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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 245 KB, 1200x700, cereal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15531350 No.15531350 [Reply] [Original]

Post breakfast cereals that are absolutely top-shelf.

>> No.15531358

Cinnamon squares are my favorite, forgot the name.

>> No.15531365

raisin bran crunch

>> No.15531368
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>> No.15531375


>> No.15531400
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>> No.15532015
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The original flavor here, almonds and vanilla bunches are all godlike

>> No.15532026
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>> No.15532038
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Even after all these years, nobody can beat the king.

>> No.15532039
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this shit has to be so bad for you because it's so fucking good. the metamorphosis the pebbles undertake from dry pebble to wet pebble to saturated pebble to soggy pebble is more perfect than any other cereal. it's literally a high water mark of human achievement

>> No.15532047

honey crunches of oats

>> No.15532430
File: 52 KB, 488x488, GUEST_02566427-2426-413a-8687-0cc48dd1d6da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Close, but no cigar. I haven't had this stuff in well over a decade but now I'm fiending for it.

>> No.15532463
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Step aside trannies

>> No.15532498
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My local kroger had a digital coupon for for post cereal. 99 cents per box limit 5. I picked up pic related and fuck me are they good. It's like a mix of golden grahams, cocoa puffs, and freeze dried marshmallows.

>> No.15533836
File: 232 KB, 1300x1300, 000032022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Cheerios, MOTHERFUCKER! They're the FUCKING BEST!

>> No.15533967

Very true. Honey nut is pretty good but too sweet for me some days

>> No.15534095

These are just colored rice crispies.

>> No.15534109

lol, they're entry level cereals bro.
the mascot ones are as well. essential though. not all, but there's a little something for everybody.
homework tier are things like >>15532430 and >>15533836
you've got Corn Pops, Wheaties, and Honeycomb as well. even Reese's Puffs, despite the nigger theme.
big nuts tier cereal is All Bran, Grape Nuts, Special K, Mini Wheats, etc.
hack tier - Captain Crunch
suburban white suv tier - Go Lean, Gorilla Munch, and those weird minimalist design cereals, the ones you get in the overpriced organic section for the people who can't grow up, or the ones who want their kids to eat healthy sugar.

>> No.15534157


>> No.15534289
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Pic related was one of my eurofag favorites but I can't find it anymore. Captain Crunch is pretty amazing and cinnamon toast crunch is great.

>> No.15534341
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>> No.15534434
File: 235 KB, 788x1200, 71l2uHWfX7L._SL1200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember that oatmeal cookie cereal Bobby ate in the ADD episode of King of the Hill? Here it is, disguised as something your parents might mistake as healthy. Too bad they started putting nutritional info on the front of the box. 200cal 3g saturated fat 15g sugar per 3/4 cup.

>> No.15534471

Great packaging.

>> No.15534474

I like special k with the yogurt chunks

>> No.15534480

They may be entry level cereals, they're still my favorite.

>> No.15534506

i like cinnamon Life, rice chex, uhhh

>> No.15534523

that's not true anon, they're flat and not rice bubbles but also they're sweeter'n horsecocks

>> No.15534566

Where did this American culture of eating candy for your most important daily meal come from?

It's the most Amerifat thing ever.

>> No.15534663

From the cereal lobby and their shills.

>> No.15534839

I miss waffle crisp.

>> No.15534842

Grape Nuts is like eating beer in a bowl, it'll always have a place in my heart.

>> No.15535037
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>> No.15535209

>All these posted cereals that haven't been in stores in decades
Why are you even posting?

>> No.15535247

ah, a fellow Boomer
welcom fren

>> No.15535265
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>> No.15535503
File: 114 KB, 1200x1200, CornFlakes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT: Coomers eat kids cereal because the sugar is making them masturbate too much

>> No.15535558
File: 1.12 MB, 3024x4032, crispy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15535608

My nigga. Mini wheats are objectively the best cereal, it’s not even a goddamn debate. In second, for me, it’s honey smacks.

>> No.15535614

The only acceptable answer is plain Cheerios. Everything else is sugary garbage.

>> No.15535616

Those are great as well.

>> No.15535620

*turns soggy before you eat the first bite*

>> No.15535735

Frosted are better but yeah

>> No.15535832

if you are an adult and you eat cereal you are a literal child

>> No.15535835

For me, it's Kelloggs corn flakes, the best cereal.

>> No.15535855

jesse, what in the fuck are you talking about

>> No.15536041

My 6 year old kid likes golden grahams.

>> No.15536058
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>> No.15536066
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>> No.15536252

seethe faggot

>> No.15536331

1980s, probably

>> No.15536424

Raisin Bran Crunch
Honey Nut Cheerios
That one with the granola and dehydrated strawberry slices or blueberries
Normal raisin bran based and healthpilled

>> No.15536754

>good cereal
kek, that's not good for anything.

>> No.15537226
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This is absolute junk, yet I love it.

>> No.15537228

cereal time
cereal time

>> No.15537254
File: 63 KB, 1024x816, 1605696519029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>entry level cereals