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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15526174 No.15526174 [Reply] [Original]

now that the dust has settled, we can all agree that you're a shit cook if you use MSG

>> No.15526196

Wrong, you're actually retarded if you think this way.

>> No.15526209

you can admit you're a shit cook. no cook working in the industry uses that garbage

>> No.15526253
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does it come up behind you like a ninja and kill you?

>> No.15526258

>complaining about MSG but not BPA


>> No.15527119

MSG saved my life.

>> No.15527133

>you now remember watching ask a ninja

>> No.15527168

I guess I put away my anchovies, mushrooms, seaweed, Parmesan, eggs, Worcestershire sauce, soy sauce, shrimp, fishsauce, miso, tomatos........

>> No.15527231

Why do Chinese people get so butthurt when you say anything bad about MSG?

>> No.15527266


>> No.15527318

from what I read there is not actually a bulk of scientific evidence suggesting that MSG causes health problems and most of the anti-MSG sentiment is based on hearsay and anecdotes

but anyway it's 2020 and if you live in a first world country you can afford to flavor your food with something savory naturally

>> No.15527403


>> No.15527414

2020+ however many years

>> No.15527427

What I remember as chinese food growing up as a young kid in Hong Kong

>turtle/shark fin soup
>fried chicken feet
>pig uterus noodles
>fried rice with pork knuckle gristle
>unidentifed fish balls on a stick
>boiled dog meat
>one time, monkey brains

Americans have no idea how bad it really is. No one in china knows what the fuck beef and broccoli is or sweet and sour pork. Chinese food is disgusting. Literally the worst parts to eat of any animal. Makes sense because chinks are the race of humans closest to animals. They make disgusting noises when they eat, slurp everything, men in the streets lift their fucking wife beaters over their sweaty stomachs while laughing and chewing with their mouths full of food. Like what kind of idiot decided 2 sticks is the most practical way to eat grains of fucking rice. Starving Nigerians who eat grass have a better diet than the average chinese.

>> No.15527460

>no cook working in the industry uses that garbage
Except anyone from the nerds at ChefSteps to all of China and SEA.

>> No.15527489
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A better time.

>> No.15527504


yeah but its tasty.

>> No.15527845

fuck off copypast faggot

>> No.15527860


>> No.15527983


>> No.15528857

shit cook

>> No.15528866

naturally occurring MSG is A-okay. its those spoonfuls these retards add of that artificial shit that should make them feel ashamed

>> No.15528869

anyone have the video where boomers were in a circle talking about how much they hate msg, then they take a "break" and hand out bags of chips that all have msg in them. Everyone happily munches away like the docile cattle they are until they are told their chips all contain msg, upon which headaches immediately begin to manifest?

>> No.15528872

lmao @ anyone not ok with a healthy, tasty, food additive which enriches pretty much everything you could think of

>> No.15528873

docile cattle, describes people that use msg quite well. junk food is junk food

>> No.15528875

>can we all agree that x
You're a retarded piece of shit and you should go die in a fire.

>> No.15528880

BAHAHAHAHA, enjoy being infertile

>> No.15528883

MSG is safe to eat.[2][18][19] A popular belief is that MSG can cause headaches and other feelings of discomfort but blinded tests have found no good evidence to support this.[9] International and national bodies governing food additives currently consider MSG safe for human consumption as a flavor enhancer.[20] Under normal conditions, humans can metabolize relatively large quantities of glutamate, which is naturally produced in the gut in the course of protein hydrolysis. The median lethal dose (LD50) is between 15 and 18 g/kg body weight in rats and mice, respectively, five times the LD50 of sodium chloride (3 g/kg in rats). The use of MSG as a food additive and the natural levels of glutamic acid in foods are not of toxic concern in humans.[20] Specifically MSG in the diet does not increase glutamate in the brain or affect brain function.[21]

