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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15571049 No.15571049[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I got corona and I can't taste anything.

>> No.15571051

Hot wing challenge

>> No.15571122

You are done then. No more "food is amusing and fun" for you.

>> No.15571170

Go hard or go homeless, anon.

>> No.15571173

at last, you can finally enjoy applebees

>> No.15571178

do americans really?

>> No.15571672

it lasted for about a week for me then i got taste and smell back

>> No.15571686

go chew on a knob of ginger or a clove of garlic, this might be your only oppurtunity to do it

>> No.15571688

it doesn't switch off your pain receptors does it?

>> No.15571690
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>this just happened to me

It goes away right?

>> No.15571700

probably. if it eases your mind, you wont get a straight answer on that so wait and find out for yourself

>> No.15571740

Sucks to be you and OP, I never lost taste when 'rona slapped me. My brother (the nigger that gave it to me), my Aunt and my mom all lost taste and smell. They all recovered, fwiw; give it a couple weeks.

>> No.15571773

Lucky. If you're under 30 you can just wait it out and then you're all free and aren't forced to take suspicious vacccine that fuck with your DNA

>> No.15571782

Another anon took months to regain his.

>> No.15571785

For me it was a little head ache and a bad cough

>> No.15571787


>> No.15571798

Time to see if Fear Factor is still a thing, if not that then I dunno go eat a century egg or any challenge where it's you have to eat something that tastes nasty

>> No.15571802
File: 70 KB, 607x625, pharmakeia (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fake and gay. Pathogenic viruses do not exist. Unless you got an experimental injection with its litany of adverse reactions including death, you only lost appetite from living in constant stress and schizophrenic paranoia.

>> No.15571822

fagles forget wth a cold/flu is. sometimes the nasty flem all up in your sinuses when you're sick makes everything taste like an old egg mcmuffin.

>> No.15572727

>enter Knorr™ stock cubes

>> No.15572822

You're never getting your sense of taste and smell back

>> No.15572831

>tfw i am a coffee broker and this is my biggest fear and would destroy my business

>> No.15572879

Then just eat calorically cheap shit. How is this a problem?

>> No.15572914

a relative ate a lemon as if it were an orange when she had corona

this is your only shot to eat a lemon like you'd eat an orange

>> No.15572920

look on the bright side you can eat plenty of vegetables get them in ya without much trouble

>> No.15572921

You can get covid more than once

>> No.15572922

Now you can eat your mom’s pussy and you won’t be nauseated.

>> No.15572923

I do that and didn't get corona, with a bit of salt mmm tasty lemons

>> No.15572951

Yes just like a flu.......wonder why huh

>> No.15573094
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>vaccines change your DNA

>> No.15573102

move to england

>> No.15574186

Yes we get the same after effects reported on every news outlet across the globe.

>> No.15574708
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This lasted for about a week for me. What really fucked me up was reading that it could take 6 months to get your taste back while I was still sick.

>> No.15574933

this would be good for /v/
go big or go home idiot, you already know what's up. triple dog dare status is in effect.

>> No.15574940

You've gone smell blind son

>> No.15575037

Yeah it does for most people. I lost it and it came back. There's an article about a kid who seems to have lost his taste of smell permanently but it's exceedingly rare.

>> No.15575050

Chelated Zinc supplement can help it come back quicker. 30mg a day or so...

Takes about two weeks without any intervention. Can take longer. Sorry anon.

>> No.15575192

Except the covid vaccine literally does?

>> No.15575559

no, it doesnt you absolute mongoloid.
although in your case it would probably be an improvement

>> No.15575852
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That sucks.