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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15472608 No.15472608 [Reply] [Original]

I'm going on a pretty low cal diet soon and I'm wondering what places have the lowest calorie pre-made or frozen foods, even if there's fast food or takeaway places that come to mind.

I know this isn't the best way to approach a diet and I should be cooking for myself, but I'm really concerned that if I cook for myself I'll just end up improperly counting calories and wasting my time.

>> No.15472739

>frozen food
honestly anon this is a pretty terrible way to go about it, if you don’t want to cook just stick to foods that you don’t have to cook. I do low-cal, and you can eat plenty of variety with food that doesn’t really need any prep
>triscuit crackers
>tortilla chips
>fresh fruit and veggies
>rice (there are pre-portioned microwaveable packs if you wanna be really lazy, but cooking rice is stupid easy)
idk anon the sky’s the limit. just try to stick to whole or minimally processed foods and balance carbs with fiber at a 10g:1g ratio at worst

>> No.15472766

How about you just learn to count
It ain't that hard
It's just a feedback loop anyway

>> No.15472790

I'll definitely look into a lot of the things you mentioned, anon. But I feel like crackers/cheese/beans/rice all have a pretty high amount of calories for what is actually satisfying though... and when I say frozen food, I think about things like Amy's or evol. brands where their calorie count is pretty significantly low, not like eating two Hungry Man meals a day.

I can count, but there's too many examples of a splash of oil here, a few more ounces of chicken than you thought you had there, and all of a sudden you've eaten 200 more calories than you thought. Do that for two meals in a day and you may as well not be dieting.

>> No.15472815

You're already in the dark because you've no idea what your personal energy usage is. It varies substantially between individuals. You're just adjusting until you see the right results, so as long as you're consistent about how shittily you count, it doesn't matter.

You don't need to individually sum your ingredients, lmao. Just estimate sensibly.

>> No.15472830

Asian markets have decent ready-to-eat prepped and packed stuff that's freshly made and pretty healthy. Just mind you'll get eye-fucked in there if you're not east asian

>> No.15472840

I have a pretty good idea that it's not very high, which is why I need to be so careful. I'm a pretty sedentary person, but I will be including exercise as part of my diet to try to step things up. And we probably have different ideas of what counts as results, but please, I don't want to argue about how best to diet, just get some options from people. I'm not a very good cook and what I make sucks anyways. Trying to do it with even less flexibility in calories is going to ensure I'm eating like dry chicken breasts and brussels sprouts for every meal.

Thanks, I'll see if I have some in my area.

>> No.15472960

>I know this isn't the best way to approach a diet and I should be cooking for myself, but I'm really concerned that if I cook for myself I'll just end up improperly counting calories and wasting my time.
How hungry are you after eating 2 boiled eggs? It makes for a great low carb snack, specially if you take out the yolk.

Other than that, just eat a can of deenz with salad, or replace the deenz with some other protein like meat, chicken, pork or other fish.

And drink nothing but water, at most you make a lemonade using some artificial sweetener, sucralose if available.

And the real important thing is to stop eating all day. You eat 3 meals a day at most, and size your portions when you do. If you really get hungry and go for a snack then eat an egg, it will be filling and mostly protein.

Counting calories is not hard, stop being afraid of it.

>> No.15473004

Just eat oats. You'll be full after 200 calories or so

>> No.15473012

>but I'm really concerned that if I cook for myself I'll just end up improperly counting calories and wasting my time.
Go on the 3 Pound A Day Diet. Eat 3lbs of chicken breast (6-8 breasts, depending on size) every day, and you'll never be hungry. 1500 Calories/320g of protein. Impossible to fuck up.

>> No.15473061

I normally only eat one meal a day. Similarly, on the diet, I'll probably be eating one meal and a snack/smaller meal. Yeah, I'll only be drinking water/seltzers/black coffee. I struggle eating multiple meals a day, because I somehow remain consistently hungry all day if I eat a small meal and then have another not-satisfying meal coming later. One big meal at the end of the night gives me something to look forward to and lets me go to bed a few hours later not thinking about being hungry.

I'm just looking for ways to diversify what I eat to some degree, especially things if I'm out and about and need to get some food in me.

>> No.15473097

By out and about, you mean eating out? Unless we are talking about a subway salad it is a bad idea.

Cook your meals, make a sandwich to take with you if you are going out, just be mindful of what you make it out of.

>> No.15473220

Like I said, I'm not a good cook, and I've explained why. I know that's not ideal, but yes, I rely primarily on pre-made or pickup meals.

>> No.15473334

>I know that's not ideal, but yes, I rely primarily on pre-made or pickup meals.
Well, if you are going to be relying on pre-made or pick up meals, then your options will be very limited and often expensive, do you have money to burn or are you on a discount budget?

I would consider eating canned food then, it is pre-made and the calories are counted for you on the package, just be sure to check contents weight and the portion size weight to be sure not to count them wrong.

