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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 172 KB, 1920x1080, 2019-harpersbazaar-fooddiaries-ep29-bingingwithbabish-ehd-v3-facebook-patty-1589382654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15554697 No.15554697[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can food be "reddit"? What does that mean, precisely? Can you distill it into a single sentence?

>> No.15554707

"Reddit" is soulless, consumeristic bullshit made by and for people who have a pathological need to be liked and accepted.

>> No.15554709

if its popular, spicy, and not fast food

>> No.15554720

based boomer foods like tv dinners are also soulless and they still seek validation, maybe just not as much as redditors

>> No.15554721

Being "Reddit" can mean a multitude of things, but in this instance it's caring more so about the superficial, advanced qualities of things than it is the basic essence of something for the sake of impressing others. Babish puts forth way too much effort to improve the last 1% of something than compared to the previous 99% of something.

In general it's caring more about the superficial nature of things than their essence.

>> No.15554725
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your food = reddit
my food = not reddit

>> No.15554744

I think 2016/T_D proved that boomers are the most reddit of all generations

>> No.15554746

this is two sentences and you used reddit spacing and you also type like a redditor

>> No.15554770

reddit cooking is when you're trying to compensate for your lack of experience and skill with bullshit ingredients, technique, equipment or plating.

Take babish for example. can't cook for shit but tries to impress with meme recipes, shit like his midget whisk, ingredients he had to order on some expensive online shop and unnecissarily complicated steps, just to show off that he can spend 16 hours cooking a pot of sloppa.
The oposite of reddit cooking would be grandma cooking. People who have lived through times of scarcity and have ample cooking experience, being able to cook delicious food with nothing on hand but cheap ingredients and a dull knife.

>> No.15554777

>this is two sentences
>In general it's caring more about the superficial nature of things than their essence.

>type like a redditor
I'll type whatever way I want faggot. I've been here longer than you, I guarantee it.

>> No.15554789

if you're really an oldfag then tell me what was the website that 4chan teamed up to raid ebaumsworld with, despite longstanding feuding? you don't know, bitch

>> No.15554792


>> No.15554796

I've never understood the "typing like a redditor" thing. I've been on 4chan for over a decade now and I've always double spacing to delineate my thoughts regarding something. What is typing like a 4channer, exactly? Most faggots that I've had accuse me of being from reddit have no idea how to use greentexting either.

>> No.15554800

Gaia Online, obviously

>> No.15554801

reddit food/cooking is obsessing about rare steak, bacon, sous vide, meal prep, meat substitutes, soylent and hot sauce.

>> No.15554821

this post is quintessentially reddit

>> No.15554833

upboated kind stranger!

>> No.15554837

If you came here after 2008 you're forever a newfaggot

>> No.15554842

wrong idiot
2008 was the 2nd wave of newfaggotry

>> No.15554871

back to plebbit you go

>> No.15554879

you tupid mother fucker ive been on this site every fucking day since before reddit even existing

>> No.15554883
File: 189 KB, 240x120, temp (2).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you'd think that trying to prove who's been on this site longer would be an insult.
you're both massive, faggoty wizards.

>> No.15554887

sure you have lol

>> No.15554890

there's also a cutoff at the beginning, because this site was 100% tripfaggot weebs for the first few years. I only respect people who joined from 2005-2007

>> No.15554898

Reddit is the younger sibling who ended up more successful than other older sibling, the latter of which exists in a state of constant resentment and self-loathing because of it.

>> No.15554901

Yes. Check out "sam the cooking guy". Most of his food is "reddit" style food. No soul. And it's no surprise he's Jewish

>> No.15554905

t. redditor

>> No.15554915

t. tripfaggot weeb, quite possibly a transsexual loser

>> No.15554917


Nice try, actual redditor. 4chan spawned from somethingawful's anime forum so that person is actually right. Faggot.

>> No.15554921

Yeah I agree. All of the oldest of oldfags that I know are all tripfags who posted on /a/ and /jp/. I didn't get here until 2006. I never really posted on reddit outside of hyper-specific hobby subreddits or comedians that I liked that are all banned from reddit now. I suppose I post like this now because I'm in my late 30s now and I just don't give a fuck about appearances.

>> No.15554927

I enjoyed this.

>> No.15554928

based /r/opieandanthony and /r/cumtown poster

>> No.15554929

These terms are just used by immature people who can't get along to feel superior to each other

>> No.15554931

I came here in 2017. It's my board now, boomer

>> No.15554943
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>> No.15554965
File: 7 KB, 200x200, ec1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>join around 2006 when habbo raiding was a thing
>eventually grow out of it
>see that some people never did
>they kept desperately trying to be noticed by the outside world
>pranks became increasingly elaborate
>became less like pranks, more politically motivated (although ironically generally against the right-wing religious establishment)
>eventually things start to shift pro-right during the obama years
>stormfront starts operation BUGS
>shock value contrarianism gives way to genuine hatred and mental conditioning
>steve bannon begins aggressive campaign to mobilize incels on 4chan
>far-right meme ideologies abound
>gamergate makes everything worse
>everything is now about some potent but ultimately headless fascist power fantasy
>reaches boiling point
>retarded conspiracy theories spread seemingly just for the sake of themselves
>the fucking capitol building gets stormed
>we continue to float along in the postmodern nightmare we created
i just wanted to block the pool. you guys just got weird about it. why couldn't you just follow rules 1 & 2?

>> No.15554975

Chanology was the downfall. None of this ever should have spread to the real world.

>> No.15554985

>bragging about staying on this website after age 22

>> No.15554992

>although ironically generally against the right-wing religious establishment
Because back in the 90's and early 2000's, it was the conservatives that seemed to be wanting to invade our lives with additional restrictions and regulations.
Suddenly political correctness happens (say the words we tell you to say), Gamergate happens (we're going to be a major source of info with no scruples), Occupy Wall Street gets entirely subjugated by race-baiters (its you versus them, your labels are more important than you as an individual), and suddenly you have the same people who wanted the early 2000's conservatives to leave them alone now wanting modern liberals to leave them alone.