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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15524102 No.15524102[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Keto sucks ass. I fell for a fucking meme.

>> No.15524110
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You never did keto, phoneposter

>> No.15524116

It’s a good way to lose a lot of weight fast. 15 lbs a month is doable.

>> No.15524141

>bro, you're supposed to be starving your body of macros so it goes into an emergency state
>ur never gonna be healthy unless u do this bro

>> No.15524151

eat your ham roll-ups goy

>> No.15524184

unironically yes. autophagy does wonders for metabolic health and hormonal regulation. breaks down free oligomers too which improves memory and reduces your chance of dementia.

don't be afraid to challenge your body, anon. keto may not be the path for you, but i encourage you give intermittent fasting or low carb a shot

don't forget: food tastes better when you're hungry :)

>> No.15524208

Your body will ALWAYS produce glucose endogenously for your organs, whether you take in exogenous carbohydrates or not. There is no emergency state, exogenous carbohydrates are not essential for life while exogenous protein and fat are.

>> No.15524218

t. fat

>> No.15524239

<Dr Berg>You probably weren't doing healthy keto</Dr Berg>

>> No.15524241

So is meth

>> No.15524244

Confuse your body. Go vegan

>> No.15524248
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So is this, if your dealer got pinched

>> No.15524267
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I went to a panel on keto dieting once. To the presenters collective horror, there was an actual gastroenterologist there. The panel opened up for q and a, and was promptly embarrassed by the doctor. They didn't have a single piece of peer reviewed literature to back any claims in their presentation. It was hilarious.

>> No.15524278


>> No.15524288

i mean if they were making claims that aren't supported that's their fault for trying to sell snake oil. keto has its purpose but it's definitely not the cure-all some people laud it as.

from experience i can't in good faith assume the doctor wasn't paid by a company to stand in as opposition. researchers are always competing for funding

but yeah anyone who thinks it's the miracle diet has no idea how metabolics work

>> No.15524322

Keto is currently the weed of dieting.

>> No.15524339

>currently doing 36 hour fasts every other day.
>on non fasted days eating maintenance calories, healthy non processed foods low in sugar and salt, but eating carbs protein and fats
>lost 14 lbs first month
>feel great, lot of energy, not sluggish in afternoon

What do you think /ck/ am I going to make it?

>> No.15524348


Sure, but do you feel hungry most of the time?

I cant help but feel that if you're constantly having to exert willpower to not eat then eventually you're going to crack.

>> No.15524354

don't lose weight too fast or you'll get skin flaps and shit

>> No.15524364

>eat real food in rational amounts
>have a weekly calorie deficit
>lose weight and feel good
No way. You have to use the newest grifter diet or you'll literally die.

>> No.15524366


Yeah. Keto is pretty shit in the long term imo.

>> No.15524413

how it does feel to be retarded?

>> No.15524464

What is meant by 'emergency state'? I always hear talk about 'starvation mode'. Trust me, big boy, you aren't at risk. This isn't an interment camp, and you are 25%+ body fat. We can talk about 'starvation mode' in 6 months... of not eating at all, forget 'keto' or IF.

If you are truly in ketosis, you aren't hungry. Your body has a straight tap into your fat reserves. Trying to sleep fasted is actually difficult, you have too much energy.

Starting out, you might be uncomfortable, but that's due to the hormone ghrelin. It signals hunger in the brain, but it is tied to your blood sugar fluctuations and your usual eating cadence. Consider how every person has slightly varying eating schedules, or that someone can change their eating schedule. Have you gone from being someone who eats breakfast to someone who doesn't, or vice versa? Notice that once you made it a habit, your body adjusted and started/stopped sending hunger signals. There is no biological imperative to eating at 6:30AM, for example.

It's my opinion that humans would have conditional signaling like this due to the way we have to eat in nature. Sometimes there's plenty, sometimes there's nothing to eat. And so when there's food around, hormones give you have a high food drive, so you pack on fat, which is then used when you don't have any food.

>> No.15524504

not that guy but i do OMAD, which is just a weaker version of what he's doing

best way i can explain it is that hunger comes in waves. sometimes you're so hungry you think you're gonna break, but if you just drink some water or distract yourself for 10 minutes, suddenly it's been hours and you haven't thought about food.

IF works. if you put in the effort, dedication, and have the willpower for it, it just works. im down about 50 pounds since july 2020.

>> No.15524540

>What is meant by 'emergency state'?
Retards think that using ketones for energy or the body producing endogenous glucose (gluconeogenesis) are some alien processes that the body only engages as some kind of "emergency backup" or some shit and that your body is "not meant to run like that." They don't realize ketones are always being used by the body and ketosis only changes how much they're used, and they don't realize that gluconeogenesis is always happening and it's the reason exogenous carbs are not essential or critical to your life.

>> No.15524551

>emergency state

>> No.15524554

my mum did it 5 years ago, way before it became a trend. Ate only oat pancakes with no sugar and cooked meat with no sauces for a month. She was miserable but motivated since she saw results. You can't physically do it more than once in our life, though.

