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15548087 No.15548087 [Reply] [Original]

How do I not get sick of eating eggs?
I tried eating them poached but I lose too much egg white and it's annoying to prepare
Should I try Valentina hot sauce? Tobasco doesn't hit the spot for me
Give me some ideas bros. I'm sick of eating them scrambled with nothing but salt and pepper

>> No.15548137

Over easy, served with something to soak up the yolk. I like doing 2-3 little hash brown medallions, but toast works just as well. Get some cheap sharp cheese like manchego or something to amplify the yolk flavor.

>> No.15548168
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overeasy with picrel

>> No.15548802

i have mine sunny side up, fried in a decent olive oil and served on top of potato waffles with some maldon and cracked black pepper
eggs benedict is great too

>> No.15548822

Pretty much this, but I would add:

-fry the eggs in olive oil and a shit load of butter
-pour half of the hot oil/butter over the toast, place egg/s on toast, pour remaining oil/butter over the egg

>> No.15549087

valentina black bottle extra hot is god tier. maybe try eating them with different seasonings? get some garlic powder or chili powder involved

>> No.15549134

Splash of vinegar and make a whirlpool for perfect poach. Simple as

>> No.15549337

Scramble them with chopped ham and put them in a wrap

>> No.15549721

over easy with toast, english muffins
soft boiled with toast
hard boiled
hard boiled made into egg salad
scrambled/omelette egg, cheese, bacon/sausage, between toast
egg on toast with dijon on one piece of toast and real mayo on the other

For soft boiled, you can softly crack the whole shell with the back of a spoon and peel all of the shell before eating. If you eat it alone, put it in a coffee cup or something with a rounded bottom.

>> No.15550583

thrown in some green onions and scramble them, then make like a sub on nice french bread

>> No.15550590

I just cook mine the lazy man's way, just put oil and crack the egg, let it sit for 2-3 minutes, flip once turn off heat and let the residual heat half-cook the yolk.
Then toast some fancy bread with butter, and put (optional) cholula
Though I am getting tired of eating eggs too.

>> No.15550595

Soft boiled on buttered toast

>> No.15550945

Turmeric and cumin. You're welcome.

>> No.15551077

Try crystal or cholula over valentina unless you really want a ton of cumin. Or >>15550945. Or smoked paprika, or >>15548168

>> No.15551079

>Give me some ideas bros
>tried eating them poached

If poached appeals, but you suck at poaching, oeufs en cocotte (stovetop) should be a thing to investigate.

You can hard boil a dozen on a day off, and then enjoy the convenience of hard boiled eggs throughout the week.
These can quickly be sliced for salads or sandwiches, or made into egg salad or deviled eggs.

Learn to omelette.
Uncle Roger says egg fried rice, but he's a cliche at this point. Never trust culinary advice from a guy in an orange shirt selling $10000 shoes while excitedly putting his foot on the floor.

Valentina doesn't pop with eggs. Green Tabasco does (and tastes quite different from red Tabasco), but you're too chicken to try it. Cholula is ok with eggs.
Maybe look for something chunky to go with scrambled eggs. Kimchi, salsa, or giardiniera all work.

>> No.15551126


>> No.15551174

Please never mention Le Uncle Roger xD again.

>> No.15552087

boil them and swallow them whole like i do

>> No.15552476


Sauteed bell pepper and onion and scramble the eggs in, melt cheese on top and hit with salt. Don't over cook it and it hits the spot everytime.

>> No.15552487

Sunny side up, cheese on top. Combo with something vinegary like peppers, tomato, salsa or sauerkraut and also with something carby like bread or potatoes. Corn tortillas can be really good.
Shallots, white pepper are good seasonings

>> No.15552549

I was unaware it was possible to get tired of eggs. Over easy with toast. Scrambled. Eggs Benedict. Sunny side up. If I had to choose a single food item to eat for the rest of my life, it'd be eggs. I hope they kill me.

Recently I've eating fried cubed potatoes with onion and red pepper; once the potatoes get soft I drop eggs on top of the entire thing, dump a bit of water in the skillet and put a lid on. Scoop it all into a bowl, fuck it of the yolk breaks on the way in. Salsa and sour cream encouraged.

>> No.15552746

I put salt and paprika on my fried eggs

another alternative I like is a "spiced" omelet

Curry powder, garlic powder, salt, cayenne all to preference but go easy on the curry. make it however you want for fillings/toppings

>> No.15553035

Boil them, then mash then and mix with curry powder and mayonnaise for a simple curried eggs, it is very tasty

>> No.15553051

you could try jizzing in them and see if they grow