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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15468071 No.15468071[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who else /solodrinking/ tonight?

>what are you drinking
>what are you doing

I’m drinking polar ice vodka mixed with Fanta and listening to uncle acid and the deadbeats and I have a liberal portion of los snus packed in.

>> No.15468076


>> No.15468082

I didn't drink yesterday, or today. Good streak going for me.

>> No.15468087

I don't get mixing. I just do my shots and chase with whatever is on hand and I go about my business.

>> No.15468104

those bud light platinum selzers
playing tarkov hopefully
Have to get up early as fuck for work tomorrow so trying to get my rnr in. They hiked the price of these up to twelve bucks instead of the 8 dollar promotional price but I like the abv and low sugar content

>> No.15468105

haven't drank since christmas day
feeling pretty good ngl

>> No.15468121

i solo drink every night. i'm not 18 years old anymore and i don't need a bar or 5 friends in order to have a bunch of drinks. people who need to go to the bar are retarded faggots

>> No.15468129

Says the fag on 4chan

>> No.15468131
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I had a can of Busch after supper

>> No.15468146

I like the sweetness of the drink coupled with the bite of alcohol

>> No.15468213

six tallboy boneshakers
two bigmacs
large fries
20 piece nuggets
three mini pizzas

>> No.15468232

fat faggot

>> No.15468237

Atta boy

>> No.15468249

juden juden juden

>> No.15468259

Been sober for 4 days. Aiming for 5.
You laugh, but it's an achievement for me.

>> No.15468260

Some gin and energy drinks and Miller 64s, finishing up with a cold toddie whisky and arizona rx tea. Not bad, guess 8 standard drinks is well below my average.

>> No.15468268

just drank some coffee and later I'm drinking some water

>> No.15468307

ive been sober for almost a month now...5 more to go

>> No.15468315

Then what?
Good job anon

>> No.15468318

whats a boneshaker?

>> No.15468319

Been feeling like shit but the other night I had literally two beers and half a gallon of water and still got kept up all night by a headache, so I'm not drinking anymore for a while, I don't know what the fuck was up with that but it just makes me feel even shittier

>> No.15468322

Drinking some 15% home brew pear cider

>> No.15468325

you're just a cunt

>> No.15468326

>literally two beers
i remember when i was 18

>> No.15468327
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I’m not drinking tonight but usually it’s
>a couple of three beers
>9-10 hard seltzers

I usually drink while watching old motor races or superhero movies. Sometimes Ll drink a couple beers while playing forza 7 and driving around Le Mans shitfaced drunk like what they did in irl when they first started the race.

>> No.15468328

I didn't even get buzzed, let alone drunk, just straight to headache

>> No.15468332

yeah my comment was rude. idk what causes that honestly. i drink so much that if i get a headache i just keep drinking until it goes away

>> No.15468337
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>> No.15468344
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>> No.15468355

I’ll be drinking vodka neat chasing it with water.

I messed up and ate a shot load of food when I was super dehydrated so I gotta wait for my stomach to empty a bit so that drinking Gatorade doesn’t make me feel like I’m about to die.

>> No.15468358
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I'm on my 6th Gin Greyhound

>> No.15468369
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This reminds me bros, don’t drink energy drink and Gatorade when you’re hungover. That’s a whole fuck load of sugar. Make sure you have at least 2 or 3 liters of water for you in the morning and when you wake up, chug as much water as you can, make yourself some coffee, wait for it to cool down; and drink some more water, and then drink your coffee, then some more water and then have some Gatorade.

>> No.15468370

Yeah same here man. I feel like mixing it is just ruining a perfectly good drink with the shit alcohol taste

>> No.15468373

Cant drink any other way. I just drink vodka but fuck taking shots of that nasty ass shit

>> No.15468375
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sad drinking hours every night. also fuck ferrari

>> No.15468382

It's something I grew accustomed to when stealing my moms liquor.

>> No.15468384
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>Fuck Ferrari

>> No.15468386


>> No.15468395

you're okay though

>> No.15468411
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>> No.15468416

>tfw black metal and cheap vodka

Feels alright man

>> No.15468429
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>> No.15468448

uncle acid and the deadbeats is based tunes. I just crushed 12 michelob ultras and now I'm onto tequila and gingerale. Got some tendies in the oven and gonna watch some of my favourite youtube videos while I eat before bed. Good times.

>> No.15468452

do you have a job/income

>> No.15468461

Sounds comfy

>> No.15468473

yes I'm a senior operations manager of a restaurant franchise in Canada. I live quite comfortably.

