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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15520826 No.15520826 [Reply] [Original]

>"anon, you should just make it yourself, it will be cheaper and taste better"
>make it myself
>it wasnt cheaper
>it didnt taste better

>> No.15520833

cooking is for poorshits with nothing better to do

>> No.15520843

Then you suck at cooking and don't know how to shop. Good job, OP, you've proven nothing but your own incompetence.

>> No.15520849

What did you make, fucking chicken nuggets?

>> No.15520861
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yep. if you're a single person, get ready to eat 10 pizzas you don't want to eat to "save money," or throw shit out.

also, /ck/ will berate you for not being a michelin star cook by ten years old, when your parents taught you how to cook every meal from scratch and stock the perfect pantry. also you're supposed to own eleven freezers and have unlimited space to store and reheat an infinite amount of meals.

>> No.15520871

This is a toxic board. Friend, learn what ingredients you can store for a long time and buy them in bulk. Don't be afraid of frozen meats, regardless of what this board says. Don't shop at wholefoods.
Think of it autistically like Runescape. You have a cooking level and you need to grind so you can level up. But irl, there is not only the cooking itself but food management aspect as part of leveling up. I promise that if you keep trying, you will learn how to cook better and how to manage your food better. You and your friends or whoever you share your food with will enjoy your skill. Press on.

>> No.15521139

lol this looks like garbage jesus christ learn to cut mushrooms

>> No.15521163

i didn't actually make that jesus christ

>> No.15521942

Learn some technique.

Get one dish mastered. Could be making a salad right (harder than it sounds); could be grilled cheese, could be fucking toast (WAY harder than it seems to get the perfect slice thickness, browning level, depth of toasting penetration balanced with a slightly chewy interior, and then buttering it without crushing the crumb).

Once you can apply the levels of hyperautistic attention to detail to something simple, you can make anything better.
Otherwise, yes honey, $4 on tendies is worth it, because they have the bar-BQ sauce you like.

>> No.15521952
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ahh, jeez, can't we leave jesus and his cumgutters out of the /ck/ thread this time, guy??

>> No.15522507

What, exactly, did you cook that wasn't cheaper? Because the only thing that really comes to mind is deep frying, due to the cost of oil and the poor economics of using that oil for just 1 meal. Anything you cook yourself should be cheaper due to not having to pay cooks, wait staff, advertising, or for the building.

>> No.15522521
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>Order spaghetti and meatballs from restaurant: over $10
>Buy a box of pasta, 1lb meat, a can of crushed tomatoes, and a sprig or two of fresh herbs for the same price and make 4x as much food.
Cooking is cheaper when you know what you're doing. Initial costs if you have no spices or anything on your rack could be a bit more expensive but they'll last a long time.
Look into soups and stews, it's very hard to fuck those up and they make oodles of food for cheap and they're delicious.

>> No.15522522

Learn to cook
Shop better
Simple as
Also OP is a faggot

>> No.15522636

>I think anon should go to the store and pick out the steaks, he's better at it
yeah because I don't get fucking marinating steaks you retards

>> No.15522645
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>> No.15522648

I truly hate brainlets who argue against the specialization of labor. should I mine my own coal and make my own clothing too? leave it to the professionals

>> No.15522655


professionals tend to be idiots. specialists are less human as a result of specialization.

>> No.15522694
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y r u here den

>> No.15522695

Lmao what

>> No.15522697

you sound like you're projecting a lot there, anon. learning to cook isn't that hard if you want to and you can do it on the cheaper side if you're relatively intelligent.

>> No.15522741

to talk about food and tasty things for me to order wagies to bring me

like I go on /tv/ but don't produce my own TV shows

>> No.15522761


shut the fuck up

>> No.15522789

But you need to eat every day many times. Do you go to restaurants even in the mornings? Eat every day, 5 meals in a restaurant? Seems difficult. You don't have to watch TV shows but people need to eat.

>> No.15522832

idk dude I just make one or two big meals a week and eat the leftovers for dinner and lunch.

>Casserole (8 svg)-rice/pasta, 1 lb meat, vegetables, broth
>Spaghetti (8 svg)-pasta, canned tomatoes, seasonings, 1 lb meat
>Rice and meat and vegetables
>yakisoba with meat and vegetables
>hot link, kraut and fried potatoes

Once in a while I'll splurge on a fat steak but generally each serving is only like a couple dollars at the most.

You either have to be retarded, or eat nothing but the dollar menu every day on order to spend more on food when cooking it yourself.

>> No.15522852

Than you spent too much money and are a shitty cook

>> No.15522876
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>interesting recipes need a bunch of limited purpose ingredients that drive up the grocery bill
>they don't even have a long shelf life
>either increase the proportion of the rest of the ingredients or throw the rest of the weird stuff out
Finna just make a sandwich or burrito instead.

