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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15584634 No.15584634 [Reply] [Original]

Nothing like that first puff of the day.

>> No.15584642

one more day closer to death amirite?

>> No.15584643

arent we all?

>> No.15584650

Luv me some perique. Simple as.

>> No.15584666

correct but some sooner than others and a bit more violently

>> No.15584674

Life and death is all random, enjoy it while you can my friend

>> No.15584691

devil trips of truth

>> No.15584739

Are cigarettes just placebo? I don't feel anything when i smoke

>> No.15584763

Tabaco doesn't get you high or ""intoxicated"" are you under age or just really stupid? Your brain will feel the chemicals effect still

>> No.15584797

first puff is great, then there is rapid diminishing returns on the satisfaction, and then you feel like garbage for 20 minutes, and then you're tired and sad again.
it's more about the anticipation and the immediate and short lived high of that first puff.
that's literally it.
everything else is chasing that high.

>> No.15584802

It's more about the break from it all. Can't just go outside and stare at nothing

>> No.15584826

It's not like smoking weed, where once you have it you feel more elated and relaxed, it's more like having a nice cool drink on a hot summers day.
>are you under age or just really stupid?
>cant even spell tobacco correctly

>> No.15584827

yeah, agreed to a large extent.
i've been smoking for 15 years and it's been great at times but now i mostly fucking hate it. it's really annoying to manage a nicotine addiction.
but there's no denying the quiet time to stand outside is nice.
but i also noticed that a non-trivial proportion of my quiet times outside was spent looking at my phone and trying to just suck them down to get the nicotine hit, and that made me sad. i still try to just relax and appreciate, but idk.
i agree, i wish i could just stand outside every couple hours for ten minutes and not feel weird or whatever. maybe if i were cooler.

>> No.15584838

Who /vape/ here?

>> No.15584849

>enjoying pussy sticks

>> No.15584859

Yeah but you don't feel like as much of an addict, and you don't smell at all

>> No.15584864

I'm sure you smell just not like cigarette smoke.

>> No.15584871

the virgin smoking a cig vs the CHAD loiter aimlessly

>> No.15584964

I only vape weed because it's a cleaner high than regular joints, fuck your gummy bear surprise bullshit, that would scar your lungs

>> No.15584973

calm down satan

>> No.15584985

I haven’t smoke in almost half a year. I quit cold turkey too. I don’t think I was ever addicted but was just depressed and it help eased the stress the last 4-5 years

>> No.15584986

>English is the only language that exists
Yeah you are underage probably that would explain

>> No.15585022

I smoked for 10 years, starting when I was 16 (quit cold turkey 2 years ago), you definitely can feel something after smoking a cigarette.

When I first started, I couldn’t smoke more than maybe 5 per day because the effect was too strong. By the time I went to college I was pretty desensitized, but that probably had more to do with the frequency of my smoking than anything else. The effect has diminishing returns just like most biological reactions. The best feeling was drinking coffee on the drive to campus and having the first cigarette of the day on the walk to class. Doesn’t get much more satisfying than that.

Towards the end I was chain smoking 2-3 cigarettes on my breaks at work and I was feeling it then, but it was more about the whole ritual of secluding myself in the smoke shack and playing iPhone games before I returned to the grind than the actual buzz from the smoke. The second hardest part of quitting was replacing my break ritual at work. Easily the hardest part was craving a cigarette while drinking.

For those interested in quitting, know that it might be easy for a week or two, but the real trial comes in at about 2 or 3 months. Once you get over that hump it’s basically negligible. I went 13 months with no smoking of any kind and on my following birthday I decided I’d reward myself with a cigar. I allow myself a cigar for special occasions (only done it twice including that birthday reward cigar) but it’s nice having reassurance in the back of my head because it makes quitting feel more like a merge rather than a cliff.

>> No.15585029

Not food.

>> No.15585036


>> No.15585051

why are there ALWAYS these faggy, passive-aggressive bitch tits comments on cigarette threads?

I thought this was fucking 4chin, not a gathering of soccer moms. Kill yourself nigger

>> No.15585280

>The English word tobacco originates from the Spanish and Portuguese word "tabaco". The precise origin of this word is disputed, but it is generally thought to have derived at least in part, from Taíno, the Arawakan language of the Caribbean.
Fair enough, I was wrong, but only a fag would call it the "proper" name

>> No.15585286

You mean like a semi-truck just crashing into your bedroom?

