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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15598767 No.15598767 [Reply] [Original]

Why have so many people on /ck/ been getting angry and going on fabulistic rants about the dangers of beans? What caused this bizarre surge in anti-bean hysteria? Have keto-tards suffered so much brain damage from their diets that they actually believe beans are unhealthy?

>> No.15598825

no, its just that a real chili has no beans

>> No.15598926

That's why it tastes worse.

>> No.15598956

Goddamn chili autists

>> No.15598964

if ya'll know beans about chili, ya'll know that real chili aint got no beans

>> No.15598976

I don’t know how you could torture a reason for thinking beans are unhealthy unless they have something I’m not aware of like how rice tends to contain a lot of arsenic

>> No.15598990


>> No.15599053

You are wrong, so wrong that it is beyond the point of no return to what is right and good.
Beans make the Chilli.
Without beans its just pasta sauce without the pasta.

>> No.15599069

the beef makes the chili. what kind of femboy shit are you saying

>> No.15599130

>Have keto-tards suffered so much brain damage from their diets that they actually believe beans are unhealthy?


>> No.15599260

>t skyliner

>> No.15599390

in my opinion olives taste worse

>> No.15599409

yes we're well aware manbabies plague this board

>> No.15599431

Op thinkn about thos beans

>> No.15599750

Texas didn't invent chili you retard

>> No.15599781

Beans are healthy and delicious. As an added bonus they cause HUGE farts and great shits.

>> No.15599804

texas invented proper chili soyboy

>> No.15599840

Beans make you toot thereby nullifying any health benefits by tremendously decreasing quality of life and also poorfags eat them because their entire life is one great big fart to begin with.

>> No.15599868

the only thing Texas invented is a faulty power grid

>> No.15600125
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Lol if you want the biggest brap factory potential, make a soup 2/3 cabbage and 1/3 onions. add stock and spices for flavor. recommend washing the bedsheets the morning after cause its gonna smell like a dog died in there...6 months ago.

Honestly you could fill multiple balloons with the gas you'll be making.

>> No.15601173

Sounds comfy, you got a cabbage and onion soup recipe?

>> No.15601185

In my experience, hard boiled eggs generate the absolute nastiest farts. If you ate two cartons worth of hard boiled eggs you could stink out the whole Madison Square Garden with your butt bombs.

>> No.15601230

uhhh its literally: Cabbage + onion in water with whatever shit you want it to taste like...

>> No.15602230 [DELETED] 

Beans have to be soaked to remove phytates. Ideally they should be treated with a small amount of ash or lye, then rinsed again even after initial soaking and rinsing.

>> No.15602237

>grains are unhealthy
>sugar is unhealthy
>fats are unhealthy
>meat is unhealthy
>fruit is unhealthy
>beans are unhealthy
>milk is unhealthy

>> No.15603022

What is healthy anon?

>> No.15604484

Beans are a great way to get all your daily servings of fruit.

>> No.15604534

A lot of beans contain lectins, which can wreak all kinds of havoc (such as ricin), but they can be cooked or fermented out. Soak your beans to lower cooking time and reduce flatulence, and cook until done.

>> No.15604541

You sick fucks deserve the get the rope first and I think no-beaners are second in line for it, chili has beans and gas-likers are worse than scum “people”

>> No.15604784

only anglos shill for beans

>> No.15604888

your sister bullied you again today?

>> No.15604916

t. doesn't know shit about Central America or the Indian subcontinent

>> No.15604981
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For all those Deenz lovers lurking, a few beans adds a nice fibrous chewy texture to the tin, with bread as well; its ok but feels like more than a snack food then.

>> No.15605375

>Have keto-tards suffered so much brain damage from their diets that they actually believe beans are unhealthy?
Uhh, they are. Farting is a sign that something is wrong.

>> No.15605396


>> No.15605400

Sure bro just like how chicago invented proper pizza amirite?

Chili is from Mexico, not Texas.

>> No.15605404

But Texas is Mexico

>> No.15605406

Phytates protect you against cancer and vascular diseases.

