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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15545681 No.15545681 [Reply] [Original]

Do you have any strange eating habits /ck/? I myself really hate touching food with my hands because of my fear of cross contamination. What about you?

>> No.15545686
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Here is another example.

>> No.15545694

>fear of cross contamination
As someone who works in a morgue, I can tell you there is a 100% chance you have faeces on your fingers right now.

>> No.15545709

>fear of cross contamination.

Stay away from Christian churches, and you'll be completely safe from Cross Contamination.

>> No.15545720
File: 29 KB, 300x300, antiwarus-profile_image-550a2904809fced6-300x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I eat food I divide it into three & then eat 1/3 portion to each side of my mouth (left middle right)
Ive done this for 24 years

>> No.15545727 [DELETED] 
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>Stay away from Christian churches, and you'll be completely safe from Cross Contamination.

>> No.15545760
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>> No.15545762

I have an eating disorder eat pudding first!

>> No.15545765

When I eat a meal with many different components (starch, protein, multiple vegetables, salad, etc.), I plate my food so it doesn't touch the other components, until, or if, I want to mix them or not. If I order food at a restaurant or someone else puts my plate together, I don't care what touchs what.
I don't eat Poptarts very often anymore, but I used to bite the edges off, then slide the back off so I could eat the side with frosting on its own.
When eating Pizza Pops, or the like, I take a small bite out of each side, to help release the heat faster, and also so it has less of a chance of bursting on me. I fucking hate getting food on my face, makes me feel retarded.

>> No.15546567

Great art but this is so fucked up. You've ruined the crispy crunch of big whole triangles. Use chopsticks like a normal person.

>> No.15546572

I do this if it's in a proper restaurant or gastropub

>> No.15546574

I do this for Five Guys because they wrap it in foil so the bun gets steamed and just dissolves.

>> No.15546580

i eat things in even numbers, pairs ig. if something touches me i feel like i have infected it so i "have" to eat it

>> No.15546586
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>> No.15547998

i eat the bottom bun of the mcd cheeseburger first then the rest of the burger

>> No.15548019

>this kills the peetzer

>> No.15548109

You monster.

>> No.15548133

When I eat cereal I make it in two steps. First I pour the cereal into the milk. Then once the cereal is soggy I'll strain it out and add fresh cereal to the now sweetened milk. This has two benefits: First, the milk is sweeter. Second, the cereal takes longer to become soggy and keeps a good crunch from start to finish.

>> No.15548141

Good luck with actively hunting for your cereal in the bowl.

>> No.15548142

You have autism

>> No.15548147

>Use chopsticks like a normal person.
I can't tell if you're joking, but yes. I use kitchen tweezers to eat chips. If it's a sandwich, I'll use salad tongs so I don't have to touch it with my hands.

>> No.15548172

It's best to eat a burger perimeter first so the best bite is saved for last.

>> No.15548178

What? All the cereal floats on top. If you're talking about getting the soggy cereal out I just use a strainer.

>> No.15548199

>he has to use a filter for his cereal

>> No.15548202

It's the best way to eat it. Try it an you'll never go back.

>> No.15548246

Bro what's cereal without the pool of milk in your spoon?

>> No.15548266

You have double autism

>> No.15548316

what do you do with the first batch of cereal you strain?

>> No.15548339

I bite off the tops of banana and spit it out like you would pull a grenade pin with one-handed with your teeth.

>> No.15548368

I never eat the very bottom tip of my banana. I don't care about the top though.

>> No.15548376

You dispose of it, feed it to an animal or compost it if you don't want it to go to waste.

The milk is still there. After you strain out the cereal you keep the sweet milk and pour fresh cereal in. The milk in the spoon is still there, but sweeter. The cereal maintains a good crunch even after being in the milk. You can take your time and savor every bite.

>> No.15548385

Oh shit, that actually does sound really good. I'll try out eating cereal with a filter spoon sometime, then.

>> No.15548409
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Dont have much that I know of other than always drinking coffee after a meal to get the bowels moving. But one time I ate at a chinese buffet with a coworker and his down syndrome brother, his brother brings picrel because he will get angry and start yelling if rice falls off his spoon. We ended up tipping alot because he decked he decked one of the waitresses because he also hates women and her refilling his glass when it wasn't empty set him off

>> No.15548463
File: 39 KB, 1152x648, how to eat cereal right.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are some instructions

>> No.15548471

Apples. I eat an apple straight though. Everything but the sticker. And if you don’t do this you’re a massive pussy.

>> No.15548491

The fuck do you do with the soggy cereal? This seems vastly counterproductive and wastes more cereal than needed.