>> No.15585304

I quit smoking using a mindfulness app. One of the things they have you do is go outside and stare at nothing for a minute. It's pretty nice.

>> No.15585311

Nobody has ever died from cigarettes. Its usually from things those people already had

>> No.15585337
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They now tax the fuck out of cigarettes and its like $10 a pack now. Very interested in RYO but I don't know what kind of tobacco to buy. It seems everything is labeled as 'pipe tobacco' now to avoid being taxed. Smoking anons plz halp.

>> No.15585374

thats just american spirit.
Filters are made from solid wood

>> No.15585398

Isn't that bad for business? I always thought tobacco companies wanted their customers to be addicted

>> No.15585407

dumb: the post

>> No.15585414

honestly, that's silly enough to remember and might actually help me

>> No.15585464

I'd always light the lucky one backwards half way through the pack, so I gave up on it

>> No.15585500

learn to inhale
Daughters and Ryan 3 Sails, Ramback (for Turkish). They have several other blends. Brands other than DR are cheaper and not as good but Ohm maybe the best of them. Peter Stokkebye Amsterdam, Norwegian if you want to be fancy. Gizeh and Mascotte tubes are the best but cant get in the US, except maybe Gizeh Silver Tip/extra.

>> No.15585592

that'd be an awesome way to die, i would never see that shit coming, especially since i sleep on the third floor

>> No.15585617

Additives are things added in. For example in some food they may have an additive to help prevent it getting spoiled quickly, it's not really linked with addiction. With some additives they're bad and can fuck you up. Remember when the blue smarties would make kids go mental and hyperactive? That may be considered a bad additive. Also saying something is additive free makes it look better to the customer. They may see is as the additives make the tobacco worse so it being additive free it's better, so they buy that one. Nicotine is the substance you get addicted too

>> No.15585757

Every day you wake up is a day closer to death damn............

>> No.15586473

AS Black and black coffee
Satan is a liar

>> No.15586516

Satan is not heathen

>> No.15586529

ive never tried them. how yall think it tastes?

>> No.15586540

absolute gorillanigger monkey

>> No.15586583

Based American Spirit anon. But lately I've been trying to do nic salt pouches instead

>> No.15587732

>not turquoise
shit taste, ledditor

>> No.15587866
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Clearly you have never smoked a cigar in your life. Or any "tabaco" at all for that matter.

>> No.15587875
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>smoking mass produced shit
>not growing your own tobacco

>> No.15587881

hell, i can't even find the text in your piece of shit image

>> No.15587891

>Life and death is all random,
No it literally is not.
You smokers are such brainlets.

>> No.15587899
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Nice image, shitlord.

>> No.15587918

>Acting elitist over your addiction
>My way of devaluing my car, my home, and everything I own is better than yours.
Big oof.

>> No.15587934

People do randomly die though

>> No.15587940


>why yes, I inhale dioxin and shower in chlorine and drink fluoride, how can you too?

>> No.15587950

uh huh. but most people don't. That's just a cope smokers tell themselves. That and the one about your grandfather who smoked like a chimney and lived to be 300 years old.

You doing something unhealthy doens't bother me, people lying to themselves bothers me. People telling those lies to me bothers me even more.

>> No.15587959
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>and drink fluoride

>> No.15587966


>> No.15588022

>but most people don't
Yeah, like human combustion or a seagull knocking someone off a ledge, shit just happens. And don't know what you mean about lying, I haven't been lying about anything

>> No.15588028

I’ve tried these they’re actually pretty good. Not a cig smoker even

>> No.15588063
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>be the goodest goy
>live a long and healthy life
>reach age 79 with no health problems cause you never smoked or drank or did anything unhealthy
>a feral jogger breaks in, rapes you, and breaks your leg

>> No.15588070

You sound retarded. Nicotine is a stimulant and a pretty based one. Less jittery than caffeine.

