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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15538336 No.15538336 [Reply] [Original]

Any raw vegans here? Ive been trying to convert for months and although its difficult its getting easier everyday. One of my biggest problems is i dont know how to make anything because im not creative. Even making fucking salads are daunting to me. Youtube recipes are cool, but these guys have equipment i dont have. My cooking experience ends at cooking fast food burgers and frying french fries. What are some recipes you recommend that even a noob like me can make and enjoy?

>> No.15538680

>but these guys have equipment i dont have
Like what?

>> No.15538709

Look up Dr. Sebi if you want the real alkaline diet.

>> No.15538710


>> No.15538718

Seek help for your mental illness

>> No.15538723

I saw some guy using something that cuts zucchini into noodles. Ive seen a few recipes mention using a dehydrator. All I got is a walmart chef knife and a cheap juicer and blender

>> No.15538734

Didint this diet give steve jobs pancreatic cancer?

Why don't you learn to just fucking eat healthy, like have a nice cut of lean meat with a baked potato, rice or roast squash and some sort of vegetable (raw or cooked?

Just eat like a human being, not like a religious acetic or like a fat fuck american gamer. You dont have to live in extremes you fucking retard from satan village.

>> No.15538739

eat what you want to eat. I like to eat garbage. maybe I'll die sooner maybe I wont'. doesn't matter. enjoy your vegetables. i wish you happiness.

>> No.15538743

I prefer Dr Morse desu, but the bottom line between all these healers are basically the same.
I need to fix my physical illnesses first fren. But Erhert claims the mental illnesses are the easiest to heal through fasting.

>> No.15538767

use a potato knife and cut the strips thin

>> No.15538873

Steve Jobs had another condition...

>> No.15538907
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>Just eat like a human being
lol. Pic related
>eat what you want to eat. I like to eat garbage. maybe I'll die sooner maybe I wont'. doesn't matter.
Tried that, now I'm dying. 0/10 would not reccomend.

Anyways im just looking for recipes, I'm not here to argue. Ive been experimenting with this diet as well as fasting for a while and its had some positive effects on my health. There are plenty of people that have cured themselves of illness on this diet just like people have cured themselves of illness on other diets such as keto. I love beef, chicken, processed food, and my god I love beer. I wish I can eat like that for the rest of my life, but based on the way it makes me feel after I eat that compared to when I'm eating a simple fruit or salad meal is night and day.

>> No.15538946

Dr. Sebi is much, much better for vital, live, electric alkaline diets. Although it is tailored for PoC so if you’re white or Asian it might not be the best fit for you.

>> No.15539021
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Not much different than what I'm eating currently desu.

50% of my diet is Organic Naval Oranges, apples, and bananas. Sometimes melons
10% percent romain lettuce, spinach, cucumbers, bell peppers. Organic if I can find it. I never ate much veggies so my palate for them is kinda non existent.
The other 40% is bad choices. Usually mexican food because that's what my gf likes to cook.
I'll go about 4 days clean then fuck it up on the weekends. Mostly because its easy not to eat while working then going home and just stuffing my face with fruit before bed.

>> No.15539029

>Tried that, now I'm dying. 0/10 would not reccomend.
good luck on changing your ways. honestly i wish you the best. just remember there are no guarantees so don't get too caught up in proloinging the inevitable

>> No.15539042

Tell me how to stop drinking! It never gets easier every day! HOW DO I FIX MY RINKING PROBLEM!?

>> No.15539052

Your “physical illnesses” are either from malnutrition due to your fucked diet or are psychosomatic

>> No.15539054

Then Erhert is also mentally ill.
Please go to an actual doctor and reputable dietician and ask for their help.

>> No.15539098

Thanks anon. You'd be surprised all the weird shit you experience on a fast. You come to realizations about your body that you never really noticed before. And the shit that exits your body is otherworldly. My record is a 10day watermelon juice fast.
I coughed up some black shit while I was on my watermelon juice fast. I'll post pics if anyone is interested in seeing it. Its not a pretty sight though, especially on a food board.
wow its like I'm on reddit
You're right. My diet fucked me up.

