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15599391 No.15599391 [Reply] [Original]

I’m poor. I can’t afford almond flour to test a recipe like that, so I figured if I could blend some roasted peanuts in the food processor as a replacement.

Also, can you share a recipe? It can be with almond flour. I’ll make the changes.

>> No.15599394

almond flour (preground) is like 5 bucks.

>> No.15599401

Why would you attempt macarons if you’re poor? It’s a thing that entails a lot of failed batches. It’s not easy to get right.

>> No.15599508

It’s about 20 USD per kilogram, whereas 1kg of peanuts costs me 3 USD.

I want to make it.

Will report results whenever I get around to make it.

>> No.15599515

Blending peanuts would just result in peanut butter, right? Don't think that would work too well...

>> No.15599523

Or you could buy almonds and blend those. I have made almond cream but with the almonds replaced by peanuts (so peanut cream, I guess) and it worked pretty good. Macarons are very delicate, and peanuts have lightly different properties (mainly that they are much higher in fat) so I cannot guarantee that it will work.
Anyways, the recipe I work with is
8kg TxT (4kg of Almond Flour and 4kg of Powdered Sugar)
1200 Eggwhites
1750 Eggwhites
3600 Granulated Sugar
700 Water
You can work-out the math and make a smaller batch. They are Italian method, btw, which makes a lot of people pretty anal about but they are less difficult to fuck up. Just know that your first batch will fail. I would recommend trying another confection, Macarons are cute and the perfect package for creams, ganaches and jams, but there are manny, more accessible confections out there which are still eye-catching.

What hardware, tools and consumables do you have? For macarons you need
>Convection Oven (Gravity/conventional will work but give you even lower success rates)
>Silicone spatula (and a hand whisk if you want to make the folding easer)
>Mixer with whisk
>At least two bowls
>Pot to make the syrup in
>Baking paper or (better yet) a Silpat
>Baking Tray
>Pipping bad
>Pipping tips (don't know the size, I use a Macaron Machine)
And add to that what you will need to make the filling

It takes them a few minutes to release their fat

>> No.15599562


Why are there two egg white quantities in your recipe?

Also, a lot of recipes I’ve seen use a mixture of all purpose flour and almond flour, but I guess it’s for cheapening on cost?

>> No.15599569

Just evaporate the oil

>> No.15599584

You cannot make macarons.

>> No.15599609
File: 1.33 MB, 472x419, You will never make macarons.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 1200g (Everything is in grams, forgot to add that) you make an Italian meringue with the granulated sugar and the water
The 1750g you mix with the 8kg of TxT to make a paste. It is easer to mix things the more similar their textures are, and a paste is closer to a meringue than a dust is.

>a mixture of all purpose flour and almond flour,
Dios mio
Never heard of people doing that, my old chef was even very careful not to contaminate any of the macaron ingredients with flour, he believed even a bit of flour would fuck up the batch because of the gluten contracting after the macaronage. Maybe those recipes were trying to be smart and tried to pass a biscuit for a macaron.


>> No.15599649

Here’s one


>> No.15599714
File: 80 KB, 1001x998, 2325442016179463526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By definition a Macaron, even the older ones that had no filling, is a meringue and almond baked confection, I can't even see if this person used any Almond flour. This is a biscuit (baked flour-based confection aerated with egg), not a Macaron.
Now I'm angry, but that's probably the ukulele music and constant reminder to "Like and subscribe! And hit the bell icon!"
This is like making dairy-free cheese.

>> No.15599715

Is this a recent meme? LIke less than 4weeks?

>> No.15600786

"You will never learn Japanese" is pretty old. The macaron version should be about as old as you say

>> No.15600814

It's a fact, retard.
You will never make macarons

>> No.15600884

Says who? What’s your problem if he wants to try dummy? Back to your gap toothed wife ragusea

>> No.15601151

what's wrong with dairy free cheese?

>> No.15601395

Vegan meat

>> No.15602391

Not you nor him can ever make macarons. You cannot make macarons.
You can try, but you will not make macarons.

>> No.15602399

probably not, i heard that makes mustard gas

>> No.15603569

You're buying kg in USD, that's your problem. The exchange rate is no good.

>> No.15604714

>It’s a thing that entails a lot of failed batches.
maybe if you're retarded.

>> No.15604754

Did you end up trying? I want to know results

>> No.15604808
File: 2.14 MB, 2448x3088, 5FBF7597-A7FA-4F7E-84B6-271E6122A196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the result.

I was able to get the skin, but they sort of melted and didn’t get the pretty border they were supposed to have.

My oven was too hot, for sure.

Anyway, I’ll keep on trying because I’m on the right path.

PS: I did the French method.

>> No.15604846

Poor but willing to experiment.
Why ask the question just go and try it.

>> No.15605215

I thought it would be interesting to share it. This is a cooking board, after all.

>> No.15605405

You have obviously never made macarons at home

How was the taste and texture?

>> No.15605410

Fagusea surprisingly made a decent video about how the "failures" in macaroon making are entirely to do with cosmetics. You can still eat and enjoy your "failed" batches...

>> No.15605428

Fagusea should not be held as an example
You should aim for improvement. Sure, he failed his first time, which is not something bad, but if he ever attempts this again then he should try his hardest to improve, not li took at something mediocre and think it is good enough, much less make a video on why being mediocre is actually good.
Food and confections have a visual component, and any decent cook should not brush it off.

>> No.15605463

>You should aim for improvement.
That's a fair statement to make. I've never tried macaroons personally and the "many failed batches" put me off but if I consider the fact that they'll still (likely) be edible and not a complete fail, I'm more likely to have a stab at it.

>> No.15605466

You did not make macarons, you will not make macarons.
You cannot make macarons.

>> No.15605499

>You can still eat and enjoy your "failed" batches...
that's true for practically anything you bake. it's actually kind of difficult to mix sugar, flour, eggs, and fat together and get something inedible.

>> No.15605503

It tasted nice. I added cocoa powder to it as well.

The exterior was crunchy and I was happy about the upper crust, but my oven was too hot and I had to take them out too soon to prevent burning, so the middle is kinda chewy.

So my conclusion is that it is possible, and probably possible to make them with other nuts, like walnuts, pecans, cashews, pine nuts (if you’re Saudi royalty lol), etc.

I was going to fill them with a mixture of thick cream and strawberry jam, but I’ll wait for a better batch.