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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15528284 No.15528284 [Reply] [Original]

You can literally buy a bag of bacon at Dunkin’ Donuts. Should other fast food places do the same?

>> No.15528285

sounds expensive

>> No.15528293

why can't you make your own? a child can fry bacon

>> No.15528299

But can you fry a child

>> No.15528302

Because when I buy a pack of bacon I use just a little and then have to freeze the rest and thawing it is a PITA

I don’t know how anybody but families uses an actual pack of bacon, really

>> No.15528306

You know bacon is cured right dumbass? You can literally just leave it in the fridge or on the counter, there is no need to freeze it, clamhead

>> No.15528309

Cured doesn’t mean it doesn’t spoil. It’s still raw meat dumbass

>> No.15528310

>I don’t know how anybody but families uses an actual pack of bacon, really
I use it as a replacement to cooking oil, all my food is made with bacon grease.

>> No.15528311

that would be illegal

>I don’t know how anybody but families uses an actual pack of bacon, really
bacon lasts for like a week. you don't have to eat it all in one day

>> No.15528315

But what if I just want a use a little bacon each week. It’s not the healthiest thing for you anyway

>> No.15528318

Whole? No.

>> No.15528323

>bacon lasts for like a week.
Bacon lasts for months

>> No.15528325

>fry anything else
>no problems
>fry bacon
>whole house reeks for days

Why is this?

>> No.15528327

then go to the meat market and ask for half of a pound. half of a pound isn't much and the bacon behind the meat counter is better than the pre packaged stuff at the grocery store

>> No.15528334
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>that would be illegal

>> No.15528337

i'd rather eat it instead of freezing it and it starts to go bland after a week

>> No.15528344

It's the smoke/liquid smoke.

>> No.15528346

yes, i am a reddit soyboy thank you

>> No.15528432

I usually buy a full sized piece, which is cheaper due to being bought in bulk, and cut it into smaller pieces the size of half my hand, pack them with plastic foil and freeze them all except one that I put into use immediately.

Nothing wrong with it, doesn't ruin the quality or anything.

>> No.15528442

Yeah I guess I’ll have to do something like that. I’ve had freezer burn ruin so many things so I lean against freezing in general but I guess I just didn’t pack them well enough

>> No.15528460

>but I guess I just didn’t pack them well enough
Yeah, it is worth spending a few extra cents on foil by using more than to risk having your ingredients ruined.

You also need a decent freezer, a big one too if you are planning on using it for long term storage of meats like this.

>> No.15528461

you can slow cook one in a hot car in just 40 minutes

>> No.15528466

Are you from the sloth thread?

>> No.15528992

>It’s still raw meat dumbass
it's not raw it's cured retard

>> No.15529029

Curing something does not cook it.

>> No.15529038

youre being disingenuous

>> No.15529062

Holy based, I had no idea. Maybe keto catching on as a meme will be a good thing.

>> No.15529093
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>Why yes, I do eat a bag of bacon every day, how could you tell?

>> No.15529107

At first I thought this was based and then I saw that it has a brown sugar coating. Fuck candied bacon, I want my bacon to taste like meat not a candy bar.

>> No.15529192

Ham is cured, but it's still raw until you cook it.

>> No.15529253

Candied bacon is tasty as a garnish on deviled eggs. Otherwise you're right, thick-cut pepper bacon is where it's at.

>> No.15529449

probably microwaved soy bacon

>> No.15529459

fast food bacon always sucks

>> No.15529471

>Fast food company: *does literally anything*

>> No.15529472

Fast "food" is neither cooking nor food.
I wish my adblocker could catch this bullshit.

>> No.15529474

Why do Americans need sugar on absolutely fucking everything?

>> No.15529548

Because of sugar lobbies in the 50s and 60s who convinced everyone that sugar is an essential nutrient, combined with CICO advocates who say all calories are the same regardless of source and basically deny the existence of hormones and their role in how the body processes food. On top of that, we have a lot of excess which, when combined with careful lobbying and marketing, has bred a culture of instant gratification, hate of inconvenience, and desire for everything to always be "good."

So if you could have a food like bacon but make it taste like sugar and increase the dopamine hit from eating it, why wouldn't you? After all, sugar is an important macronutrient because all carbs and calories are the same and why would I eat something that makes my mouth feel less good in comparison?

American culture is extremely adverse to discomfort and inconvenience and even just "less" comfort and "less" convenience. Our collective lack of discipline is exactly what's driving us to destruction.

