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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15507130 No.15507130 [Reply] [Original]

what's your craziest experience while cooking?

>> No.15507144

>Cracked an egg in a pan
>Half-formed, half-rotted chick and black sludge comes out
>Didn't eat till the next day.

>> No.15507148
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>> No.15507158
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>>Didn't eat till the next day.

>> No.15507201
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i threw a partially frozen piece of chicken into a hot oil pan.

>> No.15507221

>Half-formed, half-rotted chick and black sludge comes out
I remember this happening when I was little and my mother was cooking
How the fuck does this even happen?

>> No.15507249


>> No.15507288

It's extremely rare anymore. The sensors on the egg packing lines are very picky. Same thing with double yolks.

>> No.15507332

I once had a pressure cooker explode while running the Boston marathon. Crazy

>> No.15507347

cooked a whole turkey and forgot the neck and bag of giblets were in the cavity. besides a slight off smell i still ate the turkey anyway.

>> No.15507355

oven caught on fire while cooking chicken

>> No.15507362
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That’s disgusting

>> No.15507443

I always wanted a cute girl to cook for me naked wearing nothing but an apron

>> No.15507462

Accidental fertilization. Had it happen with farm eggs from a friend of mine. Shit happens.

>> No.15507464

Now they sell boxes of double yolked eggs it's so precise.

>> No.15507486

>baking amish friendship bread
>pour batter into two loaf pans on baking sheet in oven
>wait then check on them
>overflowing and about to spill over
>panic, spoon the batter from both into another loaf pan
>loaf pans still overflowing
>oh god oh fuck
>fill an entire muffin tray with more batter from the loaf pans
>it rises then FINALLY stops
>it all bakes fine
I felt like Jesus multiplying bread

>> No.15507527

Did you eat it?

>> No.15507604

How long did it take you to eat an egg again?

>> No.15507619

Orgasm from egg beater

>> No.15507751

You put your dick in an egg beater? Why?

>> No.15507781

i don' think i understand but i laughed

>> No.15507958

A while, actually. I even had a nightmare about it. The stench was unbelievable, also.

>> No.15507984

>Be teenage me living at parents
>they have old stove with attached microwave above it
>microwaving soup whole frying some potatoes
>pull the soup out and forget how hot bowl would be
>burns my hands so I instinctively drop the bowl
>it falls it my hot potatoes oil

That's how I started a grease fire in my parents kitchen

>> No.15508052

babysitter microwaved chicken that was wrapped in tin foil
burned my house down

>> No.15508064
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At a glance, I thought I had burnt my croque monsieur, but then I took it out and realized it was actually right on the border, just shy of being ruined. Like a dark golden brown. I tried it, and it was one of the most delicious things I think I've ever had. Weirdly, it works that way with only just this one cheese. I tried it with other cheeses, and they just burn. I make it this way all the time now and it's one of my favorite things to eat. Not the craziest thing ever, but a really delicious accident all the same.

>> No.15508068

Microwaved mackerel and made mackerel jerky and ate it

>> No.15508079

Reminds me of the first time I made rice.

>Be me
>Age 10
>Fill a pot with rice
>Add water
>The rice keeps getting bigger
>Have to take some out and put more water
>Repeat until I have a big bowl full of rice in various stages of doneness and a pan with mush.

>> No.15508179

What fucking cheese are you using?

>> No.15508216


>> No.15508250

Based thx

>> No.15508257

I'd tell you, but you wouldn't understand.

>> No.15508437


>> No.15509219

>drunk and hungry
>decide to try and fry a schnitzel in oil
>I can't even remember what exactly my retarded ass was doing or thinking but as soon as the schnitzel hit the hot oil
>grease fire
>sudden moment of clarity
>quickly cover it with a teatowel, fire immediately goes out
>carefully pick up the pan, take it outside, put it down on the patio and leave it there to cool
>spend the next 10 minutes trying to clean up the soot marks from the range hood
That could have gone so much worse.

