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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15540635 No.15540635 [Reply] [Original]

Has a delivery driver ever helped themselves to your food?

>> No.15540662

I work for GrubHub and I have never. How disgusting

>> No.15540692

I'm a delivery driver for ubereats and I always help myself to people's food

>> No.15540699

No, but the cunt who drove 30 minutes the wrong way after picking up my food then sat there for another half an hour before delivering my food might as well have.

>> No.15541103

Worked as a driver for Chinese shop and never did but one time my friend who's gf was the waitress rode shotgun for fun and he helped himself to some honey beef. Kinda weirded me out

>> No.15541134

my mom doesn't like the kind of food i order.

>> No.15541179

stole my drink once. always check the bag before they go.

>> No.15541211

When I worked as a deliveryboi a long time ago I used to fart in the bag/box until I fainted

>> No.15541221

People who use grubhub or ubereats should be shot in the head with a pressurized cow gun

>> No.15541231

>order mcdonald's at 2am
>driver picks up food
>see his location on the app
>he parks in the mcdonald's parking lot
>sits there for about 45 minutes
>starts driving to my house
>gets here
>i see that his friend is with him in the car and is smoking something (probably weed)
>big mac is missing
>i'm left with a stone-cold mcdouble, stone-cold chicken selects and stone-cold chips

>> No.15541268

I bought some Dominos in Wyoming. I didn't pre tip, but gave a tip once I got my order.
I ordered a pie and some chicken wings, they bit into my fucking chicken wings.

I guess that's the type of trash to be expected of Wyomingites.

>> No.15541372

why specifically those?

>> No.15541376


I don't help myself to your food, I spit on it

>> No.15541377

>uber eats driver here
>former postmates too, a couple of years back
Got free meals twice over intermittent use of these apps. Had a customer recently put in the nonexistent address and didnt answer my calls or to my voicemails it was two big orders of mexican soups and a big order of taquitos

The time before, had two 711 pizzas and a 2l of coke, at around 2am. The customer didnt reply as well, and didnt meet me outside like they specified. Must've fallen asleep after they placed the order

>> No.15541387

My bag always comes stapled shut so I don't think they have done that to me.

>> No.15541389


the driver staples it shut after taking what he wants

>> No.15541466

once got delivered food with a milkshake with 2/3 missing and the straw clearly had been used, got the whole meal refunded

also another time got KFC delivered with a variety box like tenders/nuggets/breast etc 1 of each missing dumb shit thought I wouldnt realise lol, got that fully refunded too and they definitely got in shit from the company

honestly why do this as a deliverer when it's so easily traced to you, I guess a lot of people are just too dumb to realise shit missing or lazy to report idk cause it'd have to bite you in the ass immediately, ive also had a driver call me out the front couldnt find my place when I went to front they're sitting on the road in gear open their window expect me to come out onto the street and take it from their hand lol, told them to get out and come to the door and they act like I'm an asshole. delivery drivers for these apps are kinda the worst the local pizza place or etc that hire their own drivers are usually top notch good blokes, also i've never had a woman driver deliver anything in my life strangely enough

>> No.15542295

dumb as cows presumably

>> No.15542345

One time I got in an argument with some bitchy manager at steak and shake and I cancelled the order. I got home and realized I had taken the food though. Was delicious.

>> No.15542359


>> No.15542380

Fucking bong

>> No.15542383

just my drink
I don't order combo meals anymore

>> No.15542473
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i wasn't attempting to conceal that fact but well done buddy

>> No.15542498


there. You finally got a you for it. Now can you stop spamming it in every thread thinking it's actually funny?

>> No.15542552

No, but I have taken a bite of my food, then complained bitterly to the restaurant, demanded an alternate delivery driver, received a second order for free and gotten the first delivery driver fired. I don't like certain types of people in my neighborhood, and he peeked into my garage.

>> No.15542752
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>> No.15542764
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>> No.15542779

Any idea why they're always poos? I have yet to see one Australian menulog driver.

