> No.15614346

It's true he gives some Dexter vibes. But maybe he is just acting for the camera.

>> No.15614347

can you tell me if i can make praline with just sugar and hazelnuts? all the recipes i see include glucose syrup which i have no way to get but i could have sworn i watched a video on his channel that included the recipe and he just brought sugar up to temp, added hazelnuts and let cool but i can't find it anymore.

>> No.15614362

Yes, you use only sugar. I myself never use glucose syrup.

>> No.15614370

nice, cheers

>> No.15614436

Zero chance of what exactly?

>> No.15615344

>all the recipes i see include glucose syrup
i don't know why anyone would use glucose syrup to make praline. in his chocolate croissant recipe he makes praline with sugar and hazelnuts and almonds.

>> No.15616076

zero chance john could church up anything he does to bruno levels
You absolutely can use regular sugar but glucose syrup is less sweet by volume and also it will never re-crystallize. Its super based, buy some

>> No.15616081

Oops meant to reply to you >>15616076

could also be a texture thing. glucose syrup will result in different texture cs granulated sugar

>> No.15616316
File: 1.37 MB, 1902x1080, Screenshot_20210219-103552_YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love me some Bruno. My favorite recipe from him are the lemon cookies dusted in powdered sugar. They're very easy and nice and fluffy.

Anyone remember that time Bruno had his bootycall stick around and make some bread with him?

>> No.15616423

I did his cookies,financiers,countryside apple tart, rose shaped apple tarts,tiramisu,lemon bars,cannelés,crêpes,chicken pot pie, matcha cake and vanilla custard pie thanks for asking

>> No.15616465

It looks nice but your Ganache on top needs more liquid or you can whip it less. It was too stiff and dry, which is why the tops broke off when you used a closed star tip to dollop it in instead of making nice tall peaks.

I like Bruno techniques because they're almost always correct, but I don't like his recipes that much. There's little room for adjustment and some of them vary a lot, like his mirror glaze recipes. What I dislike the most is the pay wall though, feels so nickel and dimey.

>> No.15616475

That video could have easily turned into porn
Whenever I watch bruno I have a feeling he is trying to seduce me

>> No.15616646

thanks for those tips

>> No.15616672

great presentation for a homemade cake, would eat

>> No.15616959

Np. A trick pastry chefs use is to check if your cream is a good consistency for your tip or desired use is to just put a little bit of it in your bag and pipe the desired shape on an offset spatula or back of a regular silicone one. People forget you can just empty out the bag and beat the cream again to adjust it. Even accomplished chefs do this because moisture contents in powdered sugar can vary depending on brand or weather, it never hurts to test it, especially if it's a cream you're not very very familiar with. My rule of thumb is that if you're piping it, it'll need to be softer than you think.

>> No.15617156


>> No.15618358


>> No.15618734

based. fuck jannies and fuck fastfood niggers

>> No.15618834

you lie, the only video ive watched he says “hey, waddup.” its the superfood video

>> No.15619895

My exact thought watching that video was "I want to have sex with this woman every day for the rest of my life"

>> No.15620553

>super complicated recipe
>5 minute video
the only thing I don't like about his channel
fucking hell dude, take your time showing all the steps in a detailed way. everything always seems so hurried

>> No.15620889

You need to pay for that.
Bruno is a boomer, he doesn't really understand the economic model of modern youtube.
I'm sure he's making a lot of money but he could do much more by having all his cooking stuff completely free and selling merchs on the side. He's probably missing on a lot of potential subscribers.

>> No.15621701

I like that he sometimes uses ingredients or includes tidbits of information I wasn’t aware of. For instance, I never knew hidden rose apples existed until this video.

>> No.15621781
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What IS the "real deal"?

>> No.15621786

>What IS the "real deal"?
It's by opposition to the 'fake deal', also known as 'Adam Ragusea', 'Bon Appetit' and others...

>> No.15622375

What's all this about? Did he start restricting his recipes? I use to be able to go to his dotnet site and every video he ever made had a written step by step recipe.

>> No.15622381

None of his recipes are hard, only a few are time-consuming or need special equipment

>> No.15622542

Is that his gf? I know he has a grown up daughter named Kelly but I've never heard him mention his wife so I assumed he's divorced. Or widowed

>> No.15622550

>None of his recipes are hard
I would say that a lot of his desserts are hard, some very hard.
Like my dick when I watch his videos.