>> No.15529573

That looks like real cooked bacon, not like Carl's Jr where they get sent cooked bacon to reheat. I don't know of other places other than Sonic and they used to have real bacon, unsure now.

>> No.15529583

/CK/ is just mad they can't afford Dunkin'. Enjoy cooking breakfast like a chump! I'll be on the road with my delicious Dunkin' bacon.

>> No.15529691

Bacon is one of the worst things if not done in the oven, and baking it takes 20~ minutes. Honestly, if I were a wagie cuck I would pick this up for myself. But alas, I am not and I have a family of 4 that I cook for, so an entire package gets used in one morning.

>> No.15529701

>or on the counter
Uwot. But yes, bacon doesn't have to be frozen, it can be left for weeks and still be good. I guess that anon uses 2 strips/mo or something.

>> No.15529732

Based lardass

>> No.15529753

You can still use a few slices a week and it won't spoil. Jesus, just howninpet are some of you people? Unless you're young and just moved out and your mother was a shit or died, you should already know these things.

>> No.15529768

>freezer burn ruin things
It's called FIFO- first in, first out. Rotate your shit, or don't buy so much, or actually eat it. Fuck.

>> No.15529779

They don't offer regular bacon, what the fuck??

>> No.15529793

I wish retards would use the site the way moot intended it before he left, making it user friendly. I guess that is asking too much.

>> No.15529858

when i worked there we had seasonal bacons. during the winter it was a candied/brown sugar cinnamon bacon. i remember in the summer it would be sriracha bacon, ect

>> No.15529940
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It's so fucking good too, I picked some up with some coffee the other day when I was waiting for my car's inspection and an oil change. Sweet, crispy bacon and coffee on a crisp winter day is the shit.

>> No.15530062

you're mad

>> No.15530074

>I don't understand filters hurrr durrr I'm a raging homosexual

>> No.15530102

hostility signals insecurity. And insecurity is just weakness in a mask.

>> No.15530171

I had these before. It almost ruined bacon for me.

>> No.15530391
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fuck that shit
the problem is a bag is like 8 bucks but it's better than dunkin donuts and i guess you can warm it up a bit if you so desire

>> No.15530651

lmao retard just fry the shit in a pan

>> No.15530662

Bacon jerky has to be the biggest scam I've ever fallen for. It's not quite bacon, it's not quite jerky, but it's definitely shit if you have a craving for either of those things.

>> No.15530757

I like how these faggots had the decency to drop the "donuts" from their name since they only now sell like 6 different doughnuts. Absolutely pitiful selection, but they taste like shit now too anyway.

>> No.15530877

Used to work at Dunkin. It's "Snacking Bacon" and my franchisee priced it was $2.49; I don't remember what corporate said baseline pricing should be. You get 8 half-strips (coat the full strips in a pan of whatever seasonal seasoning they have for it, then rip the strips in half.) I used to tell customers that bought it to bake a pound of bacon the night before and refrigerate it, and eat it in the morning. Save money and it'll taste better. The bacon Dunkin' uses has gotten better the last ~2 years but it still isn't anywhere near as good as Burger King, McDonalds or Wendys. The fucking grease pooling in the container for the bacon was disgusting, and making it was even worse. It also sits out at room-temp for ~4 hours before being tossed.

>> No.15530976

Dont throw the grease away, unironically make soap with it.

>> No.15530986

Well I don't work there anymore. Whenever I bake bacon at home I strain the grease through a sieve and coffee filter and refrigerate it for cooking eggs and stuff.

>> No.15531003

That is just to kill it, still not edible. Have you seen how dirty things things are?

>> No.15531012

Huh? They have crullers and bismarcks and stuff too

>> No.15531013

>fry a child
Gross dude. I don't eat children; I fuck them.

>> No.15531042
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>who say all calories are the same regardless of source and basically deny the existence of hormones and their role in how the body processes food.
>ketotard cultist
So if I eat an amount of butter with caloric value equal to my daily expenditure of energy in kcals for a period of 2 weeks will I lose weight, gain weight or will my weight stay constant?

>> No.15531067

it's $2.79

that's ackchully not so bad

>> No.15531096
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I don't think bacon is suppose to have carbs?

>> No.15531102

they're made with sweet black pepper which contain brown shoogar

>> No.15531107


>> No.15531112

Have you not read the thread or did you miss the part where we pointed out it's candied bacon?

>> No.15531115

Thats good as well.

>> No.15531674

Wait... a donut shop has bacon?

