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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15544733 No.15544733 [Reply] [Original]

who the fuck actually likes well done steak?

>> No.15544762


it was an accident but I super slow roasted/baked a steak too long until it was well done. Like gray throughout but still juicy with rendered fat. It was good. But that was cooked insanely slow and I was still rustled.

well done from fry/grill is literal shoe leather I don't get the appeal..

>> No.15544772 [DELETED] 
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me. I'm not that picky. I prefer medium rare but as long as steak isn't burnt to a crisp it still tastes good.
Just eat your food and stop thinking such unimportant details make you better

>> No.15544777

I work at taco bell!

>> No.15544779

I just dont get the appeal of eating literal shoe leather

>> No.15544782


i do, and i eat it with ketchup, i'm not trolling, that's just what i do and honestly the steak costs 50-70 dollars a pound that's what i'll always do.

>> No.15544783

Donald J Trump

>> No.15544786

My parents actually make a scene at a restaurant if there is any bit of pink in their steak.

>> No.15544788

Your dad should've beat your ass

>> No.15544797

>Donald J Trump
with ketchup

>> No.15544857

Just cook chicken at that point

>> No.15544869

Not fully well, but I do prefer medium well. Sure, it's not as juicy, but I prefer the texture.

>> No.15544892

My brother who doesn't know how to cook and would eat dino nuggets and steakumms for every meal of given the opportunity, and my boomer parents who think a medium steak is dangerously undercooked.

>> No.15544898

Cook it brown and stay around.

>> No.15544904

My dumb parents because they grew up eating Soviet slop.

>> No.15544907

People who stop eating tacos because of that one time they threw up after eating tacos at someones house 4 years ago.

>> No.15545199

I like a medium rare as much as the next guy, but do you honesty feel the need for superiority over the small niche of people who enjoy THEIR steak well done? It's fucking sad. just let people enjoy their own fuckin steak.

>> No.15545219

Most black American people eat their meat well done. Not being racist or joking. Probably something to do with being poor and not getting good meat back in the day and now it’s just become tradition.

>> No.15545233

I've heard that Mr. Trump is one such person

>> No.15545238

My parents do. I think it's a pretty common boomer thing.

>> No.15545479

Regarding well done steak, it might surprise people to learn, but quite a few old time ranchers and cowboys and their families liked their steaks well done. They grew up with the idea that you had to cook them well done to make sure they harbor germs that would make them sick.

A few years ago, one local restaurant had steak on their all you can eat Sunday buffet. The restaurant was okay, but nothing special. I was there with a few other people including the elderly matriarch of one farm/ranch family who was definitely of the well done persuasion.

My second steak that day was seriously undercooked. After one bite I was ready to send it back, but since the matriarch of that family had a fit when she saw how undercooked it was, I ate the entire thing right in front of her.

>> No.15545514

i did, when i was 12. now i like it medium if its a shitty steak and medium rare if its a good one

>> No.15545517

older people tend to because it's easier to digest

>> No.15545518

Children and the elderly

>> No.15545723


>> No.15545745

Yeah, they freak out whenever I order anything less than well-done at a restaurant because of the salmonella meme, even though that’s pork and not beef. I just don’t order beef when I go out with them because of it, fucking philistines.

>> No.15545752

Apparently it's a thing in South America to cook meat well done? All of the pictures I've been sent are what look to be tender, juicy well-done slabs of meat. Neither he nor I know what cuts they are.

>> No.15545769

My sister.

>> No.15545873

I’d rather eat well done steak than no steak at all. Just drown it in a1 or heinz57

>> No.15545957

>caring how other people consume their nutrition

>> No.15546035

People always complain about how tough and dry it is, why would it be easier to digest?

>> No.15546042

>well done from fry/grill is literal shoe leather I don't get the appeal..
Yeah if you're cooking it the whole time at the same temperature you'd cook a medium-rare steak at then it'll end up being too tough. But you can sear it and then cook it at a lower temperature until it's just finished, and it won't be leather that way. I kind of prefer the texture of a properly cooked well-done steak but it's easier to screw up compared to medium-rare.