>> No.15605409

Yeah true I can't argue with that

>> No.15605434

Farting isn’t a sign something is wrong you goof

>> No.15605436


>> No.15605444

Of course it is.

>> No.15605454
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i made ground beef tacos thebother nihht and put a tin o black beans in it cuz I had it around but i didnt realise until it was too late that I accidentally made chili wat do senpaitachi

>> No.15605455


>> No.15605629

Farting is good for you because it gets toxins out of your body. Farts smell awful because they’re full of toxins. If you don’t get the toxins out by farting they build up in your body and leach into your tissues.

>> No.15605680

this is ytmnd tier shit dribbling out of your mind onto the keyboard. Your liver must be disgusted with your very existence.

>> No.15606159


>> No.15606543

It’s not my fault you don’t understand how the human body works.

>> No.15606818
File: 1.90 MB, 320x200, hee hee ho ho.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this guy still practices trephining for inbalanced humours.

>> No.15607760

I am very pro-beans but this is stupid fucking logic
If farting is expelling tocins from the body, wouldn't not ingesting what causes farts and introduces the toxins be better?

>> No.15607872

Toxins naturally build up in your stomach and intestines no matter what you eat. Only way to get them out is to fart them out.

>> No.15608325

there are no thirdies here
15% of 4chan is anglo

>> No.15608330 [DELETED] 

No they don’t and you can be jailed for spreading false medical information.

>> No.15608463

Is this seriously true? I'm very interested if you can there's an article or something about this. Seems like any stomach toxins are more likely to be processed by the liver than being farted out

>> No.15608468 [DELETED] 

* or even killed

>> No.15608693
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>and my defense is that I believed the information gathered on a peer reviewed Bolivian Balloon Bursting Board. It seemed legit gov; there was a frog picture and some kind of different colored text!

>> No.15608698

no its not true. there a reason why this >>15606818 faggot is laughing or some shit.

>> No.15608892

After that eat some dried prunes

>> No.15608896

If you want some similar stuff look up "Amazing gallbladder and liver flush"

>> No.15608912

I haven't bean on /ck/ in years and come back to this shit
what the fuck

>> No.15610277

which is why you dont do what the beaners do, and take those nasty little shits out of my chili. beans dont go in chili

>> No.15610292

t. beanlet

>> No.15610857

Sugar is unironically the devil though.

>> No.15610861

Probably that nigger-faggot that wrote a sci-fi novel about lectins destroying the universe

>> No.15610959

Im on a 2 week keto liver cleanse. so far, its not as bad as i thought with all the fat covered veg im eating.

>> No.15610968

>liver cleanse
Bro, if your liver isn't filtering toxins properly you've got liver failure. You don't need to do liver cleanses.

>> No.15611016

What are you, stupid? Everyone knows that forcing your liver to process loads of fats and indigestible plant-materials is the best way to really scrub the sucker out. It’s like when you throw metal shavings in your gas tank to clean out the pistons.

God, 4channels is so fucking undereducated.

>> No.15611065

i'm pretty sure the idea is to get your body to start processing the fat better and more naturally instead of relying on sugars. also, something about more bile production is better. i like the logic behind it.

>> No.15611132

>more bile production good
My liver overproduced bile after I drink >50% of a bottle of vodka. I think you don’t, nor do others, actually have any idea what is good for your body and what isn’t. Perhaps it’s best to leave these types of practices to people who have been educated in it, although who those people are is slipping my mind. Are they proctors? Cocktors? Contractors?

>> No.15611225

My liver overproduced bile after I drink >50% of a bottle of vodka.

Maybe you should try drinking 100% of the bottle you fucking waste

>> No.15611238

>can’t greentext
Go eat your greasy vegetables you fucking lard ass
Al/ck/ies vs fatties is a battle as old as time itself but at least being an al/ck/ie doesn’t make me automatically undesirable to women you pathetic fuck

>> No.15611629

They have stuff that inhibits absorption of a fraction of the mineral they supply, which means you're absorbing less than all the minerals, which means you are losing all the minerals and will die

Phytates prevent butt cancer.

>> No.15611833

>Without beans its just pasta sauce without the pasta.

Are you from Cincinnati?