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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15484773 No.15484773 [Reply] [Original]

Are you a regular in any food place in your location? Do you get special treatment or free stuff?

I want to know.

>> No.15484820

I was a regular at a strip club until I moved. I got some free drinks and free admission.

>> No.15484840

There was a Quiznos where I used to live where I would grab lunch 1-3 times a month. The woman who worked seemingly every single weekday memorized my order and would just ask if I wanted "the usual". Sandwich type, size, bread, sauce and substitution.
Once I left the city for 6 months and when I returned she acted happy to see me, still remembered exactly what I wanted.

>> No.15484853

I’m a regular at a small French restaurant in Edinburgh. Don’t often get free shit because it’s already cheap (have had a few free glasses of wine now and then) but I have a very good rapport with the waiters and am really missing the place due to being shut for covid. My usual is mussels in garlic butter, one of the dishes of the day e.g. Toulouse sausage cassoulet and always creme brûlée.

>> No.15484854

I used to be regular enough at a japanese place and a bbq place that I'd get recognized by the staff. occasionally got free stuff at the sushi place, deserts generally. Now I live in the middle of no where and rarely go out to eat.

>> No.15484870

the people at my coffee shop see me coming and just start pouring it

>> No.15484931

my puppy gets extra treats at the coffee shop

>> No.15485116

Korean place gave me free barley tea. Maybe because I got them a ton of business by getting my entire friend group and some family into going there.

>> No.15485139
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I would go to La Michoacana 1-3 times a week for all of summer and some fall. Didn't go for winter or spring and popped back in mid-summer. Lady said to me "haven't seen you in a while." Made me feel seen in a fat way but appreciated.

When I used to work graveyard shifts sometimes since I was one of the few people at my restaurant that had a car they'd send me on 2am donut runs from Dunkin'. There was always this 45 year old Indian lady that would talk really fast to me and half the time I couldn't understand what she was saying, really thick accent and not a super great grasp of English, sometimes she'd talk to me in her language mixed with English. I'd just smile and nod and sometimes she'd give me a box of free croissants she was probably going to throw out. I think she thought I was Indian and took a liking to me. I'm Mexican.

>> No.15485175
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>> No.15485275

>Are you a regular in any food place in your location?
Do you get special treatment or free stuff?
Also yes

>> No.15485290

I had one of these as a kid. They're just rubber hand puppets but I liked it a lot

>> No.15485311

I'm a regular at a bar/higher-end pizza joint by my house. I get tons of special treatment and free stuff. During the NFL Championship games on Sunday, I got my entire $90 bill comped. They'll make me special food or off-menu shit, and if an order is slightly messed up (customer wanted mozzarella only and they used the 4-cheese blend, for example), I'm normally the first to get the free food.

I mean, I spend a good chunk of money there, pre-pandemic I was there 4-5 days a week. But the main reason this happens is because I live in Vegas, and it's a gaming bar. I bring in a bunch of friends who put in a bunch of coin-in on the machines, and even though I don't gamble, I get the leftover comped booze that other people at the bar couldn't possibly drink with how much they're spending.

It's a cool setup, but I do get tired of the food.

>> No.15485372
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>went to a sub place with my dad for like the entirety of my highschool life every thursday or friday for dinner
>old eastern european grandma running the place
>gets to know us so well that she gives us free onion rings and extra meat on our sandwiches
>move out and don't find time to go to the place for a few years
>end up getting a new gf and it gets serious
>remember that the place exists and suggest going there on a date
>haven't been in 5 years so I don't even remember the days/time they're open
>walk up to the door with her
>sigh and go to turn around, the grandma runs up to the door and waves us in
>says how happy she is to see me
>turns the sign back to closed
>we chat and catch up while she cooks, talks about how business hasn't been that great so she can only stay open 4 days a week now
>another guy sees us eating, tries to come in
>gets shooed away
>"no they're special sorry we're not open"
>finish our meal, good as it ever was, had a blast catching up
>only charges us for the subs, free sides

really hope she's doing okay through covid

>> No.15485417

She's probably dead

>> No.15485575

God damn thats fukkin kino

>want to be a regular somewhere
>like hearing stories from other people, even if its dumb boring shit
>dont care about getting free shit
>its all an impossibility because I think paying a premium for cheap liqour is fucking stupid, and I enjoy cooking things myself

