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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 120 KB, 800x800, JuicyHamburgers_182_xl[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15561545 No.15561545 [Reply] [Original]

>It's beef

>> No.15561554

>pretending not to understand something's origins to make a shitty joke

>> No.15561570

FUCK you and FUCK your shitty goddamn thread...this is fucking HORSE SHIT

>> No.15561582

>wiener schnitzel
>not made of wieners

>> No.15561595

see, this is why I prefer hot dogs

>> No.15561648

Based chinaman

>> No.15561715 [DELETED] 

Except that it is... It is indeed. It has always been, or it would have been called Pferd schnitzel or Kuh schnitzel or even Hähnchen schnitzel.

>> No.15562207

>lets just use a fucking nonsense word because thats the word thats always been used
>questining why such a stupid misleading word is used? what the fuck you must be pretending in order to make a joke

>> No.15562210

It comes from Hamburg, you fucking dunce. Pretending to be stupid is worse than simple ignorance.

>> No.15562232

I know it comes from Hamburg
but its a food item
and Ham is a food item as well
so Ham within the name of a food item suggests that Ham is within the food item. But NO Ham can be found in the food item known as the "Ham" Burger. The issue is further worsened by the use of cheese within such food items, creating what is known as a "Cheese" Burger. Note that here the word has been fully split into two words, "Cheese" in place of the original "Ham" and "Burger" representing the overall food item. Its clear by this construction that the food item being described is to be known as a "Burger" and the preceding word is describing the prime ingredient of note. Without and additional toppings, this would be expected to be simply the beef patty which is within the Burger, but instead of calling such a plain form of Burger a Beefburger, we all collectively agree to ignore this affront to basic lingual logic and use the pants on head retarded term of "Hamburger."

Fucks sake

>> No.15562244

>you are correct but let me continue to be a spastic

>> No.15562286

Kill yourself, you autistic spaz.

>> No.15562360

>clear concise decimation of your claim
>"you are correct"

Heh, I already did when I was on acid and had ego death friend.

>> No.15562374

Wait til you hear about brussels sprouts

>> No.15562378

I dont care I don't eat them

>> No.15562384

yes muhammad let's call it a beef burger so we don't offend the muslims

>> No.15562390

You are a fucking cheeto, my dude. Dubs abide.

>> No.15562414

what does that mean?

>> No.15562428

>Heh, I already did when I was on acid and had ego death friend.
Oh good, then you can finish the job with a physical body death and ascend into the spiritual realm where you can't fucking bother people any more with your idiocy.

>> No.15562450

its for the american market. They're not too discerning

>> No.15562490

You're a fucking moron. The word burger didn't exist before before hamburgers. It's an abbreviation that became its own word.

>> No.15562501

retard amerinigger missing the point and for the wrong reasons. woe is me!

>> No.15562506

>this is horseshit
no it's hamburgers... are you blind?

>> No.15562530

>no dubs
many such cases

>> No.15562537

>French fries
>not made with French people's meat

>> No.15562593

No sir, you misunderstand
I'm just doing whats right
like correcting bullshit terms

and now it has become its own word you said it first, so see it no longer makes sense to call it a hamburger without actual ham

>> No.15562600

Why did you take the bait you fucking asshole

>> No.15562604

If olive oil is come from olives, where do baby oil come from?

>> No.15562657

>durr hot dogs don't have dogs
>catfish doesn't have cats
>blueberries are PURPLE not blue

this is the kind of autistic territory OP is wandering into under the guise of "correcting terms."

>> No.15562901

This is bad enough bait that I don't even want to waste 20 seconds for finding a bait image

>> No.15564124

it used to be pork little do you know

>> No.15565137

It was originally made of pork. (((they))) erased the original recipe so that (((they))) could eat it, and more importantly, sell it.

>> No.15565799

baby olives

>> No.15565810


>It's pork

>> No.15565817

>it comes from muh hamburg durrrrr
No it doesn't you retards.

>> No.15565830

I seriously hope you're merely pretending to be retarded.

>> No.15565831

Hamburg steak

>> No.15565840
File: 211 KB, 800x1024, soypotato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's not retarded

>> No.15565841
File: 40 KB, 500x500, 1441656845015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do they call it steamed when it's clearly grilled?

>> No.15565842

>it's bison

>> No.15565845

it's not but you definitely are

>> No.15565847

fuck off Randy.

>> No.15565855

>The word burger didn't exist before before hamburgers.
Burger is germanic for citizen, from the root "burch" meaning a fortress or city. Hamburg comes from "Hammaburch", which translates to "the fortress of the meadows". The "ham" in hamburger then refers to meadows, not the food item ham, which is "Schinken" in German.

>> No.15565978
File: 126 KB, 1280x720, 1528485084768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do they call it Schinken when it's obviously made of pig not chicken?

>> No.15565991
File: 113 KB, 999x890, MichDamnManLJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck happened to 4chan

>> No.15566081
File: 82 KB, 559x527, 1592588918408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15566097
File: 234 KB, 442x446, 1611739773832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americans, ladies and gentleman.

>> No.15566164

>Chocolate shake
>Not shaken

>> No.15566213

nothing, you're just more aware now than you were in the past

>> No.15566224


>> No.15566296

shit, you're right. I'm getting too fucking smart for this place

>> No.15566761
File: 1.16 MB, 2592x1936, 3C84F9A6-677D-4DE2-8DBB-3C088FA26B3A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up and post burgers.

>> No.15566816

Based. We call them beef burgers in the uk

>> No.15566820

>Is shit

>> No.15566865

It's not even called a "hamburger" you nudity. It's a 'Beef Wellington Ensemble with lettuce' and yours is clearly devoid of lettuce.

>> No.15567406

and you are devoid of several brain lobes from the sound of it