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15560555 No.15560555 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it always just cheese or pepperoni at slice joints? Whatever happened to sausage?

>> No.15560561

never seen just cheese at a slice joint. it's always pepperoni or works.

>> No.15560563

Casey's General Store is the most popular slice shop in a lot of America, and their signature pizza is sausage.

>> No.15560567

Delicious 'za 'lice

>> No.15560583 [DELETED] 

>He likes the dog kibble pizza.

>> No.15560964

>implying there aren't pizzerias where they use actual good sausage

>> No.15561005

>He doesn’t
That’s the tastiest stuff

>> No.15561114

>a lot of america
t. Inbred hick in Alabama

>> No.15561119
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>> No.15561122

Less toppings makes it less expensive.

>> No.15561217

Sad limp pizza for a sad limp dick.
Rope yourself.

>> No.15561254

I remember when they switched to this disgusting shit the year I graduated. I'll never forgive Michelle Obama. Before that our school pizza was actually delicious.

>> No.15561429

a "slice place" is like what you get in NYC not Casey's. that's real America

>> No.15561446

Places that sell by the slice are only gonna offer whatever people ask for most, they way they can always make sure they've got plenty ready to go when people order it.

It's the same reason little Caesars only offers their hot n ready pizzas in cheese or pepperoni (sometimes only pepperoni depending where you are) and anything else you have to wait for them to make it, they don't want to make something else just in case someone orders it and have it sit there so long they have to throw it out and lose money.

>> No.15561514

I loved school sheet pizza, esp the burnt parts.

>> No.15561855

I got your sausage right here

>> No.15561896

Some slice joints will add toppings. One place I used to frequent at High School that's no longer around was all about this.

>> No.15561924

Technically pepperoni is a type of sausage

>> No.15561952

Technically ur mom is gay

>> No.15562351

Nigger Casey's is midwest, not southern. Fuck off back to jew York

>> No.15562422

My local place is pepperoni or hawaiian, I'd fucking kill for them to offer a slice of deluxe.

>> No.15562783

>implying no one working there would take it home after close
If I worked at a pizza joint, I'd take any leftover sausage pizza home, especially if it was anything close to gradeschool lunch sausage pizza back in the 90s.

To the buyer's eye, it looks like you're getting less for your money unless the place is very generous in their sausage coverage.

Then there's the fact you have to cook it first so I would think most independent places don't want to keep cooking more sausage incase they run out for a regular order.

tl;dr Pepperoni is just cheaper in time and money.

>> No.15563177

my go to place has cheese, a "brothers favorite" which has meatball chunks, roasted red peppers, and onion on it, a buffalo chicken slice, and a slice of the day. they also have a stuffed slice and "pinwheels" which are handheld things with either pepperoni and cheese, spinach and cheese, and whatever their daily special is.

just because your place doesn't have variation, doesn't mean others don't.

>> No.15564321

Sausage > pepperoni
Also for breakfast
Sausage > bacon

>> No.15564326

Lost a lot of weight due to not fucking eating that trash.

>> No.15564407
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>> No.15564437

Why isn’t black olives or ham liked more? Shits wack

>> No.15564461

It's clearly a type of pepper. That's why it's red.

>> No.15564975

How many walls did you punch over being corrected?

>> No.15565958

Whether the employee wants to take old dried out shit that's been sitting there unsold for 8 hours after their shift ends is irrelevant, to the business that's still just lost money so they'll prep what they know is going to sell instead.

>> No.15565994

No idea what you're talking about. I'm a mushroom fan myself and they always have it. Or they usually have specialty pizzas like buffalo chicken

>> No.15566009

Bro we had that in 1996. Also the food staff at schools don't get the respect they deserve. We were so mean to the lunch ladies.. :(

>> No.15566010

Lol baste

>> No.15566118

They lost all of their competition when pizza hut closed their buffet. Now, they can get away with fewer choices.

>> No.15566174

This. Give me pineapple and ham slices.

>> No.15566198

You can add whatever toppings you want before you reheat the slice

>> No.15566368

>Bro we had that in 1996.
I'm so glad I didn't go to a poor school. The pizza our school district had was a round pizza with a thick crust and melty, greasy cheese, not that dry cardboard square. Thursdays also alternated between Papa Johns and Jet's Pizza.

>> No.15566386
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I'm with you man. I love a good slice of sausage pizza

>> No.15566448

I doubt they cook them regularly desu. I haven't really seen anyone order a sausage pizza, let alone a single slice, since I was in early high school. That was going on 20 years ago.

>> No.15566502

My school had papa johnś which was my favorite. Then one week I showed up and they had switched to some shittier cheaper local joint. I was in the third grade and pretty self-righteous so I started a protest group called POOP - Papaś or outrageous protests. Got some friends to make posters and gave speeches at recess. This was a very liberal montesorri-lite school so they wanted to encourage that kind of free-thinking but this ruffled some feathers. My mom supported me because the document she signed enrolling me in pizza day specified it would be PJ's. After a week ago they just refunded my parents the money and made me drop it.

>> No.15566819

Not even East Coast and I remember this style. Probably went out of fashion in the mid 90s but I really did enjoy it, particularly with herbs and a slight char.

>> No.15567253

It's cheese or pepperoni at dollar slice joints because they work with low profit margins and high volume but the places that charge a little more have a variety.

>> No.15568548

In my area the choices are always cheese, pepperoni, or buffalo chicken

>> No.15570095

So... ground pork pizza. Bleh.

>> No.15570142


oh fuck. elementary school riots. one time the 5th graders threw a basketball at one of the recess disciplinaries so they took away the whole school's balls for a week. on the second day all the uppergrades staged a sit in where we didnt go back to class while chanting "NO BALLS NO PEACE"

crazy to think we were 9, 10, and 11 when we figured out how to protest

>> No.15570288
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>Why is it always

Because you're a flyover