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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15558945 No.15558945 [Reply] [Original]

>looking at recipes online
>you have to scroll through the writer's entire life story and more before they even show the recipe

>> No.15558962
File: 324 KB, 520x563, 9123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy a cookbook
>have the recipe 24/7 without skimming through webpages like a fag

>> No.15558979

It's because of SEO

>> No.15558990
File: 24 KB, 600x600, 1592707438088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>write my own cookbook
>don't have to skim or pay like a retarded faggot

>> No.15559004

>Recipe is peppered throughout writer's entire life story

>> No.15559009

I've never seen that. Stop using google, it's garbage.

>> No.15559031



>then you’ll want to put it in the mixer, which reminds me of the time I went to India they did it by hand blah blah blah

>> No.15559047

books are for reading not cooking

>> No.15559168

Can blog moms be trusted to have legit recipes or is it just another form of attention whoring?

>> No.15559178

Just click the go to recipe button.

>> No.15559190
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>a pinch of salt
>a dash of oil
>use upper medium slight heat
>cook until desired color is achieved
>and now to the most important ingredient, love ;)

>> No.15559231

i'm making baked potato, baked apples+brown sugar. and bacon.

>> No.15559239

You can't take two minutes out of your day to read the context of the recipe you're getting for free you selfish self entitled child? You ungrateful little shit, do you treat your mother like this too?

>> No.15559431

My mom doesn't write shitty food blogs peppered with video ads.

>> No.15559461
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>recipe doesn't list how much of each ingredient you're supposed to use
guess im gonna just have to figure it out on my own

>> No.15559505

>recipe calls for kosher salt

>> No.15560365

>not using ctrl+f with words like tsp, tbsp or 1
Guaranteed to get you almost straight to the recipe

>> No.15560393

>jump to recipe button
>jumps to "click here to see recipe" button
>"click here" button takes me to part of recipe, only a few ingredients shown
>different click here to see full recipe
>you must subscribe to this site for a monthly fee to see the full recipe

>> No.15560399

>recipe doesn't actually tell you all the steps you have to do to get it right
>you have to actually read through their wall of texts and pics to find where they actually say what you're supposed to do at certain steps

>> No.15560708 [DELETED] 

It's attention whoring. They can make "How to make tea" go for six pages.

>> No.15560724 [DELETED] 

ALL the recipes call for Kosher salt. When the blog moms steal a recipe, they add the word Kosher to every salt reference in the text. Same for Organic and all oil must be olive oil. If the recipe calls for deep frying, they write six paragraphs explaining how traditionally it's deep fried, but today we will bake it with a splash of olive oil.

>> No.15560737
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will it ever be topped?

>> No.15562403


>> No.15562433

PageRank is the reason. If you are using Jewgle to find recipes, you will not find any that don't include a gigantic blogpost. Not writing your recipe like a western woman punishes your site, and you will not show up in search results.

>> No.15562539

You have to fine tune your sense for it but some are pretty good. Don't blindly trust any of them though.

Substitutes for this love ingredient?

>> No.15562546

>Substitutes for this love ingredient?
bitterness and regret

>> No.15562552

Why did you space the text like that? Looks weird.

>> No.15563864

Allrecipes.com anything with good reviews over 1000 times

>> No.15563938

I want to suck her armpits.

>> No.15563948

>you have to scroll through the writer's entire life story
Stop using faggoty blogs as a source for recipes.
Problem solved.

>> No.15564394

when is someone gunna make a cooking/recipe website that doesnt do this shit?
I just want plain text on a plain, pictureless site, no crazy fucking UI.

5 bullet points in concise fucking text telling me when to add what to the pot.
Maybe a search bar at the top, that's it.

Basically Google, but a cooking site.
Realistically that's how google got so popular. before them every fucking search engine looked like Yahoo.co.jp.

>> No.15564424

This. It's usually SEO bullshit as much as it is legitimate.

Really, you just have to not use Google. In practice though, most people are so used to the main search engine providers that they'll endure the inefficiencies rather than relearn how to search online again.
DuckDuckGo, Bing, and Yandex are all alternatives that are at least in the same ballpark of accuracy/precision as Google, though all have caveats.

>> No.15564497

>>a pinch of salt
this, "salt to taste" is the bane of any otherwise good recipe. If I'm making meatballs I don't want to have to cook a small amount to check for salt, especially since "to taste" is a bullshit concept anyways. No baking recipe says to salt the dough "to taste" because there's a proper amount of salt that should go into any recipe, but the author is too lazy or incompetent or cowardly to include it in the fucking recipe.