>> No.15588074

99.9% of people die of predictable things. The whole I-could-get-hit-by-lightning-tomorrow-so-smoking-doesn't-really-matter thing is a way of lying to yourself about your addiction.
Keep your cognitive dissonance to yourself.

>> No.15588078

Are they comparable to Marlboro Reds?
>implying you want to live in this hellhole any longer

>> No.15588103

You keep saying most people die normal, and I'm not refuting that, I agree obviously
>The whole I-could-get-hit-by-lightning-tomorrow-so-smoking-doesn't-really-matter thing is a way of lying to yourself about your addiction.
I don't lie about my addiction, but I also take breaks because I know the damage, chill your bean I was just piping up

>> No.15588136

There are additives that help the nicotine enter the brain faster. In fact the difference between certain drugs in the same class is often just how quickly they enter the brain, where they are then metabolized into the same active form.
For example, heroin is a methylated form of morphine, but is not very psychoactive. It just gets into the brain much faster and is turned into morphine.
The same is true with methamphetamine vs Adderall. Neither are psychoactive on their own. They are both converted into amphetamine once they enter the brain. Adderall just does this much more slowly than meth.
It’s generally accepted that the quicker a drug can enter the brain and act on your neurotransmitters the more addictive it is. Think about trying to get drunk on vodka vs light beer.

>> No.15588142

reds are pretty poor quality in all honesty.

>> No.15588159

Once when I was smashed, I went to take a drag and instinctually started chewing the filter like it was food. Luckily I was alone and no one saw. Also when smashed I put the lit end of the ciggy in my mouth by accident and badly burnt my tongue and upper lip

>> No.15588173

>There are additives that help the nicotine enter the brain faster.
What exactly are these additives? I've heard this and other "they put something in there to make it more addictive" claims before, usually from idiots. But I can tell from your post that you actually know shit about chemistry and pharmacology, so not only are you probably right, but maybe you can clue me in on it as well.

>> No.15588187

Obsessed. You bunkercuck raiders can't help buy cry about your boogeyman and you shit up every board you find.

>> No.15588215

Very interesting post, like this guy said
>>15588173 please tell me more as I'm not too knowledgeable on the subject

>> No.15588236

Don’t listen to him. He’s a lying anti-tobacco shill.

>> No.15588244

Depending on the type of tobacco they can be different but the main methods are to alkalize the tobacco(for oral absorption like dip, Snus, pipe/cigar) or try and make it more acidic(so it absorbs through the lungs quicker).
Can’t tell you the specific additives but they are likely there to make the smoke burn cooler, or lower the pH, or possibly modify some of the nicotine in such a way that you get a faster “buzz”. If you ever go to the EU and try a standard American cig like Marlboro you’ll notice a distinct difference in the flavor and feel of it because most additives are banned.
In the US the approach to additives is basically “hey we pumped some rats full of this shit and they didn’t get any weird tumors so it must be safe for humans”. And more or less it’s true. You probably won’t die if you smoke a few cigs a day.
Most of the harm for smokers comes from the folks who chain smoke all day and night 2+ packs a day.

>> No.15588909

Much stronger and much higher quality. If you smoke AS after a while you cant go back to major brands. Regular stuff tastes too cheap-artificial. Light blue box AS is generally closer to reds, but none of them are Virginia sweet like reds.
Two best American cigs no doubt. Blacks used to have more perique when they first came out. Still too strong for all day smoking but I guess many ppl do it. Reg light blue, hunter green, celadon, US dark blue, browns, greys also good. I agree though. If I had to pick one its Turquoise. They are no additives, organic, full flavor, strong, and US grown.

>> No.15589107

It's really not that great
I used to smoke a decent amount until one day I was struck by the realisation that there is nothing enjoyable about it at all and I had just been a slave to mind tricks
Quit cold turkey there and then and haven't looked back since

>> No.15589375

*ruins the quality of your belongings with nicotine smog*

>> No.15589441

4chan makes fun of people who cut themselves, people cuckolding, etc.

>> No.15589466

Cigarettes are not food or cooking.

>> No.15589509
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Because for some reason, that anon seems to care about people. Me? I'm here to sneedpost.