>> No.15546050

There is something to be said about a "properly'" cooked well done and how the meat has a separation/chew almost like a less moist braised beef. I still like my medium rare too much though.

>> No.15546077

easier for older people, not others. there's a very small study showing this and ive noticed anecdotally old people tend to prefer it more well done

>> No.15546198

well done is technically just 160f. people just assume well done means burn the shit out of it. chicken is delicious at 160f and so is steak.

>> No.15546458

Back when I used to eat meat I always had everything well done because I thought that would remove all the blood and kill the microgerms and actually make it palatable

>> No.15546476
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Donald J Trump himself prefers his steaks cooked well done. Considering he’s a literal patrician and New York Royalty and former President of the US with billions of dollars, I’d say his tastes are more refined then most. In fact I’ve started eating my steaks well done due to Trump and I have to admit that when cooked right it’s better than rare or medium rare ever could be.

>> No.15546534

My coworker, he says he would never eat a steak that isn’t well done.
But he is weird about food in general. He refuses to eat anything with bone in it such as bone-in chicken thighs because he “doesn’t trust bones”.
He also once freaked out because there was a bit of sinew in his braised beef.

>> No.15546543

One time I was zooted and accidently set my sous vide to 145 instead of 130. I ate it anyway but wasn't happy about it I don't know how anyone eats above medium like it's just chewy garbage.

>> No.15546684

Can you tell the difference between $5 per lb vs $50? I bet you couldn't with a blindfold, tastelet.

>> No.15546712

You goys should try to cook steak in a pressure cooker.

>> No.15546736


rarer meats tend to go through my system a little faster than dry and well done cuts. I think once you get to be old that difference becomes a lot bigger.

>> No.15546772

Growing up my mother used to always cook it well done. Steak was always chewy and nasty.

When I got older and started cooking my steak to medium or medium rare she would freak out and tell me that it wasn't cooked through and that I'd get sick from eating it. Just about everything my mother made was cooked to fuck though. Once I grew up, one of the biggest impacts I saw in terms of taste came simple from not cooking shit so fucking long.

>> No.15546957
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>cooking it at all
Fair enough, go to doctor and ask prescription for two testicles.

>> No.15546959

President Trump. He won, btw

>> No.15547024

idk what people have against eating steak and ketchup. it's basically the same as chimichurri.

>> No.15547035

Yes he won the 2016 election. He did not win the 2020 election.

>> No.15547042

I don’t get it. Not even as a snob, just well done is so dry I feel like I’m chewing for ages. Medium rare is perfect and tender, easy to eat.

>> No.15547155
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pic related, it's because he's a germophobe

>> No.15547161

actually he won both easily and in a landslide. Votes by illegal immigrants don't count, remember?

He won the PV and the EV both 2016 and 2020. wake up

>> No.15547162

Get a load of this dumb nigger

>> No.15547164

He won my heart and that's all that matters!

>> No.15547165

Ironic that he would be responsible for so many super-spreader events and infected his entire staff then.

>> No.15547193

yeah, with a disease so dangerous that an obese 74 year old that only sleeps four hours and eats big macs every day was cured of it in five days
like dude, even chris fucking christie shook it off

>> No.15547332

If he won how come isn’t the president of the United States today?

>> No.15547378

my mom only eats it well done because she has an irrational reaction/fear of seeing the "blood" in meat.

>> No.15547384

probably for the same or similar reasons that they like chicken

>> No.15547390

Its the equivalent of dunking sushi in soy sauce. Why bother paying for sushi at that point

>> No.15547392

>but quite a few old time ranchers and cowboys and their families liked their steaks well done

>> No.15547398

a cheater getting the resulting benefits doesn't constitute as victory.

>> No.15547402

literally everyone that doesn't live in a shit place where the meat gets horrible hard to bite once it gets well done.