>> No.15539110

>I coughed up some black shit while I was on my watermelon juice fast. I'll post pics if anyone is interested in seeing it. Its not a pretty sight though, especially on a food board.
i want to see it

>> No.15539148

So this was like day 5 or 6 of the watermelon fast. Im not a heavy smoker, but I did smoke pot regularly up until 2018. Anyways I drank some watermelon juice right before this and had a coughing fit that forced me to throw up some watermelon juice as well. I assume the black shit is from my lungs but maybe it's from my bowels I wouldn't know. I just know that it came out of me. I also have this black thing thats in the process of coming out of my chest. The gf says its a mole but it pushes out further each day and I can sometimes scratch a bit of it off. Detoxification is fascinating and miserable at the same time.

>> No.15539152
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forgot pic

>> No.15539188

Have you tried colonics? You might have intestinal parasites (seriously) and a low bleach/warm water solution is amazing for detoxing. You can find tons of pics online of the parasites that come out of people when they do bleach solution enemas. Obviously do research on this and don’t just put bleach in your ass. Supposedly this can actually cure autism in children.

>> No.15539217


>> No.15539226

I was on some bowel cleansers although because I wasn't eating clean they mostly likely weren't very effective. I can say that Cascara Sagrada is one hell of cleanser, if anyone is reading this and has constipation troubles, I highly recommend. I've been interested in trying a coffee enema actually, but im not too fond of the idea of shoving something up my ass though especially bleach.

>> No.15539242

Honestly if you're used to living a meat-heavy takeaway diet you'd probably be best off gradually transitioning. Going vegetarian, then vegan, then raw vegan would make both your transition to raw veganism and learning how to cook a lot easier!

>> No.15539504


>> No.15539564

I'm with you bro. I have psoriasis and PSA and have found "extreme" dieting helps dramatically reduce my symptoms. Normal fags wouldn't get it.

Also, you know what is really extreme? Having a life altering illness. If you end up having one, dieting and fasting is nothing compared to living with disease.

>> No.15539572

It's called eating better you dumb faggot. Same way keto works. It's not any subtle magical property or any retarded shit like that, it's because reducing your intake of carbohydrates and other calorie dense foods of course makes you lose weight.

>> No.15540124

>Tried that, now I'm dying. 0/10 would not reccomend.
Could you give some more context about the situation you are in?

>> No.15540216

what the fuck is this? see this is my problem with you weird diet vegan people. you're so fucking confused its pitiful

>> No.15540282

>tfw i almost fell for the fruitarian meme but thankfully only for a week

Isnt the all-fruit diet bad for you because youre drained of energy? Or is it effective only when you want to reset your body or fight an illness? Also was Dr Sebi a hack or legit? If any anons could answer or point me in the right direction, it'd be appreciated

>> No.15540316

Zoodle makers are really really cheap, you should be able to find one on amazon you can use. Dehydrators are nice, but you don't need them for this. That said, a raw food diet is associated with a lot of problems. I get the appeal of something extreme to help, but how do you feel eating things like beans, tofu, lean meat, brown rice etc? Still bad?

>> No.15540420

I have a lot of problems, but my biggest concern is my Respitoray system. I have an extremely bad chronic cough. When I eat stuff like
>beans, tofu, lean meat, brown rice etc
15-30 later im coughing up mucus like a maniac. Surprisingly eating mucusless foods, prevents me from coughing up a shit ton of mucus. Who would've thought? lol
Thanks anon, I'm gonna buy a zoodle maker rn.

Try it for yourself see what happens, thats the only way to find the real truth. Go to any Robert Morse video on YouTube and read the comments. He gets a lot of praise. Dr Sebi has similar methods but his diet is based on fruits AND vegetables, specifically natural african foods as far as I'm aware. Morse believes humans are fruitarians and his healing system is based on fruit fasts, however he isn't opposed to vegetables, he just claim they aren't as detoxifying. The interesting thing about Dr Sebi is he got sued by big phama and he beat them in the Supreme Court. Erhet, Sebi, Morse, any other healer ive never heard of..all these guys have 1 bottom line and thats to eat alkaline food and combine it with fasting.

