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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 156 KB, 709x427, fake-meat-ingredients.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15601009 No.15601009 [Reply] [Original]

What's with this trend to make processed shit and charge double over it's non vegan original? Most non dairy yogurts have vegetable oil and a dozens of other ingredients to make a pale imitation of yogurt and often have little to no protein. It's disgusting shit that costs more.

>> No.15601329

>charge double over it's non vegan original
meat production is heavily subsidized and high a larger production chain
go back to Facebook
>more retarded irrelevant opinions
into the garbage it goes

>> No.15602717

>Eat the bugs

>> No.15602727

I will put bugs into your butthole and let them feast on your soft tissue

>> No.15602764

a living being died to create the product on the right you fucking asshole

>> No.15602775

>plants aren't alive
You know most fruit is still alive when you eat it. That's completely inhumane. Eating a living being alive. It's more humane to eat meat, they're not eaten alive... most of the time.

>> No.15602779

Vegans still need to eat. What's the problem?

>> No.15602784

People want a beef alternative, and will pay for it. Stop acting like such a faggot senpai baka

>> No.15602789

>eating ultra processed soy crap that tries to emulate meat
>eating normal vegan recipes that aren't shit

>> No.15602793

You ever tried to get 50g of protein on whole beans n shit? It's impossible. Vegan food needs to be processed to get adequate nutrition, and there's nothing particularly wrong with that.

>> No.15602799

can't virtue signal if you eat normal vegetarian or vegan stuff like Buddhists or Brahmin now, can they

>> No.15602812

Tofu tempeh and seitan is all the same stuff - vegetable protein, concentrated. This isn't really any different besides using modern manufacturing techniques. You telling me you'd refuse to eat a dorito because they're too modern?

>> No.15603150


>> No.15603152

the fuck? have you not had tofu or seitan? even peanuts have high protein. if you can't get 50g of protein without eating meat you're a literal retard or extremely uneducated
all fields

>> No.15603163

It’s easy to get 50 grams of protein from beans.

>> No.15603167

because that industrial garbage can't be bought from local producers, it's to centralize and monopolize food production so your money flows into the right pockets

>> No.15603659

>and there's nothing particularly wrong with that.
everything is right about it. vegans wont survive after the collapse while everyone else is eating squirrel

>> No.15603870

This just made me remember that old story about the girl who snuck to a dumpster and put maggots in her cunt

>> No.15603943

hehe monke brain is chooey

>> No.15603958

A single cup of peanuts is literally 38g of protein. These processed imitation vegan foods are why the majority of them are unhealthy emaciated faggots.

>> No.15603959
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and now it's lifeforce is used to satisfy the energy of my soul.

>> No.15603979

>A single cup of peanuts is literally 38g of protein
Lmao you dumb faggot a whole cup of peanuts is half your daily calories. You gonna eat nothing but 2 cups of peanuts all day just to hit that macro? Fuck you're dumb

>> No.15604010

vegans are mentally ill
it's no secret

>> No.15604060
File: 156 KB, 1200x800, 1613518168645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>828 calories
>half your daily calories
Thats one meal retard

>> No.15604067

>normal vegan recipes that aren't shit


>> No.15604084

Every day? Have you tried it? Just straight up five cans of beans a day? I dare you to try even a week.

He already explained that he refuses processed food. Those are processed foods.

>> No.15604307

They do exist. My usual stir fry is vegan because I don't bother to make an egg for it. Pasta and tomato sauce is also vegan.

It doesn't have to be some new age liberal arts college slop

>> No.15604321


>> No.15604359


>> No.15605247

Is a burger with that many ingredients from all around the world really better for the environment than beef?

>> No.15605516

>What's with this trend to make processed shit and charge double over it's non vegan original?
sssshhh shut the fuck up dude you guys are gonna flip shit in this country if real shit starts costing the same as the fake shit and i'm not gonna be able to help you fend off the looters

>> No.15605638

That girl was me (male)

>> No.15606975

am i the only person who laughed after reading "ingredients: lean ground beef"

>> No.15606992

If some idiot is going to pay for it then some guy is going to produce it.

The soy in your frankenfood is just as subsidized and twice as genetically modified. FPWP.

>> No.15606996

Actually it's grain that's subsidized. Which then falls onto meat subsidies.

Honestly if you don't want to support subsidies support regenerative farms. They don't rely on them.

>> No.15606999

how is ground meat not processed food?

>> No.15607004

Fermented soy foods and fake meat are different all the way down to the molecular level. Go dilate and suck on some BPA.

