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15479311 No.15479311[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I never knew the restaurant business was so political

>> No.15479325

>most say we've been provocative in our stance
oh wow a business owner is a retarded narcissist, that only happens 100% of the time

>> No.15479334

covid is a hoax

everyone is selfish - even you

>> No.15479348

>covid is a hoax

>> No.15479350
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yeah, man..they're giving people stuff to put into their bodies in exchange for money you can't just go in there and piss on whatever you want either you're a republican or a democrat or you can gtfo

>> No.15479362

irrelevant to my post, idiot

>> No.15479503
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who the fuck I.V.s something that draws up pink?

>> No.15479527
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it's starburst

>> No.15479683
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>> No.15479823

if covid is a hoax then how come I have it right now

>> No.15480118

You have the flu you mong

>> No.15480213

All service industry and retail is venerable to SJW boycots.
If it doesn't cost money, capitalist owners will do it to stay in business.
Make all their employees wear rainbow shits on gay pride day?
Start using only Halal/kocher products?
Boycot a certain wholesaler?
Whatever- the customer is always right, the employee has no rights, I have the right to exist, do whatever I have to to stay afloat.

This only became a thing where chain franchises became big enough targets for attempts to make them responsible for social issues, and because a loud and unreasonable minority dominates the new mass media.

I have to bend the knee to enough SJW's working in hospitality.
>customer complaint for holding a door open for a woman who started yelling at me
>endless demands to use keep cups, getting yelled at for the boss deciding to use plastic straws
>assholes trying to put posters/stickers up in our window
>training to use gender neutral language to everyone, yelled at for calling people 'sir' because it sets a standard of gendered language
>covid hysteria, look like you are doing something while doing nothing
Some people would say it's my right to quit, but they are assuming people can just start businesses and go up against major corporations- really they can't.

>> No.15480255

Because you’re so Antifa you don’t even realize it.

>> No.15480576

This is why China wins.

>> No.15480578

>trained to use gender neutral language
Like what? I can only think of sir, miss, or ma'am.

>> No.15480729
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That's just it, we were trained not to address customers as Sir/Ma'am/miss because it might offend a trannie- or as is typically the case someone who takes offense on the behalf of a trannie.

Now I'm old fashioned, and I know a lot of the older customers- there's no way I'm not going to call them Sir or Ma'am.
One of my co-wokers hears this and reports me for going against the training we just had, which is a bad look for the boss because it makes it seem like the training was stupid and unpopular.
So I get called into the office and formally cautioned, my protests that I personally knew the older customers as she herself constantly tells us to and that older customers would find any other conduct disrespectful was met with stony silence.

A formal caution means I could actually get fired if I do it again, and puts me in the position where having been specifically trained and told to disrespects older customers, I could be fired if I refused to bend the knee.
It's not a hypothetical problem.
What would I do if I was fired?
Would the union care- fuck no, they are cucks.
Would fairwork give a shit? Fuck no, I just bullied a transvestite by not respecting the diversity of the community by setting a precedent of assuming someone's gender.
I don't even want this to be an issue, I just want to live a normal fucking life with other normal people


>> No.15480794
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think harder, your survival depends on it

>> No.15480942

>pic related walks into your restaurant
>you must greet it without causing offense
can you do it?

>> No.15480945
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reeeeeee forgot pic