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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15578290 No.15578290 [Reply] [Original]

I am a great chef (I have had over 40 different cooking posistions since i started in 2006) but I cant cook for my cats, Everything time i cook for them is always puked up. Do you recomend me some good recipes for making cat food? Price of ingredient not huge concern (i have a surplus of income from unemployment lol).

>> No.15578298

Yeah, it's called cat food.

>> No.15578302

You need to switch to vegan cat recipes

>> No.15578305

Give them raw kangaroo mince.
Mix some grated vegetables in if you really have to.

>> No.15578303

It's simple, don't cook it. It's a fucking cat, a carnivore that never evolved to eat cooked food. Give them a chunk of raw chicken. Not only will they love it but they'll be healthier than ever.

>> No.15578316

no idiot ythey need certain mineral and vitamins. joe rogan says they need vitamin d

>> No.15578323

That why you give them some organ meat and bones once a week.

>> No.15578329

>40 jobs in 14 years
You sure you're good chef

>> No.15578362

positions asshol,e. not jobs I've had different positions. I've only worked at maybe a dozen different restarants/catering but sometimes i did take one off gigs since they usualy pay well. did one in 2014 got paid $12/ hour all i did was refill peoples water lol.

>> No.15578370
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>>40 jobs in 14 years
Still, it is interesting
Give him canned tuna or any fish, really.
Make him a tuna melt if you can't leave well enough alone

>> No.15578393

https://youtu.be/cofNVuXgjsA i think he made another video like this

>> No.15578448

$12 an hour refilling glasses? You must be a very rich and well known chef.

>> No.15578453

Ah yes, renowned cat nutritionist, sexual abuser and drug addict, Joe Rogan.

>> No.15578459

opening a post with "I am a great chef" sure buddy!

>> No.15578475

WATER. i was not a bartender or a waiter. i just filled water glasses for people and i made bank. it was some stupid corporate confrence. they had a super funny comedian at the end so i also got to see that plus i got some tips. not a bad gig at all huh.

>> No.15578481

sorry i am confident and you arent. maybe in a few years on the frontnlines in a 5 star resterant you'll be ware I am :)

>> No.15578499


Nobody wants to be you. Nobody.

>> No.15578512

Nope, I'm a hobby cook, and I don't claim to be a great chef, so I won't. Guess I'll never know your pride to be ware you are on the frontnlines in a resterant...

>> No.15578546

$12 an hour is less than what McDonald’s workers make where I live

>> No.15578553

why do catfaggots have to ruin every board?

>> No.15578594

not in 2014 i bet and no tips i garantee that. plus ni comedians perform at mcdonalds. oh and do they just walk around filling water? NO . they have to stand on their feet and rush around in a frenzy environment with anxiety and rushes. i just walked around like a cool cat in my button up and bow tye and banked hard. I ALSO didn't stink like a greesy mop bucket when i got off work AND i got paid cash THAT DAY no tax. Don't try to hate cuz i shut it all down :)

>> No.15578660

>40 different jobs in twenty years, averaging out to two jobs a year
>Currently unemployed
I've seen so many of you guys in my own ten years of experience, garbage people who are garbage cooks, but really believe in their minds that they're rock stars. You somehow convince a place to hire you, usually they're desperate for bodies so they ignore your shitty work history, and then you barely last long enough to get a paycheck and either no call or just get fired. People like you are the only thing I hate about being an actual chef.

>> No.15578689

Haters gonna hate. I'm not actually unemployed u dummy i work under the table at a dark/ ghost kitchen. the unemployment check is supplimental. usually prick chefs like you call out the bad stuf and dont acknowlegde any of the good seeing as i have had so much experients i could cook circles around u and im not even scared. id fucking destroy in a challenge too like Chopped or Food Nightmares or whatev. Like i said though i work fucking CIRCLES around chefs who shit on other chefs

>> No.15578722

Please work on your English skills. My 10 year old daughter has better spelling and grammar than you do. That's not an exaggeration.

>> No.15578787

>claim to be great chef
>get fired 40 times
>can't even feed a cat without making it puke
>unemployed again

OP maybe you should find a new profession

>> No.15578795
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It's caturday newfag stfu

>> No.15578797

>vegan cat recipes
Fuck you, cats are obligate carnivores and this will kill them.

>> No.15578800

$12 an hour or make bank. Pick one.

>> No.15578807

>no tips i garantee that
Who tips the fucking water-filler?

