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15494138 No.15494138 [Reply] [Original]

Back when restaurants were actually open

>> No.15494148

>ordering this much food
You best be ordering for the table mr I’m so fancy I order kaiseki

>> No.15494362

that's not that much food, sushi/sashimi isn't very filling

>> No.15494373

everything looks pretty good except that cum dressing on the salad. im even gay but no thx.

>> No.15494413

that'll be $100 plus tax and tip

>> No.15494448

>sushi/sashimi isn't very filling
sure thing, fatty

>> No.15494542
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Fuck. Right in the feels. Damn you, OP.

Pic is from Zuboraya in Dotonbori. It was an Osaka landmark which had to close forever due to chinkflu; 2020 happened to be the restaurant’s 100th year in business.
I’m so glad I was able to visit it at least once.

>> No.15494699

retarded weebs

>> No.15494701

Are you mad? I could easily eat 100 pieces of sushi and still be hungry afterwards!

>> No.15494709
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>small pieces of raw fish are filling

>> No.15494717
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>his shitty country couldnt eradicate a virus by just staying home for 7 weeks
literally on my way to the pub right now.
went to a music festival last weekend.

>> No.15494723

Literally goes in and out of you within 30 minutes. Not filling at all.

>> No.15494726

Germ theory is a fraud, /cvg/ger.

>> No.15494738

that's just heartbreaking. Pains me to hear about restaurants that have been in business for so long having to shutdown forever cause of china's shit bioweapon.

>> No.15494832

>seething fatass gonna fat

>> No.15494850

>t. poorfag can't afford sushi

>> No.15494853

If any kind of food is going in and out of you in 30 minutes, you should seek out a gastroenterologist.

>> No.15494868

stay fat, seething baka gaijin

>> No.15495094
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Their giant fugu-lantern sign was one of the most recognizable “symbols” of Osaka.

I have to give serious respect to the owner; they had to stop serving customers in April because “””state of emergency”””. So he basically went financial-kamikaze and reallocated all operating expenses (since they couldn’t actually open for business) to payroll, so he could give full pay to all staff for 5 months until “official” closure.
A restaurant owner here would have just laid everyone off and pocketed the extra budget.

>> No.15495214

>seething fatass gonna fat
Sorry, but no, im from the hyper-fast metabolism master race.

Watch as I chow down 4 burguers with cheese, egg and bacon, 1 pound of fries, 2 L of coke and a tub of icecream in a single go withoun't gaining any weight!

I truly enjoy bragging about it in front of women, they are always butthurt over the fact I can eat so much trash and not gain a single pound while they can't even smell it withoun't putting on weight!

>> No.15495409

>t. Auschwitz survivor tier skellington

>> No.15495437

>Paid employees til the bitter end
Man that hit me in the feels. What a fuckin stand up guy to actually support his staff until the ship sank.
That’s tragic that it’s gone, I hope when chink flu disappears the people raise money to re open.

>> No.15495826

Those nigiris look so fkin good wow

>> No.15496182

>What a fuckin stand up guy to actually support his staff until the ship sank
It must have totaled small fortune.
Many of the ‘front’ staff had been there for years and were paid appropriate salaries for their length of service.
And as far as the kitchen staff goes, I’m gonna assume that highly experienced & certified fugu chefs aren’t cheap to employ.

>> No.15496337
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>tfw I live ten minutes from a place that does all you can eat sushi for $26.
Before you make a flyover joke, I live in Hawaii so most of the fish is pretty damn fresh.

>> No.15496357
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>> No.15496359
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If you don't mind radioactive fish.

>> No.15496479

What a shitty restaurant. They didn't even cook most of it.

>> No.15496506

Holy fuck give me it. If I was rich I'd eat sushi every week.

>> No.15496975

>be me
>just want to sit down relax and eat
>go into Thai restaurant
>no we can't let you eat here
>moo shu bat flu might kill you
>you little bastard you've killed us all
>start to leave
>owner realizes he's going to go bankrupt at this rate
>lets me sit down and have a meal like an actual human being
>fifteen minutes later
>some couple sees me in there
>walks in
>"Can . . . can we eat here?"
>because moo shu bat flu
>more food comes out of the kitchen for them
>leave, tip well
>no one dies as a result
>OMG it's like this whole moo shu bat flu thing is overblown

>> No.15497986

Picture of a bunch of flavorless food

>> No.15497991

You have to wear the mask while you walk through the restaurant for everyone’s safety but while you’re sitting at a table the incredibly intelligent virus deactivates it’s permissibility protocols. It’s science.

>> No.15498961

they're tiny bro, if they weren't so expensive I'd eat 50 of them for a meal