>> No.15531820

They sell donuts, coffee, breakfast sandwiches, and a few other things. Bacon goes on breakfast sandwiches so it's not surprising.

>> No.15531830

Sometimes people leave their house.

>> No.15531834

Didn't know that, but the last time I was in one was the 90s. I guess that is why the shops are so big now. They use to be small buildings.

>> No.15531835

i make four slices at a time. so it takes me like three or four days to use it.

>> No.15531840 [DELETED] 

Yeah, sure, if they're a fucking incel with no respect for human life. Real men stay home and never leave their basement. #flattenthecurve

>> No.15531972

They sell individual portion 16oz things of bacon at sams and costco. 4 or five pieces wont last shit. The best thing you can do with a pound of bacon greasy remains is get two slices of white bread and soak it all up and grill it in the pan. Actually flavorful bread.

>> No.15531978

Troll. China cough lockdown was back in April May. No one does that shit anymore. Only old people still wear masks.

>> No.15531986
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Do americans really pay $10 for 6 strips of bacon

>> No.15531992

Nah. Two pounds though. So two servings.

>> No.15532079

$2.49 for 4 strips of bacon. That's virtually theft.

>> No.15532091


>> No.15532105

It's $2.50

>> No.15532167

I looked on the website and it said 8 half strips.

>> No.15532172

Now you only get 6 half strips. That's just 3 strips of bacon. Totally theft.

>> No.15532173

well then it's 8 mister man >:|

>> No.15532178

nobody's making you buy it anon. maybe people like it

>> No.15532180

Go back.

>> No.15532183

I like bacon. But that is daylight robbery at that price.

>> No.15532198

Do people not know you can cook a load of bacon and store it in the fridge for 4/5 days. You can even freeze cooked bacon and it defrosts within half an hour if it's crispy?

>> No.15532202

That's 1$ less than a lb of bacon, overpriced

>> No.15532206

and I like brugers but nothing I make at home can replicate a quarter pounder wicheese, so if i'm in the mood for one i have to get ripped off my mcdonald's. this is much the same. maybe their sweet pepper bacon is amazing and sometimes worth the money. it's not a fucking grocery store anon

>> No.15532263

Perhaps if you could read what your buying in a supermarket. It may help.
Nobody in the world sells "wicheese". Are you illiterate?
By the way, we are talking about bacon at Dunkin Donuts not shitty McDonalds.

>> No.15532281

Meant for >>15532206

>> No.15532282


>> No.15532289

Oh no. The grammar police are on to me. I use predictive text, moron.

>> No.15532298

Almost all commercial bacon is cooked.

>> No.15532308

It does mean it won't spoil, that's the fucking point of curing. Also almost all commercial bacon is cooked. I cure and make bacon and the final step is smoking to 140F.

>> No.15532310

well anon you were criticizing my reading and writing so that was pretty funny. at least my misspellings were on purpose.

also i know we're talking about dunkin bacon, the mcdonald's thing was an analogy

>> No.15532323

Perfect solution to the problem. A lot of times you can get real smoked bacon and not some commercial liquid smoke bullshit. Or make your own, it is great to play around with different flavors.

>> No.15532329

wendy's: baconator
jack in the box: bacon ultimate cheeseburger
taco bell: bacon club chalupa
burger king: bacon cheeseburger
mcdonalds: bacon egg and cheese biscuit
chick-fil-a: bacon egg and cheese biscuit
they all suck. fast food bacon sucks

>> No.15532335

It's a Plebbit muppet. Enough said.

>> No.15532348

Bacon goes with paprika, black pepper, Worcester sauce, brown sauce. Sugar is just a Dumberican thing.

>> No.15532354

Seasonal bacons lmao

>> No.15532360

On Christmas eve we always fry a bunch of seafood and the house smells like it for days and it's embedded in my clothes when I leave.

>> No.15532373

deep fry or pan fry? also what sort of stuff do you guys eat? i love seafood for christmas but a lot of people don't do it

>> No.15532374

They even have breakfast sausage that can only be eaten in the morning. Don't ask them about the summer sausage.

>> No.15532382

Wish there were Dunkin donuts around here, I 'd def buy some bacon

>> No.15532424
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I miss Dunkin. Used to go every day for my Dank Roast and then have a long drive through the MA countryside. Plus the donuts are just so good when they're fresh. But alas, I live over the seas now where donuts are hard to find and good donuts even harder.

>> No.15532425

You English?

>> No.15532431

What country?

