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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 62 KB, 600x360, t600x362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15571969 No.15571969 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone that doesn't scrape their tongue has a terrible palate. You can't naturally taste food while constantly having gunk on your tongue.

>> No.15572000

That's actually one of the causes of bad breath. People brush their teeth but not scrape their tongues.

>> No.15572024

People barely brush their teeth. When I tell people I floss every night too, they think I'm lying.

>> No.15572114

Gross. I don't know how people can stand having food stuck between their teeth. I find it so annoying.

>> No.15572148

Tried to get my old roommate to floss. He lasted three days before he stopped all together. Another story. My friend thst didn't believe flossing was that important went to the dentist soon after that and told him he needed to floss because he had gum recession. Lol. When I go to the dentist, it's easy to tell I'm probably one of the few patients that takes care of their teeth. Lots of compliments from the hygenist.

>> No.15572157

fuck it alright i'll look into flossing but brushing my tongue activates my gag reflex. guess i'm too straight for a clean tongue

>> No.15572162

>having teeth

>> No.15572174

Fuck annoyance, not flossing severely promotes caries and gingivitis. I wish I could go back in time and shoot my dumb fucking not-flossing self.

>> No.15572176

I scrape my tongue with toothbrush, what is this thing?

>> No.15572178

just a pair of tongs innit

>> No.15572184

getting the angle of floss string is too difficult and floss picks are kinda wasteful to the environment

>> No.15572212

Don't make excuses before trying it. Floss is a dollar. Get reach brand. Cheap and isn't the shit kind that breaks.

Again. You're going to suffer for not doing it.

>> No.15572219

I scrape it off with my fingers cause I'm a male

>> No.15572242

Don't try to bait me, tranny.

>> No.15572245

I like beer and women!

>> No.15572274


>> No.15572282

>you will never be a woman
>you are not a male, tranny
therefore you accept that there is a 3rd gender, thank you

>> No.15572423

I've never had cavities or gingivitis and I've never flossed either.

>> No.15572439

lmao look at this soccer mom

>> No.15572480

Yeah I use a tea spoon

>> No.15572505
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>brush teeth twice a day
>scrape tongue daily
>teeth professionally cleaned twice a year
>healthy diet and no weird shit back of throat
>mfw still bad-ish breath

>> No.15572514
File: 46 KB, 1100x834, tonsil-stone-image-credit-tonsilolith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't forget to mine for tonsil stones

>> No.15572517

You drink any? Bad breath dispite precautions could be a sign of a liver problem.

>> No.15572519

Had the same problem, took some antibiotics and it went away, but then had other health issues come up from it

>> No.15572550

I actually don't floss much; I use a waterpik. Try it if you haven't, I find it easier than flossing and it's just as good at cleaning

>> No.15572559

I don't drink. But long overdue for health checkup.

What sort of issues? Dick falling off or slight tingly sensation in pinky?

>> No.15572571


>> No.15572581

you might have stomach issues

>> No.15572584

How do you get them out? I cough one up every couple of months (usually way smaller than your pic) but I can sort of feel one is coming beforehand. Is there a way to remove them 'prematurely'?

>> No.15572618

Flavor is mostly smell so you need to use a neti pot if you want to actually enjoy your meals, smellets

>> No.15572688

You have no gender

>> No.15572699

you can push them out kind of like popping a zit with a qtip or a finger

>> No.15572750

I don't scrape, it's perfectly clean on it's own after a brushing, and waterpik for flossing is way superior to the floss, get proper one, floss and then floss with the wp, you will see how much shit was left.

>> No.15572774

that looks like it would hurt. it looks sharp as shit and would slice my tongue clean off

>> No.15572811

Not him, but I figure those issues were in the vein of killing off the helpful microbiome in his digestive system, with harmful opportunistic microorganisms taking their place; causing a slew of problems, ranging from autoimmune type disorders to neurological issues.
Don't fuck with your gut, anons. It is literally your second brain and the beginning of most processes in your body by nature of absorption of nutrients.
If at all possible, avoid antibiotics. But if you must, after your treatment, make sure you take plenty of probiotics and foods that help in the re-colonization of beneficial microorganisms, and avoid foods that promote the growth of harmful microorganisms (like avoiding tons of sugar so that you don't get a Candida overgrowth, ect.).

>> No.15572851

I've asked my dentist and he doesn't recommend waterpiks. It might be ok for bigger food pieces but smaller one could get pushed into your gum and cause inflammation.