>> No.15509360

isn't this a garfield strip

>> No.15509734


>> No.15509742

Is this a true story tho

>> No.15509761


>> No.15509808

>decide to make “breakfast dumplings”
>fry the last 2 pieces of bacon
>in the grease pour in this thin mixture of flour and water
>fry it until it looks edible
>it sucked and tasted like nothing

>> No.15510006

Now that you mention it I do remember a strip where Garfield cracked an egg and a half-formed, half-rotted chick and black sludge came out

>> No.15510072

eggs are unborn birds, you know

>> No.15510339
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>eggs are unborn birds
No, eggs are eggs. An egg is a single cell. It is nothing more than an egg until it is fertilized, at which point it becomes an 'unborn bird' (an embryo, which develops into a foetus, which eventually becomes the bird that hatches from the egg shell).

>> No.15510346

but the eggs from a supermarket are from groups of hens who have probably never even seen a cock. also most of them are pasteurized.
i guess he never specified were he got them.

>> No.15510360

>Making some omelette or something in the frying pan
>Want it to be more filling so start adding shit
>Had a can of soy beans so I added some of that
>After a while
>The fucking soy beans start literally exploding
>Shooting scalding hot greasy bits between my midsection folds and getting partially stuck
>The entire area around the stove has to be evacuated
>Keep hoping things will settle down and dont want to waste food so it keeps going
>Put on leather apron and just deal with it
>Finally done
>Put microwave splatter lid over plate for a minute to avoid secondary detonations
>It all tasted whatever
>Still finding bits of soy a little here and there, often farther away than my last search
I should had listened, I knew soy was dangerous.

>> No.15510434

Gordon? Fuck off. The sandwich was burnt, the cheese unmelted.

>> No.15510550

>chick is already half-rotted
>he waits until the next day to eat it
based retard

>> No.15510685

Spend whole day cooking original French onion soup, veal bone stock and all.
Nobody likes the taste in family, too oniony, ends up dumped on kompost pile.

>> No.15510752

Why didn’t you eat it yourself? Leftover soups taste even better. Pathetic stupid story.

>> No.15510764

Did you throw away the pan?

>> No.15510782

Because neither I liked the taste. It was truly onion soup.

>> No.15510787

Forgot to add yeast to christmas bread while everything was done and in a large flat pan.
Dissolved yeast in water and massaged it in. It worked but turned out a bit weird.

>> No.15510822
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Well it's not really cooking but I once found a big ass splinter in my beer, pic related. I sent a complaint to the brewery and got an apology gift card, but they had absolutely no idea how it got in there.

>> No.15510841

>groups of hens who have probably never even seen a cock

>> No.15510996

Couple stories from a former breakfast chef at a famous hotel chain, chef de partie at a couple of bistros and line cook at various restaurants.

>first day on the job as a line cook at a local bistro
>show up, get dressed and walk down
>the sous chef is on the floor of the kitchen yelling out orders
>blood is pouring from his hand
>took 2 fingertips off using the mandolin
>still screaming out orders as he's bleeding out on the floor waiting for the ambulance to show up

>thai restaurant, me and the chef were both there from day 1, set up the entire menu and organized the setup of all kitchen appliances
>restaurant owner is a business man and opened this restaurant for his wife because she wanted one, has 0 culinairy experience
>after a couple of months he hasn't made profit yet, we tell him that it takes a while before you make any money bc of paying off kitchen appliances and other debts involved in opening a restaurant
>he doesn't listen, cuts corners on the ingredients, switches out palm sugar for regular brown sugar
>we both quit because eventually he tells us to stop cooking from order to save time
>they started hiring 16 to 18 year olds instead of us to cut corners on staff costs
>2 months later the frying pan catches fire, owners wife picks it up to walk it to the back of the kitchen and slips on a patch of oil, dumping all of it over her face and body
>no one there with experience who knows how to handle the situation
>scarred for life
>still not making profit to this day

>> No.15511001
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>> No.15511011

Probably some freak accident where you opened it and something came loose from your ceiling or whatever, making no noise as it exactly entered the can opening.

>> No.15511016

What kind of williams sonoma over engineered pressure cooker can run the boston marathon?

>> No.15511025

No wood in my ceiling, also the beer foamed over as soon as I opened it because it strange contents

>> No.15511382
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>be me the 13 year old cooking genious hungry at 11 pm
>heat up pan and throw in oil
>chop some onion while the oil heats up
>aight onions are done and oil is hot, realize i put in way too much oil so i take the pan off to go drain off the excess
>slip on a wet spot on the floor
>get oil all over upper chest
>was not wearing a shirt

and thats how i got familiar with the sensation of boiling oil on skin.

