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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15571209 No.15571209 [Reply] [Original]

Alright ck, I want some good Spanish style octopus. Sourcing it has been hard but in a Japanese market today I found some marked as "tako sashimi". I really can't tell if it's braised as some tako sashimi is before serving and need to adjust my cooking process if it is. How can you tell if octopus is cooked?

Also octopus general, post recipes and stuff

>> No.15571215

if its cooked then its not sashimi

>> No.15571355

Well see if you had read you would realize you know nothing about sashimi but ok

>> No.15571608
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Thats not boiled.
Boil until slightly soft but not too much. Cut. Add spicy paprika, salt, olive oil and eat. Cook it any other way and ill track you down and kill you. Search pulpo a feira for recipe reference.

>> No.15571665
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>> No.15571674

Tf is that coomy octopus. Disgusting.

>> No.15571715

octopus is cooked for sashimi

>> No.15571729

Usually for sushi, but not necessarily for sashimi, you fucking retard.

>> No.15571751

>not necessarily
my point

>> No.15571755

It'll tenderize if you stew it long enough, won't it?

>> No.15571764

Yes. Put.a fork through it to check from tome to time, it should not be very tender. Check pulpo a feira recipes to know exact boiling time, dont over boil it. Fuck japanese degenerates and other recipes, spicy paprika, salt and olive oil. If the product is good dont spoil it doing stupid shit please. Octopus is a delicacy

>> No.15571766
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That's fake octopus bro. Look at the tentacles, see how they are on the outside and not on the inside like they should be? That's not right.

>> No.15571778

Lol retard how many octopus do you usually see? Tentacles are just fine. Colour is kinda odd ngl, should be more violet if spanish octopus, probably changed because freezer.
https://www.bascofinefoods.com/spanish-recipes/pulpo-a-la-gallega/ use this recipe, skip the frozen first part and younare good to go anon. Potatoes are completely optional

>> No.15571784
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This is how good octopus should looknlike, for reference, also, smaller octopus are usually tastier, if its too big and brownish it isnprobably moroccan or mediterranean octopus and not atlantic octopus, which makes it less tasty.

>> No.15572418

Plz dont die, thread. Octopus is important

>> No.15573569

W8 is it really that hard to get octopus in the US? I thought every country with a sea had access to octopus. What seafood do Americans eat? It might be a med/northern europe thing to eat fish and seafood too often now that I think about it.

>> No.15573660
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>How can you tell if octopus is cooked?
Easiest is to just ask the fish person at the store.
Most octopus at Japanese grocers is already boiled/braised, but your pic definitely doesn’t appear to be.
It’s also pricey; both my local Japanese grocer and Whole Foods has octopus for about $13/lb, and I’m nowhere near an ocean.

It isn’t commonly cooked/eaten at home, so it isn’t commonly found in ‘regular’ grocery stores. But any actual fish market or Asian grocery store will have it.

>> No.15573718

Fuck octopus eaters

>> No.15573753

It's definitely more of a restaurant food, not something often cooked at home. Fish, shrimp, scallops are usually the "at home" seafood for most Americans

>> No.15573812

Best octopus I've made is stewed in red wine and then finished on a grill. It was a rough adaptation of this recipe:


Think we did more of a spanish-style glaze than a korean one and served with fish tacos. This was last summer and I drank a lot of wine so details are hazy but I remember it being incredible. Supposedly one octopus braising trick is to include the cork in the stew, if you're using wine. Sounds like BS but can't hurt to try.

>> No.15573860

I do regularly. She’s Japanese.

>> No.15573874

I am Galician and I love Octopus. I want to gut and rape octopus haters.

>> No.15573922
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not from spain but close (portugeese) here, you should boil your octopus before actually cooking it, just dunk it in a big pot with not too much water, and a pic related for about 45 minutes on medium heat

afterwards, depends what you wanna do with it

>> No.15574004

E que manda carallo como dighan outra receta de pijolas de merda búscolles a puta casa pa rebentarlles os dentes joder, co caro que está coma pa.andar fasendo mariconadas con él.

>> No.15574009

if you buy fresh, freeze first and then cook it for maximum tenderness

>> No.15574013

don't do this, you'll end up with a pile of rubber

>> No.15574062

Isto. -IMAXINA- poñer o pulpo na barbacoa. é pra matalos
putos guiris

>> No.15574128

Galician is truly a disgusting language.

>> No.15574215

Que merdas dixeches da miña lingua, setesaias do carallo? Fághoche saber que son dos millores movemarcos da Barbanza, teño 'tado en multitude de malleiras a ghitanos portugheses e posúo 300 baixas confirmadas na parcelaria. Fun ensinado na capoeira do pais e son o millor seixador de galiñas da costa da morte tudinha. Pra min tí non es nada mais ca outra fodida lesma das patacas. Vouche desgrazar cunha precision coa cal lle paso á herba co fousiño, marca as miñas verbas. Que carallo pensas, q´as dicires merdas polo internete así de balde? Pensa de volta paspán, mentres falamos 'tou a falar co meu curmão e imos ir foderche o puto ghato, preparate pra verlle o cú aberto, miñoca dos collóns.
Tas morto neno, tas morto.

>> No.15574637

Escolhe uma lingua, filho da puta.

Escoja un idioma, hijo de puta.

>> No.15574658

Octopus is always cooked you fucking idiot

>> No.15574669

Except for the live ones Koreans eat

>> No.15574802

Not if you're an asian subhuman.

>> No.15574808

Imagine eating something that looks like that. What the fuck is wrong with you OP

>> No.15574902