At this point I regularly go on at least one daily fast a week. My energy doesn't skip a beat, in fact I probably have more energy during a fast. When I went on 10 days of pure watermelon juice or 5 days of grape juice..at no point did I feel fatigued.

>> No.15540543

Ive seen a lot of fruitarians testimonies and they all look frail and sickly.

>> No.15541830

a lot of them had or are trying to overcome chronic diseases, so that makes sense

>> No.15542186

I would recommend buying an excalibur dehydrator and a Vita-mix. that way you can make different things like vegan cheese. For me the biggest draw back when I was a Vegan raw foodist was that I eat too much sweets. One of my favorite recipes was making raw apple pies and date balls. For a raw apple pie I just made a crust from sunflower seeds by blending it with raisins in a high powered blender. and mashing it into a pie shaped pie. In a separate bowl mix together with thinly sliced apples and agave and honey and then just top it on the pie crust. For date balls just blend mashed dates with some shredded coconuts and cashews that had been pulsed into a powder in a blender. and form it into a ball with your hand. Then roll it into cocoa powder.

>> No.15542942

You will be drinking your own piss soon. It's the eventual thing with raw food advocates

>> No.15542986

if the raw food thing doesn't work, look into the GAPS diet protocol. It can really heal and seal the gut lining and then repopulate the guts with the right probiotics needed to make all your micronutrients and hormones. Try raw foods for a while, but if you want another healing diet, GAPS has legit reversed many illnesses and ailments both psychological and physiological.

>> No.15542990

>Raw Vegans

I have found that most of them are bitter and quite introverted.

>> No.15542997

i highly recommend not being vegan

>> No.15543060

Joaquin Phoenix is a faggot and so are you. You're the one who doesn't understand and that's why you are getting suckered into this snake oil bullshit. Trust me, I "get" you, because you aren't special. Your story is all too common. Your all or nothing approach isn't going to work with improving your health.

These "healers" are selling you a diet that is full of anti nutrients. There are TONS of plant foods that NEED to be processed in some way in order for it to be digestible. There are even some plants out there that can KILL you. Like, go ahead, eat raw kidney beans on your stupid raw vegan diet.

You have no respect for food or your own body, which has evolved to eat cooked foods and meat. wild or domestically raised meat, eggs, honey, dairy, and other animal products (especially if you get an animal that was raised with high welfare) are NOT the same as alchohol, refined sugars, or expeller pressed seed oils.

Why is half of "Dr" Sebis approved vegetables not even fucking vegetable?
Avocado, peppers, chayote, cucumber, zucchini (which is a squash), tomato, tomatillo, olives, none of those are vegetables.

Also didn't Dr. Sebi get in trouble for money laundering?

>> No.15543088
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Lol I was basically on a watermelon fast when my organic garden yielded too much watermelon last year.
The shit doesn't digest. The minute I would eat or drink more than 6 oz of watermelon I would have the shits. I also felt like garbage. It sucked because the watermelon was delicious.

I ended up juicing and turning most of my watermelon into wine.

But yeah, you are a retard.

>> No.15543125

Don't forget your crystal therapy and raw water, OP.

>> No.15543177

Humans are cooking omnivores, retard. Raw veganism is insane.

>> No.15543498

you sound like your biggest issues may be mental rather than physical

>> No.15543515

>mental illnesses are easiest to heal through fasting
No, they arent. Ever heard of the pyramid of needs? By starving yourself, your needs are reduced to physiological (eating, sleeping, breathing) and so your brain doesn’t have the energy or time for your mental illnesses, but they’re still there - if not worsened.

There is absolutely no physical way to cure mental illness. You could live the healthiest, richest, best lifestyle on earth and still be a miserable piece of shit. The things your body needs and the things your consciousness needs are separated by all but some hormones that influence your momentary mood, and having a regulated dopamine system isn’t going to make you satisfied with your life.

