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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15515670 No.15515670[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

you can't refuse this

>> No.15515673

We would fight to the death, trying out hardest to stop them. But if the aliens are true Apex predators and throw us down the food chain, they objectively deserve to eat our flesh. Its how the world turns.

>> No.15515675

I wish an alien would eat me.

>> No.15515677

Trying to imagine a species 100x smarter than humans is like trying to imagine what god looks like.

If such a species exists, I see no reason to go about our regular lives and fight back if provoked. It's utterly futile to suggest we could be on even ground.

>> No.15515692

MAD kinda works even with aliens. If we can't nuke them to death we can at least kill ourselves and the environ with nukes to deny them our resources.

>> No.15515696
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>> No.15515703

We’ve been over this. Mechanical planting and harvesting kills between twenty and thirty thousand small mammals per acre, every year. These animals are not instantly killed with a captive bolt gun, but they are crushed to death in their shallow burrows or ripped to shreds by whirling blades. Their atomized gore ends up permeating every single pulse, grain, bit of rice you eat. Unless you believe that somehow a cow’s life is worth more than a vole’s or a rat’s, which is totally stupid thinking as I’m sure you agree, you’re causing more suffering and animal death than if you exclusively ate beef, where you could easily kill only one cow per person per year.

It’s not the meat industry that kills the most animals per year. It’s big grain and soy.

No, only a sick freak of a vegan would eat grains and pulses and beans. It’s absolutely cruel! This is why, as an actually ethical vegan and not just a slave to big grain, you shouldn’t eat mechanically harvested crops of any kind. Imagine this little animals getting crushed, mangled, their guts spurting out in wormlike coils as they are crushed, entire families of them! Tiny little baby bunnies and voles, their eyes just opened for the first time, and the only thing they EVER saw was their poor mommy’s skull getting smashed and her brains coming out, right before that soy harvester kills them too.

Vegan people are sick freaks and they’re in a Satanic death cult - lying and saying they’re saving the planet when their soybean hunger is deforesting the Amazon and they deal much more death than a strict carnivore. All the while lying to themselves and everybody else.

Veganism is positively Satanic unless you do it like the Jain.

>> No.15515706
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I mean animals ate humans ruthlessly and went out of their way to eat humans and wolves and big cats constantly attacked villages in packs until humans started hunting them back in mass. Animals went as far as too crossing entire continents to massacre humans like the short nosed bear or night of the wolves in Paris.

If aliens are having that conversation then they wouldn't be that much more advanced than humans.

>> No.15515708

This graphic is dumb as shit but I guess it's technically right. You never really cook stuff in a microwave just reheat precooked stuff.

But nobody would eat a hot pocket frozen.

>> No.15515709

What do think cattle and other livestock are fed with you massive retard.

>> No.15515710
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Why would aliens refer to themselves as "aliens?" Even if we assume this phrase is translated, to them, humans are the aliens.

Also, why eat humans when they could grow human meat grown from tissue cultures?

>> No.15515712

I'm fine with it too. I hope they start with all the Africans and Chinese.

>> No.15515718

Humans are self aware. Cows aren't.

>> No.15515724

Aliens are cucks and the military does whatever experiments they want to them because they presumably don’t have guns in space. We have an entire dried lakebed in Nevada used exclusively to sexually experimenting on aliens and cucking their people.

Humans are still the apex predators

>> No.15515726

why wouldnt they have guns in space?

>> No.15515728

Well White People are 100x more intelligent than the subhumans and if they had this mentality towards blacks asians and browns, White People would be surfing the stars. So the aliens have a point.

>> No.15515729

>t. has never been on a farm

>> No.15515731

aliens don't exist

humans do, and so do animals

>> No.15515733

I dare you to fight a pig to death before you eat one next

>> No.15515734

free range you failed cumshot

>> No.15515740

Ive literally shot wild hogs before anon.
Thats what being an Apex predator is

>> No.15515742



>> No.15515749

Guns are a modern invention.

Kill the hog with your hands.

>> No.15515754

Patent infringement

>> No.15515761
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>Trying to imagine a species 100x smarter than humans is like trying to imagine what god looks like.

