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15587673 No.15587673 [Reply] [Original]

i am setting up a duck farm and i am wondering if duck eggs taste good

>> No.15587689

They are an upgrade from chicken eggs. They will make your baked goods much better. Some people don't like eating them alone as much as chicken eggs but I do because of the bigger yolk. Also you should make salted duck eggs because they're delicious, just takes a few weeks

>> No.15587692

Yeah, though they've got a strange richness to them that you don't get from chicken eggs. You don't really notice it when you use them for baking and stuff, but if you're frying them up or boiling them, you really get it.

>> No.15587693

Quack quack haha

See what I did there ha quack

>> No.15587695

Ching Chong bing bong your cuisine is disgusting

>> No.15587701

do they taste good scrambled

>> No.15587717
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There's some ducks that congregate around my local wendys and pester strangers for fries. I'm almost positive I could lure one into my car. Anyone have any tips for butchering/cooking duck?

>> No.15587727

>eating urban duck
May as well eat a crow.

>> No.15587734

might want to look up the migratory bird act before trying it.

>> No.15587740

>I'm almost positive I could lure one into my car
You're not wrong, but you'd need a license depending on where you live.

>> No.15587744

Duck eggs are great, thicker whites than chicken eggs.

>> No.15587748

The big issue with ducks is removing all of the feathers and down

>> No.15587759

Wow, you have absolutely zero knowledge of the subject, but you decided to "set up a duck farm".
This is sure to go well, you are a brilliant man indeed. Do you need some capitol investment? Because your plans seem solid as fuck. Keep wondering what tastes good, my friend.

>> No.15587765

Make multiple trips, lure some hens and a drake, 2nd gen won't taste like shit.

>> No.15587772

i use to breed dogs and i want to have have something else that could bring in the money

>> No.15587787

I think so. I haven't had them in a way that I've disliked them
I live in Missouri, faggot. Go back to your containment board

>> No.15587790
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I can't catch a crow anon they're too smart.

I'm not a lawyer, but these birds are here year round so I'm sure they don't migrate.

I have a license how do you think I drive to wendys lolol.

>> No.15587809

if your going to cook them remember to make them fat and i heard their liver tastes good

>> No.15587880

We kept ducks for a long time.
The eggs are noticeably different, somewhat fishy- not bad but unfamiliar.
First time duck egg eaters will think "this chicken egg tastes wrong", that's the main reason for objection.
For this reason I tend to use them in Asian dishes like tea eggs, Myanmar egg soup or egg drop soup- nobody find them strange if the dish is also unfamiliar.

They perform a bit strangely in baked goods as well, not so much in flavor but in texture.
This was far more pronounced in our eggs because our ducks lived on forage because we herded them about the wetlands.

>> No.15587897

It's not that hard you stupid fuck, especially not with the absurd amount of resources available to learn

>> No.15588019

Our ducks growing up were just fed what the chickens ate which was seeds and corn, they never had weird tasting eggs. It must be the diet

>> No.15588171

I really want to try an ostrich egg someday. But one egg is = to 2 dozen chicken eggs or something. Itd be cool

>> No.15588178

Oh you can taste the difference in any case.
It's only weird if you're used to chicken eggs and then just get a cooked duck egg- if you are used to duck eggs it's not an issue.
It's that old thing about expectation and disgust, people are often disgusted by the unexpected.

But our ducks ate mostly bugs, so their eggs were much 'duckier'.
We also saved the shells, powdered them and mixed them back into the duck feed
You could break a dozen supermarket eggs with one of our duck eggs.

>> No.15589133

I think they taste weird, but you should fertilize them to eat balut. I would eat balut over any other egg dish any day.

>> No.15589149

What does the taste of duck eggs have to do with raising, caring for, and breeding ducks?

>> No.15589174
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>free balut
Yes they are fucking delicious. Get yourself some good quality rice wine vinegar and learn when to wait to steam them.

>> No.15589641

I've never had ostrich egg but I've eaten emu egg a few times which is basically the same thing. Don't get too hyped for it, it's a blander tasting yolk and the whites have a slightly different texture, altogether not very pleasant

>> No.15589713

pretty good, make your custards better than anything. Have gotten so much pussy from the little bastards making a killer dessert

>> No.15589737

obviously OP will have plenty of duck eggs to eat as a result of breeding ducks, you fucking dunce

>> No.15589750

Nope. Too waxy

>> No.15589875


>> No.15589929

They are very rich. One egg is like 3 chicken eggs.

>> No.15590336

Turtle eggs are superior

>> No.15592206

Duck eggs and duck meat are miles better than chickenlets. A shame people around here don't often eat them

>> No.15592305

Duck is bad for my digestion, but that's just me. More power to you if duck is your thing

>> No.15593483
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tell me the tales of missouri

>> No.15593539

You can actually take a propane torch and burn all the hair off dogs much faster than boiling.

>> No.15593568

there are holes in your eggs

>> No.15593581


>> No.15594073

Absolute top tier eggs for baking.

>> No.15594092

Your duck's eggs tasted fishy because you let them forage in wetlands.

>> No.15594547

Filipino balut is nature's Viagra.

>> No.15595726

OP still here? Post pics of your setup

>> No.15595781
File: 151 KB, 566x755, my comfy duckc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here are my duckusus

>> No.15595783

How do they handle cold weather?

>> No.15595990


>> No.15596009

They loved the snow for a while. They are in a coop with deep bedding, it seems to keep them warm. I also give them warm water 3 times a day and plenty of food.

Ducks can be outside without any shelter in temps as low as 20 degrees american. They aren't thrilled with the -10 degree days we've been getting but they still go out and swim.

>> No.15596019
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correct, ducks aren't migratory, if it bothered them they'd be geese or terns or something.

>> No.15596021
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They taste almost the same. At least with chickens getting similar feed. The yokes are harder to separate from the whites and they seem a bit richer. They also lay wherever the urge comes over them in the middle of the night so you have to look around for them.

>> No.15596030

Thats a moscuvy duck or however you spell it. A domestic bird not related to most other breeds of domestic ducks. It makes mules when you breed them with a a pekin.
Hot water and soap helps a lot.