>> No.15572876

I have a permanent retainer installed on the top and bottom teeth lines from canine to canine, so I can't actually reach the gums with floss. I use a toothpick but it's not the same.

>> No.15572909
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There are plastic versions.

>> No.15572912
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>he still has thresh
go to the doctor and get some antibiotics you dumb nigger

>> No.15572931

What the fuck is this? I have never seen such a thing in my life.

>> No.15572995

vs flossing twice a day and if you dare miss a few days your gums will inflame or even bleed anyways

>> No.15573018

I've used a water flosser to shoot the bastards out but I nearly vomited and I'll likely never do it again. Cough drops actually soothe the irritation and assist with it.
I forget exactly how they form but basically some particles get stuck to the tonsils and like calcify or some shit and you get these sticky little grains of sand that stick to your tonsils for a few weeks then fall off.

>> No.15573030

>turning your microbiome into a nuclear wasteland to avoid 15 seconds of tongue scraping
I’m good man. “Never take antibiotics outside of life or death situations” is a piece of broscience I absolutely believe in.

>> No.15573045

while you should brush several times a day, I dont really think it matters at fucking all if you floss. my dad chewed tobacco for 30 years straight, didnt floss and had less than perfect brushing consistency. his dentist not only couldn't tell that he chewed tobacco but said his teeth were in good shape for a man in his 50's. First time he went to the dentist in probably 20 years, kindof a sham industry if you were born with decent teeth and take care of them / dont drink soda by the gallon

>> No.15573060

Sure thing Nigel.

>> No.15573065

that shit isn't broscience. Every middle aged woman I know that takes antibiotics constantly has more fucked up weird health problems than anyone else I know. You are essentially a big ol sack of bacteria, unless you have like fuckin sespsis or a bad bad infected wound or some crazy shit like that you should not be taking antibiotics

>> No.15573070

Genetics play a major role. Do not give advice based on anecdotes.

>> No.15573080

>do not give advice based on anecdotes
oh stfu my anecdotal advice is better than the other 99% of reverse-advice thats given on this website. Someone earlier told me to machine wash my wooden cutting board and oil it with olive oil just to potentially ruin my day and my cutting board, atleast I dont have malicious intent

>> No.15573096

So that's how pearls are made.

>> No.15573270

I haven't flossed once in my life and my teeth and gums are fine, perhaps you have bad genes.

>> No.15573470

I found doing nasal rinses helped. Having a deviated septum that's prone to sinus infection is suffering.

>> No.15573479

It's not called 'thresh' you dumb nigger

>> No.15573582

I see where he's coming from, but I've never had a problem honestly. It's all about how you hold the waterpik when you're using it. If you hold it at the wrong angle then you definitely could push food into your gums.

>> No.15573591

Are you a dentist? Do you have any evidence beyond your dad's lucky genes? No? Then shut up.

>> No.15573602

yeah you're a fucking idiot then, other people with higher functioning brains can navigate this website without falling for every post. I'll bet you would've deleted system32 too

>> No.15573642

You may have stomach bile issues, have chronic heart burn off indigestion?
Could also be tonsil stones. Next time you go to make your way to the bathroom, grab a flashlight. Open your mouth wide, force your tongue down (not with a utensil but your tongue muscle), say AAAAA and flex your throat, this should expand your tonsils and the tiny holes in them should open up. If you have any larger stones formed you should be able to see them with no issue. You can take a q-tip and press down, starting from the base/back of the tonsil and move towards the hole to try and force them up and out if there are any. You may see blood on the q-tip after doing this--don't worry, you're fine. If you see no stones: give the q-tip a whiff and check its color, if it's green or yellow, and/or has a putrid smell, congratulations, you have nasty tonsils and that's the source of your bad breath. Go an ENT.

>> No.15573756

I never understood flossing. Like it’s easy to reach the first few front teeth but how the fuck do you unhinge your jaw to reach molars and shit. Plus the floss always gets wet and slippery making it impossible to work with

>> No.15573836
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>root of tooth becomes infected, face puffy and eye barely able to open because so swollen
>strep throat, coughing up blood, anytime i swallow it feels like swallowing broken glass
>"nah, doc. no-ho-HO fucking way those jew pills are entering MY body. don't you have any fucking idea what those do to a healthy gut biome??"

the single most useful lifesaving invention ever is BAD; i heard it from anon

>> No.15573844

are you joking? have you ever smelled somebodys horrible breath?

well, take some floss, wrap around your fingers, and guide it between your very back molars. really slide it around, up and down, and then take a whiff.

