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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 83 KB, 1280x720, wigankebab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15479648 No.15479648 [Reply] [Original]

Wigan Kebab

>> No.15479721


>> No.15479743

that smack thing looked pretty good actually

>> No.15479755

Nice try Oliver

>> No.15479781

these are the FLAVORS OF CVMBRIA

>> No.15479831 [DELETED] 

australians are fucking disgusting.

>> No.15479835


The English talk shit about American cooking. Then we find out that they've been using warm pea water as a fucking condiment and jellied eel as a main. Thank fuck you stole curry from the Indians or the food in the UK would've just made your entire country suicidal.

>> No.15479843

im from wigan and my name is jim

>> No.15479891


>> No.15480341
File: 13 KB, 250x202, desudoge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw I am actually from Wigan
It's a shit hole, do not come here.

>> No.15480348

greasy mutt hands typed this

>> No.15480349

shut up jew, /ck/ is coming to wigan

>> No.15480361

It's actually the worst place to exist in the North West, there is nothing to gain here

>> No.15480369

Smack Barm Pey Wett

>> No.15481553
File: 106 KB, 718x349, 1485975087703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>see this video around christmas 2019 on twitter
>suddenly develop autistic need fore wigan kebab, despite the fact that i never had it
>check where Wigan even is, never heard of this place
>forget it

fast forward until 31.12
>end up drinking a lot because I'm eastern european
>in a fit of rage booked flights to Manchester with 2 friends and wife
>wake up hangover, notice what the fuck I have done
>friends begging for me to cancel the flight
>doesn't matter, we're going to Wigan
>mid january, friday night, we fly to Manchester, go to our hotel
>have fish and chips
>go to sleep
>saturday noon, taxi to the place in the video
>see the same fuck as in the video
>try to fake english accent
>get 4 wigan kebabs, 4 smack barms with pey wet and 3 babys heads because wife was full

mfw this trip cost me hundreds of euros just so I could order a fucking pie in a bun
mfw we were all confused and intrigued the entire meal and barely spoke to each other
pic related are our faces when since it was actually pretty good

>> No.15481575

England was a mistake

>> No.15481610

noice m8 the pingest munch ya?

>> No.15481618
File: 380 KB, 747x850, 1482265743821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like your funny words, magic man

>> No.15481621

pics or it didn't happen

>> No.15481887

Noe that's what u call a busdy

>> No.15481918

>be german
>be autistic
it checks out

>> No.15481936

Holy shit I didn't expect to see other Wiganers here.

>> No.15482005

remove kebab

>> No.15482073

>pae wet
>none of the pae just the wet
people actually live like this

>> No.15482134

I played rugby at a small private grounds in wigan, what a shithole why live in London but not in the city?
Its the worst of both worlds.

>> No.15482145


>> No.15483308

So where are we all from?
Pem myself.

>> No.15483346

>>be german
>>be autistic
>it checks out

i'm pretty sure the guy said he was eastern european, as evident by the line ending with: "I'm eastern european" you fucking spoon

>> No.15483493

At least wigan still has the pier

>> No.15483529

I could hardly understand what they were saying. Holy shit.

>> No.15483636

There's subtitles tho

>> No.15483808
File: 315 KB, 603x469, Screen Shot 2021-01-28 at 19.53.38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15484294

That's basically the gist of it

>> No.15485671
File: 170 KB, 1600x1072, CoBcjwBXgAAAqj4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw amerimutts and fellow englishmen are absolutely lost trying to understand Wigan speyk
Wiganese is its own special language only the select special few can fully understand, they weren't even going full pie eater when communicating because they where filming.
Some small simple examples for foreigners (Leigh folk mainly):

>> No.15487185
File: 43 KB, 304x275, 6814289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would be nice if they ever explained in the video what a fucking wigan kebab is, or smack for that matter.
Was it just a fucking meatpie between 2 buns and the smack is battered fish between 2 buns and some "pey wett" (the extra peys are free)

>> No.15487242


>> No.15487680

>babys yed
>because it looks like a babys head
do you need more of an explanation than that?

>> No.15487686

>Thank fuck you stole curry from the Indians or the food in the UK would've just made your entire country suicidal
Did you ever stop to consider that our food is why we stole curry from the Indians?

>> No.15487704

>pee wet

>> No.15487714

the babbys head actually looks good

>> No.15487716


>> No.15487726

tfw no Wigan qt gf

>> No.15487943

get lost esl spic

>> No.15487993
File: 198 KB, 1200x675, 1_HullFair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's a Pattie Butty with scraps and chip spice

>> No.15488368

Half of that sounded more West Mids than Lancashire
I say that as a Yorkshireman

>> No.15488399
File: 98 KB, 624x656, 1591817813036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15488664

I’d devour that Wigan kebab and smack barm pea wet easily

>> No.15488701


>> No.15488798

british "cuisine"