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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 277 KB, 1440x1080, Borscht.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15572796 No.15572796 [Reply] [Original]

Extremely comfy eatin'.

>> No.15572807

Looks great. GJ!

>> No.15572953

Nice. I appreciate the dill. Russian soups make up probably like 50% of my diet at this point, why eat anything else.

>> No.15572957
File: 20 KB, 333x333, 1604625349006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

luv me some borscht, post recipe

>> No.15573037

Are you in a foreign jail? What did you do? WTF is that shit?

>> No.15573101

shut the fuck up you fucking amerifat. all you know is burgers and fucking donuts, you disgusting fucking slob pig hybrid.

>> No.15573119

more like borshit

>> No.15573154
File: 13 KB, 240x150, 240px-Lubyanka_Building.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have they sent you to Lubynka, Comrade?

>> No.15573162
File: 69 KB, 302x446, cheetobeast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It pleases me that you will never know the joy of delicious nutritious borscht. Fat faggot detected.

>> No.15573213

How do I make good borscht?

>> No.15573232

You don't. You let baba make it.

>> No.15573273

>same fagging and ‘amerifat’
>how much is rent?

>> No.15573328
File: 284 KB, 1080x795, whoooopsie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this fucking insecure
Lmao the cope is palpable

>> No.15573352

lol all those pixels

>> No.15573394

There are many variations of borscht, to put it lightly. Ideally (in my opinion) it should taste somewhat light and sweet, with the beets being the dominant flavor. Here's a basic recipe:
>3-5 medium beets or a couple bunches of smaller beets (try to get high-quality ones, low quality beets will fuck up the soup before you even start making it)
>lard or vegetable oil
>non-red onion
>garlic, chopped
>1 carrot (optional), 1-2 potatoes (optional)
>braising cut of meat, cut into stew pieces, ideally bone-in or w/ soup bone, OR kidney or cannellini beans if you're doing a vegetarian/vegan version
>chicken stock, vegetable stock, or water (beef stock darkens the flavor too much imo)
>1 can diced or pureed tomatoes or little can tomato paste
>1 small cabbage or .5 large cabbage
>salt, 2 bay leaves, pepper, parsley (optional), dill, marjoram (optional)
>white vinegar or lemon juice
>GENTLY sauté the meat in lard if using. Don't brown it too heavily or you'll make the soup taste dirty
>briefly sauté garlic and bay leaves + tomato paste if that's the tomate you're going with, then add your stock or water + parsley if using
>simmer meat for ~1hr
>meanwhile: slice onion into longish, thin strips, peel beets and chop into rough matchsticks or shred in food processor
>cut potatoes into chunks and dice garlic, do with the carrot what you did to the beets or potatoes depending on whether you want them chunky or thin
>add the aforementioned vegetables + tomato puree/dices if you're using that tomato + marjoram + vinegar/lemon juice and simmer for ~40 mins or until it tastes good, season with salt to taste
>cut cabbage into thin strips like you did with the onion
>after soup tastes good, add cabbage and turn off heat for 15-20 mins so cabbage retains its texture
>season with pepper, top with dill and sour cream
You can alternatively sauté the onions, carrots beets with the meat or do so in a separate pot and then add for a deeper flavor.
Fuck you

>> No.15573570

>Cold outside
>wood stores running low
>Wind is picking up, only going to get colder
>Take the axe and go out to wood pile
>Split wood and top up the stores inside
>Brush the snow off and have a big mug of borscht next to the hot fire and warm up as the sky darkens, the winds start to howl and the snow starts to come down harder
Nothing cozier lads

>> No.15573659
File: 313 KB, 1600x1600, Borscht.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love borscht. Sour cream and dill not in pic.

>> No.15573667


>> No.15573683

i've only been served beets as a sweet-ish snack. what does it taste like?

>> No.15574022
File: 301 KB, 1110x800, Herbsthatheal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It still retains the sweetness to a degree, but is much more of a savory flavor profile. Neither too much nor too little once everything is all cooked together. Think something along the lines of beef stew.

>> No.15574098
File: 58 KB, 880x640, comfy rainy day apu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feels good man

>> No.15574185

I'd fuck with borscht if it wasn't sour. Vinegary soups aren't my bad. I'd rather just use the same ingredients and leave out the vinegar to make a veggie soup.

>> No.15574267
File: 172 KB, 500x4050, A bloody mess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody said vinegar was required. It tastes fine without just better with imo

>> No.15574346

look good man

>> No.15574352

Like 95%+ of borscht rescipes include vinegar. That pretty much means required. That's like saying "nobody says cheese is required in mac and cheese," ya dipshit.

>> No.15574539
File: 746 KB, 900x2793, HowBigofAbackYardDoYouNeed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. cooklet
Ask me how I know you've never tried it sans vinegar. You're blindly following tradition without actually understanding what I've said.

>> No.15574550

Delicious, thanks!

>> No.15574554

Anon, you can always not use so much vinegar.

>> No.15574616

>I said some retarded shit and you just didn't understand how retarded I was
No, trust me, I know how retarded you are. Try again.

>> No.15574760

When you guys say vinegar do you mean beet sour? I've never put vinegar in borscht.

>> No.15575223
File: 108 KB, 736x646, Honey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tastes fine without vinegar
>you haven't understood what I've said
>still havent understood what I've said
ad infinitum. Weird how adamant you seem to be about gatekeeping an optional, adjustable component. Guess when you have no confidence in your cooking abilities you might need to hide behind "citing sources" to spare your fragile ego. Get gud cooklet.