>> No.15522877

shut up you are being a whiney little bitch. Anyone who comes here and doesn't think people are LARPing a bit are buffoons. Its 4chan FFS just assume 84% of posts are a troll. There aren't many foods that are cheaper and taste better and are just more or less easier to get from a restaurant that you can't do at home. And home is absolutely way cheaper. No way around that. Here are the foods that are better in a restaurant:
>Fried fish
>Basically anything fried the deep fryer re used oil and high temps all day long is god tier
>Eggs Benedict

>> No.15522884

>he cuts his mushrooms in half and not into quarters

>> No.15522923

This makes no sense. If you can't afford to make any of your meals, you are a miserable wagie. Not to mention that eating out often is more of a low class thing. Shaniqua with her five kids is not the one who takes up cooking as a hobby
You're just a retard who can't cook.

>> No.15522927

Please provide a single example

>> No.15522944

>Once in a while I'll splurge on a fat steak
Learn to enjoy lean steaks, like sirloin. Meat isn't as tender but it's far more flavorful, plus cheaper.

>> No.15522945

Creams, cheeses, fresh herbs.

>> No.15522956

Ah yes those incredibly exotic ingredients that you'll never find a home for in ordinary food -

>> No.15522959
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I don't dislike sirloin. My point was that I'll buy an expensive steak once in a while as a treat but otherwise my cooking/diet is pretty frugal.

>> No.15522962


>> No.15522966

There are dozens of things you can put cheese on, or just eat it strait. If you don't want to worry about fresh herbs going bad, buy dried herbs instead. For cream, just make some extra soups or sauces the next day.

>> No.15522973

like just make an omelette lmao

>> No.15522984

>putting cream in your eggs

>> No.15523003

>Eggs Benedict

Unless you're going to a fancy fuck place that's powdered hollandaise at a restaurant and you can easily do better at home. I'm not going to get into the frying at home thing, it's not hard to get the same results but it is messy and somewhat wasteful so I'll give you that one and pizza since home ovens just don't get hot enough.

>> No.15523028

Get back to work, Chef Pee Pee

>> No.15523046

Do you not own a refrigerator?

>> No.15523054

Its generally a lot of work for little reward

Same with frying at home. I don't debate you can cook food just as good--just that the work isn't worth it. People here shit on BBQ'ing, but a gas BBQ is good for less cleanup and dishes. You just throw it on there outside and bring it in, no pans, no oil, etc.

>> No.15523061

they aren't limited use ingredients

1. Cheese lasts for ages

2. Cream can be used in savoury as well as sweet dishes. Finish off soups with it, give some depth to currys, pour it on chocolate pudding, etc.

3. I usually buy one bag of fresh herbs, keep the bag nice and wet and wrap it up, it lasts a week and i can just put it on meals at the end. Usually, only Flat leaf Parsley and coriander are versatile enough to do this with

>> No.15523069

Just adapt and shallow fry in a pan

>> No.15523075

You get better at cooking over time. Don't give up muppet boi

>> No.15523129

I saw someone post their beef rendang the other idea and I looked up recipes for it. Too many ingredients that I wouldn't know what to do with after, assuming I can even find them at my supermarket

>> No.15523140

Like what?
Coconut milk you'll use all of.
Kafir leaves are dried.
Lemongrass you can get as a paste.
Fresh galangal.. okay, fair, sub for more ginger
But the rest you should just have.

>> No.15523153

Maybe it's just my aversion to buying lots of spices/herbs. I'm concerned that I'm not going to use them enough. Coriander and fennel, for example

>> No.15523180

If you're buying fresh herbs there's no way around it. But herbs are cheap anyway. I'm not gonna cry over a few wasted leaves if I can't use it all.

>> No.15523191

What the fuck are you using for these pizzas that you can't use for any other dish?

>> No.15523197

A bunch of cilantro is less than a dollar. Who cares if you don't use it up, but if you're so worried cook something else that would utilize it.

>> No.15523209
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Sometimes the food from restaurants is better because they do things you couldnt bring yourself to do at home.

For example, i couldnt figure out why my attempts at carnitas just didnt turn out as expected. I followed recipes from several online sources and they were all similiar but just a bit different and all of them just praised how good their carnitas turned out.

Turns out to get the flavor you would at a restaurant or taco truck from your carnitas, you gotta boil that shit in straight up lard or fat. Its possible to do at home but just feels so wrong I havent tried it yet.

Still, as everyone else is saying, just keep at it and you get better and better at cooking and you can make good stuff that you look forward to eating and cooking. pic not really that related.

>> No.15523265

>you gotta boil that shit in straight up lard or fat

you braise the meat for carnitas, anon, not fry it.

>> No.15523294

Its practise man,

You start out using expensive shit and buying exactly what the recipe needs. Then you start noticing things you could sub in, and which ingredient is the most versatile

>> No.15523433

you sound fat.

>> No.15523558
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>Retard fatsos with butterfingers can't turn on the stove and think making a meal costs more than a big mac
Holy cope, lose weight.

>> No.15523615
File: 974 KB, 2592x1936, B4B3DD83-70CC-49C3-A1E7-814E67C3E796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should feel bad anon.

>> No.15524277

you have too much shit on your counter

>> No.15524337

Cooking good food is easy and fun and cheap.

I don't know how the fuck a person can't even cook decent food for himself fresh each day like what the fuck do you know how to dress yourself in the morning?

LMAOing at your life.

>> No.15524372

what did you make and how did you fuck it up?

>> No.15524678

It never used to be toxic I learnt how to cook from here years ago. It used to be great. It's a total Reddit fest shit show now though