>> No.15511402

>greedy stupid boomers get their comeuppance
this is a good thing

>> No.15511408

>midsection folds
how fucking fat are you?

>> No.15511554


post chest

>> No.15511614
File: 256 KB, 1200x1600, D0572DCB-93E6-49FC-9AF0-EC18E7D31D2C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>groups of hens who have probably never even seen a cock
>tfw you’re a hencel

>> No.15513339

What do you gain from telling lies on the internet?

>> No.15513398

Where are you from? I've always wanted that but never seen it

>> No.15513424

I don't quite get it. Was it frozen or what?

>> No.15513515

show us the scars anon

>> No.15513771

Had boiling oil fall fall on hand before. Treated a 3rd degree burn myself.

>> No.15513792
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>> No.15513793

What the fuck were you expecting making a soup out of onions?

>> No.15513874


Mayo, Yukon territory, but I hear it's fairly popular among body builders back on earth aswell lol.

Meme foods are fairly uncommon here as we dont have the audience or extra space, so I was fairly surprised to see us get it up here, was the same month we got avocados too. 1st time I saw it was like 2 yrs ago, bought it just to try and when I brought it home my mom said these were kind of like a sign of good luck back in the day, and that it could mean somone was gonna have a baby..I however dont love the yolk so these are really just twice as shitty for me. Now i have my own chickens and eggs are plentiful. We are swimming in various fresh seasonal delicacies so big city soy-oriented, vegetarian suitable, Faggot inducing, pre cooked, chemically processed, breaded, calorie crazy, obesity inducing, addiction garnering, salty, fatty SLOP you aids ridden homos down in AMERICAN citys like san Fran or seattle and portland just love on account of the fact your stupid cattle like mentality has made you prime targets for big buisness to easily convince you that your diet is oh so perfectly healthy, oh, and much more importantly, SUSTAINABLE, as long as it has a couple avocados on artisan bread you can forget about the 14 jalapeno peoppers you shoved back to quell your withdrawl related anger the corporations cleverly marketed as being "HANGRY.

NO thanks. not for me, I moved up here with my senpai to AVOID such a holocaust, you goyim can enjoy your estrogen packed faggot pills (eggs) I'm gonna feast on moose and blueberries as gos intended. I bet this thread will be FULL of proof of this injustice against my long lost bretheren

As f

>> No.15513880


>> No.15513883
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haha it looks like pizza!

>> No.15513895
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>> No.15514008

what kind of based it this

>> No.15514471


>> No.15514599

Dude you good? How drunk/high was the brain that posted this?

>> No.15514612
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When I was a kid, I tried cooking onions in Worcestershire sauce. It was foul, I threw up, and wasn't able to eat cooked onions for years.

>> No.15514640
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>hens who have probably never even seen a cock
you sure?

>> No.15514771


>> No.15514891


hmmm, land of the midnight sun got you a little on edge there bud? friggin snow niggers like you are all the same, gobbling up bluepills faster than you gobble up cock. Always badmouthing progress and innovation because your scared. you fear what you dont understand and that's why you will die cold and hungry in one of gods many wastelands, practically designed for unibombers like you to go hide away from thenworld. Good, stay up there and keep your stupid opinions to yourself, let us enjoy civilization without your raincloid hanging over us

>> No.15514924

I see double yolks all the time. Just buy the biggest sized eggs

>> No.15514955

>8th grade science teacher tried to tell us that all eggs had chicks inside
>only one other person in the class realized that fertilization still fucking mattered
>tried to ask her about it and she basically told us to shut up
American education is hell