>> No.15589798

How much do perique cost in the USA? I live in Canada and would have to cross into buffalo to buy them. Last time I was in Manhattan they were $15/pack

>> No.15589869

yeah what’s up with that, you would think they want as many addictives as possible

>> No.15589881

>underrated post
Smoked 20 a day for most of the last 18 years. Feels good when you need to give your mind a break and the first puff can be good (especially when beer is added to the mix) but after that it's just habit and compulsion. Also it's expensive and makes you smell like shit.

>Fifth week on Chantix, forth week quitting
>Coughing up all the abuse I've given my lungs these last few years but overall starting to feel better

>> No.15589932

Ah yes, General White Portion snus was my main for years and I saw on the ingredients label it had "pH adjuster" in it, along with tobacco, salt, water, and flavoring.

Thanks for the run-down on this, much appreciated.

By the way, based sweden actually makes companies put a fucking ingredients list on snus, which imo should be standard practice for any tobacco product here in the 'states as well.

>You probably won’t die if you smoke a few cigs a day.
Got my fingers crossed here.

>> No.15589962

OK, Satan

>> No.15589979

I picked up a pack of American Spirit Yellows the other day. I heard AS had a reputation of being really high nicotine, but these seem maaaaybe a little stronger than Camel Crush or Marlboro Red 100s (my usual picks).
Is AS Yellow a "light" cigarette? I just picked them because I liked the color on the packaging.
Would appreciate someone ranking all AS colors on nicotine strength desu. I normally use a ton of nicotine pouches in a day, so my body is ready for a high-nicotine cig.

>> No.15590077
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Miss the taste of these even though I don't smoke anymore.
EU banned menthol cigarettes while we (UK) were still in.

>> No.15590108
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so you run and you run to catch up to the sun but it's sinking.
Racing around to come up behind you again.
The sun is the same in a relative way but you're older.
Shorter of breath and one day closer to death

>> No.15590138

shut the fuck up and go back to your deenz thread. the men are talking

>> No.15590207

We're all going to die eventually. If you want to live as a dementia addled, diaper wearing 100 year old that can barely chew warm butter then be my guest.

>> No.15590470
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>> No.15591893
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Black (perique), Turquoise (organic ff), and Brown (filterless) are the highest. Light Blue is the standard AS cig and Yellow are standard lights. All AS have more nicotine than is typical. Why they make it impossible to get a clear picture of their products and exactly what they are
I dont understand.

>> No.15591951

Turquoise: organic full flavor
Gold: organic light

Blue: full flavor
Celadon: medium
Yellow: light
Orange: ultra light

Dark Green: menthol ff
Geeen: menthol light

Dark Blue: ff US grown
Tan: light US grown

Brown: filterless

Black: perique
Grey: light(er) perique

Hunter: ff charcoal filter

I think this is right

>> No.15591993
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>EU banned menthol cigarettes
It hurts every day.

>> No.15592233

american spirits actually helped me quit smoking, by weaning me off the freebased nicotine from marlboros. stopping cold turkey was easy after

>> No.15592238

Care to explain?
And the numbers to next week jackpot while you're at it

>> No.15592239

if I understand this correctly, the blue (full flavor) would be equivalent to something like a Marlboro red or camel yellow/red?

>> No.15592275

For what purpose?

>> No.15592331

Gonna have to try the browns. When I hand roll it's always loose AS tobacco and raw papers. Wonder how the browns compare.

>> No.15592662

>By the way, based sweden actually makes companies put a fucking ingredients list on snus, which imo should be standard practice for any tobacco product here in the 'states as well.
For alcohol too. Always confused me why that wasn't required.

>> No.15592737

Cope and seethe you fucktarded moron, cigarettes are not food or cooking.

>i'm manly for killing myself
No, you're a cuckold for killing yourself.

>> No.15592743

theres a big black market here its 30euro/kilo

>> No.15592772

food and cooking

>> No.15592779

>cigarettes are not food or cooking
Yes, but it's metabolised same with food and drink, plus there's chewy tobacco
>>i'm manly for killing myself
>No, you're a cuckold for killing yourself.
Wont really argue that cause I'm not the guy you replied too, but fuck off using cuckold, it doesn't belong in the sentence you tool

>> No.15592829

protecting minors
didnt work out

>> No.15592882

Cope and seethe.