>> No.15622588

Are there for his jokes, or perhaps to learn a little something about his cooking?

>> No.15622594

He did a croque monsieur. The cheese actually melted.

>> No.15622597

This puppet is just a pair of tits and a tight apron.

>> No.15622607

>Born in Germany

That makes him a fucking German then. And he was raised in France. For fuck sake. Will you argue the points on a compass next?

>> No.15622614
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>> No.15622711

>being born in China makes you Chinese

>> No.15622723


The racist yuros on this board... Bitter racists at that.

>> No.15622746

>Jus sanguinis (English: /dʒʌs ˈsæŋɡwJnJs/ juss SANG-gwin-iss, /jus/ yoos; Latin: [juːs ˈsaŋɡwJnJs]; 'right of blood') is a principle of nationality law by which citizenship is determined or acquired by the nationality or ethnicity of one or both parents. Children at birth may be citizens of a particular state if either or both of their parents have citizenship of that state. It may also apply to national identities of ethnic, cultural, or other origins.This principle contrasts with jus soli ('right of soil'), which is solely based on the place of birth.

>> No.15622780

Pretty sure it was a gf but people didn't like the chemistry so she never came back, hard to say if they're still a thing. Maybe it was a teacher pupil thing but I doubt it she looked she was eye fucking him the whole time idk.

>> No.15622872

well yeah, being born in china wont make your facial features asian retard

>> No.15622960

>people didn't like the chemistry

You mean those jealous housewives who usually fill the comment section with their wet panties and would let Bruno to do whatever he likes to their brioche?

>> No.15623013

Based Turbochad Bruno.

>> No.15623709

It’s up.

>> No.15623871

The European apprentice system is that much better, and he's been under the likes of Alain Ducasse at three Michelin starred hotels. He has far superior professional experience than 99% of YouTube chefs.

>> No.15623925

I also think it's in his nature. I mean look at how he presents himself. Fit, a bit tanned, not a hair out of place... I'd hardly expect him to be anything but a perfectionist in his kitchen. Add to that what you said, regarding the training he's received... Well there you are.

>> No.15624115

Was about to post it. Nice job, anon.

>> No.15624189

He didn't say Hi Deere

>> No.15624533

Yeah he does. At 40 seconds.

>> No.15624556

Ok now I can watch the video

>> No.15624580

Talent. Genetics. God-given gifts. That's mostly what cooking is all about, really.

Hard work doesn't go far in cooking, it's mostly intuition.

>> No.15624871

Are there any other chefs as talented as Bruno on youtube that are worth checking out?

>> No.15625313

best itt

>> No.15625474

that's because he's a frenchman trying to mimic an american

>> No.15625519

Take this time to be prideful

>> No.15625583

isnt this guy the one that makes you buy his recipes?

>> No.15626043

There’s free and premium recipes on his website along with “masterclasses”
I don’t see the problem with it though

>> No.15626639
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>> No.15626652

i will always give a (you) out to people who are open-eyed enough to notice this about bruno.

>> No.15626717

>no one on this board could recreate his dishes.
Then he should get the fuck from the front of the camera and back in the damn kitchen.

>> No.15626984

he probably has aspergers which would explain his perfectionism.

>> No.15627020

it's funny how much confidence people have to psychoanalyze someone they've never met over the internet.

>> No.15627027
File: 19 KB, 500x590, 1488646518440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this anon has a small penis and is suffering from an inferiority complex

>> No.15627032

There are a lot of great American chefs out there, but they're aiming for a different market.
Like Gordon Ramsey is probably at least as good as Bruno at French cooking outside of dessert, but he doesn't show that to people as that doesn't get views and interactions.
Instead he dumbs down stuff to a great level and puts out content that bored housewives or bachelors can mimic on a whim.
Bruno is going the other way where he's making the most of his skills and showing them. Making the point of the channel the complexity and effort rather than trying to make it as widely appealing as possible.

Its a difference in target between the people that are really good.
Julia Child's could have made far more impressive stuff, but her focus was on making recipes that people were actually going to cook at home.

>> No.15627036

Not that Ramsey is American.
I guess it'd be better to choose someone like Tom Keller.

>> No.15627037

people writing out entire paragraphs of armchair psychology are my favorite genre of 4chan posts

>> No.15627898

For the most part he's just a boomer trying to be funny

>> No.15628548

hi dere