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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15588183 No.15588183[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is Latin food the world’s greatest cuisine?

>> No.15588200
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tempus fugit when you're a faggot

>> No.15588209

Esoteric shitpost.

>> No.15588221

>8 million variations of rice beans and occasionally chicken
Don't get me wrong they make some good shit, but the best? Not even fucking close.

>> No.15588239

So what is the world’s greatest cuisine then? Don’t say Italian, when it’s 90% pasta

>> No.15588249

all their was food stolen from other cultures
>corn based food stolen form natives
>grilled meats and spices stolen from the arabs
>rice stolen from asia
mutt culture.

>> No.15588262

yeah taco bell is alright

>> No.15588271
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>> No.15588282

>everyone cooks seasoned meat over fire
>rice was stolen from Africa
Dumb yuropoor

>> No.15588285

>pic for ants

>> No.15588294

Right, and as if Anglo cuisine is completely exempt from any sort of cultural diffusion throughout history, and all their dishes are completely unique and sacrosanct in their own right, sharing no similarities with foods from other cultures in general.

Why are /pol/faggots such literal retards?

>> No.15588297

You forgot chili and sea bass

>> No.15588306

>rice was stolen from africa
not the fucking rice they use in latin food you dumb shit. oryza sativa is the rice they spaniards introduced in the 1500s

>> No.15588309

>pol boogeyman
Why are zoomer commies so scared of retarded 30 something virgins?

>> No.15588314

>butthurt autist whines after consulting thesaurus.com
take a hike, fag

>> No.15588321


>> No.15588324
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>hurrrr durrrr me no understahnd dose 10 dollar worhds big wuords huort me braiyn

Go to school, you stupid faggot.

>> No.15588327
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full res has "embedded" shit or whatever

>> No.15588329

Please don’t use those hateful /p*l/ words here.

>> No.15588333

(psst that they're easily understood is part of the insult, don't worry about it)

>> No.15588345

And the Spaniards got it from Africa, you fucking mong.

>> No.15588346

This, Euros weren't eating African rice kek

>> No.15588348

>Oryza sativa, commonly known as Asian rice
are you retarded by chance?

>> No.15588353

>still hasn't refuted his argument
>instead resorts to childish ad-hominems

Never change, /pol/. Never change.

>> No.15588365

passive aggressive whining isn't an argument it's a mating call for leftists

>> No.15588366

>"his" argument
>same redditspacing
>same punctuation and tone in writing style
you get an F in samefagging, see me after class.

>> No.15588375

Why are commie zoomies so narcissistic that they always assume they’re arguing with a single anon? It’s fine, you can ignore this question too.

>> No.15588380
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>> No.15588382

>I have no way to refute his argument, therefore I'll just double down and say that it wasn't an argument

Once again, never change /pol/. Anglo culture is just as complicit in stealing from other cultures as any other, least you could do is just accept it.

>> No.15588392 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15588397
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>pic related


>> No.15588402

Ah, got it. You’re a sad white boi who is desperately race baiting for attention. Protip: You’ll get better results if you racebait in rice cooker threads. The changs get fucking fulious.

>> No.15588407

yaaaaass solidarity forever, hombros

>> No.15588408
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hahaha don't think you're getting away with deleting that you dumb phoneposter

>> No.15588412

>/pol/ whiner shits up another thread
What a surprise.

>> No.15588416

So what you're saying is that I'm correct, and the only way you could respond at this point is by throwing more ad-hominems? Got it.

>> No.15588420

oh no we won't be able to discuss cornmeal

>> No.15588422
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i'm telling the grand wizard on you

>> No.15588423

Ah, got it. You’re a sad white boi who is desperately race baiting for attention. Protip: You’ll get better results if you racebait in rice cooker threads. The changs get fucking fulious.

>> No.15588437

You know, just because tomorrow's President's Day doesn't mean that you still don't have any homework assignments you still need to catch up on. Surely you don't wanna get left back in the 10th grade for the third year in a row now.

>> No.15588561
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italians would like a word

>> No.15588576

Italy and Japan. If you want to include melting pot cultures its impossible to beat Singapore's culinary scene.

>> No.15588600

Only good Latin food is the gentrified version. These people criticize whites for lack of seasoning but don't know how to use anything but goya adobo

>> No.15588658
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for anyone wondering

>> No.15588660
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nope, it's asians

>> No.15588671

who cares

>> No.15588906

It's mostly corn, cilantro, avocado and 10 types of refried beans. Where's that mexican dorito gif when you need it?

>> No.15589044
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>> No.15589339

Japanese food is shitty outside of sushi.

>> No.15589345

Id go with laquisha