>> No.15607011
File: 175 KB, 772x779, 1528648666439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Honestly if you don't want to support subsidies support regenerative farms
Based natural and organic poster. Vegan faggots BTFO.

>> No.15607019

the idea is to cut down on global water usage by cutting beef out of peoples' diets, by making beef-alikes that are so expensive that fake beef becomes a luxury and phased out of food culture, and real beef becomes unobtainable to anyone not filthy rich

>> No.15607044
File: 822 KB, 597x601, FatGraffiti.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd drop the whole protein thing. Nutrition isn't really about proteins, it's more about fat and bio available nutrients. Specifically cholesterol. Which is something you can't get in a vegan diet. If you couldn't get protein in a vegan diet vegans would demonize it like they have with cholesterol. You need at least a bit of cholesterol in your diet in order to properly be able to absorb nutrients and have optimal brain function.

If that wasn't true then vegans would never look so malnourished and be so angry at everyone. They'd make peace with how the world is and their serene nature would be more contagious to those who desire inner peace.

But vegans are always pissed, filled to the brim with anger and an almost nazi level intolerance of those who don't share their beliefs.

If we focused more on fat quality in animals we would quickly learn that animals need time outside, space to roam, and a natural diet, therefore improving the quality of life of livestock animals.

But vegans don't want their lives to improve, vegans want to genocide all domesticated animals.

Also it bothers me that vegans celebrate the consolidation of dairy farms, confusing it with the eradication of dairy. Dairy is still very much alive and isn't going anywhere, but now cows are even more concentrated and pushed to produce even more. But... yay I guess?

>> No.15607078
File: 35 KB, 480x360, artificial fertilizer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cut down on global water usage by cutting beef

I mean you can do that with certain heritage breeds of cow like the criollo, or eat goat or camel meat. Both of which require very little water.


Crop production can be incredibly problematic for water.
California is the salad bowl of the united states and as a result is very water insecure. Certain crops require flooding, like rice. Not to mention shit like tillage, irrigation, artificial fertilizer and chemical pesticides are absolutely abhorrent for the environment. Even just producing artificial fertilizer is shit for the environment and poisons water.

>> No.15607132

no way that breed will catch on in the midwest
to add to the california thing, i have no fucking clue how they justify mass-growing and mass-consumption of avocados. they take tons of water to grow them.

>> No.15607220

What's the problem with subsidies? Are you seriously suggesting that the only metric of quality is how profitable something is?

>> No.15607234

Pretty sure that emu/ostrich would also accomplish the same goal. I had ostrich in South Africa and it's the fucking best; if it was available here I would buy it instead of beef.

>> No.15607260
File: 126 KB, 716x576, dd-gaddafi-great-man-made-river-project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh water
Big agriculture pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers for GMO fields are worse polluters of water.

Also look into earth's primary water supply

>> No.15607305

you will never be a woman

>> No.15607362

Eating tons of beans to get your protein is extremely filling, and will have you eating too much fiber for most people.

>> No.15607579

Emu was pushed for a bit around the late 90s. They're still commercially raised in the USA, though mostly for their oil which has much higher demand than their meat.

>> No.15607786
File: 677 KB, 980x1306, where I livec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no way that breed will catch on in the midwest
It doesn't have to. The midwestern great plains was once home to tens of millions of bison and fed and watered them all without any human intervention. Cows are almost exactly the same animal, shit, you can even hybridize them. Also the midwest, at least where I live (which is further east) is not water insecure.

As for avocados, when fat starved vegans buy them in bulk, there will always be a demand.

Honestly I'd love a wider diversity of meat.

>> No.15607991

Thanks, tasty cowe. I'll kill your cowe children with my bare hands, if it makes these vegans shut up.

>> No.15608008
File: 3 KB, 213x236, SA5YilPbG99TDixM9Fm31un3lrOm1ivP6qUC1qqy9qhDl5q4dpJPczhcVPhzVgjeLE21dq8zNr11s4ZfIF1007qf77nJz7WwdTvAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh no no no no

>> No.15608016
File: 4 KB, 210x239, B367gSWof8H9Sdj6EKDZ8gAAAAASUVORK5CYII=.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You aren't gonna be able to help with looting, because mentally ill vegans like you aren't allowed to own fireams.

>> No.15608029
File: 5 KB, 225x225, images(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your idea is to make everyone eat bread and die of malnourished at 25yo, because it looked cool at the Renaissance Faire. Obviously this is horrible plan, and it would take a real retard to believe all of that.

>> No.15608032
File: 8 KB, 300x168, Z(13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based logical thinker

>> No.15610242
File: 61 KB, 600x522, 1517726816472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where do you come up with this drivel?