>> No.15592934

niggas be like: a 10 dollar pack of highly addictive and poisonous smelly piece of shit that you smoke and only gives you pleasure once you got addicted to it? sign me up, here's 2k dollars for a years worth of poison!!

>> No.15592935
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>Cope and seethe.
Says the guy crying about cigarettes not being food. Also certain things like cigars pair well with food, so carry on whining, I'm sure the jannies will listen to you and delete this thread

>> No.15592946

Cope and seethe.

>> No.15592967

Is this you friendo? >>15592934
You're going to make people think we're samefagging replying to me so quick

>> No.15592976


>> No.15593010

No that's not me.

Cope and seethe.

>> No.15593042

Don't forget to go to the tobacco general, or did you get bullied out of there too?
For everyone else, favourite rolling tobacco? I can't smoke ciggies anymore after having amber leaf, just tastes and feels better

>> No.15593067

The only person who's getting bullied is you by me.

Cope and seethe, fucktard.

>> No.15593132

>no u
Classic. Another question for people, have you ever tried vaping rolling tobacco and if so, how was it compared to regular smoking? Certainly wont feel as nice as having a fag though

>> No.15593157

Cope and seethe, fucktard.

>> No.15593280

I haven't smoked in a hot minute, but I would always go for Gauloises organic tobacco or American Spirit.

>> No.15593282

Smoke ain't food

>> No.15593291

Nothing feels as nice as a fag.

>> No.15593352

Never had those, I'm britfag so only familiar with our brands. Been smoking holborn yellow lately because I got given a few pouches, and tastes alright plus a few quid cheaper
That's because it's a vapour frendo
You just cant replicate the feel of it. Those fake electric ciggie things that light the end up come close. Same with weed. It's a cleaner high when using the vape but doesn't come close to chilling with a brew and a joint on your doorstep

>> No.15593838
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Yeah. I investigated some earlier and it looks like Celadon might be a light with a charcoal filter, so more paired with Hunter instead of medium w the main ones. Looks like the menthols are also organic. Also looks like they recently released a Sky Blue, which is an organic with a charcoal filter. Sounds light but wanna try that.

>> No.15593878
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name a more aesthetic and delicious smoke.. i'll wait

>> No.15593898

Look who lives in a trailer park!

>> No.15594496

Peter Stokkebye Norwegian blend, old school hand-rolled no filter. It's too light otherwise. D&R Picayune when it existed.

>> No.15594535
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wish filterless luckies or camels werent like 8 bucks a pack, been smoking cheap duty free shit i find in vietnamese phone shops for years now

>> No.15594598

The tan pack is my favorite. Has a really-straightforward earthy tobacco taste and a tiny hint of sweetness. Hard to find sometimes
Holy shit, are these available in the US?

>> No.15594768

Music & cigarettes are beautiful. The perfect break, especially at the smoking section during a long shift. That dopamine hit of the nicotine mixed with that track that’s been rolling around in your head. Or at the mall. Its inspiring

>> No.15594807

>Black (perique), Turquoise (organic ff), and Brown (filterless) are the highest. Light Blue is the standard AS cig and Yellow are standard lights. All AS have more nicotine than is typical. Why they make it impossible to get a clear picture of their products and exactly what they are
>I dont understand.
Ayyy thanks man. I misremembered your advice and bought a light blue pack when I meant to get turquoise, but as it turns out the light blues are just right for me. Still gotta try the turquoise some time, tho.
And the yellows I have are indeed milder but that makes em good for a just-before-bed smoke.

Also for all the people complaining that this thread isn't about food: would you still be complaining if someone made thread asking what everyone's favorite type of chewing gum is? Or favorite nicotine gum, for that matter?

Which reminds me of a question I've had for a while. Why is nicotine gum so expensive? I can get caffeine pills for basically nothing, saving me money from having to get coffee, but nicotine gum (20 pieces) is always the same price as a pack of cigs (20 cigs) in my area. Is it taxes or something?

>> No.15594845

Those don't exist anymore. I only smoked those. Camel changed the formula on them and they've been shit ever since. They aren't the same as they used to be.

>> No.15595070
File: 394 KB, 1000x1000, RYBack-Gold-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Ryback Gold. It smells like smoky barbecue. It's sold as pipe tobacco, but it's a very fine halfzware shag cut that's perfect for RYO.

