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File: 174 KB, 1900x2850, homemade-kimchee-recipe-photos-tablefortwoblog-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15483827 No.15483827 [Reply] [Original]

For me, its kimchi.

>> No.15483863 [DELETED] 

Kimchi niggers smell worse than curry niggers. Everywhere I went in worst Korea smelled like kimchi.

>> No.15483879 [DELETED] 

Is Korea unironically worse than SEA nigger countries?

>> No.15483907

>For me it’s <X>
All fields.

>> No.15483918
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For me its mixed pickle

>> No.15483935

Is there any kimchi that's good? Every time I've had kimchi, it tastes like literal garbage.

>> No.15483941
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>All fields

>> No.15484167

Make it yourseeeeeeelf

>> No.15484226

For me, its chow-chow from Lancaster, PA.

>> No.15484245

so that's what stomach cancer in a jar looks like.

>> No.15484249
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Wegman's Kimchi is pretty tasty for a store brand. I like it. It helps me poop.

>> No.15484603

kimchi doesn’t cause stomach cancer dumbass. daily consumption of instant ramen and excessive alcohol drinking does.

>> No.15484616

>kimchi doesn’t cause stomach cancer dumbass
research disagrees with you.

>> No.15484620

Kimchi is more likely to save you from stomach cancer.

>> No.15484628

research disagrees with you.

>> No.15484637
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mfw this month I ordered a total gal of Mamma O's kimchi varieties.

>> No.15484657

does that research look at kimchi in isolation, or does it look at the Korean populace in general which are known for rampant binge drinking?

>> No.15484663

it specifically states that kimchi eating is linked to gastric cancers.

>> No.15484671

That doesn't mean anything if we don't know how the research was performed and on what sample population.

>> No.15484673

Post it.

>> No.15484684

Fuck your research paper fuck your lab coat scientist fuck your red shit in a jar ill eat what the fuck I want and noone can fucking stop me fucking noone just come at me fuck you

>> No.15484690

You are not in any field of research. Stop larping.

>> No.15484704

a) this isn't in person, so it's not Live Action
b) you don't need to be an actual research scientist to understand the basic principles of the scientific method
c) pulling quotes out of your ass with no citation doesn't help anyone, yourself least of all.

>> No.15484708

You just need to know the risks. I'm glad I live in America where risky behavior isn't rewarded with universal healthcare.

>> No.15484713

Ah, looks like I found the cringe general

>> No.15484727

Pulling quotes out of your ass with no citations doesn't tell anyone the risks, either.

>> No.15484734

I'm not here to do basic undergraduate research nor is 4channel a research forum. Enjoy your kimchi and higher risk of stomach cancer as predicted by peer reviewed cancer research and official statements by cancer institutes.

>> No.15484737

Yeah? Well according to MY peer reviewed cancer research, eating a cup of kimchi per day will make your dick grow 1 inch and cure gout. So there!

>> No.15484746

Statistics show that 7.6% of South Korean males and 3.1% of females get stomach cancer. What explains the gender disparities in stomach cancer? Is it cause they eat more kimchi.. or is it because the men are more likely to drink and smoke more...
Honestly, moderation is important, just don't eat a jar of kimchi a day and you should be fine. Just like with any red meats.

>> No.15484754

>MY peer reviewed cancer research
I'm glad my tax dollars do not go towards your risk behaviors.

>> No.15484760

Again, posting online is not Live Action Role Play.

>> No.15484766

You are free to play pretend all you want on an anonymous imageboard. But you will be judged for being immature.

>> No.15484769

>Heavy alcohol consumption increased the risk of stomach cancer in men. Men who consumed an average of more than four drinks per day were 65% more likely to develop stomach cancer than men who were very light drinkers. The link between alcohol and stomach cancer appeared to be stronger for beer than for wine or spirits.

>South Koreans drink twice as much liquor as Russians and more than four times as much as Americans

>> No.15484782

I am being immature on purpose to demonstrate how silly you are being right now.

"studies say that kimchi causes cancer" and "studies say that kimchi makes your dick bigger" are equally stupid statements, as neither of them are cited.
Which studies? On whom?

>> No.15484785

>asking for citation on 4channel
Stop being stupid anon.

>> No.15484791

>pulling nonsense quotes out of your ass
Stop being stupid, Anon.

>> No.15485072

Bloody Maries on Easter.

>> No.15485484

Okay fuck you guys I walk into this thread and was interested in the studies, not this intentional back-and-forth of unsubstantiated claims.
The author outlines a series of published studies in the field of Gastroenterology. His summary is that the results are inconclusive.

If you've got an issue with the article, bring up the text or included citations - not the ITF, however many dicks the author suck, whatever - and you might have a point.
If you just like playing the fool, whatever then.

>> No.15485503

post your fermentation rig then, fucker

>> No.15485564
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Radish salad kimchi is far more superior to Napa cabbage kimchi. It takes a lot longer to ferment and still holds on to its fresh crisp taste, and just has a better flavor.

I can’t stand the taste of reg kimchi on its own, it’s great when it’s in stews and fried rice, but never as a side dish..