>> No.15524557

Salt isn't actually a health concern so long as you maintain proper hydration.

>> No.15524577
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Why do you fat fucks fall for ridiculous memes and don't just eat less lololol

>> No.15524583

Get rich quick schemes will suck in thousands until the end of the human race.

>> No.15524585

it comes as a cock ring?

>> No.15524589

>Hey fattie eat less

>Okay I will eat every other day


>> No.15524591

fasting is not unhealthy if done properly

>> No.15524601

IF isn't necessarily unhealthy, it's just stupid in the long run. You're better off doing a daily calorie deficit on 3 meals, then work it up to maintenance when you get to your target weight. Starving yourself every other day is insanity.

>> No.15524618

The problem with rapid weight loss is what happens afterwards. If you go back to your original regime you’ll just put all the weight back on.

Before you get to your target weight you need to transition away from the extreme fasting towards a more sustainable regime. It’ll make that last twenty pounds slower to come off but you might be able to keep it off in the longer term.

>> No.15524623

It is best way to lose weight and keep weight off unless you want to starve to death.

>> No.15524647

or you could...just eat like a human being and not stuff your mouth everytime you see food is not that hard to eat normal portions there is no need for ocus pocus diets

>> No.15524659

>36 hour fasts every other day
Not by a long shot, anon, that would be easily sustainable for life and all he'd have to do is increase how much he eats on his eating days to make up for the 0 calories on fasting days. Calories and weight gain/loss aren't confined to 24 hour periods.

>> No.15524661

In Keto you don't stuff your mouth every time you see food. You fill yourself up each meal so you have energy and aren't starving all day.

>> No.15524682

you know i never quite get what you eat in a keto diet, all i know is mostly from internet pictures, you cut carbs right? can i still eat lets say a banana?

>> No.15524687

based slowpoke

>> No.15524699
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>> No.15524703

No bananas, stay away from anything sweet. Even if there is no carbs/sugar calories sweet is bad.


>> No.15524710

>fruits bad
okay yeah, keto is a meme diet

>> No.15524717

why do retards always do trendy diets. just eat more protein and vegetables. and lower your calorie intake. it's that fucking simple.

>> No.15524720

What the actual motherfuck is this retardation.

Not eating carbs equals starvation? Are you really this fucking fat?

>> No.15524721

yep most fruits are geneticaly grown and modified to have tons of sugar. Bananas are a good example. Plantains are a little better.

>> No.15524722

FOMO and desire for lightning fast results.

>> No.15524740

You just eat 20g or less carbs per day. So you can eat literally anything without carbs in it and even a little of stuff that does. Fiber is usually listed under the "carbs" heading of nutritional labels, so you can subtract that out and not count the fiber to your carb total for the day. Leafy green vegetables are all okay, starchy vegetables and fruit are not okay. All meat and some dairy is okay, too.

>> No.15524741

shit i keep forgetting you people are first worlders and your fruits are shipped out of season and heavily gmo

>> No.15524744

more important than "ketosis" is thermic effect or "specific dynamic action" as wikipedia calls it.

also the more well known satiety index.

Between these two eating a diet with a lot of meat and not much else means that you can feel full off less food, each food calorie consumed is about 20% less net that actually gets held onto as fat etc, and since you're heavy on protein you can still maintain good muscle development.

>> No.15524747

Modern fruit is basically candy.

>> No.15524752

>Leafy green vegetables are all okay
well those are my favorite veggies so thats a point for keto

>> No.15524759

>ur gonna kill your body eating that vegetable
>Here, a blue steak for your health. Bottoms up.

>> No.15524776

Eat liver, natures multivitamin nd mineral.

>> No.15524809

Nice strawman.

>> No.15524953

I wish they were strawmen.

>> No.15524993

Maybe you should stop taking the opinions of fad-following retards so seriously and actually look to the people who have done proper research and even do some research of your own. Anyone who says all carbs will kill you can be disregarded just as much as anyone who says abstaining from carbs will kill you.

>> No.15525032
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>> No.15525048

please don't

>> No.15525063

>ugh, does that piece of fruit have natural sugar in it?
>that's literally the same thing as a family size bag of chocolate covered pretzels
>bro, u need to eat this cup of bacon fat RIGHT NOW

>> No.15525065

>posting the forbidden
you know what you must do

>> No.15525085

Nice strawman.

>> No.15525114

Keto was the shit I lost 70lbs on it. Promptly gained it all back over 2 years since I stopped but that's besides the point. When I decide to do it again it will be just as successful.
>bro just cico and lose 1 pound a week!
No thanks I want to speed run weight loss fuck that slow bullshit.

>> No.15525639

just eat lean meat/fish and vegetables you fat cunts

>> No.15525676

That’s good in the long term, but people rightfully want to loose weight FAST and get quick results.

>> No.15525679

If you eat a ton of fruit, you will get fat. Its natural candy, simple as.

>> No.15525737

Keto is great. Been doing it for 6 years continuously. Lost 20 pounds, kept it off. Formerly my BP was 140/85. Now it is 110/65. I have never been so thin and muscular. Over 40, btw. Not sure if that matters. Carbs are shit.