A 1995 report from the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) for the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) concluded that MSG is safe when "eaten at customary levels" and, although a subgroup of otherwise-healthy individuals develop an MSG symptom complex when exposed to 3 g of MSG in the absence of food, MSG as a cause has not been established because the symptom reports are anecdotal.[22]

According to the report, no data supports the role of glutamate in chronic disease. High quality evidence has failed to demonstrate a relationship between the MSG symptom complex and actual MSG consumption. No association has been demonstrated, and the few responses were inconsistent. No symptoms were observed when MSG was administered with food.[23][24][25][26]

>> No.15528885

msg is not a junk food it is a chemical compound found naturally in cheese and tomatoes

>> No.15528888

Adequately controlling for experimental bias includes a blinded, placebo-controlled experimental design and administration by capsule, because of the unique aftertaste of glutamates.[25] In a 1993 study, 71 fasting participants were given 5 g of MSG and then a standard breakfast. One reaction (to the placebo, in a self-identified MSG-sensitive individual) occurred.[23] A 2000 study tested the reaction of 130 subjects with a reported sensitivity to MSG. Multiple trials were performed, with subjects exhibiting at least two symptoms continuing. Two people out of the 130 responded to all four challenges. Because of the low prevalence, the researchers concluded that a response to MSG was not reproducible.[27]

Studies exploring MSG's role in obesity have yielded mixed results.[28][29]

Although several studies have investigated anecdotal links between MSG and asthma, current evidence does not support a causal association.[30] Since glutamates are important neurotransmitters in the human brain, playing a key role in learning and memory, ongoing neurological studies indicate a need for further research.[31]

>> No.15528891
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Salt is salt, kiddo. Drink more water. Also cholesterol isn't bad for you.

>> No.15528892

im sure its safe but ya'll are still shit cooks that like to cheat, simple as. remove the msg and poof your cooking is garbo

>> No.15528895

Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) MSG technical report concludes,

"There is no convincing evidence that MSG is a significant factor in causing systemic reactions resulting in severe illness or mortality. The studies conducted to date on Chinese restaurant syndrome (CRS) have largely failed to demonstrate a causal association with MSG. Symptoms resembling those of CRS may be provoked in a clinical setting in small numbers of individuals by the administration of large doses of MSG without food. However, such effects are neither persistent nor serious and are likely to be attenuated when MSG is consumed with food. In terms of more serious adverse effects such as the triggering of bronchospasm in asthmatic individuals, the evidence does not indicate that MSG is a significant trigger factor."[32][33]

However, the FSANZ MSG report says that although no data is available on average MSG consumption in Australia and New Zealand, "data from the United Kingdom indicates an average intake of 590 mg/day, with extreme users (97.5th percentile consumers) consuming 2330 mg/day" (Rhodes et al. 1991). In a highly seasoned restaurant meal, intakes as high as 5000 mg or more may be possible (Yang et al. 1997). When very large doses of MSG (>5 g MSG in a bolus dose) are ingested, plasma glutamate concentration will significantly increase. However, the concentration typically returns to normal within two hours. In general, foods providing metabolizable carbohydrate significantly attenuate peak plasma glutamate levels at doses up to 150 mg/kg body weight. Two earlier studies – the 1987 Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) and the 1995 Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) – concluded, "there may be a small number of unstable asthmatics who respond to doses of 1.5–2.5 g of MSG in the absence of food".

>> No.15528901
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dont spam in my thread chinkoid

>> No.15528903


Maybe if you're a weird little britbong, sure. none of your cooking tastes great so yea bud Im sure msg won't help there. I'm sorry :(

>> No.15528908

No, MSG kills you MGS style.

>> No.15528912


>> No.15529119

Is amphetamine salt just salt?

>> No.15529138
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>> No.15529152

Lol i use it all the time. Its in my ranch dressing recipe, and i use it in my dill powder with malt vinegar powder for a fried dill pickle cheese curd. Its just a flavor enhancer and people love it.