>> No.15547618

Am black and can chime in, parents and all extended family all cook their beef well done because they're deathly afraid of foodborne illness. Both parents have acknowledged that beef cooked at medium or medium rare like how I eat it is more juicy but they can't get past the "blood" and potential of getting sick from undercooked meat, which is retarded considering pops eats sunnyside up eggs decently regularly. It's the same reason most black people soak chicken before cooking it.

>> No.15547639

My mom.
She buys cheap thin cuts to fry and dips it in sesame oil & salt to eat with rice. It's not bad, but I wouldn't consider it steak at that point. She also cuts off the fat.

>> No.15547825


>> No.15547860

I'm not going to pile on to black people, but I just want to say the first time I saw a video of a black person cleaning chicken with dish soap on YT and all of the comments said it was normal, I nearly died.

White people aren't immune to this shit. My dad cut the entire cap off of the prime rib this Christmas and nuked it in a pan until it became leather, so that "he would have something to eat." He then ate about 1/6 of it. Dumb fuck.

>> No.15547884
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plot twist: President Trump is still your president. He rules from Mar-A-Lago.


>> No.15547900
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dangerously based

>> No.15547923

wait...they actually play ymca at the neonazi rallies?
isn’t that a homosexual anthem??

>> No.15547950

>the first time I saw a video of a black person cleaning chicken with dish soap on YT and all of the comments said it was normal, I nearly died.
I don't know who the fuck those people were but I don't know ANY black people who wash any kind of meat with soap, all my family does is either rinse it or soak it in a bowl of water for like 30-45 minutes. I've tried to tell them that it isn't necessary because any germs that's on the meat will die when cooked to temperature but superstitions are hard to break. I don't bother to wash meat when I cook for them since it doesn't do a damn thing and it's just an extra unnecessary step, and it's not like they'd notice if I did or didn't do it.

>> No.15547951

anon, it's a celebration of Young, Christian Males Associating... it perfectly depicts Trump and his followers

>> No.15547959

> Not being racist or joking.
Go the fuck back.

>> No.15547967

Nazis/ Trumptards are too dumb to realize it is. Or they're trying to claim it, even though it's 100% gay. If they're trying to secretly say something, that's what it is.

>> No.15547975


>> No.15547979

There's more than one type of steak and ways to prepare it, fucktard.

>> No.15548036

me because it tastes good

>> No.15548170
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>> No.15548236
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>retard seriously trying to argue that YMCA isn't a faggot song and that The Village People isn't a faggot band

>> No.15548286
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Some cute are meant to be well done

>> No.15548364

people who like their food cooked and not raw
go back to france, you snail eating bastard

>> No.15548366

>YMCA isn't a faggot song
correct, victor willis said as much

>> No.15548390
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>> No.15548397

Ok chud

>> No.15548419

You can make a well done steak which is juicy and tender. Just buy a food thermometer and panfry to 73-74 degrees.

>> No.15548433

>He doesn't knows how to cook meat so thinks anything more than rare is """"dry"""" and """""rubber""""

>> No.15548435

Ok chud

>> No.15548439

I find if you keep it well-buttered as it cooks it can stay moist. still, well-done is pretty shit tier taste.

>> No.15548523

Plenty of people do.
Some genuinely like the flavor, and for others it’s a mental thing because they believe any visual red is a health risk.

People are free to like different things; I just don’t understand ordering a well-done steak in a restaurant. The cut of meat or the skill of the chef are meaningless at that point; you can just char a manager’s clearance chunk of meat at home and have the same experience for cheap.

>> No.15548586

you're mostly correct but wrong on one thing, washing thing actually does something, it spreads all the nasty stuff all over your kitchen

>> No.15548663

how dare you talk back to a BLACK man craKKKa ass ytboi

>> No.15548676

Bullshit. I well-done steak is where the skill of the chef really shines. It's way harder to make a juicy well-done steak than medium rare. And well-done doesn't mean eating charcoal.