>> No.15532568


>> No.15532582

You must be able to get decent donuts in Oz. They're not exactly difficult to make. Even the filled ones.

>> No.15532622
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Well there's a place called Donut King which for the longest time was the only real option. It's good, pretty much a Dunkin clone but still not quite the same.

These days you can get donuts in the grocery store bakery section but they're generally horrible, except the jam filled ones at Coles but they only have them in they Sydney locations, I've lived all over and can't find them

The good news is I just moved again and maybe the Coles here has them

>> No.15532639

Or just GO BACK.

>> No.15532707

The only thing that really stinks up the house is making hot sauce from scratch in recent.

>> No.15533774

Bacon Strips.

>> No.15533796

fuck me dead, I thought australians being stupid as shit was just a meme, but your post is evidence. donut king FUCKING SUCKS. puffin fresh is king

>> No.15533873

Usually I eat half the package as a single meal and eat the other half the next day by cutting it up into small bits and mixing it into kraft dinner

>> No.15534069

That's actually kind of brilliant with keto being such a meme right now. Other fast food joints should definitely follow suit, that's a whole market that had been completely untapped at DD

>> No.15534075

Yes. Easily. You probably shouldn't, but it could EASILY be done

>> No.15534085

this. you don't even technically have to cook it

>> No.15534088

Dunkin' Snacking Bacon is coated in the seasonal flavoring, which consists roughly of 98% sugar, the rest is whatever spice they decided on. Before I quit it was "Sweet Black Pepper", might be "Maple Sugar" right now. It isn't keto friendly.

>> No.15534091

well that's fucking stupid

>> No.15534104

I said the same thing when it came out. It's also only 8 "half-strips", and Dunkin bacon really isn't that big to begin with. As I said in >>15530877 it's gotten better, but it's definitely a dumb ripoff. It amazes me that people go there everyday and order the same thing every time Though through the years I did notice a few people never came back, or did once or twice; their reasoning was always money--the others just haven't learned I suppose.

>> No.15534579

puffiin fresh doesn't exist anon

>> No.15536289

>i liek 2 sound 2deep4u but in reality I'm a literal mouth breathing cock mongler

>> No.15536296

Not after baking it, never again. The grease everywhere is a bitch.

>> No.15536310

So you don't like real, cooked bacon?

>> No.15536382

Where is a pound of bacon so cheap? The decent stuff near me is at least $5 and the good stuff is 7 or 8.

>> No.15536390

your reading comprehension issue has been noted

>> No.15536438

You don't get this whole fast food concept, do you?

>> No.15536458
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I don't know what you consider to be decent or good, but bacon isn't all that expensive. If you think Dunkin fucking Donuts is using anything better than pic related you're deluding yourself.

>> No.15536507

They're not giving you a cup of raw bacon to take home and cook to your liking they're giving you a cup of freshly cooked bacon to eat in your car at red lights on the way to or from work.
NEETs wouldn't get it.

>> No.15536552

For the amount of time it takes to stop and wait in line or in the drive-thru behind all the other mindless consumers you could have made an equal amount of bacon before leaving for work and put your own pepper and brown sugar on it and put it in your own paper cup. With a little planning you could cook it ahead of time and just warm it up like Dunkin Donuts probably does anyway.

>> No.15536685

You have no concept of time because you never leave your house.

>> No.15536723

I do leave my house, but it's actually quite the opposite. The people sitting in the drive-thru listening to music with their attention taken each time they need to move forward an inch are the ones whose concept of time is fucked. You're kept so occupied by it all that you don't realize you're sitting in the line for 10 minutes or more. You don't factor in the extra travel time it takes to deviate from the optimal path to make a stop at that drive-thru. All in all people often spend an extra 15-20 minutes in their commute so they can "save time" by stopping at their drive-thru of choice. If you can't cook 4 strips of bacon in 15-20 minutes then I don't know what the fuck to tell you.

>> No.15536907

That's a retarded comment and you fucking know it. People make the time fit into their before-work ritual, rarely do customers complain about being late; and usually it's because they accidentally slept in. There's no difference between factoring in the ~20 minutes for a run through whatever drive-thru (or ordering via their app and running inside) and warming up some baked-the-night-before bacon and making a small pot of coffee, or brewing a single k-cup via your Keurig. Plenty of people wake up at least an hour before they have to be at work, and many take showers at night and not in the morning.

>> No.15536947

I see you didn't mention Sonic, which has really bacon, but your statement "ALL fast good bacon sucks" throws that into Sonic as well. My comprehension is on point, faggot.

