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File: 3.69 MB, 4032x3024, 56565728-A9F3-4521-96E1-5E32FE3ACF54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15520143 No.15520143 [Reply] [Original]

We do things different here in IL, chief

>> No.15520147

fucking weirdo

>> No.15520149

this is the result when you try to divide by zero

>> No.15520152

based and caseyspilled

>> No.15520159

Hello quad cities fag

>> No.15520168

We have taco pizza here too, but it doesn't look like something a fucking child makes in his school's cafeteria at lunch.

>> No.15520176
File: 1.15 MB, 1125x1349, 27D2538B-FA69-4B59-A997-DF4495884762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a Canadian whenever an American talks about their states it’s like hearing about some kind of mysterious alternative reality world

I don’t know what Illinois is. The thought of it scares me. I imagine some kind of invader zim dystopia where people live incredibly small lives. Like surreally small lives.

It terrifies me

>> No.15520188

Illinois is just fat Canada. It has about a third of your population but is otherwise the exact same.

>> No.15520192

bitch, most of canada is the same as the shittiest parts of the US. 80% of it is just maine.

>> No.15520195

Chicago is the most important city in America.

>> No.15520197

godfathers taco pizza was a favorite of mine as a youngun

they sure like to think so

>> No.15520219

in what part of Canada do you live?

>> No.15520224

anything north of I-10 is canada

>> No.15520232

>As a Canadian whenever an American talks about their states it’s like hearing about some kind of mysterious alternative reality world
The key to remember is that we're really fifty tiny nations in a coat, and to a man each one thinks it's the most important.
t. guy who's lived in several of them

>I imagine some kind of invader zim dystopia where people live incredibly small lives. Like surreally small lives.
Can't speak for Illinois, but that describes Indiana pretty well. Also Florida, if you changed the setting to a pseudo-tropical swamp.

>> No.15520238

they probably live in toronto and think they are refined and cosmopolitan even though toronto is a shithole.

>> No.15520283


>> No.15520295

a lot of people come to Chicago because they're sold this idea that it is to coasties what Paris was to maladjusted-NewYorkers in the 1920's, like some playground for vanguard subversives with no stake in anything. And then as soon as they grow up and start seeing themselves as participants in the world rather than quirky nonbinary clouds of observational-consciousness, they realize it's a horrible place to be a person of substance, they pack up whatever gelt they could plunder in their time here, and fuck off to, I don't know. Suburban Houston or wherever.

>> No.15520312
File: 825 KB, 640x865, 186228FF-AF0F-43A6-8CF9-26047BE2A19F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha no
I’m pretty sure your country doesn’t exist

Think about it

It’d be a nightmare for you to believe otherwise

To see what THEY did to your country and still do nothing.
Inconceivable, yes?

My condolences
While you are still conscious of it and not distracted

>> No.15520324


>> No.15520334

Quality leaf bait.

>> No.15520371
File: 236 KB, 580x563, Sexy Girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sexy asian girls

>> No.15520381

> people live incredibly small lives. Like surreally small lives.
Is there something wrong with that?
Must be the type of person to get wowed by an instagram influencer.

>> No.15520403
File: 118 KB, 750x1125, F531805B-8845-4DF4-B9E4-771865FEE954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Instagram influencer

Oh god how small is your life?
I don’t want to imagine.

Begone American. Life is natural selection and if you don’t free yourself from Israel... Canada will be obligated to eat your country.

>> No.15520432

ah yes the product of multicultralism

>> No.15520438

Americas got jews, canada has cuban pm and chinks

>> No.15520442

I can help you imagine. First, open your internet browser history. Let me know when you’re ready for the next step.

>> No.15520487
File: 56 KB, 630x630, E7CA90B4-BA3F-4842-B55D-D82FA98A8ECF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They say Elon (100% of all American resources) wants to move here.

And that will legalize recreational LSD soon

And that were overhauling our economy near entirely to tech and research.

Have you seen Hanfu?
China is back
In the way we love haha oh god you got Jews what is that hell?

Somewhere deep inside you are nothing but the desire for what isn’t American right now I imagine. You talk to me out of an atom of hope.

You believe in us.

>> No.15520529


>> No.15520541

Used to visit aunt outside of Chicago and they would buy these. Loved it as a kid, had one a few years ago and just was not as good. Not sure brand.

>> No.15520545

Sverige I KNEEL

>> No.15520605

Imagine being looked down on by people from missouri, holy shit just end it.