>> No.15548751
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i love it when old people put meat (esp. fish) thru >=1h 250C dryathon and later complain about the blandness, hardness, and dryness of the resultant charcoal

>> No.15548792


South America has a bbq tradition. Low and slow, a Texas brisket is well done but juicy and tender because its been cooked in ambient heat for 12-16 hours. South Americans do the same shit. However if you meet someone from central America or South America that grew up poor they will ALWAYS request their steak well done because they grew up in a place that eating steaks under would get them seriously sick.

>> No.15548877

in case youre not trolling, i recommend pork chops, go even better with ketchup and taste great well done

>> No.15549303

Me, it's not my fault your palettes are so crude you can no longer taste the meat when it's thoroughly cooked and the same flavors are there, just more subtle.
Imagine having literally inferior tastebuds and circlejerking for centuries about how delicate they are. It's like people who think more spicy = more flavorful because they can't taste, they can only feel burning sensations.

>> No.15549315

Why pay for pretentious overpriced food that's identical in taste and texture to cheaper peasants' fare to begin with?
Oh to flex?
Well, for an actual rich person eating overpriced food is an everyday thing, not an innate flex, because they're just as out of touch as you but can afford to be, so they don't make a distinction about treating their waste of money with respect.

>> No.15549532

My stepfather used to grill every piece of meat till it was black on the outside and brown on the inside. He was paranoid about undercooking.

>> No.15549538

D-Drumpf...i-is that you?

>> No.15549591

I do

>> No.15549598
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Argentinean here, asado, a kind of barbeque, is usually cooked well done, over long periods using charcoal. The meat is, as you've described, tender and juicy, if it's cooked properly.

>> No.15549609

I always get well done if I don't trust a shop fully, for example, when people might be inviting me out. Just like I only order raw fish from the most premium of shops. Because I'm not insane.

>> No.15549612

>well done from fry/grill is literal shoe leather I don't get the appeal..

some of us like jerky

>> No.15549927

I want to be mad, but you're not wrong.

>> No.15550046

I have a really retarded *thing* about this that I'm also fully aware of but can never stop doing despite my best efforts. I remember growing up while there was a mad cow disease scare, and remember my parents always talking about it, and like whenever my dad was grilling something there was this whole song and dance of, ok it's done, let's cut into it, ooh not fully cooked, back on the grill, then finally to the table, cut again, ooh, let's just nuke it in the microwave for 30 seconds to be 100% sure/safe

To this day, I never make anything 'rarer' than medium-well at home. One dumb thing about this is whenever I eat out, I always want medium or medium-rare. And the most retarded thing about this all is that for my family, it was literally a phase, long since then, as a grown ass man etc... visiting my folks on various occasions, or them visiting me, they cook something, I cook something we're all reminiscing about it; etc etc... They cook steaks great (highly subjective, but for me; that's medium) , and they always call me out for overcooking shit, and it's all like irreversible mental trauma for me (I mean this in the most facetious way possible, I can't stop doing it, but I do find it quite amusing) that I have to nuke anything I personally make in my own home to a gray dead husk out of fear of foaming at the mouth and falling down randomly dead the next day; even as much as I know that's retarded, and am fine with eating rare-r steaks cooked by friends/families/restaurants because that somehow vindicates me of responsibility/risk

>> No.15550110

I can't even imagine liking this.

>> No.15550134

and that's a good thing!

>> No.15550153

You're a little late to the party but they played YMCA at celebrations around the world after Biden won specifically because of this.

>> No.15550262

Well done is awesome. Better than your raw baby food called medium rare

>> No.15550460

I'm not the one having to spend 2 hours having to chew their steak

>> No.15550473

Yeah there we go. My boyfriend is Argentinian and this is what he talks about, I just couldn't remember the name, thanks. Looks good as fuck.

>> No.15550477
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As much as I hate this, some people like it like that. If you eat steak like that just eat hamburger you fucking animal.