>> No.15542784


>> No.15542831

Do you have some kind of emotional problems? Maybe you should try farting until you faint

>> No.15543410

>and he helped himself to some honey beef
I thought this was a funny chinese restaurant way of saying he went to town on her pussy. I am disappointed

>> No.15543451

>they definitely got in shit from the company
Used to do a bit of uber, including uber eats. He did not. He got a single message that said something like 'a customer complained about you. Please be better.' Happened to me four times through my """career""" for different reasons. No escalation, no threat of banning. And taking money from their account/pay is insanely illegal.

>> No.15543487
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>> No.15543627

Brownskins unironically don't think they'll get caught.

>> No.15543660
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I lived in a hostel for a bit and literally every single international Uber delivery guy stole absolutely everything, occasionally delivering to make rent, they NEVER bought food and ate like kings.
Uber is making so much goddamn money they don't give a fuck if their couriers take what they please because Uber can always pay out the customer.
This one french girl was a legend for copping a $400 uber of expensive wines a few days before her flight home.
I've had couriers walk my food to my house so I don't use uber anymore.

>> No.15543682

If the guys werent bigger than me I might have risked a charge beating the shit out of them. Which is why you always say "cash tip" and give it to them only after the food has been secured and checked.

>> No.15543694

>Brownskins unironically don't think

>> No.15543696 [DELETED] 

Anyone who gives a wild nigger his address with no tip is just asking for trouble. Either get your food yourself, or risk the punishment.

>> No.15543707

I'd say you're a piece of shit, but I've lived in neighborhoods dominated by "certain people" and it sucked. So I'm torn.

>> No.15543713

>asking for trouble
Maybe with the law after I ventilate his ghetto ass.
It's mostly indians, anyway. I'm okay with them as long as they don't touch my food with their e coli ridden fingers.

>> No.15543806

cope poorfag and hurry up with my food

>> No.15545175

lmao hi townie, uber aint roll thru yet innit?

>> No.15545242



>> No.15545272

>Uber is making so much goddamn money...

all those delivery companies are losing tons of money, they are basically seeing how long they scan survive until driverless cars take off.

>> No.15545279

one time I had a waitress give me change for a hundred when I handed her a 10 on a 7.50 order of wings.

>> No.15545616

Yeah, once. It was super obvious. I reported it.

>> No.15545654

They need to keep the fuck out of my neighborhood. There's no reason whatsoever for them to be here in this quiet suburb, peeking in my garage while making a delivery.

>> No.15545671

I got my first white ubereats driver a week ago. He was a really nice fella, got there quickly and whatever so I tipped him ,usually don't tip the brown ones

>> No.15545810

and they don't >>15543451
funny how that works

>> No.15545843

More likely they forgot it cuz it was in a cupholder or the restaurant forgot to give it to them. This is common. My GrubHub app has special notes highlighting that the order contains a beverage

>> No.15545891

Can't wait for this to become mainstream. I would feel sorry for the people that actually take their jobs seriously, but if you've ever taken a bite out of my food you deserve to be redundant.

>> No.15545905

Is that how delivery drivers actually eat? By taking a bite here and there?

>say 15 deliveries = 15 bites = a full meal for free

>> No.15546016

rent free

>> No.15546025

Fuck you Wyoming is based. I was there recently and didnt see one single nigger since it is too cold. It was great.

>> No.15546044


>> No.15546062

holy based, i've done the same too. They don't have time to investigate every complaint so 8/10 times they'll side with the customer.

>> No.15546099

Don't make fun of him *Pushes you into wall then throws a fakeout punch making you flinch* Pussy

>> No.15546112

just work at yellowstone, you'll see about 6 uncle tom black tourists and 0 residents/year

>> No.15546199

He should probably have said less "making money" and more "have so much money". Venture Capital groups are handing out billions like candy (thanks to Quantative Easing and rigging the stock market they've basically got unlimited money and never ending government handouts) so they can afford to wait 15 years until someone comes up with driverless food delivery or drones.

>> No.15546226

how the fuck do you lose money when the only thing they actually have to maintain is a website/app?