>> No.15548535
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Every time I take a bite out of something I describe the contents of my incoming bite of food to myself, sometimes out loud.
So let's say I'm eating a bowl of noodles
I take some noodles with soup, I say to myself "a bite of noodle and soup" then I take a bite of just soup I say "and a bite of soup"
I always do this, without fail. I think I got the habit from my mom feeding me when I was 4 years old and it stuck with me whenever she described the bite I was about to take.
When I was a kid I also ate potato chips like if I were putting a CD into my mouth and my mouth were a CD player.

>> No.15548595

Cereal is cheap, compost it or feed it to some animal.

>> No.15548631

I eat standing up, family is Asian so it drives them crazy.

>> No.15548643

I should have specified the peel. Once that top is ripped out and spat I peel and eat it normally.

Also, I eat strawberries with the stem on, but I might pull off the leaves if I feel like it.

Oh also! I actually eat the bones when served chicken but not so much anymore in polite company.

>> No.15548645

You can't bite soup

>> No.15548673

Get some help you have mental issues

>> No.15548734

You had me at compost

>> No.15548738
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>> No.15548797

I am going to start eating bananas again just so I can do this. Anon, how many blowjobs have you gotten from this garish display of pure masculine dominance? I have a hard time imagining any woman resisting me once she has seen me rip a banana's stem off with my teeth, aggressively spit it out, then calmly eat said banana like it's nothing.

>> No.15548887

You are onto something here. You are saying that once you soak cereal in milk to sweeten the milk, the next batch of cereal you pour in the milk will not get soaked and soggy. This scenario potentially presents a virtually unlimited number of "mix and match" flavor combinations. Have you tried that? I mean, flavoring your milk with one cereal, then serving it with another. There are so many ways you could do it, I dare not even speculate.

However, I've got to point out, you could achieve this non-sogged cereal without any waste by simply adding sugar & starch to your milk yourself. That would not be as tasty, but I think it would work.

I don't even eat cereal.

My weird eating habit is that I can't sit down and eat for more than a few minutes, because that will hit me with PTSD flashbacks. I have to get up and walk around. When I eat alone, I often eat while pacing.

>> No.15548899

I haven't tried that yet, but it is a brilliant idea. I've got to get groceries today, so I can get some different cereals to try.

>> No.15548919

You ought to report in. Tell us what you come up with and if it's good. Make a thread or two, even.

>> No.15548920


>> No.15548953
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my mom made it like this, I cannot have it any other way even though I know it's not the "best"

>> No.15548956

You have triple autism

>> No.15549023

Okay, the pizza thing is just inconvenient, but THIS is not actually possible, is it? Shit would fall apart.

>> No.15549068
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when I make pizza I like to cut it like this and say "I'm just going to have 4 slices" then the other two slices don't really count when they just get snak'd later

>> No.15549079

>ice cream in cone
>remove icecream into bowl
>break up cone and sprinkle ontop of icecream

>> No.15549081

the best way to eat mashed potatoes is on toast

>> No.15549103
File: 714 KB, 705x777, Screenshot_20210208_222106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is not a strange habit, it's just being mediterrean.

>> No.15549116

>eating goldfish
>crew up goldfish in mouth into ball
>take ball from mouth and plate
>use crewed up goldfish ball as dip for new goldfish

>> No.15549372
File: 174 KB, 2037x1528, food gore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I eat pizza with a knife and fork, and have since I was teen-ager. I got tired of pizza flopping over and losing it's toppings (folded or not).

Canned spinach with miracle whip.

eat a big mac one layer at a time, or make 1.5 burgers out of it.

eat fries one at a time, plain or dipped in mayo, or a shake.

some times eat a huge bite out of a burger then slowly chew little bits of it at a time.

instead of sugar I sprinkle nestle quik on my cereal.

put oreo in mouth, drink a liquid (doesn't matter what) dissolve oreo. mmmmm.

>> No.15549397

I told you not to tell dave

>> No.15549401
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>crew up
>crewed up

>> No.15549414

Unreasonably BASTE

>> No.15549423

Are you the comedian Stephen Wright?

>> No.15549425

chew meat, suck out all juice from meat in mouth. use wad of meat to soak up more juice from plate.

>> No.15549427

I eat the tails on shrimp.

It's amazing how many people think that contains nothing but shit. The reality, obvious to anyone who cooks shrimp, is that the vein down the back is where the shit is.

>> No.15549438
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>> No.15549441
File: 11 KB, 188x267, 2Q==(3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do the rest of these autisic traits make you feel less retarded?