>> No.15573853
File: 63 KB, 298x371, CE9C464D-1296-4615-B181-F1C00396B592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Shaneposter

>> No.15573880

Did you miss the "outside of life or death situations" part or what?

>> No.15573887

The 3rd gender are destined as sexual objects and nothing more.

>> No.15573889

I don't floss and the dentist always compliments the condition of my teeth and gums.

>> No.15573948

A pity antibiotics can't cure retardation.

>> No.15573959

>bad bad wound
>some “crazy shit”

i dont think either of my examples fall into those categories

>> No.15573965

Dentists are fucking scam artists. Here's my experience with my dentist:
>go to dentist
>"Your gums are very inflamed, you need a deep cleaning!"
>pay for deep cleaning
>"Okay, now you just need to brush and floss twice a day."
>actually brush and floss twice a day every single day for 6 months
>next dentist visit
>"Oh my, your gums are recessed! You need this expensive prescription toothpaste regimen!"
This was when I realized dentists can fuck right off.

>> No.15573980

>literal doctors
>adeptly fixes your teeth
>gives good advice on how to fix teeth

so your dentist cleaned your teeth and recommended you brush/floss twice a day and then recommended some toothpaste and thats a scame?

>> No.15573986

You have a bad dentist and I'm wondering if they're partnered with the product manufacturer to sell it. If a proper ethics board exists for dentists, report them. I've had nothing but great experiences with the dentists I've went to. Find a different one.

>> No.15573993

>badly infected tooth
>such bad swelling your eye won't open
>coughing up fucking blood
You'd be retarded to not take antibiotics in these situations. But on the other hand, I once went to the doctor for some general throat/sinus infection (mostly just to get a note for work) and they prescribed me like 4 different antibiotics to take. I took none of them and recovered in 2 days, they would have been completely unnecessary and fucked up my gut for nothing.

>> No.15574006

sorry, didn't realize I have to put it in medical terms to soothe your autistic brain and can't just bullshit with some anons on a mcdonalds discussion forum

>> No.15574017

>Never have a dental problem
>GF is insistent I go to dentist
>Go to dentist
>"Oh look anon you have a cavity we must fill it!"
>Uh, alright?
>BZZZZTTTTT fucking hollows out my tooth and fills it with plaster
>Have had sensitivity issues with that tooth ever since
Yeah fuck dentists. They may be professionals but I'm 100% certain they make problems where there are none.

>> No.15574032

look at this faggot as he backpedals; when expressing ones self, one should always say exactly what they mean and not leave it to the reader to infer what they meant. learn to articulate your thoughts in a more coherent manner, faggot

they are overprescribed for sure but if i have green boogers i am definitely taking antibiotics for a few days

>> No.15574049
File: 860 KB, 688x767, 4843b7cc95a60c7c42957a6bbf7b9bd0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thankyou senpai anon I will do better next time and travel more steadfast in my path to literary righteousness
>bows respectfully, turns 360 degrees and moonwalks away

>> No.15574060

>if i have green boogers i am definitely taking antibiotics for a few days
You are part of the problem.

>> No.15574067

What do they call of doctor who failed med school?

A dentist

*ba dum tss*

>> No.15574108

Heh that's a good one. I thought that the punchline was EMT though

>> No.15574117

I just brush my tongue

>> No.15574121

Well you had a cavity, so obviously you did have a dental problem

>> No.15574126

>having a diet so bad you develop thrush
maybe there are other reasons why your palate is shit

>> No.15574134

dentists are *literal* doctors, though.

>sinus headache and bad infections every so often from allergies
>doctor, NO! anon said to avoid your jew pills

You should take your actual brain medication

>> No.15574155

i wish there were non-flavored alternatives to clean your mouth and scrape your tongue. anything mint flavored disgust me even the odor makes me nauseous. i brush my teeth daily but can't scrape my tongue because it makes me puke

>> No.15574157

>t. hasn't been to the dentist in a decade and thinks he's "fine"

>> No.15574158
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>tfw brushed my teeth but they went to shit anyways
fuck me

>> No.15574162

Maybe those infections wouldn't be as bad or as frequent if you took care of your immune system and let it fight things off instead of nuking your body every time your snot is green.

>> No.15574165

Dentists are hacks. Bleach my teeth and shut up. We've essentially perfected fake teeth so taking shit care of your actual ones is just autism.

>> No.15574166

the fuck? tongue scrapers aren't flavored
and get baking soda-based toothpaste

>> No.15574178

you're supposed to eat prebiotic food and take probiotics or eat food that contains probiotics after finishing your round of antibiotics
do you think once your blood dies and leaves your body no more blood will ever be made again?