>> No.15595072

i have honestly never seen the brown filterless pack in my life. where do they sell them?

>> No.15595131

Not sure I'd ever heard about the tan, but I did try the dark blue once. They seemed fine. Maybe a little sweeter like a Marlboro. I guess Sky is available but dont think Ive seen it.

>> No.15595183

damn. i just got hip to these joints, you're saying i missed out? the package still looks cool, and at the end of the day, isn't that what smoking is all about?

>> No.15595194
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If only my friend. They were replaced with this box. I've practically stopped smoking because I hate this new red box imposter so much.

>> No.15595264


>> No.15595282

The board is food AND cooking, and most cooks smoke.

>> No.15595292
File: 2.03 MB, 2427x3174, 6669B091-A002-4104-88B8-884CE7FF9EB8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which country you live in bro? i just bought these yesterday

>> No.15595335
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Only thing I can get in my area is American Spirit blue and Bugler blue. The Bugler is decent. I used to smoke pic related, but the smoke shop in my area closed, and it's illegal to ship tobacco in my state

>> No.15595567

Fuck off, cigarettes aren't food or cooking.
>destroys your palate
>only thing you can taste is hot sauce
>gives you cancer
>stains your teeth
Smokefags need to leave

>> No.15595695

Not specifically menthols. All taste additives. The reasoning being that if smokes don't taste like candy, fewer young people will start smoking.

I too miss menthols like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.15595712

Vaping tobacco is a thing?
and for vapes i just do strawberry or Hawaiian punch with 50mg of nic

>> No.15595729
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For me its dip. I treat myself every once in a long while and it actually gives you a real nicotine high. Cig smokers are always addicts, but I do enjoy the occasional cig as well.

fucking based

>> No.15595762

nicotine stained fingers typed this

>> No.15595772

Smoking confirmed to be the vice of le dark edgelords

>> No.15595831

damn i remember a few years ago it was like $6 a pack in oregon. it was like startlingly cheap compared to illinois where i live now

>> No.15595923

This. I smoke socially and I get a crazy head buzz, and I've heard the same from multiple people.

After smoking for so long you're not going to get the buzz.

>> No.15596054

Lucky strike unfiltered for me

>> No.15596198


>> No.15596429
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You will never be deified like smokers are in all arthouse films and in European culture. Only Americans (due to their weak constitutions and mental acuity) see smoking as a destructive activity, as is the case with all non-smoker NPCs.

Here in France, the nouveau riche, the powerful, the soulful, the intelligent, the gifted, all partake in smoking. It's quite literally an IQ test of sorts, where the distribution results in something like pic related. "Fucking degenerates" is the final, jealous yelp at smokers, the gnashing of teeth at the beautiful.

>> No.15596444

$18 a pack in Canada, but you can just drive to the reserve and buy from indians for $80/carton

>> No.15596445


>> No.15596515

I live in Australia and once had some amerifat friends send over a few packs of American Spirit. Needless to say, they totally ruined smoking for me. Cigarettes in this country are absolute trash and nothing can ever match the quality of American Spirit.

I actually ended up quitting regular smoking a year or so afterwards because nothing was ever as satisfying again, now I only smoke socially when drinking with friends.

>> No.15596517

upgrade to weed

>> No.15596520


>> No.15596541
File: 66 KB, 500x500, Bali.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to smoke the same stuff.
I gave up on it when the virus started spreading and the shipment became unstable.

>> No.15596545

please report the smoking threads!

>> No.15596571

they seem to have gotten worse over time. an american friend brought me a carton of camel filters and they were great smokes. nothing sold domestically comes even close

>> No.15596618

she now craves the BBC

>> No.15596825

The US have some phenomenal smokes. Eurofag here who went to 'murrica on vacation and got to smoke Marlboro Smooth 100's. There was nothing remotely as good in the EU at the time, then menthol cigs were banned wholesale over here.

>> No.15596929

>be me an american spirits smoker
>Bro my body is my temple.
: Dude you smoke a pack a day.
>Yeah but these are all natural.

Fuck off faggot your $8.00 pack of cigs is no better then anything else you can buy.