>> No.15543643

Thanks anon I screen capped this post. Im gonna buy a vitamix as soon as I can afford it.
Interesting. Never heard of it, ill do some research. Thanks anon

>> No.15543658

you can actually fix a lot of issues by fixing the types of gut flora that live in our digestive tracts. Most of our food is broken up and digested first by our gut flora. Types of bacteria that colonize our guts really do matter and healthy functioning people have different types and quantities of flora. For example, there is a large increase in clostridium bacteria in autistic people.

Fasts can actually help restore gut flora balance by first essentially starving the bacteria. The fast my cause a bacterial die off effect, which can first release an extra amount of toxins caused by the bacterial death but then it gets better. They actually discovered a relation between autism and types of gut bacteria after administering antibiotics and seeing improvement in autistic symptoms. Here's some science to back that up if you want: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0306987798901074

But, you can then repopulate the gut with healthy probiotic bacteria, another example: Turicibacter sanguinis, a common gut microbe, can signal nearby intestinal cells to release serotonin.

Let me know if you have an intelligent mind and a sense of humility enough to ask for more evidence or do more research on the topic before saying something that could influence you to stagnate instead of grow.

>> No.15543671

>the things your consciousness needs are separated by all but some hormones

This is exactly why physical diet influences mental health. The human body needs materials and energy to re-create it cells and perform cellular functions every single day. Hormones can only be regulated when we are fuelling ourselves with the correct materials to build and power them.

>> No.15545065

Yes I am completely able to understand that having a healthy body is very important to having a healthy mind, I was merely saying that it absolutely is not the only thing. Fixing your digestive problems can fix your mood for a myriad of reasons: plenty of people are happier if they don’t have consistent diarrhea or constipation. But, many mental health issues stem from problems much deeper than physiological, and expecting diet to fix every mental/cognitive disease is an extremely optimistic outlook.

It is very interesting that a certain gut bacteria influenced autism. It is also very interesting that the US government has access to 99% of all children’s diets for 13 years of their lives from 5-18, and the only people that can inspect the governments actions is the government itself. It is interesting, as you might presume, because certain bacteria might perish and certain bacteria might flourish under certain conditions created by ones diet, and by having such consistent access to children’s diets for many years of their lives could have a profound impact on them. Especially, when one considers, that someone somewhere would probably like access to vast amounts of data pertaining to children’s gut bacteria and their general reactions to changes in such bacteria (such as via a grading system that assess cognitive function, for example).

>> No.15545190

Your biggest problem is that you’re a moron. These people are all crazy charlatans. Dr. Sebi didn’t believe in germs or viruses and thought that every illness and disease was caused by mucus and could be cured through the “alkaline” diet. Mucus is vital for your body, removing it will literally kill you. He lost his 1987 court case. You can read the documents online. There was no Supreme Court case. He managed to trick black and brown people into buying absurdly expensive supplements because he was able to play on their distrust of white institutions. It’s all complete bullshit and a tiny amount of research will confirm how phony he was. Watch some of his lectures if you want to see an illiterate dummy taking advantage of his own peoples prejudices. I also like that in the comments of nearly every “alkaline” diet video on yootoob there are lots of bots with the same “I cured my herpes with alkaline diet and these supplements. Here’s the link to buy” comments. The alkaline diet is a total load of horse shit. People who eat the SAD diet and switch to “alkaline” don’t become healthier because they’re clearing out mucus, they get healthier because they’re eating fruit and vegetables for the first time in their lives instead of the shit that got them sick and fat.

>> No.15545226

>I also have this black thing thats in the process of coming out of my chest. The gf says its a mole but it pushes out further each day and I can sometimes scratch a bit of it off.
based schizo

take your meds.

>> No.15545230

>Any raw vegans here?
Just fucking why?

>> No.15545231

Cause lots of insane people post on 4channel

>> No.15545236

>50% of my diet is Organic Naval Oranges, apples, and bananas. Sometimes melons
Nice, so you are trying to develop diabetes rofl.

>> No.15545403

Truly there are so many physiological and mental issues that are unknowingly linked to gut health. Sadly, scientific domains are each individually coming to this realization, so the common thread of gut flora is taking a while to tease out. If you look up bipolar disorder, alzheimers, depression, rheumatic arthritis, and even epilepsy and autism, you will see each faculty making similar discoveries about the metabolites released by certain toxic gut bacteria.