>> No.15546322

if you postmate, uber etc. you deserve to get your food eaten or spit in. why do you even trust people that much

>> No.15546389
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>> No.15546443

I've always wondered what the doordash stickers were for, or why I had to always put three of them on the bag or else we couldn't send them out, it never occurred to me that people could actually have the propensity to steal food from someone they're delivering it to. I was too pure to be born in a country of fat mentally damaged retards

>> No.15546450
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Ordered pizza a couple of weeks ago, watched the driver pick it up and drive right to my address on the map. Once he got to my street, he suddenly marks the order as complete and fucks off with all of my food.

Requested a refund with uber through the automated system, got a refund confirmation from them with a robotic "looks like our driver did not follow out guidelines, sorry about that" message.

I do wonder what the consequences are for just straight up stealing someones whole order. Is it that easy to get away with? I gave him shit reviews for everything, dont know if it makes any difference.

>> No.15546489

man thats the worst, even if its just a fuckup or something and you dont end up getting ur food
happened to me once and it was right at end of the night the only place open, so instead of a delicious feed I was left with nothing and no way of getting any other food

>> No.15546523

A delivery driver turned out to be a cyclist, took the longest possible path to deliver the food until it was cold, and rattled the shit out of the food - a burrito. May as well have helped himself when I got it, given the condition it was in. What really sucked is that it was my work dinner on overtime - not just me being lazy sitting at home.

>> No.15546529


>> No.15546565

No, but I've only had food delivered through these apps a handful of times.
I live down the road from several other places so I'll just drive there myself when I want something.
It's not the horror stories like this thread I'm worried about, but the extra charges are exorbitant. I'm not going to pay all that extra for McDonald's of all things.

>> No.15546578


>> No.15546614

But anon... You were there

>> No.15546618
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For me its the oprego burger.

>> No.15546623
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It's for you, bro

>> No.15546635

I lived in Wyoming for 3 years. If you think that it's "based" because of the amount of black people that live there, then believe me, you deserve to live in that cesspool.

>> No.15546642

Not him but I visited Wyoming a few years ago and liked it a lot (i am from a European country btw). Tell me the "dirty secrets" about Wyoming?

>> No.15546668

The landscape is great, the people are not. Casper and Laramie isn't so bad though. There is definitely a sizable black, and a rather large latino population.

>> No.15546941

But why arent the people great? Whats wrong with them?

>> No.15547014

>Order KFC at 3am
>driver is taking forever
>finally arrives
>"lemme check the bag first"
>half the order is missing
>Supposed to be a 12 peice boneless box (gf doesn't like bones) there are 4 missing
>no fries
>pull a gun, grab him by the throat
>am 6' 1", he's like 5' 9"
>"I have your license plate mother fucker, I'll make sure your car is burnt out in a fucking ghetto lot no one will look for it by the end of the night with you in it if you're not back here in 30 mins with my fucking shit"
>starts crying, begs me not to kill him
>is clearly fucking high as balls

This is how you deal with Uberpoors. Fucking thieving assholes. Get a real job faggots and stop smoking pot while you're delivering food to a shitty area to people who own guns.

>> No.15547021

Who even orders food for delivery? That seems like a blatant waste of your money.

>> No.15547028

Higher time preference, lower IQ, greater propensity to violence, etc.

>> No.15547031

Based. Though personally whenever I see citizens of a certain skin pigmentation in my neighborhood I just call the cops and say I saw them waving a gun around.

>> No.15547041

Then just record their license plates and call the cops on them for speeding or something. There are easier ways to get revenge.

>> No.15547068

>time preference
Nobody but commies use these words in this sequence. Anything that commies dislike is good.

>> No.15547072

this was basically my life in sydney australia. I would just not ring the door and tell the app the customer didnt answer kek. I would also ORDER from Uber eats and say the order didn't arrive and they always reimburse me up to a point where they would block me. Made like 2 3 accounts. These were large orders too arund the 100$ mark. All in all I would say Uber lost 2000$ just in stolen food the 6 months I worked for them. Miss that trashy hostel life sometimes. Drinking goun and stealing food from hipsters cunts in new town gave me life.

