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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15589124 No.15589124 [Reply] [Original]

>asian food
>full of spice
>aztec food
>tortillas dipped in spice
>had mustard
Why do I feel like that spices have their own stories? And why do I feel like Europe sucks when it came to spices?

>> No.15589169
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>> No.15589177

If you don't know about indigenous European spices just say so.

>> No.15589233

if you look at ancient roman recipes it's just cumin and fish sauce on everything.

>> No.15589237

Hungary and the Balkans would like to have a word with you

>> No.15589243

I said Europe. Bringing up the Balkans is stretching it.

>> No.15589250

There are a few dozen native European spices. Many of them don't get much use today outside of niche local communities.
Besides the common Mediterranean herbs, some others that still see popular use include coriander, juniper, anise, saffron, myrtle, angelica, fennel, sumac, truffle, celery, chive, and horseradish.

There are so few preserved ancient Roman recipes and many of them include herbs and spices we no longer know today, like silphium.

>> No.15589263

>spices have their own stories
They do, and scholarly histories have been written about them. I wish I could remember a title to recommend, but if you google "history of spices" or similar, you should get a couple hits.

>> No.15589278

Last I checked the Balkans are firmly in Europe

>> No.15589279

Ok chud

>> No.15589293

Do we really need to go over this again? Spices were used to cover up the taste of shitty rotting produce

>> No.15589464

>source : my ass

>> No.15589480

This. Hence why spices are so popular in Indian and Africa cuisines.

>> No.15589485

Why do you answer yourself?

>> No.15589493

>spices must be spicy

this dude thinks Europe ends in Berlin

>> No.15589572

Can we talk about ork cooking, instead?
>squig soup
>squig pie
>squig steak
>squig filet mignon
>squig porridge

>> No.15589582

>Besides the common Mediterranean herbs, some others that still see popular use include coriander, juniper, anise, saffron, myrtle, angelica, fennel, sumac, truffle, celery, chive, and horseradish.
Doesn't that really confirm that colder climate and spicy food don't tend to traditionally happen? Once again its mainly centered on warmer Med area.

>> No.15589595

>Literally developed the entire world and waged war for centuries to control spice trade
>durrrr yurop can't into spice

Kill yourself.

>> No.15589601

What's wrong with mustard

>> No.15589612

It burns horribly.

>> No.15589618
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Isn't that the point?

>> No.15589619

>posting NSFW on a blue board

>> No.15589621

It defies Neo-Marxist logic. It's similar to East Asian success in schools and business.

>> No.15589622

Anglos don't really do mustard on their roast chicken.

>> No.15589683 [DELETED] 

stupid fucking nigger
kill yourself faggot

>> No.15589693

Europe did end in Berlin.

>> No.15589739

what a problematic and toxic post

>> No.15589807


>> No.15589854
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>> No.15589887

Herbs > spices

>> No.15589943
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Try again, faggot

>> No.15589947

>I hate foreigners
Lmao back to your brainrot circlejerk /pol/cuck

>> No.15589955

It's to cover up the taste of bad meat
Not a problem for northerners

>> No.15589965

because euro food mainly uses herbs not spices, because spices were expensive and the peasants didn't have them, so they used herbs instead.

>> No.15589966
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>referencing dark-age culinary practices
Yep it's a Northerner.

>> No.15589968

Dumb niggers will reply to this bait thread.

>> No.15589969
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>Literally sail to the end of the world and conquer people you've never even knew existed to acquire spices
>FFW 4 centuries
ffs make a choice

>> No.15589980

Go back to your containement board, /pol/.

>> No.15590002

>Doesn't that really confirm that colder climate and spicy food don't tend to traditionally happen?
Ehhhh. If so, mostly incidentally. Pretty much every people used what they could get, which meant either living near the tropical or subtropical areas where those spices were easily cultivated (like India) or having access to a significant trade network (like Rome and Renaissance Italy).

>> No.15590058

lmao seething faggot.

>> No.15590060

ah, the old /pol/ retardation

>> No.15590070


>> No.15590079

what continent would you put them on then?

>> No.15590519

>it's only /pol/ if I disagree with it

>> No.15590539

in europe they were status symbols

>> No.15590545

European food is pretty good, but the mediterranean and the Middle East have the greatest food. Very sorry bros.

>> No.15590555

also basically erbs and spice are "functionally" the same thing but herbs=cheap and spice=expensive
but to be more precise everything that was an expensive ingredient was considered a spice, even sugar

>> No.15590581

Middle East. Aka Shitlands.

>> No.15590689

the spices europeans wanted was shit like cinnamon and nutmeg.
>wow karen these gingerbread cookies are too spicy for me

explain all the spicy indian food that's vegetarian then

>> No.15590726

>vegetables can't spoil

>> No.15590737

>cultural practices have no practical origins

>> No.15590747

>implying there is something racial about what I said somehow
Take your meds.

>> No.15590788

>middle east is a continent
Make like a kebab and get removed

>> No.15590813

I know the concept of flavour hasn't reached your lot yet but the modern application of herbs and spices has changed quite a bit in the 900 years you weren't paying attention.

>> No.15590815
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Nice another American mutt.

>> No.15590826

Lol, you're such a fucking faggot.
Get off 4chan, please we could use the better quality.

>> No.15590832

Okay nigger.
See this fucking immigrant from reddit? He constantly brings up pol for no reason what so ever, absolutely seething someone from pol ripped his shitty arguments out so now he has to come here.