>> No.15549462

I can't eat anything that has ketchup in it, it is repulsive to my tastebuds.

I eat tendies, nuggets and other deep fried finger food with no sauce or dip.

I usually eat an entire apple with its core and stem. Always freaked people out for some reason

When I have a meal with several distinctive parts - like steak, potatoes and greens, I always eat the parts in order from least to most tasty so that the final bite will be pleasant. Never mix just like races

I prefer to have cold pizza, it just tastes better imo

>> No.15549469


Is that unusual?

Unless maybe you spin counter clockwise or something. Or the entire table while holding the fork still.

>> No.15549473

jw why you are worried about touching something that is literally going inside your body anyways?

always my weird shit is I will eat chicken wings like a Nigerian. If I can there will be literally nothing left, not even a bone. Though these days I eat older, healthier birds so I can't do that anymore due to calcification

>> No.15549474


I used to know a guy who put ketchup on everything he ate. Even pie.

>> No.15549487

I sip Worcestershire sauce like a fine whiskey, or do shots of it..

>> No.15549507

Well, the first things is simple OCD brought on by habit. Note I mentioned going to restaurants and someone else plating my food.
The second is for pure enjoyment, akin to how people twist off Oreos.
The third is just simply wanting my food to cool down more quickly and not be a mess when I eat it.
Those are the only odd habits I have.
Also; sneed.

>> No.15549516

Why does it give you PTSD? If you don't mind me asking.

>> No.15549548

Brother. That stuff is like crack.

>> No.15549608

Cooking and eating doesn't "give me" PTSD. It was already there. I used to be able to write extensively, and draft and fold complex origami models. Those days seem to be gone.

I have a really long and extensive experience with rape. It's a weird and inconsistent place. Getting dicks in the anus tends to hurt, particularly as a child.

TMI, right? Ignore me; I won't be here much longer.

>> No.15549651

I smother my baked potatoes in it. better than sour cream imo

>> No.15549759

I didn't expect these feels. I hope you're doing okay fren but it sounds like you aren't. I hope you find peace

>> No.15550033

I used to know a guy who really liked to make well-done steaks, where he would pre-cut the whole thing into little cubes, and then douse them with a large amount of worcestershire sauce. he'd eat that for almost every meal

>> No.15550105

I dislike getting my hands greasy.
I can slop shit all day in a garden, or work on a car, but any time I'm near food I HATE it.
I eat everything with a knife and fork, I use chopsticks or a spoon to eat crisps from a bag, and I have a hand towel with me nearly all the time.
If I have no access to utentsils, I typically spend 30+ seconds wiping my hands clean between each bite.

>> No.15550411
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>I dislike getting my hands greasy.

>> No.15550713

Instead of trashing the extra cheese and toppings why not double up

>> No.15550797

I used to bite the head off one, the tail off another, and "glue" the two remaining parts together with a bit of saliva, and then eat that.

I would also say that >97% of my hot meals eaten at home are eaten off heated plates and or bowls.

I also finish just about every meal with two pieces of dark chocolate. It's like a meal isn't over until I've had it.

>> No.15550840

>pizza casserole
Just make a calzone

>> No.15550845

eat them with chopsticks anon

>> No.15550873
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Repoastin for posterity


>> No.15550877
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>> No.15550881
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>> No.15550887
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>> No.15550894
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>> No.15550899
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wa la!

>> No.15551363

literally just wash your damn hands, retard

>> No.15551404

I eat burgers upside down. This is because the bottom is usually soggy from the sauce and the top can hold in the liquids better due to its shape and size.

>> No.15552383


>> No.15552477

>stirs soup in bowl
Now there's no cold spot

>> No.15552654

You're American aren't you?

>> No.15552939

i'm not him but no, i'm from buglaria

>> No.15552978

>bottom tip
you're opening them upside down

>> No.15553000

>"only" four slices
>fat as fatasses when they say they hardly eat anything

>> No.15553009

Op is unironically an autistic faggot

>> No.15553021

i only spoon soup in 2(2^(0.5))/pi radian intervals

>> No.15553082

Its him sticking his tongue out like Jack while taking a bite

>> No.15553325

American here, if you try to use utensils to eat a burger the McDonald's police beat down your door and taze you

>> No.15553502

i like berger cut in half

>> No.15553577
File: 7 KB, 299x169, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use a spoon and a fork to eat any rollable pasta

>> No.15554126

i use chopsticks to eat cheetos.

>> No.15554132

this is actually a decent idea to not get your fingers wrapped in chips dust