>> No.15547075

no consequences whatsover. Did this probably 10 to 20 times.

t. sydney driver

>> No.15547136

That's called a captive bolt pistol

>> No.15547146

I remember reading somewhere around 35-40% of all grubhub/door dash/Uber eats/etc druvers help themselves to some of the food they're delivering. I never use those services, I just order direct from the place or go get it myself. Fuck those apps

>> No.15547198

How did you know where they went and how they stopped?

>> No.15547225

No kne needs you to reply to every fucking post faggot.

>> No.15547339

You son of a bitch you disgust me

>> No.15547343

Probably nothing unless he’s had a lot of complaints

>> No.15547374

Posts like this remind me of my justification for hating white people

>> No.15547409

jesus christ pay attention in class or it'll all just get worse

>> No.15547416
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begone nigger

>> No.15547579


>> No.15547666

This thread is why I stopped doing DD. It used to be ridiculously easy money.
Too many customers willing to lie about anything for free food.
Too many shithead drivers that ruin it for everyone and make customers extra suspicious of you. You make a tiny mistake or take a minute too long and they're instantly complaining and some guy in an Indian call center is chewing you out.
Bratty ass white chicks at restaurants that treat you like absolute shit because of the other drivers that come in.

Also, it's just a matter of time before some psycho poisons someone's food or something and it makes national news. DD doesn't do any sort of orientations anymore or very intense background checks.

I can't believe this company was able to go public.

>> No.15547673

The whole concept is retarded on many levels.

>> No.15547906

i just stopped because covid ruined it. before that it was actually fun to ride around. Basically minimun wage but also also no cunt boss breathing down your neck. If you were friendly and didnt mess with the order you would usually get good ratings.

>> No.15547920

Ive never done it but it sounds like fun (probably depends on the city) .

>> No.15547934

This is why you don't tip these fucking idiots.

>> No.15547952
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Damn thats great. That'lll teach 'em for getting too comfortable on the job.

>> No.15548018

>Also, it's just a matter of time before some psycho poisons someone's food or something and it makes national news. DD doesn't do any sort of orientations anymore or very intense background checks.
Based and tedpilled, worth of satan trips

>> No.15548039

>Basically minimun wage
The trick is to do a second part time job at the same time. Driving for one of those services gets you so many tax deductions, it's insane. I worked security on the weekends in addition to Uber/lyft during the week and paid literally 0 income tax the two years I did it. Gas, mileage, tolls, car payments can all be deducted when you're using your car for business.

>> No.15548060

>car payments
Does that mean that if I decide to get into doing Uber I can buy a new car and deduct the whole thing because I'm using it for Uber?

>> No.15548064

Not the whole thing. I forget what the percentage is, but you get a huge deduction if your vehicle is for business use, yes.

>> No.15548204
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I've had entire things missing but I can't ever tell if it's the driver or the restaurant being incompetent
Either way I'd get the stuff refunded.

>> No.15548213

Where do you fucks live with such garbage pajeets? My stinky brown friends always deliver my shit well enough.

>> No.15548356

im aus and like 95% of deliverers are pajeets, with about 30% of them being reliable and friendly the other 70% total garbage

>> No.15548398
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>> No.15548423

>bro what

>> No.15548499

>i'll couch my anti-intellectualism as hate for commies!
Found you.

>> No.15548727

I've been doing doordash for 3 months now and I've never taken anyone's food. That's such a shitty thing to do, did peoples parents not raise them right or something.

>> No.15548745

Most of the time I have heard or read the phrase "time preference," it has been from somebody using the concept to claim the superiority of white people over black people. So, on /pol/, and not exactly communist.

>> No.15548768

nothing about that post said anything about race
youre still a scared little faggot though

>> No.15548774

if commies disliked water, would that be good? shut the fuck up you faggot, you make Americans look bad.

t. proud American

>> No.15548786

Same, and it is a really shitty thing. I wouldn't want someone tampering with my food so I wouldn't do it to them.

And the risk of getting deactivated because you want to eat a dollar worth of food is just retarded.

>> No.15548803

somehow based

>> No.15548903

Exactly. I'm a college student and the extra 300 to 400 bucks a week working part time is way better than any other entry level jobs I could get. Not worth losing that over eating a customers tendie.

>> No.15549162
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