I also understand that you can view this from a conspiratorial lens. I would argue rather than anything national or federal, the issue is with global corporations and processed foodlike products. The government is not imposing a diet, they are simply not regulating a food market that has no issue selling people addictive and harmful food stuff. [Sidenote: If you want to fall into conspiracies about the food chain, look up the ABCD shipping and manufacturing consortium that control 90% of the worlds food resources from land use to seeds to packaging.]

I think a lot of our digestive health and knowledge is passed on from our parents and not regulated by the government. The theory behind such proliferation of modern illness is that it is linked through our generational gut health. That is to say parents pass on bacteria to their children and then whatever food the child is eating is feeding the bacterial cultures in their guts. So when you hear about how someone's great great grandpappy ate steak and eggs, smoked a pack a day, drank a bottle of whiskey and lived to be 98, you have to look at the types of whole unpoisoned foods they were eating. The boomers were the first ones to be exposed to post-war modern preserved foods. And their children have even more pathological bacterial colonies. See: the rate of autism increasing from 1 in 300 to 1 in 3 in schools.

>> No.15545466

1 in 3 kids has autism? Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.15545545

Why would a raw vegan require equipment? Go eat an avacado nigga

>> No.15545592

my bad, last decade it was 1 in 300 and currently it is now 1 in 30, so in ten years it might be 1 in 3 given the trajectory of our collective gut health.

>> No.15545601

This is what I'm finding as well the more research I've done and even my own experience I've had. Food has an incredible impact on overall health and psychological well being. I wouldn't be surprised if in the future your diet is something first looked at by a professional if you have mental issues.

Things like camel milk (most likely in it's raw form) being used to alleviate autism symptoms.

I agree that I don't think it's some conspiracy to keep people stupid and unhealthy, I think it's largely industry driven. There's far too much money for companies to make by selling cheap junk food. Veganism being pushed by people who have large investments in selling basically human pet food (i.e. mock meats).

>> No.15545611
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Isn't alkaline diet just eating bleach?

>> No.15545658

Fecal transplants are a level of hell's worth of irony - giving fat people healthy people's shit - but they are a possible future solution to horribly degraded guts and out of balance flora.

But also just eating traditionally should solve a lot of issues and make a really robust flora to be passed on to future generations. A lot of traditional methods of growing foods (non-gmo, non-pesticide etc.) mean the food itself can be digested for nutrients and not pollutants as well as the traditional preparation methods- raw milk and cheese, soaking and long cooking grains, fermenting vegetables and meat - these also create probiotic bacteria and reduce toxins.

The GAPS diet explains it really concisely, but there's lots of other ways of explaining foods and gut health. Plants are cleansing and animal products are regenerating. Which is why veganism works well for a while but the absolutely ruins mental and physical states once the body is cleansed to depletion.

I do think the ABCD consortiums are pushing veganism because it gives them more control both of food production and population (hormones, strength etc). Veganism is just one part of it, and if you are not aware of the types of bacteria are colonizing your guts, you can end up feeding the wrong ones a high fibre diet and making symptoms worse. But vegetables and fruits and stuff are great, they should just be organic or traditionally grown as well as the animals we consume.

>> No.15545667

How many mental illnesses have you been diagnosed with? Not trolling, actually curious.

>> No.15545688

I used to be really depressed and anxious and I'm pretty "high IQ low social functioning" but have found a lot of healing and benefits to changing my diet in a way that pays attention to these things. More eye contact, more calmness. Excellent digestion, better complexion.

I've also personally seen the GAPS diet fix someone's horrible bowel issues and dairy intolerance too.