>> No.15536950

You can seethe all you want but drive thrus will never take as long as cooking bacon, even in a microwave

>> No.15536955

>If you can't cook 4 strips of bacon in 15-20 minutes then I don't know what the fuck to tell you.

>> No.15536956

Fuckhead, he said warming up, not cooking. That's literally 30 seconds. Time yourself doing that and making a cup of coffee and report back. Maybe you're retarded

>> No.15537013

He was talking about the expense of raw bacon, then he said precooking later. Time you spent earlier was still spent you dumb ape.
If you spend 15 minutes extra in a drivethrough on a commute you are retarded. If you spend more than 5 extra minutes you are retarded. This only confirms my suspicions you never leave your house. That or you live in some overpopulated twilight zone shithole like Chicago.

>> No.15537057

I live in Northwest Ohio and during rush hour all the popular breakfast drive-thrus get backed up. Like >>15536907 said, people plan for this and leave early so they can spend the time. A lot of people literally go 5 minutes or so off their course to get to the drive-thru, so that's an added 10 minutes to the total trip time (5 minutes off course, 5 minutes back on course, especially if you exit and re-enter the highway to do it). Then if you spend 5 minutes sitting in the drive-thru VOILA! You just spent an extra 15 minutes on your way to work just to get 4 strips of bacon you could have made fresh at home in the same amount of time. These are conservative estimates that don't account for possibly heavier backups in the drive-thru, additional possible traffic you expose yourself to, and all kinds of things. So yeah, I'd say an estimate of 15 extra minutes is about average for a lot of people.

>> No.15537233

>You can seethe all you want
I'm not the other guy you were talking to.
>but drive thrus will never take as long as cooking bacon, even in a microwave
That's incorrect. I've worked in drive-thru fast food restaurants, been through drive-thrus (like pretty much everyone), and multiple different family members have worked for or work at fast food restaurants. You're wrong. Drive-thrus can easily get backed up and you can also easily spend ~20 minutes sitting in line. Me and my coworkers used to both complain and make fun of the idiots that spend time sitting in their car as opposed to using the app and walking into the restaurant, which will always be faster and easier. I also said cooking it the night before, which takes maybe a minute of prep time to throw it into a preheating oven and setting a cook time so the oven simply shuts off; then your lazy ass can get up at any point and throw it in the fridge.

>If you spend 15 minutes extra in a drivethrough on a commute you are retarded. If you spend more than 5 extra minutes you are retarded.
Going through a drive-thru is stupid when apps exist and you can run inside in ~2 minutes to grab your shit. Anyone that uses a drive-thru either has children with them or are retarded, lazy pieces of shit.
>That or you live in some overpopulated twilight zone shithole like Chicago.
Most people that go through a drive-thru everyday ARE people that live in populous regions. It also doesn't take a super-densely populated place like Shitcago to cause a backup in a drive-thru.

You're retarded and everything you say is stupid. Kill yourself.

>> No.15537501

>Going through a drive-thru is stupid when apps exist and you can run inside in ~2 minutes to grab your shit.
Those apps are all bullshit, they don't even prepare your order until you arrive and half the places that have apps make you sit in the drive-thru to get it anyway. You may as well just walk in normally. Though I do agree that most of the time walking inside is faster than the drive-thru.

>> No.15537651

My only experience with apps are Dunkin, McDonalds, Burger King and Starbucks; that only holds true for McDonalds. You have to be within a mile or less of the store (maybe even something like 1,000 ft?) before the app even allows you to submit the order. The other 3 all allow for orders to be placed no matter where you are, and your order is ready when you arrive (granted you give them enough time to prepare it.)
Starbucks is usually the biggest piece of shit because everyone goes there and they're slow as fuck, but I've yet to order ahead and it not be done by the time I'm there.

I can not stand drive-thrus, I hate them. If you have kids, sure, otherwise fuck off and go inside you twat. I've seen many McDonalds lines form out onto the street/highway--absolutely ridiculous.

>> No.15537663
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you can even peel their skin off to make chicharrones

>> No.15537855

donut king is shite, just go to coles or woolies and get those boxes of cinnamon donuts. best shit with a glass of milk. fuck it i might go now and buy a box

>> No.15537862

donut king has the dryest most shit donuts it is unbelievable how a place with donut in the name could fuck up donuts. i want to kill all of the employees at donut king

>> No.15537938
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newfags posting literal youtube templates now