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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 42 KB, 554x554, coke war.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15546022 No.15546022 [Reply] [Original]

The eternal debate. Discuss.

>> No.15546038

pepsi max

>> No.15546057

The best soda without sugar: Pepsi Max
The best soda with sugar: Coca Cola

>> No.15546064

For me, it's Mexican Coke.

>> No.15546070


Pepsico is winning as far as the numbers go, but Coke is the only one for me.

>> No.15546071

For me its Colombian Coke

>> No.15546078

coke burns my throat, pepsi doesn't.

>> No.15546111
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>> No.15546164

Do you think mayo is spicy too?

>> No.15546197
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>> No.15546242

mexican coke

>> No.15546245

Choose loife

>> No.15546246


>> No.15546249

I can make mayo 20,000,000 scoville, wanna hang out?

>> No.15546324

second this

>> No.15546325


>> No.15546422
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>> No.15546456

Why would you want no sugar in pepsi or coke, that's literally the whole point of soda.

>> No.15546470

coke>pepsi>pepsi max>coke zero

>> No.15546486

fucking based

>> No.15546552

Amazing given that Pepsi tastes like plastic.

>> No.15546554

For me its Bolivian coke

>> No.15546598

Mexicans make the best coke. We should open a gigantic coca cola factory along the border instead of a wall.

>> No.15546604 [DELETED] 

Wait what kind of coke are you talking about?

>> No.15546605

>The eternal debate.
wow yeah so fucking deep

>> No.15546608

coke is like two letters away from being cock. might as well admit youre sucking on cock. pepsi is based

>> No.15546631

Pepsico has a lot more under it's belt than Pepsi, which is most likely why they're ahead. Snacks, for example, is one area they have a massive foothold in.

>> No.15546639

Caffine and some fizz.

>> No.15546644


>> No.15546690

if you like pepsi your iq is 68

>> No.15546724

Pepsi with lemon >> coke > normal pespi >>>>coke with lemon

>> No.15546737

According to whom?

>> No.15546741
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>> No.15546747
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Turns out Pepsi is just 1 letter removed from Penis faggot.

>> No.15546815
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People who say they taste the same are genetically deficient in tasting

>> No.15546818

Pepsi Max tastes like canned sadness

>> No.15547056

wtf i love pepsi now

>> No.15547493

Pepsi Max>Full sugar Coke>>>literally nothing>the rest

>> No.15548021

Pepsi is my favourite by itself, but I prefer Coke for mixing with alcohol for some reason

>> No.15548228
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>> No.15548253

fuck year bangs

>> No.15548269


Coke at Mcd or BK sure. But If I go to Subway I prefer Pepsi because Subway have those machines you can customize your Pepsi or whatever with any flavor. It's really good.

I do prefer however Orange Crush over what ever Coke have, I think it's Fanta.

>> No.15548280

If you take out the bottom slogan, you could make it sound like coke kills all those stuff it's pouring on.

>> No.15548281


What do you mean Barq's has bite?

>> No.15548572
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the can is black, just like my soul

>> No.15548760

Mexican Coke>pepsi>coke

>> No.15548766


/ck/ talks about mexican coke all the time. I'll never see a bottle of it on my life.

>> No.15548769

>still drinking sugar water

>> No.15548785

pepsico being hard carried by mountain dew gamers

>> No.15548787

Cherry coke

>> No.15548884

ginger and mango pepsi is kino
coke just tastes like sugar

>> No.15548908

coke reg or coke vanilla
simple as

>> No.15549007

HFCS tastes sweeter than cane sugar, therefor American > Mexican coke, and Pepsi is best of all. I know it's hard to accept but it's an empirical truth.

>> No.15549133

stop drinking soda, your teeth are going to fall out

>> No.15549994

costco usually has it

>> No.15550166

For me its root beer

>> No.15550177

I like Pepsi more if I’m being honest with you guys

>> No.15550186

Coke > Pepsi
Coke from Mexico > Pepsi from Mexico
Pepsi Max > Coke Zero
Cherry Pepsi > Cherry Coke

>> No.15550203

pepsi is too sweet

>> No.15550219

dr pepper > coke > pepsi

>> No.15550229

brush ur teeth

>> No.15550237

They're both shit.

>> No.15550570

I want to smell that emo girls bare puckered asshole

>> No.15550596

Pepsi is still it's biggest product by a fairly wide margin, like over two times bigger than the next highest (mt. dew). This boggles my mind because pepsi is so shit, but I think a lot of black people prefer it.

>> No.15550811

People may hate it, but this is the truth.

>> No.15550826

My family is a coke family except for my sister, who prefers pepsi.

She has a legitimate excuse though.

She was diagnosed with Leukemia at 2 years old, and had to take lots of nasty meds as a kid. My mom would mix them with coke to make them go down easier. To this day, she still tastes a hint of that shit every time she has coke.

>> No.15550854

This is boring. It's all liquid candy.

>> No.15550967

Pepsi is the girlie edition of Coke.

>> No.15552212

Why the hell are you drinking soda then

>> No.15552481
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Behold, plebs!

>> No.15552688

pepsimax>diet coke/coke zero

>> No.15553932
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>it's made with girders

>> No.15553936


>> No.15554499

they taste about the same to me but...pepsi i guess

>> No.15554546
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>lowers your sugar content
nothin personell

>> No.15554957

Soda fucking sucks but mexican coke

>> No.15554964

Coke. Pepsi always seems flat.

>> No.15555002

mexican coke

it's just better than everything else. Wish more people stocked it.

>> No.15555152

pepsi gives me bloat even though they have vurtually similar ingredients, which is best soda with sugar and nothing artificial?

>> No.15555235
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>> No.15555768
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>> No.15555824

>Mexican coke
This. No water fluoridation in Mexico and real sugar in their coke.

>> No.15555876
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I only drink this shit (and water)

>> No.15555892

giardia too

>> No.15555894

Except for Mtn Dew, Gatorade, and Sierra Mist, Coca Cola products will always superior.

>> No.15555911

show us one case from somebody drinking Mexican coke

>> No.15556100
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For me it's either Pepsi Max or Coke Zero

I don't care which

>> No.15556381
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This is what I drink

Lime cordial

>> No.15556450

Hello Scots

>> No.15556507
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