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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15472337 No.15472337[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can someone fill me in on what they eat here?

>> No.15472367
File: 137 KB, 1280x960, IMG-20171119-WA0006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not me. I've never been there. But I like burritos, country fried steak and eggs for breakfast, a good beef stew, but not sweets. I don't eat much ice cream.

>> No.15472382
File: 87 KB, 640x377, c7743866ea58d5196702fa26046cd509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15472383

pig is king also walleye on fridays in the north.

>> No.15472388

no, quit being retarded and making shitty bait threads

>> No.15472389


>> No.15472420
File: 54 KB, 659x501, snshake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

steak n' shake

>> No.15472430

The only aberrant food I bcan really remember from there was Pizza King. pre-made cracker crust slathered in a bland tomato paste,(yes, really, I watched the guy make it out of a #10 can of TOMATOPASTE,) and fake cheese pellets.
Other than that, standard fare.

>> No.15472490

I live here and it's pretty much anything you can get anywhere else but also this
steak n shake is based

>> No.15472492
File: 239 KB, 1280x857, 1280px-Brain_sandwiches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The only aberrant food
I'd eat a bland pizza over pigs brain sandwich.

>> No.15472518
File: 119 KB, 750x734, LONGPIGAUTOPHAGY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, I'm with you on that one. The ONLY time I'd seen that was in a weird greasy spoon in Bloomington, that has since shut down.
Mostly the preference is hubcap pork tenderloins.

>> No.15472523

indiana is possibly the worst state in america.

>> No.15472532

it's not bad but if you're not into farming or the automotive industry you're in the wrong place.

>> No.15472538

did you forget florida exists?

>> No.15472542

OH Shit!! Those placemats, that area code, those shitty melamine ramekins ... is that...could it be??

>> No.15472557


>> No.15472570

pizza king is delicious you shut the fuck up

>> No.15472585


Imagine being proud of being from Indiana.

>> No.15472602

illinois and ohio are easily better and have both. Both are still shit states tho. Manual toll booths, ohio? get your shit sorted.

>> No.15472606

Tastelet!! When do you remember having it for the first time? I gotta know, it was a birthday party or something, right? I really want to know how one imprints this as being good.
I mean, I've seen 1 star Michelin chefs cook themselves Kraft mac and cheese before, so everyone likely has their weird food tastes...But this shit to me was a bridge too far.

>> No.15472617

Well, I don't think that was a pic from The Office Lounge, but I can't remember the name of that place on S Walnut/College...

>> No.15472630

>The Office Lounge
never thought I'd see someone mention the O Lounge on /ck/.
but you're thinking of the players pub. this place doesn't even look like it's in bloomington. looks more like the evansville area.

>> No.15472656

The same stuff as anywhere else. Also, pork tenderloin.

>> No.15472666

you're probably right, but you mean Elletsville, yeah?
and no, not the players pub. This was pre- 2000.
Chocolate Moose still exist??

>> No.15472674

Yeah, it's the worst state in America please do not come here. If you're ever thinking about moving here please reconsider there is nothing to do and filled with nothing but White people. Stay very far away from Indiana, please.

>> No.15472678

>Can someone fill me in on what they eat here?
Big black cock.