>> No.15550523

to be fair an actual proper well done steak is hard to get, since it's going to not have any pink in it whilst still being a bit juicy

people routinely mistake overdone with well done

>> No.15550535


>> No.15550540
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>A steak has to be at most medium rare

>> No.15550548

It helps a lot if you salt the steak and let it sit in the refrigerator overnight or for at least a few hours, keeps it juicy like a brine. But I think most people aren't going to want to prep a steak in advance like that.

>> No.15550550

Nothing wrong with it, its like ordering hard boiled eggs. People can mess with it.

>> No.15550966

>who the fuck actually likes well done steak?



>> No.15552703

Your wife.

>> No.15554570

People who like food that is WELL DONE. Why would you eat POORLY COOKED steak? Fucking retard.

>> No.15554605

Ketchup is usually associated with fast food, so seeing it with steak feels wrong.

>> No.15554622

Nazis are extremely gay.
Pretty much everyone serving under Hitler gushed about his confidence and deep blue eyes. A Russian philosopher said that "If you killed every homosexual fascism would cease to exist"

>> No.15554968

The same people who can't understand how to cook pork chops that aren't dry as a great-grandma's cooter

>> No.15555563

It's okay if it's for phillies.

>> No.15555580

Kids and some women,

>> No.15555846


>> No.15555853

I regularly do a steak "Well Done". Then I cube it and add it to a few other ingredients to make meat pies or stew. Cooking the steak completely ensures low water content. You can always deglaze the pan to recapture the flavor of the juices.

>> No.15555865

My mom always wants to go to the fanciest fucking restaurant and orders 8oz porterhouse well done. I always picture the chef cringing at every order slip for well done kobi beef

>> No.15555875

i dated a girl from colombia once, she thought any pink at all in beef meant it was "raw" and you could get sick

>> No.15555933

This is a lie. In Columbia, people don't eat steak. They can't afford it.

>> No.15555940

They do eat steak, it's part of their "Bandeja Paida" dish
It's thin and well done

>> No.15555946


>> No.15555958

So if I get a Latina gf, she's gonna order steaks well done when we go out to eat?

>> No.15555975

Im white!!! Where is my qt latina or east asian big titty gf???

>> No.15556025

I'm black and my parents are like this. I drew up eating dry af overcooked food because they were paranoid of foodborne illnesses. They refuse to eat any meat that has a tiny bit of pink in it. I hate having to cook for them because I always have to set aside some overdone servings for them to eat. I despise eating my dad's BBQ because he always burns the shit out of everything.

>> No.15556140

Latinas hate white guys, sorry anon

>> No.15556153

I do, it's tasty as fuck

Yeah it requires a lot of chewing but it's still tasty

Well done steak + ketchup = tasty as fuck

>> No.15556165

Tiny hands typed this post,

>> No.15556193 [DELETED] 
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I'm going to miss him. He actually did a lot. There used to be a website that tracked all of it, but now it's just campaign funding and stuff. He was worth it just to watch the Democrats lose more of what little brain cells they had left in a perpetual fit of rage, and in many cases, alcoholic binge.

>> No.15556373

My hands are about medium sized.

>> No.15556392

I do. I like it rare, medium rare, medium, medium well done and well done. The only way I wouldn't have it is raw unseared like that swedish cunt

>> No.15556886

As would communism

>> No.15556896

my jaw appreciates the exercise sometimes

>> No.15557124

Me. I also like them rare and medium rare and medium. Hell, I like steak raw. Usually order them rare to medium rare, though.

>> No.15557328

strong jawed people
psycos and sociopaths

>> No.15557970

Lean (cheap) cuts unquestionably taste better well done. I think that's the only way I'd eat it. Rare lean meat makes no sense.
I've never had chicken fried steak but I imagine it's the same, cheap cut of meat should be well done.

Juicier marbled cuts of course are better rare. If I can't finish it and stuff it in the fridge for the night I'm 50/50 on it being either rare or medium, and might not even mind it much if it's well done.

>> No.15557981

seek help from a therapist