>> No.15578815

I've heard cats are quality snobs.
Get some regeneratively farmed livestock, preferably stuff that eats a natural diet.
You're gonna have to do some hunting, organic won't cut it. Interview farmers and find ones like Joel Salatin.

>> No.15578828

It's like a prostitute. You're not paying for the sex, you're paying them to leave.

>> No.15578838

I wouldn't have sex with a water-filler, either.

>> No.15578839

>40 jobs in 15 years
no wonder you're a failure.

>> No.15578960

Restaurants are a high turnover industry, but that's excessive even for us.

>> No.15579238

Probably was a failed digital artist before becoming chef lmao

>> No.15579266

>you'll be ware I am :)
in your panties?

>> No.15579293

>you'll be ware I am :)
Unemployed for the 40th time, relying on checks from the government to survive, unable to make a meal even fit for a fucking cat?

>> No.15579816

Did one of his lady boys come forward? You'd think he'd pay them enough to shut up.

>> No.15579844
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Yeah that ain't normal lol that's 2-3 job changes a year. I'm calling bullshit.

>> No.15579862

pure autism

>> No.15579886


>> No.15580038

>I am a great chef
>40 different cooking posistions since i started in 2006
Hahahahahhahahaha. You sound far more incompetent than talented.

>> No.15580051


>> No.15580666

If I had a dollar for every two bit line cuck like you, who insisted he could cook circles around me, all while burning half the orders and severely undercooking the other half, and not even attempting to keep their station stocked or having any idea about mise, I could open up a second restaurant. You're a dumb fuck, and that's why you're still a line cuck, and bragging about making $12/hr serving water. You can't even make food that your cat wants to eat. Come to Couer D'alene, I'll give you a job just to watch you fail. I'll pay you $20/hr, it'd be worth it because I know you wouldn't last even a single shift.

>> No.15580671

If I move to coure-delane can I have 20 dollars an hour ?

>> No.15580675
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>over 40 different cooking posistions since i started in 2006
>over 40 jobs in 180 months
>4.5 months / job
>I am a great chef

>> No.15580677

Okay tough guy listen I was being nice before but ya I'm in Spokane. What's the name of the fucking restaurant? I'll outcook your ass any day of the week. And I want 25 an hour.

>> No.15580694 [DELETED] 

I really start folks off at $15 and see if they can even hack it before I give them raises, and I'm actually staffed up at the moment, I just wanted to talk shit, but if $15 is worth it for you to move to Idaho, email me your resume and I'll keep you in mind when spring thaws us out and we start getting tourist action. robotbeach3@gmail.com, not my professional email because I'm not giving that shit out on 4chan but I check it just as often.

>> No.15580706

You can email me
It's in this post. But you're not OP unless you suddenly learned how to spell. Not naming the place here because I'll just have autists review bomb me.

>> No.15580766

I should know better than to put even a secondary email address on 4chan.

>> No.15581389

I am has three cats of 20 years and ams have feeds hundreds times. They tender stommucks and not want cooked food. hard kibble and scoop now and then Fancie Feests. Dooch fancy cook.
t: cats eat feeder many year

>> No.15581395


>> No.15581445

>recipes for making cat food
Buy them some fresh fish if you want to treat them, you weird faggot. Don't "cook" for cats.

>> No.15581497

>40 different positions in 15 years
>an average of 2.7 jobs per year
I'm gonna go ahead and say you aren't a great chef.

>> No.15581508

I guess you aren't as great as you thought you were maybe it's time change careers

>> No.15582139
File: 21 KB, 300x360, Arthur-003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a treat it's fine and they'll definitely eat raw fish if they get their hands on it. But it's actually a bad idea to give a cat a raw fish diet exclusively. Raw fish has an enzyme that breaks down thiamine. Won't hurt them at all as an occasional treat but if fed nothing but raw fish for years you're asking for a cat that routinely has seizures.

>> No.15582146

All animals would be better off with fresh food appropriate to their diet. Kibble is fucked up and leads to health problems and tooth decay, all cats and dogs deserve a raw meat diet. If I ever have another cat or dog they will NEVER eat kibble or processed "treats" in their life.

>> No.15582415

Agreed, wet food is always better for pets.

>> No.15582422

Not wet pet food, actual raw animal meat, organs, and bones.

>> No.15582720

Give it kibble you retard

>> No.15583400

I too was a Chef at McDonalds until I was let go for embarrassing Ronald. Ama

>> No.15585096

Great chef can't keep a job more than a few months and even animals won't eat his shit.