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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15529877 No.15529877 [Reply] [Original]

May I request the knowledge of /ck/?

I have half a bottle of scotch, good stuff, major brand single malt special bottling. I forgot about it for a few months, left it vertical, and the cork dried out. When I went to drink some, the cork had actually started falling apart and dropping chunks into the bottle. When I poured some out, it had an oily slick on top, along with the cork chunks.

I put it aside for a while longer, figuring I'd see if there was a way to drain off the stuff from underneath and salvage it. Well, needless to say I never got around to it.

Tonight I decided to try a sip. The oily slick is gone, apparently dissolved into the scotch now. IT TASTES HORRIBLE and immediately put me on the verge of vomiting, just from one sip.

Any idea what the fuck happened with the cork and what could have dissolved into the whisky?

Please note, I have vomited exactly three times in my living memory. Once was in early childhood while taking a medication that caused vomiting as a side effect. Twice were from extremely toxic food at buffet/salad bar type restaurants. Normally if I eat something bad, my stomach is queasy for hours and eventually I shit it out. This stuff within seconds had me on the verge of barfing, and it lasted for a bad 20-30 minutes.

Pic unrelated but delicious.

>> No.15530774

That blows. What label?

>> No.15530803

What happened is it oxidized terribly. Leave a glass of whisky on the night stand over night, and likely it will taste the same as you experienced.

Usually the corks used in scotch dont need to be kept on its side, though i have seen a cork disintegrate like you said once. I poured the whisky through a strainer into a decanter and drank fairly quickly.