>> No.15529175

do you tell them you add msg lol

>> No.15529486

msG, Gmo, 5G...hmm...

>> No.15529495
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MSG is for bad cooks

>> No.15529558

exactly. how tf can you even call yourself a cook using that shit. crazy

>> No.15530012

a pinch of msg is so much more potent in glutamates than any of those. You can make a complex recipe and still add msg at the end. You can't keep adding worcestershire, fish sauce, etc or the flavor of the dish will be off. refined ingredients 101 retards
explain how it is artificial

>> No.15530029

I feel the same way about salt. If you need to use salt to make your food edible, you're a shit cook.

>> No.15530060

nice pasta chang

>> No.15530061

>Consuming molecules
Announcements: this thread is full of simpletons and rubes

>> No.15530067

Same reason why Americans get upset over getting mocked by the rest of the world.

>> No.15530094
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My mom claims she's allergic to this shit for some reason.

>> No.15530104

is it even possible to make a dish worse with it ? Umami should improve everything, just balance its use with normal salt

>> No.15530128
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nothing personal kid

>> No.15530344

MSG has the same social disapproval that artificial sweeteners have, or vaccines. They're all safe, yet people want to spread unfounded misinformation about the substances because they sound scary. It's ok to be skeptical about things, but willfully ignoring scientific resource proving these substances are SAFE is asinine and only done by people wanting to feel special.

Make sure you don't ingest dihydrogen monoxide though, that will can kill you in large enough quantities!

>> No.15530407

You’re a fucking retard m8. enjoy your bland food

>> No.15530561

>he needs msg to make his food actually taste like something

>> No.15530568

im actually not getting the chinese virus vaccine

>> No.15530580

actually, people who have blood sugar issues are effected by fake sugar, but it's not ~cancerous~ or whatever garbage.

>> No.15530611

That's fine; no one can force you to. But it's probably better for yourself and everyone if you do.

In what capacity? My brother is T1 diabetic, my father is T2 and my friend is T1. They all drink "diet" (god I hate that fucking word) soda. Depending on the soda, it's either aspartame or sucralose. Sometimes a mix of the two. None of them have any adverse affects from its ingestion.

Please post a link to any credible source you've read which implies a correlation between the ingestion of a zero-food-energy sweetener and blood glucose issues.

>> No.15530623

why don't you look it up? it causes insulin spikes, that's all.

>> No.15530665

instead of using ingredients with natural msg you're buying containers of the powder because you cant cook

>> No.15530690

So you're talking out of your ass and can't back it up, got it. Opinion discarded.

>> No.15530726

or i don't care enough to spoonfeed you?

>> No.15530775

No, you have no credible source and no other information to back it up. If a substance is ingested that has no food energy, why would there be an insulin response? Your body is autonomous but also smart enough to know what the fuck to do and when (generally, save for things like you know, diabetes, but that doesn't apply here because diabetics don't have normal functioning bodies regardless, thus their insulin response isn't applicable because the cells that detect blood glucose generally don't exist or function.) Blood glucose increases as food is digested and the nutrients are absorbed into the blood. If there is no increase in glucose presence, beta cells aren't going to proc an insulin response because there isn't a reason to.

If you're going to throw bullshit around and the person asks for a credible source to back up your claim, you post it. You're talking out of your ass and you know it. It isn't spoon-feeding, it's backing up your claim you absolute ignoramus.

>> No.15532272

>hk literally a shithole
Yah, we know. Shanghai is superior in every way.

>> No.15532356

Retards that complain msg will eat a bag of doritos and not say a peep.

if /ck/ says you're doing something wrong, then you're doing something right

>> No.15532613

msg is poison

>> No.15532699

fake sugar is bad cause your digestion system can't much tell the difference and tries to digest it like it would normal sugar

>> No.15533132

uh OP here. no, i am aware some junk food has MSG and i tactically check the ingredients to make sure they dont

>> No.15533143

>no cook working in the industry uses that garbage
Imagine being literally retarded.