>> No.15590836

The Balkans, also known as the Balkan Peninsula, are a geographic area in southeastern Europe with various definitions and meanings, including geopolitical and historical. The region takes its name from the Balkan Mountains that stretch throughout the whole of Bulgaria. Wikipedia
Population: ca. 55 million (32 million only the peninsula's part)
Location: Southeast Europe (12 Countries)
And you useless niggers call poltards, tards unironically.
Get fucking murdered or kill yourself.

>> No.15590860

Good cuck.

>> No.15591546
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What are these niche spices you speak of?
First of all, that is a bullshit folk theory- they were used for many purposes including flavor, ritual, and preservation. Secondly, literally every cuisine has been extensively shaped by preservation techniques, so this 'fun fact' that pops up in every thread about yuro cuisine is retarded to begin with. If you wonder why techniques like confit, smoking, curing, fermentation, and pickling exist, there is your answer.

>> No.15591554

Speak for yourself retard

>> No.15591797

Covering up the flavour of rot =/= preservation

>> No.15591808

blow it out your ass

>> No.15591876

Chud= Chad+Stud

>> No.15591888
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>Triggered this hard by condiments

There are only 2 genders

>> No.15591898 [DELETED] 
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I agree with him, that makes it a we

>> No.15591932

ahhh now i get it. Thanks for the clarification anon.

>> No.15591967
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yeah, at least its what I think it is, makes sense to me.

>> No.15592036

Many spices have been a precious resource for most of recorded history. Somebody who could afford a spice like nutmeg or saffron would not be using it on spoiled meat. The ancients didn't establish hazardous international trade routes to exchange poorfag goods.

>> No.15592078

Because in addition to covering up spoiled or old meat spices and herbs also taste good.

>> No.15592099

We don't have hardly any records of European cooking before the spice trade blew up. Its all word of mouth and peasant food. Seriously we don't even have a terribly good idea of what medieval foods for kings was like.

Its not that Europeans didn't have spices in their food, it's that the spice trade completely obliterated old dishes because we had so many new combinations and literacy.

>> No.15592170

You never made it past middle school I take it?
And you think Milk comes from a carton?
The state of education these days.


>> No.15592183

Europe has tonnes of spices, it's just that the 'new' flavours introduced from spice trade ushered in a new era of progressive wealth and luxury. And can arguably be the point where the term middle class first came I to existence.
Think items like vanilla, tea and cocoa.

>> No.15592215

yeah but no one applies the no spice meme to countries that adopted new world ingredients like spain and italy. it's just shitty ones like england and norway that ignored them to keep eating blood sausage and rotten fish that get insulted.

>> No.15592291

They only have spices because black ottomans ruled over them for centuries

>> No.15592379

That's a retarded statement Spain has tonnes of blood sausages that blow out yer asshole.

>> No.15592436

The diversity of flora in the subtropics is why there are many spices that are not endemic to evropa

>> No.15592498

One mans poorfag daily item is another mans treasure

>> No.15592619

capsicum peppers are native to the americas and were not introduced to the old world and asia until about the 16th century when the conquistadores returned. depending on your definition of "traditional" it can be argued that their use doesnt extend back far enough historically to be considered "traditional". also, and this is by far the more contributing factor of their lack of presence in colder climate cultures, chilies are very temperature sensitive and difficult to grow in colder environments. i live in the NE USA and i would not be able to grow peppers in any decent capacity without modern climate control.

conversely, consider how much cabbage and garlic is featured in higher-latitude cuisines. many cultivars of cabbage thrive in cold soil and garlic needs to be planted in the fall and grows through winter.

tl;dr cuisines are based on what grows easily their environments

>> No.15593024

what are you talking about warm countries like mexico, italy, and china use way more garlic than cold ones. the only thing nothern countries have going for them is dairy.

>> No.15593203

you know that a good half of Italy sits on about the same latitude as Maine? not to mention that most of that is relatively high-altitude because theyre in the middle of the Alps. a good portion of China is on a similar latitude also, and a good portion of China is mountainous too. that being said Chinese cuisine is so regionally diverse that its a mistake to lump them all together under the "Chinese" label. not to mention that regular trade between cold and warm cultures skews this all.

look, im not saying that mexico cant grow garlic, or cabbage, or other colder weather crops. my point is more that colder climates are more restricted when it comes to crop choice due to a shorter growing season, while lower latitude cultures have a much wider gamut of what they can grow in a season. because of that, there is less "emphasis" on those cold weather crops.

>> No.15593534

It's a climate thing. You can grow most spices in cold climates. That's why Europe colonized the world for their spices.

>> No.15593605

Spices are not the same as "spicy." Not all spices are spicy.
Horseradish, however, is incredibly spicy, so I think you're just retarded.

>niche spices like celery (seed) or coriander
Makes one think.

>> No.15593626

What a fucking retard.

>> No.15593681

How come spices in Europe are considered to be a matter of taste while they're considered standards in Mesoamerican or Asia?

>> No.15593706
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There's your problem buddy

>> No.15593779
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>> No.15593825

Edit: can't
Likely culture. If your parents didn't use spices, you're unlikely to value well seasoned food. If you live in a plave where spices are plentiful, its more likely that a food is seen as to have certain spices or its done 'wrong'.

>> No.15593863

I see. From what I know, Aztecs used a lot (and I do mean a lot) of spices, and whenever they needed to fast (fasten? Not sure), they dropped the spices and ate their stuff raw.