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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 40 KB, 453x677, soymilk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15469868 No.15469868 [Reply] [Original]

Soy milk is fucking awesome. It's creamy like normal milk, it doesn't taste like shit like other milk alternatives and it doesn't have dairy or lactose so it's all-around much healthier than standard milk and much better for the skin especially. Why did I ever let brainlets from /pol/ convince me this shit was unhealthy and makes men more feminine? Some of you cunts are fucking retarded.

>> No.15469871
File: 327 KB, 2365x2365, 761ec8f1-7c68-466e-b3d1-b1edd6f15812_1.e5044b6a419226a339083036ea9b7653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

soy milk tastes like watered down sperm. almond milk is where it's at

>> No.15469878

milk is unhealthy now?

>> No.15469884

Not like "unhealthy" unhealthy, but cutting dairy out of your diet does help you lose a bit of weight and mitigates skin problems like acne if you're having problems with that.

>b-but calcium

eat a fucking banana ffs

>> No.15470002

Does actual milk contain more estrogen than soymilk?

>> No.15470014


>> No.15470058

nope. you can trust me im a doctor

>> No.15470063

soy milk is sick, more protein than regular milk and doesn't taste like shit (fuck you almond milk)

>> No.15470066

Stop drinking watered down sperm to the point you can liken it to other things, dipshit

>> No.15470074

but banana has more calories and way way less calcium

>> No.15470140

Almond milk is objectively superior because it was consumed by European nobility for centuries and it's way more harmful for the environment, all-around based.

>> No.15470188

>You WILL drink the soy™ milk.

>> No.15470191

Lactose intolerant soy boys coping

>> No.15470208
File: 40 KB, 700x638, cover yourself in sus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>soy floats on milk
>wait for it to milk
>cover yourself in soy
>become a catboy

>> No.15470209

I drink A2 milk

>> No.15470211

>doesn't have dairy or lactose so it's all-around much healthier
Mayb if you're one of those monsters of the week people unable to consume a natural and healthy product making you swallow plant water.

>> No.15470610

If you have weight problems milk is least of your concern.

>> No.15470686

Anyone here ever tried unpasteurized (raw) milk? I never have but I'm really curious to know what I'm missing. Milk as a delicious drink was popularized before pasteurization became the law, and now people look at you weird if you drink glasses of milk. Coincidence? I bet pasteurization must make milk taste a lot worse, otherwise they wouldn't need to make raw milk illegal

>> No.15470701

>it doesn't have dairy or lactose
Soy milk is not milk

>> No.15470724
File: 9 KB, 253x199, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You are a loving waking meme son

>> No.15470747
File: 430 KB, 2000x1333, patrick-crusius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The "people" "mocking" soyboys are shut-in virgin freaks who delude themselves into thinking being bitter at life and edgy is masculine. The so-called soyboys are popular, have girlfriends, have friends and are happy about life.
Pic related is what the people calling you a soyboy look like.

>> No.15470812

soyboy cope lol

>> No.15470819

>have girlfriends

Also have bulls you moran

>> No.15470833
File: 55 KB, 1182x665, patrickcrusiustrial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pic related is what the people calling you a soyboy look like.
Nobody looks like their selfies IRL.

>> No.15470842

It's delicious. If you can get your hands on a farmer selling it freshl cooled down, you will never go back. It's night and day.

>> No.15470849

The projection train trully has no breaks.

>> No.15470858
File: 16 KB, 645x770, pol face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>soyboy cope lol

>> No.15470861

Lmao keep dreaming faggot

>> No.15470862

Ugly people look ugly on selfies or irl, handsome people look handsome on selfies or irl.

>> No.15470865

This is peak cringy.

>> No.15470867

Yep, pasteurized milk is more neutral and loose some flavour. The flavour is kinda "animalistic" though and may be unpleasant for those who never tried it.
t. used to drink new milk still warm after milking in childhood

>> No.15470872

You clearly know nothing about photography. A photograph is never a 1:1 representation of reality.

>> No.15470875
File: 158 KB, 1300x1300, 002242160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok soyboy witness the true ascended drink

>> No.15470911

>look up nutrition information for oatly
>7g of sugar per cup
>says it has no added sugar
>doesn't make sense because 100g of oats has 1g of sugar and there can't be 700g of oats used per cup
>they process it in a way to break down the starch so that it turns into sugar
oatly is basically just sugar water. you'd actually be better off making your own oatmilk by blending and straining unprocessed oats and it'd be a lot cheaper.

there's nothing wrong with cow milk unless you're lactose intolerant. i'm not sure why people think the way to be healthy is to have food in competition with each other instead of finding the right balance of everything.

>> No.15470914

Cow milk is nasty

>> No.15470923

So? You're still not gonna be a male model irl if you look ugly on selfies or other pictures

>> No.15470941

i used to think so too, until i tried the costco brand of milk which just tastes creamy and sweet. i think milk develops off flavors in clear plastic jugs the same way that beer in clear glass bottles gets skunked from light hitting it, but costco milk comes in opaque containers. so maybe see if you can find milk in an opaque container, or even just seeing if there are any local farms that sell milk so you can try something fresher. it's almost like a thin milkshake when it's good quality milk and it doesn't have that weird taste most other milk seems to have.

>> No.15470980

its all sugar water even dairy milks are so processed it barely resembles what came out of the animal. Neotenic culture worships baby juice

>> No.15471062

Cow milk has sugar but it still provides some good quality fat and protein too. And lactose doesn't spike your blood sugar like other forms of sugar do.

>> No.15471268

I just used oatly for the photo, I actually make my own with a little maple syrup, cinnamon powder, and vanilla extract for the sweetener.

i normally have a little cow milk in the fridge since i'm not vegan, regular milk has a better flavor interaction with black tea in my experience

>> No.15471297

I just eat yogurt like a normal adult. Milk is for kids

>> No.15472039

but im thirsty not hungry

>> No.15472058

>literal soyboy thread
>no soyboy wojacks

You're slipping, /ck/

>> No.15472143
File: 305 KB, 1048x1584, 1592950862367.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15472309

Soy milk tastes like shit and gives me heartburn. You're right that it tastes better than other milk alternatives though. Somehow almond milk is substantially worse. Overall, though, there's no reason to drink this trash unless you're vegan.

>> No.15472443

Every fake milk substitute is thin and watery. Total shit. Just drink milk like a normal person.

>> No.15473605
File: 344 KB, 886x691, 1607135716175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The soyboy and the chud are 2 sides of the same coin

>> No.15473648

wtf I love sperm now

>> No.15473718

I've never had a problem with lactose. I've never had a problem with soy isoflavones. I'm good with either, but generally prefer the cow juice.

>> No.15473730

Nioce b8 m8