>> No.15525788

Congratulations, but you cheated. You took the easy way, and as a result, you accomplished nothing. NOTHING. I hope you’re happy with yourself.

>> No.15525822

How is significantly reducing my chance of heart disease, strokes, and type 2 diabetes in old age by not eating processed crap and sugar cheating?

>> No.15525829

You learned nothing in the long term, and you didn't challenge yourself.

>> No.15525841

How is 6 years not long term stupid CICO fag

>> No.15525849

dude, I’m happy you lost weight, but you did it with a fad diet. A FAD DIET. Hardcore fitness guys would fucking LAUGH at you.

>> No.15525890

The weight loss all occured in the first year. The really interesting stuff happened after I started getting more selective about my choices of fats. The year I starting eating a couple cans of sardines a week my lipid panel changed beneficially, since the Omega 3's and Omega 6's are mutually exclusive, I guess. Nuts, seeds & deens. Good stuff.

>> No.15525909

That's what keto is. Only retards think it's about drinking oil and fat.

>> No.15526111

Berries are what to go for on keto. Not super sweet variants but normal blueberries are good.

>> No.15526445

Keto is good for temporary weight loss but isn’t any better than normal dieting for actual fat loss. Most keto weight loss is just water.

That said, some people just can’t deal with their carb cravings apparently. If that’s you, then keto may be useful. In the end you can’t lose fat without eating fewer calories than you expend.

>> No.15526458

The water loss is from your body adjusting to low carbs, aka Keto flush


It is only the initial phase of your body adjusting to new carb load.

>> No.15526491

Keto is retarded. Just eat whole foods, lean meat, and lots of vegetables and some fruit each day. Cut out sugar, and processed food. Make sure calories in are less than calories out. Nutrition is a joke, people that can't figure it out have a mental disability.

>> No.15526494

I’m aware. I’ve used it short term multiple times to cut 10-15lbs in ~2 weeks to meet weight class limits. Its actual fat loss capabilities are not any different from a similar calorie diet, you just won’t have that severe water loss that seems to be deceiving for so many people.

>> No.15526508

I'm a chemist that does consulting for research on dementia. Your making false claims, your best defense against dementia from a nutritional standpoint is actually garlic.

>> No.15526519

You must be doing something wrong, I lost around 30 lbs (not including water loss) and I can keep the weight off and eat as much as I want.

>> No.15526531

>don't eat a ton of bread/crackers/chips/etc
>don't drink soda
I just solved obesitiy.

Not entirely related but my father is on his way towards dementia and he started snacking uncontrollably lately and is putting on a lot of weight.

>> No.15526568

What do you mean I’m doing something wrong, I competed in division 1 wrestling and national level powerlifting in 3 different weight classes, I know how to get lean and stay lean you fat fuck. Congrats on the weight loss though. If you bothered counting calories properly you’d realize how fat loss actually works.

>> No.15526579

Congrats on your fake online resume, I been doing keto for over a year now though and I hardly exercise and still lose weight while eating as much as I can stuff in.

>> No.15526739
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>your best defense against dementia from a nutritional standpoint is actually garlic
>tfw you make your stir fry with 5+ cloves of garlic
>tfw you just be eating raw garlic some times

>> No.15526861
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>your best defense against dementia from a nutritional standpoint is actually garlic
post yfw you can fast regularly, do OMAD, and also eat lots of garlic

>> No.15526953

I'm not making a false claim, I'm making an undersubstantiated claim. there is research that fasting improves cognitive capacity in mice with alzheimer's. you honestly just sound butthurt.

t. microbiologist

>> No.15526995

>>currently doing 36 hour fasts every other day.
So you eat for only twelve hours of every two days or what's the deal on this?

>> No.15527136
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How do you guys feel about the Alkaline diet? I did it 2 years ago and in about 3 months I lost 60lb.
However I think it's possible a lot of that weight was dropped due to other reasons like good exercise.

>> No.15527217

> genetically grown
Why are keto-fags always sub 80iq? We didn't justt create these fruits in a science lab dick brain, they were cultivated and selectively bred like everything else we eat including your chaffles and baloney wraps

>> No.15527223

Why are keto women always kind of flabby or still straight up fat?

>> No.15527288

I've been dieting for 3 weeks now. counting + keto. and so far it's been pretty easy for me. it could be nice to have a sandwich or something. but it's not that hard to have something else.
BUT, I think counting calories (to the extent you are measuring everything you put in, like oil and shit) is one of the most important parts.
a lot of people say that they are dieting, but have an extra 600+ hidden calories that they don't account for.

>> No.15527361

because they're dieting

>> No.15527458

Ive lost alot of fat but my muscles are starting to shrink now........
wot do?

>> No.15527471

If it's not super excessive muscle loss, eat more protein (at close to a caloric balance - not a deficit) for a few weeks and do some strength training, interspersed with some cardio.

>> No.15527608

Increase protein and work out again. You lose more muscle when you lose body fat on a moderate carb or high carb diet.