>> No.15564508

You're scum, op

You get shit for free and you complain

>> No.15564515

It's called Spending Money

>> No.15564525

You should already know how much salt you like in a given amount of food

It's not hard and it stops utter trash like you from complaining about "oohhh too much salt waa waa"

>> No.15564610

Not him, but that only applies after the second-third time around making it. The taste of salt isn't some set amount per a certain mass of food, at least for most folks.

I think the only item I consistently know to deviate from a recipe is garlic, because the taste is more consistent, and usually I double the amount the recipe calls for.

>> No.15565220

>If I'm making meatballs I don't want to have to cook a small amount to check for salt
Microwave a little lump of the mixture, dingus. The point of salting to taste is that there is going to be some irregularity in your procedure/ingredients (or a difference in your taste) that will demand more or less salt than the recipe writer may have used. Start seasoning to taste and it'll become a pretty automatic skill when you cook all sorts of shit. Baking is a different matter where precision matters a lot more and you should be weighing ingredients anyways.

>> No.15565231

Jfc are you honestly complaining about scrolling for a recipe?

>> No.15565234
File: 217 KB, 2556x1890, gandhi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women really will do anything for attention.

>> No.15565270

t blog writer

>> No.15565765

I think we should start copy/pasting good recipes without the bullshit into images we can post here.

>> No.15565945

Holy shit this

>> No.15565966

>into the oven it goes

>> No.15565999

I've been doing this with various pastebin documents

>> No.15566788
File: 927 KB, 1536x2048, easy chicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This used to annoy the hell out of me, but it doesn't anymore; oftentimes the wall of text adds context to the recipe (e.g. its origin, ingredients you can swap), and if it really is just a story about hubby and the kids then you know to avoid the blog because the recipes are probably trash that have been slightly altered from Food Network or old cookbook recipes.
Allrecipes has a lot of highly-rated trash because it caters to flyover home cooks who use ketchup or soft drinks as an all-purpose secret ingredient. The quality is all over the place.
Cookpad is extremely bare-bones and seems to be used in a number of different countries (i.e. if you translate the recipe name into its native language and search it on cookpad, there's a good chance you'll get something authentic).

>> No.15566836

>use upper medium slight heat
have stove knobs been standardized yet? can we just say "turn your stove on to 9" instead of this bullshit?

>> No.15566847

Why is this shit so common? I've even seen it where there was a link to the recipe at the end of their memoir

>> No.15566906
File: 9 KB, 220x229, 1506125672104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looking at recipes online
>you have to scroll through the writer's entire life story and more before they even show the recipe
>recipe is scattered within one of the paragraphs and types out the numbers with letters so it blends in even harder

>> No.15566999

Four reasons:
* Search engine optimization
* More places to add affiliate links
* Sometimes it's helpful for the dish to be explained for various reasons
* A lot of recipe bloggers get their start on social media and have an audience that likes to learn more about their lives

>> No.15567009

Google's adsense require a minimum amount of words before you can monetize your blog entry and they promote it

>> No.15567015

>Ingredients list
>Now we add this ingredient that wasn't on the list

>> No.15567033

>Now we add a spoon of sugar
>Adds 3

>> No.15567066

>High ranked recipe
>Make it
>Tastes like shit
>Read it again to figure out how I fucked up
>Did everything right
>Scroll down
>Every single comment complaining that it tastes like shit

>> No.15568436

He's a redditor. They need to press space twice over there in order to make a new line.

>> No.15569152

Looking forward to a "shortly after the trump insurrection attempt on the capital" recipe

>> No.15569302

>that pic
that's pretty much exactly what I want from a proper cooking/recipe site.
maximum 3 lines of text for each recipe.
no pictures
no god fucking awful modern """""slick""""" UI

>> No.15569326

> packet taco seasoning
> King Ranch Seasoning
> Kraft Spaghetti
> Campells chicken soup
> Pace picante sauce
Do amerifats really just have recipes that are just mixing up ready made food?

>> No.15569335

Where do I find minimalist websites for recipes? Stuff like wikicookbook or the rareseeds.com recipe listings

>> No.15569341

Nearly every site has an option to print the recipe. This doesn't include the life story.

You're welcome.

>> No.15569384

Why tf doesn’t CK have a wiki or pastebin yet or am I a newfag?

>> No.15569395
File: 168 KB, 1024x958, Based LLC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15569410

/ck/ pastebin consists entirely of tendie and childish recipes.

>> No.15569448

too many shills with their own profound recipe from congressmen and lobbyists who keep their shill foods relevant and alive to the general public. almost better to just starve to death at this point