>> No.15597804

a cigarette is not a foodage.

>> No.15597897

american spirits take 5ever to smoke.. seriously, it's like 20 minutes for a dart

>> No.15598892

Packaging looks weird without corpses on it

>> No.15599039

You don't eat the butts when you're done???

>> No.15599070
File: 154 KB, 750x724, I remember having these as a kid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shows what you know

>> No.15599075

literally 3 dollars

>> No.15599115

Everybody thought I was a Nazi when I was smoking these...

>> No.15599540

I was surprised to learn yesterday that the EU actually legally caps nicotine in a cigarette. Nothing over .1 mg or something.
Mind reader. Actually considering getting a lb of that. Either that or Rimboche SJ. Ive had the reg Ryback. Its one note but pretty good. Apparently DR got sold last year and has stopped making these blends. No more interesting ones, just the main big sellers like 3 Sails and Ramback made from now on.

>> No.15599556

really want
2 years clean
the only thing i miss is tobacco

>> No.15599597

Because of the native American image? I smoke these but haven't been called a nazi yet.

>> No.15599608
File: 1.01 MB, 1500x2000, 9642CE07-187E-4871-B0A9-8582D5424751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed, I’m used to the dismal British packaging now.

>> No.15599617


>> No.15599668

Dude, you can get it for way cheaper with discount cigs.

>> No.15599757

>makes you think more clearly
>higher concentration levels
>relaxes you
>great social icebreaker

>> No.15599862

Amazing how the packaging increased smoking amongst young people.
Doesn't taste the same after the sugar tax.
Frist, the EU came for my menthols. Second, the government came for my sodies.
When will the torment end?

>> No.15599875

>makes you think more clearly
you spend the rest of the time thinking about cigarettes
>higher concentration levels
yeah, im sure you smoke cigs while taking your fucking English Comp II retard
>relaxes you
From the addiction
>great social icebreaker
yeah i too enjoy socializing with nicoom brains. Grow up.

>> No.15599877

>Doesn't taste the same after the sugar tax

It took me six months to get used to the new taste but now I can’t recall how it used to taste.

>> No.15599929

That would just annoy me that they're using blatant propaganda tactics to scare people into quitting, instead of doing more on the informing them about the bad shit.
I'd smoke out of pure spite at that point.

>> No.15599936
File: 238 KB, 619x412, 1411222952296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>instead of doing more on the informing them about the bad shit.
Ironically, this increased smoking amongst young and poor people.
Welcome to England, leave means leave

>> No.15601258

>calls people nicoom brains
>tells people to grow up
what did he mean by this? can there be any greater projection?

>> No.15601503

>you spend the rest of the time thinking about cigarettes
Speak for yourself, I've got other shit to think about
>nicoom brains
Forcing it

>> No.15601803

You have to get the smoke into your lungs, if you are not, you just fuck up your teeth and throat without any sweet relaxation feeling.

>> No.15601821

>used to smoke in college
>quit cold turkey no problem
>usually have something to drink everyday
Jesus, cigarettes were baby mode compared to trying to quit this shit

>> No.15601832

I am turning 26 soon and I can't get a hard dick anymore, and I figure it must be caused by my cigarette consumption. I have smoked 10-20 cigs per day for about 12 years and don't have anything else wrong with me (or have any other bad habits). So, in the interest of eventually reproducing, I'm finally giving it a rest. I just hope they have tobacco in heaven.

>> No.15602032

Will I open my deck of darts one day only for a disembodied hand to pop out and strangle me to death?

>> No.15602268

Worth it, if it means Morticia or Wednesday will be within looking distance to keep an eye on Thing.

>> No.15603603

>and don't have anything else wrong with me
Nah mate there's definitely some damage you're not aware of. Try breathing in a full lungful of air and compare to when you first started, if you remember but I doubt it.
>I can't get a hard dick anymore
Go to a doctor when possible, your lungs heal themselves over time, which means in few years you should feel better with chest, I think your dick might be fucked though. You were smoking since 13 so that doesn't help things. Only time I can't get a stiffy is if I've had a couple joints, that's just laziness though.

>> No.15603640

The Turkish red pack isn’t the same as Turkish royals