>> No.15514978


GOOD? I'm fucking great? How are you? is this your brain on Flouride? My words look like gibberish to you because your too used to seeing the Hebrew scripts played out in front of you ad-infinitum. Eat some moose and homegrown veggies for a month and you'll be typing the same shit on facebook for your family amd friends to see, I gurentee it. It's been proved through peer reviewed studies that konstantin-monsanto corporation food groups cause sympathy towards isreal and big banks and hostility towards Palestine when consumed regularily for more than 50 days. It's like the new covid "vaccine". One dose helps a bit but once you get that 2nd it builds up in your system and BOOM! IMMUNE! except in this case its BOOM, advocate for gmo's and spew some capitalist bullshit while you consume salt and msg in quantities considered toxic for zoo animals. You try and change it and your gonna get sick, it's called WITHDRAWLS, you can not break the cycle without cleansing your chubby Jewish body of what has been keeping it alive. Come up north, north of the "provinces", go to Alaska if you must be under uncle Sam's forskin (he chopped of hisnforeskin at the behest of his new Jewish overlords and stretched it into an cumbrella to keep his herd safe from wrongthink and ideas detrimentle to his destructive cycle of addiction and perversion) cumbrella (stay out of Anchorage, it's a bunch of social rejects who like the idea of a remote residence but dont actually want the reality or it) nd get ur body accustomed to clean sustenance. this is the single most important thing you will ever do its the single most effective strategy in my arsenal, a 2 million dollar life changing LIFESTYLE tip that I'M giving you FOR FREE, simply because i care about my fellow man. DO NOT force your children into living the sasamsasame fucked up life your parents birthed you into. Every chinese soul destroyed by the 1 child policy has been sent into a north american purgatory

>> No.15515294

>Crock monster
What is that??

>> No.15515328

My stupid fuck friends stupid fuck brother kept an egg in a shoe box with hay in it and a little light to keep it warm under his bed hoping for it to hatch and have a pet chicken.
He kept it for 3 weeks and got sad and frustrated when it wouldnt hatch, he was just tending to a rotten egg.
It would be cute if he was little but he was like 16

>> No.15515487
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yeah, you drink rain water and pure grain alcohol

>> No.15515716

Based schizo fight

>> No.15515723

I did the same thing except I ended up turning it into onion gravy and had it with pie and mash, which worked pretty well.

>> No.15515962

Filipino detected.

Not even joking, they eat that shit up. Look up "balut". It's practically their national cuisine.

>> No.15515972

Similar to >>15507144, was making cookies, cracked an egg into the flour and what came out was a giant bloody mess. No half-formed chick, just a "blood egg".

Never seen another one. I felt sad because it ruined the cookies I was making for a professor who was leaving school, I didn't have enough on-hand to make a new batch, and it was too late to go buy more ingredients. I never did get to make him the cookies. He was a great guy, gave a passing grade to my girlfriend even though she deserved an F.

>> No.15515991

>gave a passing grade to my girlfriend even though she deserved an F.
Bro... Im sorry

>> No.15515994

Exactly my thoughts lol

>> No.15516012

>gave a passing grade to my girlfriend even though she deserved an F.
Get tested

>> No.15516047

>Be me
>Cooking pasta with marinara sauce
friday evening
>Girl walks by window, compliments how good it smells.
>Talk to girl for a minute or two
>She leaves
>Go back pasta
>In excitement take the whole top of chilly pepper shaker instead of leaving part with the holes.
>Proceed to dump most of contents of chilly pepper shaker into pasta.

>> No.15516056

did you eat it?

>> No.15516183

From what I remember I finished cleaning the soot off the hood and then said fuck it and ordered some top quality sloppa on Uber Eats from a local pizza shop

If you're ever in Adelaide, get yourself an AB. Good shit.

inb4 some filthy faggot east coaster comes and says 'ackchyually it's a halal snack pack'

>> No.15517476

>implying reddifags don't fake images all the time for good boy points

>> No.15517676


>> No.15517737


>> No.15517831

>groggle goo groggle goo i like to diddle poo
Kys retardadard

>> No.15517836
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They sell double yolk eggs in Waitrose in the UK last I checked. Not particularly useful if you're not a bong though.

>> No.15517850

>inb4 some filthy faggot east coaster comes and says 'ackchyually it's a halal snack pack'
I'm east coast and I have no idea what you're on about

>> No.15517855

One time I was making eggs and I just snapped and

>> No.15517891
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>> No.15517922

holy shit kek

>> No.15518014

God, I wanna pick at that

>> No.15518092

Imagine being so indoctrinated you vent talk about fucking eggs without going on an obsessed rant

>> No.15518978

ignore Yukontard, NWTtard here.
Not all of us northerners are batshit crazy.

not totally crazy, but as a kid i got to skin and prepare caribou, then cook it at school. my stew was amazing, and the kid at the next station over made a massive grease fire.

>> No.15519016

I like how the fat filter makes this guy look less freakish.

>> No.15519311

Same desu

>> No.15519594

>gave a passing grade to my girlfriend even though she deserved an F.
Sounds like a nice girl

>> No.15519621
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>computer: enlarge

>> No.15519768

god velveeta is so fucking good