>> No.15485768
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Y'all should learn to make your own kimchi.
Dont let any Gook purists deter you from making Kimchi the way you like it

>> No.15485786

Most Koreans don’t even like buying kimchi from the store because it’s all watered down garbage. It’s recommended to make your own kimchi at home, if you’re not a lazy slob that is

>> No.15486177

What does it taste like ? Seems to korean for me desu

>> No.15486207

It's pickled cabbage and pepper. Basically just crunchy hotsauce.
Goes great on just about anything.

>> No.15486291

It’s an acquired taste for sure. So most non-Koreans won’t be too fond of it, but it goes great in stews and such.
I personally like radish salad kimchi over the Napa cabbage variety when eating it as a side dish, it holds on to its fresh and crisp taste for quite a while.

>> No.15486316

I love pickled radish and kimchi and didn't know this was a thing.
I must find some now

>> No.15486356

"While kimchi’s high salt and hot pepper content may seem like risk factors for gastric cancer, the findings seem sufficiently divided and inconclusive to claim this association with any confidence." - Professor of pharmacology at USC
Learn scientific method and etiquette before you start spouting off broad claims with such conviction on stuff you don't fully understand

>> No.15486631
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Ponytail radish kimchi is also great too, especially with soups like kkori gomtang, galbitang, samgyetang, or even just instant ramen.

>> No.15486971

Everyone knows it doesn't cause cancer. It will cause inflamed butthole and turn you queer though.

>> No.15486992

>The pickled cabbage is the killer
>Not the ludicrously high stress life
>Not the insane amounts of beer and soju they drink
>Not the insane cigarette smoking that goes on in Asian cultures
No, it's the cabbage.

>> No.15487046
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Everything causes cancer we are fragile clumps of cells that inevitably fall apart over time and this process is exacerbated by any form of stimulus.

>> No.15487111

yea every cell division is a chance to get out of control cancer.

>> No.15487898

Here's one that's methodologically sound: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4316045/
They postulate that the association may be due to the high salt content of or presence of N-nitroso compounds in kimchi and soybean paste. If you're eating fermented or pickled foods in moderation then it's probably not much of an issue.

>> No.15487920
File: 182 KB, 800x533, Bulgogi-Korean-Grilled-Beef-9238-I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually have half a can of kimchi, used half of it for Korean Bulgogi a month ago.

Bulgogi was really good, hmmm i think i will use up the can of kimshi for another batch of Bulgogi this weekend :D

>> No.15487928

looks like dogshit but it's asian food so i'm assuming it's correct?

>> No.15488119

I put potato and agave in mine

>> No.15489525
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i bought this kimchi and its fucking gross. is this brand shit or do i just hate kimchi?

>> No.15489563


>> No.15489569

you're not supposed to be logical here.

>> No.15490006

make your own instead of buying premade shit you lazy faggot

>> No.15490458

i just wanted to try fucking kimchi you dumb fucking nigger-coon. i saw some kimchi in a shop and decided to give it a try, if kimchi tastes like the shit i bought i don't want to make any

>> No.15490697

seconding making it yourself

my gf used maangchi's kimchi recipe and that shit is so good you won't be able to get enough

absolutely ridiculous
there's nothing in pickled veg that would cause stomach cancer. any higher rates of stomach cancer among Korean people is because their drinking culture is absurd and soju is like 25% abv.

>> No.15490728

>there's nothing in pickled veg that would cause stomach cancer
source? Many peer reviewed studies indicate that you are incorrect.

>> No.15490802

My first batch turned out perfect. My second batch (which was a direct copy of the first) turned out bitter and just disgusting. Really turned me off from kimchi.

>> No.15490808

hes too busy doing faggot stuff

>> No.15491035

sauce in your arse, you dunce

>> No.15491052
File: 173 KB, 1600x1200, WZviW2D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pork & Kimchi Stir-fry

>> No.15491337

You’ll have better success making and enjoying radish kimchi. Search up radish salad kimchi and ponytail kimchi. Tastes way better than the Napa cabbage variety.

>> No.15491344

"For me"


>> No.15492042

Says the faggot that visits It everyday. Only one that left a comment like this. Fuck off back tourists and hang yourself on the way back

>> No.15492148

I normally buy ones sold in the refrigerated section of the Asian (or Korean if I'm lucky) mart. They normally come in a plastic packet or plastic tubs and taste a lot better because they dont need to be treated with preservatives or pressure canned like the tinned ones. They last for ages in the fridge too.

>> No.15492150

Yes Korean food but it is amazingly good, give it a try :D

We have "food of the world store" i just discovered not to far from where i live so you can get all kinds of ingredients from almost all parts of the world.

We have tried Asian foods and love most of it, next time i think we will try South American foods, not sure what the national dishes are over there but we will give it a try.

After that i think we will try African foods, no idea what they eat in Africa but i am exited.

Also middle eastern foods are a mystery, will try that also.

>> No.15492440

Holy reddit

>> No.15492595
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For me, it's Wickles