>> No.15485649

In college, we had unlimited meal swipes. Every morning, if I came anywhere close to the omelette bar, the guy there would start making a bacon/onion/mushroom omelette with American cheese. It fuckin slapped.

We also had a sub shop on campus. Any time I popped in, they would start making a 12-inch crispy buffalo chicken on white with lettuce, onion, pickle, and chipotle mayo.

>> No.15485798

They were really high quality and you could move their eyes and stuff. I believe they were designed by some guy who used to work in the film industry making puppets and anamatronics for horror films

>> No.15485834

Is going to a strip club a form of proto-simping?

>> No.15485909

I think ideally, being a regular costs you more. There’s a saying, you can’t cheat an honest man, and the reason is an honest man pays what something is worth, not what it costs, and is not looking to save money but looking for equitability in trade. As an example, if you’re a regular at a sushi place and love toro, and they save a piece or two for you (affordable toro comes and goes) when it is otherwise not available, and give it to you for free, you pay for it in the tip. Unless you really didn’t want it, but the reason they know what you want and like the most is because you’re a regular. Ideally it’s a win-win, you get the best shit that they know you like, they get a guaranteed minor windfall from you. It’s also priceless for an occasion w/ mom & dad or whoever, because they will make it pop guaranteed,

>> No.15485916

There's a Mexican cafe on my street, I have breakfast with my girlfriend regularly and we buy coffee from them every couple days.
They give us whatever new items they are cooking to taste, and free stuff when orders get cancelled or wrong

>> No.15485922

i am a regular at your moms house and she lets me eat for free

>> No.15486724
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>boo fuckin hoo i dont want the money i was gonna spend on some dumb shit to go directly to the people whove been treating me so well that i keep coming to their establishment for, t. good service and good food
anyways i got free beer and liquor and a well paying job because i was such a regular at this arcade bar so your logic is flawed

>> No.15487720

Hnmmmmmmmmmmmm sounds yummy. I want French food now

>> No.15487745

I used to be a regular at a Dairy Mart place that had great burgers, chicken, and chicken fried steak, but when I quit my job I cut back to once every two or three weeks instead of once or twice a week. When I was still making money, I stuck two hundred dollar bills in their tip jar while they weren't looking when the pandemic started and they were losing business just to try and keep them afloat. I know it isn't much, but I figured it's probably a day or two's profit, so hopefully it kept them going a while.

Other than knowing my name though, I don't really get anything special from them.

>> No.15487759

I've eaten at the same restaurant every day for the past 14 years.

>> No.15488710
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I was basically kept alive by gracious restaurant owners and 7/11 staff as a poorshit grad student. I hope they're all doing okay.
>be poorshit, heavily depressed, borderline alcoholic nonfunctional grad student
>bubbly woman opens falafel place down the street, we quickly become friendly with each other
>restaurant owner eventually hires young woman from Iraq to work evenings
>Iraqi woman can barely speak English, is clearly deeply homesick and depressed like me
>come in near closing from time to time, we can barely communicate with each other but I sit quietly and keep her company while we both watch Arabic music videos on TV
Worst two years of my life by far, but I had a lot of meaningful experiences just by being a regular at local food joints.

>> No.15489655

Mcdonalds 9 or 10 times a week for the last few years

No. I saw some kids tits though.

>> No.15489942

What kind of restaurant anon? What do you get? Do they know your name/order? Any qt waitresses?

>> No.15489949


>> No.15489958

Kill yourself faggot