Can you stomach eating a can of pork n beans straight out of the can with no heating? Or a can of deenz or tuna?

>> No.15473409

Yes, I'm not on a budget. There's a great health food place up the street from me that makes great stuff, but I can't eat there daily. I'm not above canned food.

>> No.15473476

>There's a great health food place up the street from me that makes great stuff, but I can't eat there daily.
Try copying what they make at home when you got the will to do so, it really can't be too hard for you to do so.

Canned food can easily be used for you to fill up while keeping track of your calories, but be aware that the other stuff matters too! Some canned foods have very high fat, carb and salt contents, you should try balancing those out so you don't fuck up your body in the process.

Also, if you are too much of a lazy faggot to cook an egg or prepare some salad, then you are not going to make it. You should at the very least be able to do that much in order to actually pull this off.

It is not even hard to make a salad man, just wash the daamed thing and tear/cut whatever you are using. You can season it with salt, pepper, vinegar and olive oil, but be aware the oil is calorie dense, so use sparingly.

If you eat a can of tuna/deenz/spam/pork n beans/peas/corn/whatever and a salad for a meal you will be healthy enough while you are doing this.

Your goal should be 80%-100% of your daIly intake, more than that and you are gaining weight, less than that and your body decreases it's metabolism thus lowering your daily caloric need, hindering your progress.

If you eat 90% of your daily need you are golden, got a nice margin of error there so you can be safe it will work.

>> No.15473547

Dude, I really appreciate the effort here, but this thread isn't about my diet. I'm eating more around 1,000 calories, and I'd just like some recommendations of low calorie pre-made food. Please, stop telling me to cook at home.

>> No.15473573

Ok, learn to live off canned food and raw eggs, good luck.

>> No.15473628

I mean, I'm not ignoring your suggestions. Some nights I will easily make some salad, just toss some bagged lettuce in there with some dressing or something, but I'm just trying to look for some alternatives. Considering my low calorie intake, I just want to find some ideas.

Like, I have a potentially limited time to be in control of my diet/away from the real cause of my weight gain (booze). So, I'm aware that people are always going to say to change my lifestyle and similar things, but that's a bigger issue than just how I eat. Losing 6 lbs over the next 3 months eating 1800 calories a day isn't going to do anything for me.

>> No.15473689

>the real cause of my weight gain (booze).
How the hell can you possibly gain that much weight out of booze?

Well, guess boiling some eggs and eating only the whites will be the best alternative to fill up your protein need withoun't increasing a lot of calories.

For the love of god, stay away from cereal bars!

>> No.15473775

If you're looking for frozen food, Lean Cuisine's entire gimmick is lower calorie frozen meals.
Otherwise, get yourself a scale. $15 scale from anywhere will be enough to weight your food and get precise calorie counts.

>> No.15473806

For years I've drank 10+ beers a day. Even drinking Miller Lites, that's 1,000 extra calories a day, minimum. I try to mitigate this by eating one meal a day and getting in exercise, but it puts on lbs over time, especially during covid where I don't even have a job to keep me from drinking during the day, or having anywhere to go move around and exercise.

>> No.15473812

What's your malfunction with egg yolks? They're perfectly god damn healthy.

>> No.15473839

Yeah, I don't get why they're constantly mentioning eggs... I'm OP, and I never said anything about eggs whatsoever.

I understand I can weigh things, but I still feel like I'll fuck it up. Like I said in an earlier post, some oil here or there, mismeasuring a cup of something, it all adds up. Combine that with being a bad cook, and it builds.

>> No.15473953

Move on to vodka or scotch, less calories, more alcohol!

The yolks are the calory rich part of the egg, removing the yolk removes most of the calories while maintaining the protein rich part.

Google it.

>> No.15474070

A single egg has 72 damn calories. Unless eggs make up the entirety of your diet, removing the yolk is pointless fucking waste. If you can't stand to have the extra 50 calories of yolk, you don't need a snack. The yolk is nutrient-rich and perfectly healthy. I'd wring the neck of any person I found wasting fucking egg yolks, go fuck yourself.

>> No.15474175

>Move on to vodka or scotch, less calories, more alcohol!
Nah, I don't want to fuck my tolerance and my liver. Every person I've ever known who almost died from this shit is someone who made recreationally drinking hard alcohol a habit.

I at least see your point about the egg now though.

>> No.15475822

Heh drinking 10 beers a day is perfectly healthy indeed

>> No.15475828

Whole Foods is actually pretty good for this. Their vegetable dishes and variety are great so it's easy to get a ton of low calorie food into your system. Trouble is it's expensive but I lost 30 lbs in 6 months by eating it for lunch every day and barely changing anything else about my routine

>> No.15475972
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Just do OMAD and keto bro, CICOfags always fail and never lose the fatty
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