>> No.15515762

probably space jews confiscated them and now they have to live on a planet of niggers or they are called Specist so aliens are culturally enriched by us

>> No.15515765

The hogs should learn to shoot guns if they want a fair fight.

>> No.15515773

Why would I kill it with my own hands if the aliens wouldn’t do the same? Of course they’d use their equivalent of modern weaponry on us. What are you trying to achieve with this example?

>> No.15515777

What do you think the M stands for?
What you're suggesting isn't MAD. It's more akin to some r9k incel hanging himself "to deny women his seed"
They wouldn't care.

>> No.15515776

>Guns are a modern invention.
You mean, humans evolved as time went on and rose to the top of the food chain?
Yeah, that sounds about right.

What would killing a hog with your bare hands prove?

>> No.15515792 [DELETED] 
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How do I make my tendies crispier?
I go flour -> egg wash -> flour for the breading, but it still comes out kind of soft even when they fry long enough to get dark brown.

>> No.15515798

Did you make the gun yourself? No
Do you kill every piece of meat you eat yourself? No
You're not a fucking predator, you're a child being spoonfed carcasses

>> No.15515817

>you're a child being spoonfed carcasses
True, because we are so high up on the food chain we literally farm our food and dont have to hunt to survive.

With the advancement of our species, I absolutely could use the resources around me to manufacture a gun or a knife or anything else which would make killing a hog inconsequential.
The fact that we have abundance, and I can just consume a firearm instead of having to build it myself, doesnt mean the knowledge to do so has gone away. Its right there. I can learn from the best, we have generations of written history to learn from.

You are just moving the goalposts quite frankly.

>> No.15515819

>slaughtered alienly

>> No.15515822

This is the way. Also they better hit me with the alien cow stunner that shit would probably be lit. Imagine your skull just instantly caving in. 10/10 way to go honestly.

>> No.15515829

>we literally farm
No you don't
>I absolutely could use the resources around me to manufacture a gun
No you couldn't

>> No.15515832

You deserve to be eaten by giant sexy aliens.

>> No.15515834

>hog seething that a lazy human can BTFO their entire existence.

>> No.15515838

>Did you make the gun yourself? No
>Do you kill every piece of meat you eat yourself? No
Neither did each individual alien that’s eating us, what the fuck is your point?

>> No.15515840

I love eating meat btw I'm just not in some denial cope that I could go and kill an animal myself or forge a gun to do it with

>> No.15515842

You do know that hunting is incredibly common right?
Like it's a thing people do?

>> No.15515844

They did. The aliens in the pic built their spacecraft and all weapons with their own hands

>> No.15515849

How do you know there aren’t FFL dealers in space? Checkmate.

>> No.15515850

There are literally people who do nothing but manufacture guns for a living
There are literally people who do nothing but farm and slaughter animals for a living

Just because I personally dont, doesnt mean I cant. Thats what being an evolved species involves. Having your own place in the hierarchy, having your own worth to the species in one way or the other.

Not that it matters, but I have killed and eaten my kills before, my post was literally saying ive killed hogs, and the worst part is im a machinist by trade so I could quite literally build firearms if I want.
But I didnt bring it up because it doesnt matter, thats you moving the goalposts my dude.

>> No.15515851

You know you don't right, and you buy your meat in nice neat little squares and wrapped in plastic? And you feel icky when it has a gross bone or vein or piece of fat in it?

>> No.15515854

I do actually.
Dunno why that makes you seethe so much hog.

>> No.15515856

Keep larping "my dude"!

>> No.15515866
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>> No.15515867

Come hang out sometimes

Regardless, this is a deflection. What do you have to say about
>There are literally people who do nothing but manufacture guns for a living
>There are literally people who do nothing but farm and slaughter animals for a living

I mean you are pretending that these things dont exist, or that >>15515851 the people here who have issues with killing couldnt get over their softness if they needed to kill to eat.

>> No.15515877

that*s a small fraction of livestock. 90% are fed with soy, subhuman low iq faggot.