>> No.15546810


>> No.15547120

>But, you can then repopulate the gut with healthy probiotic bacteria, another example: Turicibacter sanguinis, a common gut microbe, can signal nearby intestinal cells to release serotonin.
serotonin is not a good molecule, it's the inverse
people see that a shitload of serotonin is produced in the gut and go "oh that's why the intestine is important for the mind" when it's actually all the bacterial poison that stimulates serotonin which then gives you depression

>> No.15547156
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>mfw I just completed another day of fasting drinking only organic orange juice and for no reason at all its going to make anons seethe

>> No.15547428

>Fecal transplants
I found out about that off South Park, led me to read into more gut bacteria, could be why my friend is "allergic to drugs" but I doubt it.
You're not banned fren
>organic orange juice
How is it different to regular store orange juice or the fancy brand ones?

>> No.15547430

is probably bile

>> No.15547510

We do not forgive. We do not forget. We are coming for you. We are anonymous, we are LEGION.

>> No.15547569

I have been following Dr. Sebi's Mucusless Diet for several years and I think that the point of it is to reduce the mucus in your body and not eliminate it.

Some of their suggestions actually work. according to an ayurvedic site I came across if you rub an essential oil on your ear it will help remove mucus. I just did this a couple of days ago and when I woked up the next morning mucus was coming out of my eyes. I was amazed. They also suggest oil pulling. I just now started putting a bit of ginger powder and radish powder in coconut oil. Radish powder help removes mucus and ginger powder tells your body to stop producing mucus. I also put a little in my toothpaste.

Another thing that really worked for me was baking homemade white wheat bread with ginger powder. This is something I'm sure Dr. Sebi would disagree with put I feel that it really helped cleanse my colon. The warmth from the ginger was kind of intense for a couple of days.

>> No.15548239

its fresh squeezed OJ so it doesn't have all the chemicals and shit a processed gallon would have.

which essential oil did you use for your ear anon? one thing I've noticed about myself is that my entire head is congested with mucus. My sense of smell suffers because of it and for years my ears always have that pressure you get from going up in elevation. I never thought nothing of those symptoms until on my fast. I felt some of the pressure of the mucus release from my head. One of the craziest physical sensations I've ever experienced. And I agree with ginger, that stuff is intense if you overuse it. I put too much of it in some of my pear and my stomach couldn't handle it, made me vomit. But ginger, pears, and turmeric taste pretty decent together

>> No.15548429

what kind of mental retard are you??? if you want to feel good and get in good shape etc just start eating healthy food and use your body every day jesus christ i hope you die doing this shit you weirdo soy faggot

>> No.15549275

Soy causes mucus because it is a man made hybrid plant created in a lab by the European Gregor Mendel in the 1800s. Dr. Sebi said so in a talk once.

>> No.15549280
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You sound like this when you type

>> No.15549419

My only issue is that I’m absolutely sure there’s not a way to eat that will make you happy indefinitely. To suppose that physical needs supersede all others, well it makes sense to some degree, but it basically degrades our consciousness to nothing. If we are nothing but our gut bacteria, why even try to exist? Our gut bacteria should be doing it for us, no?

I believe having a healthy body, including a healthy diet, exercise, sleep, hydration, etc - are all very important to ones overall well-being. I’m sure there are chemical imbalances that can be linked to food ingestion, as all chemicals entering/leaving the body do it via the digestion/expulsion systems. However, there are many existential, psychological, and other forms of trauma that may exist in ones mind with no correlation to the bodies well-being. I doubt PTSD can be fixed with a better diet, maybe the symptoms can be alleviated to some degree, but being subject to watching men explode in front of your fucking face isn’t something that goes away because you eat Whole Foods.

>> No.15549726

Certainly diet is only one aspect of a healthy life, but it's a foundational part that many people overlook when trying to assess why they feel shitty. I don't think gut bacteria can necessarily cure PTSD or every psychological issue, but getting enough nutrients to properly rebuild key bodily structures seems like it would aid in all aspects of health.

There are nootropics (like inositol) that can also be supplemented to help re-wire the brain to overcome addictions and compulsions, however. There's a lot of really hopeful research coming out regarding diet and health and it isn't necessarily profitable for large corporations if everyone knows how to cure themselves and regain health on their own.

>> No.15550118


doesnt a cheap mandolin slicer do the job well enough? maybe not super long noodles but very thin loooonnngg fry-like shapes.