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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15559217 No.15559217 [Reply] [Original]

>drunk at 2AM
>walking up to the servo with your bros and getting a $1 frozen
is there a more comfy feeling?

>> No.15559222

Do Australians shorten all their words into abbreviations ending in "-o" because they're too retarded to speak like a normal person?

>> No.15559232

feels good not being a europoor or mutt

>> No.15559249

Your country is a vassal state of the United States whose only utility is as a military/intelligence staging ground, and the only thing challenging your status as slaves to the US/ZOG machine is Chang buying up all your land. Irrelevant country full of irrelevant people desperately trying and failing to rise above their low-life, outlaw heritage.

>> No.15559355
File: 583 KB, 1841x1725, 1596166371896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who cares, we're still superior

>> No.15559366

filthy eastern eurocuck detected.

>> No.15559370
File: 181 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (18).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who cares, we're still superior

>> No.15559378

I'm American.

>> No.15559381

they also use "ie" for example "brekkie" or "barbie" They have the mental capabilities of children and like children they need to make "serious" words "fun" sounding.

>> No.15559387
File: 70 KB, 470x485, 1burz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So was my ex, when we went out she noted that australians are taller and better looking, especially on the gold coast.

fuck off pedro, stop trying to turn this into an /int/ thread you fucking /int/cel

>> No.15559390

>use baby-talk specific to the most annoying and obnoxious part of the world
>get upset when people call you a retard for talking like a baby

>> No.15559396

yeah aye oi cunt far out talk about something /ck/ related or fuck off lol this is me threadie

>> No.15559406

No that doesn't look comfy for when you're drunk. I'd rather drink water and eat something more substantial than sugar.

>> No.15559418

you don't even have any friends

>> No.15559420

>is there a more comfy feeling?
not being Austral*an

>> No.15559429
File: 1.80 MB, 1080x1350, 1593309478501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dunno why you fags are hating on us aussies so much, I'm just sitting here giggling drinking some goon and you americans came out the woodwork to self-suck and hate

>> No.15559496

>me threadie

>> No.15559500

>seething ausfag can't reach his microdick

>> No.15559522

Too bad wuflu killed most of these places

>> No.15559534

What? no one in QLD had issues.

>> No.15559536

Do you not get more hungover doing this? You must immediately become more hungry and thirsty. The power of friendship won't stop dehydration.

>> No.15559575

never used to, but hangovers lately have been very extreme. To keep it a little more tolerable, i just make vegemite toast and have multivitamins before i crash - if i remember to.

>> No.15560141

australians are so worthless, even a small island like britain has more relevance to the world

>> No.15560510

maccas. they talk like toddlers sometimes

>> No.15560526

this board is just int with slightly more food talk

>> No.15560543

What’s a servo desu

>> No.15560562

filthy slavmutt hybrid detected

>> No.15560570
File: 34 KB, 518x936, genetics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope, just a regular mutt

>> No.15560626


>> No.15560698

>Hands holding a black dick and a white dick

>> No.15560860

Alcohol is shit expensive in this shithole country as the natives can't be trusted with fairly priced alcohol

>> No.15560911

This man is sad as fuck in his real life I bet

>> No.15560914

All Ausfags are

>> No.15561014

>order some deluxe overpriced venti drink from starbucks
>some richfag does the "pay it forward" meme so your drink is free

>> No.15561034


>> No.15561047

Maybe having a bint to smash when you get home? Or a piping hot Four ‘n Twenty?

>> No.15561053

Yeah they're based
Had one yesterday actually lol

>> No.15562404
File: 17 KB, 400x400, 1610432971250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based 7/11 lad, harass the poo in the loos while they are there
>dunno why you fags are hating on us aussies so much, I'm just sitting here giggling drinking some goon and you americans came out the woodwork to self-suck and hate
Seething burger niggers

>> No.15562448

I think I’m autistic because the local store really makes their icees too liquidy AND IT FUCKING PISSES ME OFF. It’s supposed to be light and airy, not a cup of syrup.

>> No.15564417

>walking to the servo
fuck off, chink
fucking cityfags should be banned from posting.

you try speaking normally when it's 47 fucking degrees celcius for most of the year

>> No.15564568
File: 154 KB, 884x1006, 1587912994331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure is a lot of seethe in this thread
>40 posts, 19 ips

>> No.15564824


>> No.15565318

>fuck off, chink
80% of us are on the east coast you stupid fuck, go fuck your mother.

>> No.15565979


>> No.15566085

>Your country is a vassal state of the United States
Fuck off, we are a vassal state of China thank you very much

>> No.15566098

>air rifle

>> No.15566215

fuck 'em burgers, enjoy your buzz lad
shame it's way too fucking cold out here for a frozen, can't get proper waster anyway because they shut down all the pubs in the name of the chinky flu

>> No.15566517

we called this Slushies where i lived

>> No.15566525

Google "five eyes"