>> No.15468492

>tfw no gf to drink with and lie in bed watching horror movies

>> No.15468494

cool drink one for me

>> No.15468500

girls are retarded when they drink. you're much better off with a sober gf. stop being a stupid faggot

>> No.15468506
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>girls are retarded when they drink
that's kind of the point, anon

>> No.15468515
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Cheap vodka and watching Archer until I find something better.

>> No.15468519

cheers brother I got one for ya. I hope this year brings much success to you.

>> No.15468556

This happens to me too sometimes and I'm 27. Never happened before

>> No.15468567

What’s your reaction to weed like? Some people get headaches off drink and others trip balls off of weed. I’m in the latter category whereas I can drink fine

>> No.15468726
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Had a couple yuenglings while working out earlier and then a couple sazeracs while playing cybeweenus (im still bitter fo76 is terrible and this is close enough). Had a cabernet to finish the night

>> No.15468738

this is horrible advice, but drink more. you'll get more used to it. and it probably leads to less headaches.

god that is such bad advice.

>> No.15468749

Stop drinking cheap booze? Literally top shelf will not kill you as fast.

>> No.15468750

what's the youngest you ever got with a woman? was she much older than you?

>> No.15468809

You’re either very southern or very esl. Everyone ive had sex with was within a few years of me. I dont think any “much older” than me

>> No.15468933

I crave /ss/

>> No.15468947

I'm on my 5th double old fashioned (Maker's Mark) and I need to be up for work in 5 hours.

>> No.15468956


>> No.15468971

Fuck off back to you butthole thread, lightweight.

>> No.15468977

i will piss on your corpse

>> No.15468979

fuck off, alck faggots. you don't belong here

>> No.15468983
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last one heading to bed, gotta be to work at 6am

>> No.15468989


>> No.15468994

Bitch, I'm going to live forever.
P.S. I'm your dad.

>> No.15468997

what is an "acceptable" amount to drink every night in your opinion

>> No.15469000


>> No.15469005

Yuengling, one of the last surviving regional beers of yesteryear. Wish I could get it year i am.

>> No.15469008


>> No.15469014
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Well alright then, I guess I will head over to the Luka Magnotta literal snuff film thread

>> No.15469016

is it McDonald's or a Canadian franchise?
Not knocking you, work is work, I work way harder than any neet on this board could possibly imagine doing themselves.

>> No.15469022

Yuengling will be available in more states out west and in Texas by the end of the year.

>> No.15469029

Don't forget some nice fatty junk foods to soak up all the booze in your system.

>> No.15469030

Yuengling is trash. Suck my dick.

>> No.15469033

We'll see if guess, in west of texas

>> No.15469224

Finna pass out and order sushi for the hangover tomorrow

>> No.15469268

Niggers iffy uh
Blicky got the stiffy uh

>> No.15469277

It's when you stick your dick in an epileptic and flick on the strobe lights.

>> No.15469320
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Had 2 vodka sodas, currently drinking a lil over half a bottle of Omen pinot noir
Painting the upstairs of a house and listening to an album of 50 of George Strait's greatest hits. Smoking cigs/weed as well, love me some painting

>> No.15469326

Got me a bottle of Bombay sapphire, am I based or cringe?

>> No.15469330

quick tip...if you dislike GnR or Metallica your testosterone levels are probably at rock bottom and you should go get checked out by a doctor, I use it as a litmus test to check my T levels

>> No.15469337

gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang

My nigger still smokes cocaine

>> No.15469338

Must be nice drinking and doing shit instead of lying in bed

>> No.15469341

fastest way to pass an EtG test? If i drink on a thursday night and dont have to get tested until Monday morning will I pass or fail???

>> No.15469350

> love me some painting
that's just dumb. it's a terrible chore.

>> No.15469363

It is, you gotta keep moving no matter what, that's what all men of note do
It's tedious but the tedium brings relaxation. You can just mindlessly paint a wall and let your mind wander while the music plays. That's partially why I'm doing it in the middle of the night, I'm a night owl anyway and I'll actually do something productive while preparing myself to sleep. It's a nice alternative to the hustle and bustle of my kitchen job

>> No.15469372

just a little variety and im not out to get loaded
spicy ginger ale with a splash of bushmills

>> No.15469463

>tfw not drunk anymore but can’t sleep and all you can think about is the food you will order tomorrow to fight off the hangover

>> No.15469476
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i quit getting drunk 6 months ago today. feels super good man

>> No.15469487

im on day 14 and its been pretty hard....will it get easier? does your libido go back up?

>> No.15469489
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Right here, like most nights.

Who here /tv/ refugee?

>> No.15469495
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>> No.15469577

Anyone got tips on how to sleep after drinking? I’m stone cold sober now and can’t sleep

>> No.15469623

I went 3 days dry because I was broke but my check came through at 1am so I grabbed some white claws to hold myself off until the liquor store opens.