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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 143 KB, 870x565, Crawfish_Boil_-_CTG2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15465828 No.15465828 [Reply] [Original]

It's time for our monthly "fuck that food" thread

>> No.15465855

crawfish boils are good as fuck. delicious in taste, primal in nature, good way to build community and bond with neighbors/family.

to contribute to the thread: i don't like most seafood. unless it's fresh, i think it tastes and smells gross.

>> No.15465905

Fuck spaghetti squash and fuck zoodles. Give me real pasta.

>> No.15465911

For me, its carrots. Absolutely disgusting vegetable. They look weird, taste weird, texture is weird, I don't care that they're good for me, I would prefer literally any other vegetable. They get way too much love and are in way too many recipes for how good they are, which is objectively a 4/10.

>> No.15465915


whats with all the skin wax

>> No.15466009

i'll never understand why /ck/ has such a boner for crawfish boils

>> No.15466029

Fuck pomegranate. Simply not worth the hassle.

>> No.15466107

Fuck tacos.
Nothing pisses me off like tacos. And the way people are always like “Hey! Let’s go get tacos!” Or “hey, want a taco?” No fuck you and fuck your tacos.
What the fuck is with faggots always wanting tacos? I’m so fucking sick of it. Fuck tacos.

>> No.15466196 [DELETED] 

Indian "food"
It's all sloppa, curry smells like dog shit, and consuming it makes you smell like dog shit. Indian people are fucking disgusting subhumans desu

>> No.15466218

Ok chud

>> No.15466261

Crawfish is nasty. It’s literally just eating a bug. At least lobsters and crabs are much bigger so feels different.

>> No.15466280

I really love seafood and it's a dream to one day get invited to an authentic new orleans style crawfish boil party. I would stuff the fuck out of my face with craw and crabs

>> No.15466327

This. Fuck non-wheat noodles,*especially* non-wheat spaghetti noodles.
I fucking love crustaceans. God put the tastiest critters at the bottom of the seas and rivers.

>> No.15466385
File: 42 KB, 600x629, 1604625040733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>believing in religion
i sure hope you guys don't do this

>> No.15466387

Low Country/Crawfish boils are great
The fuck is wrong with you

>> No.15466614

You need garden grown carrots, anything from a supermarket is trash

>> No.15466739

Very few foods are as tasty as well seasoned boiled crawfish with potatoes, sausage, corn, garlic.

>> No.15466763

They taste good

>> No.15466791

I just went outside and right down the road from my condo is a taco truck.
I’m beyond tired of this taco shit.

>> No.15466796

Eggplant is fucking disgusting and I will fight you.

>> No.15466798

I'll never understand why you are such a tastelet

>> No.15466839

Agreed. Wheat power, my friend.

>> No.15466844
File: 10 KB, 225x225, cajun pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because reasons

>> No.15466858

I've caught crayfish out of the lake once when I was younger with the lads. Boiled em up in a pot.
Not bad desu, and I don't even like seafood.

>> No.15466901
File: 1.97 MB, 380x285, 1521947055809.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude TACOS! haha lol they're So good like, even chicken and shrimp tacos. I mean.
You just CAN'T beat the bell's deals for quality on mexican food variety. like, hello?
i mean, taco trucks are forreal booshie occasions, and those 'authentic' tao places are decent, but fast food mexican is like a perfected science.

>what's an enchilada? nah im good

>> No.15466927

I don't like any of the cliche breakfast American breakfast foods or English either I guess since it's mostly the same. Just fuck breakfast foods in general and fuck restaurants that won't give me the good shit at 7 AM.

>> No.15466931

i can never figure out what is ok to eat and what isn't

>> No.15466943

deenz n beenz, nigga

>> No.15467035

Tamales are better anywho

>> No.15467222

Checked and BASED BR bro

>> No.15467244

>he eats the bugs

>> No.15467353

Fuck em!

>> No.15467370

literally anything italian other than pizza can suck my cock. fuck pasta. fuck spaghetti. its shit

>> No.15467390

Kys, tacocel. Kys your friends too.

>> No.15467406

I hate winter gardens, particularly gourds. My goats love them, but I regret even having them; fuckers jump every fence and I've got to put down one of them like every other month it seems. I just want a constant spring garden and my chickens to be nicer.

>> No.15467411

The taste isn't horrible but the texture is fucking horrendous. I have no idea how people can eat that shit.

>> No.15467483

looks good

are you a soy faggot?

>> No.15467568

Very dumb and pathetic take. Curry is delicious and smells great.

>> No.15468826

Andy Sixx tier faggot love that shit.

>> No.15469271

Gourds are really only for turning in vessels for storing liquid.

>> No.15469349

im not a fan but cooked extensively in a stew they are okay
made chilli chicken and potato stew the other day and put some in and they added a bit of sweetness

>> No.15469358

i either love curry or hate it
why they think it's a good idea to but half a gallon of oil in every single part of the dish then dump it all together is beyond me

>> No.15469545

Let’s see here
Cereal (torture food)
Pancakes (waffles are better)
American deserts found at walmart (taste like gasoline and acetaminophen)
French fries (absolutely disgusting)
Lowfat yogurt
Clams, oysters, and shrimp (bad texture and taste)
Hersheys chocolate (really any American chocolate)

>> No.15469611

I fucking hate eating onions. I like the flavor they impart on food, but the onion itself is fucking disgusting. I hate it. Cooked, raw, the texture and feeling when you chew is just so off-putting and disgusting.

>> No.15469641

Because you are not monke. I am monke, monke find cooked seasoned crustacean, monke fucking eat it. Not all good food is plated with garnish and arranged in a pleasing way. Sometimes, you want to eat something tasty that requires you to eat it like you killed it and cooked it over an open flame. I guess its just cathartic, but tastes really good with garlic butter ane cajun seasoning.
Also, if you ever order freshly boiled lobster and are tasked with opening it up, prepare to have your fingers tore up, theyre like sea rosebushes.

>> No.15469651

i bet your testosterone levels are rock bottom

>> No.15470026

Crawfish, unironically tastes like fish food

>> No.15470418

I have a primal desire to break smaller creatures apart with my hands and consume thier innards

>> No.15471705

zoodles are based as fuck in any fish based dish. some lemon and rosemary salmon with some zoods in a cream sauce FUUUCKs

>> No.15471786

this, id always prefer nachos or a nice burrito

>> No.15471823

FUCK Memphis bbq it’s shit.