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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.16 MB, 2400x1200, chick-fil-a-pimento-cheese-sandwich-today-main-201015_fbe3a4e2c001bc4027a20d8d42d6b4c8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15568005 No.15568005 [Reply] [Original]

I've honestly only eaten here a dozen or so times, considering it mostly meme-food, plus I don't support or trust religious homophobes on general principle. However, I must say, damn good spicy deluxe. They have mastered this meme food genre.

Damn fine sauces to boot.

>> No.15568020
File: 12 KB, 427x400, 1610204914239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>religious homophobes

>> No.15568021

>I don't support or trust religious homophobes on general principle.
You don't support good natured, principled, moralists? Curious position to take. Hope that works out for you!

>> No.15568049

your morality should live in your home, not be projected onto others.

>> No.15568100

Morality extends universally, and is objectively good for society. Keep your degeneracy in your home, hidden from the light of day, where it belongs =]

>> No.15568103

Wendy's spicy will always be better.

>> No.15568106

Being prejudice against fags is objectively immoral

>> No.15568118

Homosexuality is objectively bad for society, and from a moral perspective should not be supported.

>> No.15568290

don't like homos? don't have homo sex.

honestly it sounds like your tempted so, naturally you want that temptation removed. Its why you don't buy the cake so its not around because you would be tempted to stuff your face in the middle of the night.

>> No.15568323

Homos are trying to push their degenerate fetish on children, and have already succeeded in becoming a protected class of citizen. We can't have that become a new normal. Homosexuality is wrong, the slippery slope is not a fallacy.

Relationships exist to bear children, and any other coupling is not only unnatural, but damaging to society.

>> No.15568327

Fuck nigger faggots

>> No.15568333

homo mouthbreather who wants dickinhismouth says what?

>> No.15568386

No arguments left, huh? Guess that means you accept my position on the issue fully. Great to hear!

>> No.15568527

I'm starting to think the Chic-fil-a near me is doing something wrong because I've visited a total of 3 times in my life, tried what people said was top-tier shit, and it was all flavorless. Good texture and juicy, but no taste at all wtf

>> No.15568546
File: 91 KB, 1024x869, 1611417400733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't support or trust religious homophobes
Newsflash--- 90 percent of Americans of all races are religious, and a good portion of those hate faggots.

>> No.15568577

We're not exactly running out of people. The human population growth rate is more than the Earth can support. Morally, everyone should be either gay or abstinent.

>> No.15568617

>We're not exactly running out of people.
We're running out the RIGHT people. The people with high IQ and creativity that can actually push humanity forward and save the human race from the crushing trials to come. Not all people are created equal, we need to ensure the right people are breeding. Eugenics is the future of the human species.
>The human population growth rate is more than the Earth can support.
Yes, 3rd world population growth is unsustainable and needs to be stopped from its current exponential growth. Especially considering these populations don't produce any exceptional people that provide any value to society as a whole.
>Morally, everyone should be either gay or abstinent.
Yes, if you have a low IQ or low creative IQ, you should be sterilized. Breeding should be a merit based, and legally enforced, activity.

Just imagine the paradise we would live in if only the RIGHT people were allowed to propagate their bloodline. =]

>> No.15568794

>religious homophobes

Being a faggot sheds decades off your life

>> No.15568872

No it isn't

>> No.15568901

>Don't like spiders?
>Why do you want to fuck spiders?

Faggots are retarded

>> No.15568922

>We're running out the RIGHT people.
Utter nonsense. The earth is a sphere of finite radius. So called "high IQ people" are only employed to find ways to deplete the earth's resources at a faster rate.

>Yes, 3rd world population growth is unsustainable
Lmao. Third-worlders have a fraction of the ecological footprint that first-worlders have.

>Just imagine the paradise we would live in if only the RIGHT people were allowed to propagate their bloodline.

>> No.15569655

glad you discovered the God Chicken OP. keep enjoying and give your heart to Jesus. He loves you. #disdain4fags.

>> No.15569985
File: 21 KB, 499x500, Bait taken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you should cease to be moral in public, amongst other people.
This is how you sound. On a scale of 1-10 I rate your bait -53.