>> No.15533157
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Retard alert

>> No.15533163

MSG is the reason that fast food is addictive.
>muh it's in a tomato at 12mg or in cheese at 40mg so it can't be toxic!!!!
retards. your brain also produces opiates but it's not healthy to mainline heroin fentanyl 24/7

>> No.15533171

a mg of msg is like 30,000 units of glutamate whereas a whole large tomato is 120.

>> No.15533172

Did buzzfeed tell u that?

>> No.15533183

It makes you chronically tired/sleepy/stupid and this is because of brain damage.

>> No.15533189

>heroin isn't a drug because endorphins also exist naturally in the brain!

>> No.15533191

>Healthy holistic living.com
Good source. As in my original sentiment, you're a retard.

>> No.15533209

>making fun of that website
>also claims that "msg is natural so it must be good for you!"

>> No.15533223

>haha holistic bad
>big pharmakeia good
Go drink your fluoride tap water

>> No.15533236

Stay mad, retards. No amount of straw man arguments will make you right.

>> No.15533246

>complains about logical fallacies and ad hominem
>after his sole argument was ad hominem
MSG and fluoride diet, measurable brain damage.

>> No.15533247
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remove the salt from your dish and poof your cooking is garbo.
almost like that's how cooking works

>> No.15533250

glutamate is a neurotransmiter and having too much causes disease-like effects.

MS-Glutamate salt is super concentrated glutamate

>> No.15533257

>Glutamate transporters, EAAT and VGLUT, are found in neuronal and glial membranes. They rapidly remove glutamate from the extracellular space. In brain injury or disease, they often work in reverse, and excess glutamate can accumulate outside cells. This process causes calcium ions to enter cells via NMDA receptor channels, leading to neuronal damage and eventual cell death, and is called excitotoxicity.[5]

hmmm, exposing yourself to a highly permeable substance that crosses the blood-brain-barrier easily and has direct impact on your neural cell health... because it gives you a kind of "high" that you enjoy... what's the word for these people?

drug addict junkies

>> No.15533269

i bought a bag of MSG today, the fuck do i do with it
what would happen if eat it with a miraculin tablet?

>> No.15533281

>instead of using ingredients with natural salt you're buying containers of the powder because you cant cook

>> No.15533287

Mass produced msg is natural msg. Prove me wrong.

>> No.15533289

Once again straw man. You fucking retard faggot.

>> No.15533292

so is mass produced morphine or cocaine.

>> No.15533296

Apples and oranges

>> No.15533301

Fake and gay.

>> No.15533304

msg isn't that natural. it was isolated from a kelp but it doesn't exist in nature in isolated/concentrated salt form that you can shake onto fries/burgers/etc.

>> No.15533305

you still haven't responded to my post implying that you have a small dick if you dislike msg. thus implying you have a small dick
t. 6'2 9" huwhite male.

>> No.15533310

it's also produced from partial hydrolyzed soy proteins. yeah.

>> No.15533316

Good thing we're not talking about painkillers or blow then, huh?

>> No.15533323

Dude they just ferment starchy plants its not a complicated thing or something thats really abnormal for us to eat.

>> No.15533324

so is salt

>> No.15533328

Great b8 OP, you did good.

>> No.15533332

the "muh umami" feeling of savoriness is a kind of high that's like being stoned on painkillers.
it actually promotes release of endogenous endorphins which heroin also does.

no. sodium chloride aka "salt" is not derived from kelp.

>> No.15533337

You didn't respond to >>15533323

Don't tell me you drink beer, eat yogurt, use anything with vinegar, or anything else fermented but think that MSG is too unnatural for you.

>> No.15533341

it is derived from some seaweeds in japan and other plces

>> No.15533342

> chinks are the race of humans closest to animals
nice try but niggers are actually apes and Chinese are way more human.