>> No.15574217

you’re annoying; has anybody ever told you that? btw post body

>> No.15574232

Yes, bacteria can be replaced, but the process takes a lot longer than you'd think and the more often you take antibiotics the worse time you'll have restoring your gut biome each time. It also doesn't change the fact that you're crippling your immune system by not letting it adapt and fight things off itself. Not every infection demands antibiotics and the idea that it does is why they're so wildly over-prescribed.

>> No.15574251

If something persists longer than a week i am taking medication and theres nothing you can do to stop me. That wasnt me you were replying to btw

>> No.15574289

yeah anon we may be shitting on dentists alot itt but you were going to have way worse problems if that cavity wasn't resolved than just a sensitive tooth

>> No.15574291

do you drink alot of soda, eat alot of sugary foods or are lying about actually consistently brushing your teeth?

>> No.15574304

Dentists are not a scam and >>15573986
his dentist is not "bad" you complete retarded crackerjacks.
Everybody has different levels of oral health they inherit from there parents and that guy could have shitty gums. They started with the most common solution, brushing and flossing twice a day, and when the problem did not resolve itself escalated the resolution to a prescription toothpaste that they may or may not see a kickback from. It isn't like you can't look at your gums for yourself and see if they are recessed or not either. And if you didn't believe them you could have just asked them to explain how which you probably didn't.

>> No.15574325

>They started with the most common solution, brushing and flossing twice a day, and when the problem did not resolve itself escalated the resolution
No, the problem INVERTED. My gums started out as inflamed and that was a problem, so I got on the routine they prescribed me and the inflammation was CURED, at which point then my gums were "recessed" which is literally the OPPOSITE problem. Inevitably, I'm sure they would tell me to brush or floss less and then eventually tell me how inflamed my gums are. It's just an endless cycle of money extraction.

>> No.15574355

i fell asleep with sweets in my mouth as kid sometimes
probably had something to do with it

>> No.15574362

So you think theyre just making shit up.. is your dentist in a stripmall, perchance?

>> No.15574371

oh yeah sugars effect on teeth is really underplayed. leaving candy/soda-amounts of sugar on your teeth overnight is almost comparable to smoking meth. it turns into an acid that just eats the fuck out of your enamel which is exactly what meth smoke residue is doing.

>> No.15574382

t. dentist faggot

>> No.15574395

Kek, it's funny how amerifaggots shill flossing so hard yet their oral health statistics are mogged by several EVROPEAN countries
Reminds me of when they tell Italians or French that their diet isn't healthy

>> No.15574405

youve probably never even seen a dentist in your entire life

>> No.15574844
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Is THIS the pinnacle of British cuisine?

>> No.15574911
File: 127 KB, 1113x498, art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my thoughts picrel

>> No.15574979

if a waterpik is so good then why does the dentist floss my teeth after my cleanings? why is floss so great even after they used picks and stuff on me?

>> No.15575113
File: 40 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't into just string either, but sideways flossers are a thing.

>> No.15575166

why is the swastika sad?
does it have bad teeth dna?

>> No.15575171

so they can detect cavities and fix them, good for them?

>> No.15575177

That's called a Wigan Kebab.

Wigan exists on it's own rules, it is not part of England

>> No.15575182
File: 63 KB, 474x474, 7abfd53428107f59a6ab4c5b61ab890b--gun-quotes-camo-guns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But they can. It's all about how they're administered.
For example, pic related is for antibiotics specifically aimed against retardation. Just dip one of the repositories, shown underneath the device, in a solution containing the antibiotic and use the device to administer orally.

>> No.15575191

>they can't even spell bun right
fucking bongs

>> No.15575203

Floss is for queers, real men use interdental brushes

>> No.15575212


Do you see icing on top of that bread? That's a barm.

>> No.15575238

what icing? it looks like a normal dinner roll. It even says you can get it buttered, what are you going to eat that has icing and butter on it?

>> No.15575245

So now it's a roll? Why are you bringing up buns (iced bun, cinnamon bun etc)

>> No.15575332

Too bad dental health statistics are based on the assesments of dentists, shart. Think twice before trying to make a comeback because they are as defective as your dental health.

>> No.15575350

Then don't get cavities bro

>> No.15575627
File: 19 KB, 610x315, 51111_51806_4in_Gourmet_Ham_Bun[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are you bringing up buns
Gee, I wonder.

>> No.15575639

gargle daily

>> No.15576316

I'm in the same boat as you.
Get a water pick, they're worth it.